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18460701 No.18460701 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/,

So many calls for cancelling Canada Day...

I'm releasing a book as a giant "fuck you" to everyone

How much would it cost me to host a fun livestream event for Canada Day? What would even entertain people, exploding beavers? Titties? Making fun of the Leafs?

I'm so demoralized that I can't even come up with anything fun, except throwing a party where I might get arrested if some bullshit COVID law is enforced. That would lead to massive legal fees, I'm sure.

>> No.18460721

Leafland will become the unironic tipping point for whites. We are near it now actually. People cant take much more.

>> No.18460724

>So many calls for cancelling Canada Day...
If it it is replaced with Dominion Day, I'm all for this.

>> No.18460732

I'm not one for cancelling Canada Day, but if you're not at the least horrified at the revelations in recent years & months and are wondering what that means to the Canadian identity/how we're now seen around the world, you're fuckered.

>> No.18460748

Retard alert

>> No.18460750
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My friends...

>> No.18460776
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Is there anything funny I can do to actually host a Canada Day event?

I mean... what the fuck humour is there in current year?

>> No.18460787

Canada is lauded as being the nation with the most civil liberties of any country on Earth, one of the highest-ranking GDPs in the world, a rich country with exemplary social safety nets. And yet our countrymen have done this and are in fact still perpetrating mass acts of targeted cruelty. Everyone is looking at us right now. You'd be naïve and a cold-hearted fool to not be moved by mass cruelties committed against children based on their race.

>> No.18460792

You need to invite one person and all your problems go away...
smiling blackface Toronto guy.

>> No.18460796

Lmao you cannot be fucking serious

>> No.18460802

What's the joke?

>> No.18460805

>with the most civil liberties on earth
>Section 1 and section 3 literally tell us that the rights are conditional and can be legally restricted or removed.
Obvious bait.

>> No.18460818

what's your book called?
Canada isn't even a real country, it's a social petri dish (experiment) conducted by the British elite aka ROYALTY

>> No.18460822

>Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law

>> No.18460826

My point is we think of ourselves as this great and prosperous nation with a chip on our shoulders when we as a nation have murdered children in cold blood in an attempt to anglicanize them. I find it abhorrent and honestly I'm horrified to be associated with that system.

>> No.18460836

What's your point?
Canada doesn't have a strong national culture. We just have neoliberal, progressive platitudes driven into our heads every step of the way. We hold white people to higher standards than literally every other race in the country. We have contempt for our own "identity" and history and seem incapable of recognizing the correlation between a functional democracy and destroying native tribalism.

>> No.18460847

anyone who uses the term "neoliberal" is a retard.

>> No.18460867

it could almost be a bar without the bullshit all over the place.

>> No.18460934

Bait, and boring bait at that.

>> No.18460959

I knew this would happen. People unironically thinking the kids were lined up and killed by a bullet in the bad of their head "à la" nazis in the Soviet Union.

KYS you retard

>> No.18460969

china bought Canada

>> No.18460988
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Books on why leafposters think they deserve a day? Remind me again, did you get France to bankrupt itself to pay for you to fight Britain for lower taxes, or do you have to take orders from a French province on how to talk and from Britain at the same time?

>> No.18460991

Why do you care so much
Canada's identity is built off not being the USA
Why do you care if Canada gets cancelled

>> No.18460996

What a stupid opinion. Neoliberal is an actual word with an actual definition.

>> No.18461011
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*blocks your path*

If you haven't read this and taken the George Grant pill, you don't shit, leafbros.

>> No.18461068

>What's your point?
My point is that we are covered.

>> No.18461099
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Just ignore journalists. It's summer and covidmania is fizzling out, this is the new outrage story to be promoted.

JUST tune out. If you live in a big city, my condolences.

>> No.18461268
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Damn, where do I start?

>> No.18461637
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>mfw watching Torontocels lose their fucking minds in eternal lockdown while we party it up in Vancouver

>> No.18461661

Its fucking glorious.

>> No.18461736
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>Remind me again, did you get France to bankrupt itself to pay for you to fight Britain for lower taxes
No, we just asked for responsible government and were granted it. The population of old stock loyalists were kicked out of the 13 colonies after a massive chimp out and had their assets seized for not being political terrorists

> or do you have to take orders from a French province on how to talk and from Britain at the same time?
The Queen of England is head of state of Quebec and they have to swear loyalty to her

>> No.18463028
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More people than ever are wearing masks outdoors in Vancouver... pretty much 95% of the population... it is sad.

>> No.18463060


I spent the first 18 years of my life in Vancouver born and raised - people like you are a huge part of the problem

>> No.18463096
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West 22nd and Cambie here!

It was so good... so good...

>> No.18463118
File: 75 KB, 981x781, Anglobuyingpeace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck Canada.
Just the City of London Corporation but on a smaller scale.
And then we figure out how to outjew the jews(anglos) and we're the big bad.

>> No.18463197


a true vancouverite... I can't even claim that. At least I have my mountains and trees.

Any good bookstore recommendations? All the good used ones are downtown it seems and I've been meaning to make a trip and hit up a bunch the next time I'm there

>> No.18463208

I love how badly the west gets shafted hahahahah

>> No.18463210

Where'd you spend the extra week?

>> No.18463220


did undegrad in the states and worked there for a few years after I graduated. Once the covid stuff got serious I flew back to bc last march and been here since