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/lit/ - Literature

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18460898 No.18460898 [Reply] [Original]

Why should I read boring literature classics?

>> No.18460909

You can skip the boring ones. Just read the fun ones.

>> No.18460917


>> No.18460920

in that picture, Anna Karenina.

>> No.18460973

Well what books do you like?

>> No.18461031


>> No.18461036


>> No.18461060

Because life doesn't revolve around you being entertained, you absolute child

>> No.18461216

If you find them boring, don't read them. They are wasted on small intellects anyway.

>> No.18462960

Bait thread, but they aren't supposed to be boring. They aren't ball-busting entertaining like genre fiction or typical modes of entertainment, and instead they should make you think and reflect on life and you should enjoy it.

It's definitely a pretentious and stuffy hobby, but it's stuck around for a reason. There's a richness to life that literature helps circumscribe and allow you to appreciate, not to mention to make you think about the big ideas in life.

This is about the most "general" answer you can get. Different people get different things out of reading serious literature, and although it's not for everyone I think everyone should at least give it an honest effort.

>> No.18462975

No one is forcing you. Why do kids come on this board feeling like they have to read a book? Reading isn't 4chan culture, you don't have to do it to be "one of us!!".

>> No.18462983

why would you read anything by some chump who hasnt even died yet?

>> No.18462991
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>Why do kids come on this board feeling like they have to read a book?

>> No.18463023

Which is a more useful 2nd language: Latin or Ancient Greek?
to force my unborn son to learn

>> No.18463038

Classic books are like films considered to be GOAT. 2001: A Space Odyssey is a very cerebral experience, and very enjoyable as such, but if you go in expecting action space exploration and killer robots, you are going to be bored and feel like you were tricked into watching some stuffy movie.

>> No.18463048

>Classic books are like films

Not really.

>> No.18463053

finish reading the analogy you chungus

>> No.18463054

I don't think they're boring. Just read what you want most people aren't going to quiz you on your knowledge of the classics.

>> No.18463059
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>being a philistine

>> No.18463070

No thank you, I'm don't read.

This, people feel like they have to read classics, just read your YA and be happy.

>> No.18463195

Why even read YA? Why not just watch the movie?

>> No.18463346


>> No.18463425


>> No.18463436

Jane Eyre is pretty good but Anna Karenina is in another level desu

>> No.18463493

Probably latin. Both are useless but ancient and modern Greek serve no purpose.

>> No.18463556

Definitely latin.

>> No.18463588

Of those books I've only read Anna Karenina. It was a really enjoyable experience desu.
Better question, should one bother with fiction when there's so much to learn about this world we live in?

>> No.18463619

>should one bother with fiction when there's so much to learn about this world we live in?

>> No.18463740

Damn did this nigga just overcome 2000+ years of insight and wisdom...?

>> No.18464079

I agree that Latin is more versatile for a litizen, but to say that Ancient and Modern Greek are both useless is totally wrong. Ancient Greek not only allows you to read the Greek and Roman classics but also the Bible, and not just the NT because there's also LXX. Modern Greek is useful, maybe not too many, because there are several million speakers.

>> No.18464095

No, because although fiction is fictitious, it can expose very real truths about the human experience. No book is 100% true. It can't be, and even if it made zero mistakes, there'd be so much that was missing. With a work of fiction, that problem doesn't exist. The author can craft their story to their desired outcome without any expense.

>> No.18464117
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>wahh wahh book too hard why should I read it? :(
why should you lift heavy-arse weights?

>> No.18465612

you mean its the fun one, right?

>> No.18465840

The book doesn't have to reflect real life to tell you something about real life. Realist novels are only one type of book.

The author himself is a product of the world we live in and because of that you can still pick out valuable ideas and insight about life as a whole from a book even if the book isn't going for 100% realism.

Think about Borges, for example. His works aren't supposed to be entirely grounded, but they are still recognized as important works.

>> No.18465869

I think it might be the reader who is boring, and not the books...

>> No.18465901

You might grow

>> No.18466635

Anything by Dickens, Austen, or Tolstoy is based. Haven't read any Hardy but Jude the Obscure and that was great. Charlotte Bronte is supposed to be great but haven't read it.