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18459881 No.18459881 [Reply] [Original]

Why was Henry Darger's magnum opus never made available to the general public?

>> No.18459887

Because he was a pedo. Disgusting.

>> No.18459890

It is available online. They scanned the whole thing

>> No.18459911

Where? To my knowledge it was never released in its entirey in any form. Only some curated bits and pieces have surfaced, but the main body of the work remains confined to museums.

>> No.18460004

It would be a monumental task to organize and present his work in a coherent format. He was a completely disorganized schizo and left behind a huge mess.

>> No.18460050

Long, unwieldy, and ultimately not very good

>> No.18460349



>> No.18460376

Because no one's ever bothered to edit it into a readable state. As it exists currently, it's 15,000 pages and allegedly repetitive. The excerpts I've read are actually pretty good, though, so maybe someday it'll get edited.

>> No.18460386


>> No.18460428

Was he a pedo? He sounds like a schizo who wanted to protect kids. I don't know anything about him but the art style looks familiar.

>> No.18460433
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>A work titled The The History of My Life, detailing Darger's early life, eventually evolving into a fiction about a tornado called Sweetie Pie.

>> No.18460437

>One idiosyncratic feature of Darger's artwork is its depiction of apparently transgender characters. Many of his girl subjects are shown to have penises when unclothed or partially clothed. Darger biographer Jim Elledge speculates that this represents a reflection of Darger's own childhood issues with sexual identity and homosexuality.[4]:166–175 Darger's second novel, Crazy House, deals with these subjects more explicitly.[

How do you cope, REI?

>> No.18460476

It's not really a style - it's collage and tracing using child models clipped from magazines and pulps.
Careful. You're talking about a proto-trans ally (retrospective, but that's a real sentiment). Myself, I've always thought the hermaphroditism present in his "story" was a mix of his poor technical skill, poor education (victim of the time) and lifelong virginity.

>> No.18460488

There is no real evidence he was a pedo. It's commonly assumed he did have a desire to protect children stemming from his own childhood trauma. He was raised in one of those abusive church run orphanages of yore where he got punished for being a masturbator. Some speculate he may have been in a homosexual relationship with his only close friend at some point, but most of his life he lived very reclusively.

>> No.18460493

Read the novels of Bernanos instead.

>> No.18460519

Maybe misremembering here, but I think in the documentary - In the Realms of the Unreal (2004), it's speculated that Darger was completely unfamiliar with the female body, hence the penises.

>> No.18460521



>> No.18460528

the girls are trannies

>> No.18460532

that's cringe indeed

>> No.18460555



>> No.18460570

At least I'm not ugly like you.

>> No.18460577



>> No.18460588

lol cum genius haha

>> No.18460596

To be fair, I don't think he knowingly made them trannies. I think he was legitimately ignorant of female sexuality to the point where he just assumed they had penises for the sake of urination in the same fashion as men.

>> No.18460617

>Why was Henry Darger's magnum opus never made available to the general public?

Read the thread.

>> No.18460689

Now which autistic /lit/izen will volunteer to edit all this stuff into a digestible edition?

>> No.18460700

>Copyright 2020 Kiyoko Lerner
God bless Fredrik Knudsen, it wouldn't surprise me if his video created enough public awareness Darger to compel the owners to digitize his work.

>> No.18460725

Even if he wasn’t a pedo, his work gives off strong inappropriate vibes. Sort of how if MJ never touched children, his conduct was highly inappropriate

>> No.18460736

That's fair. Although Darger never wanted it published, so blame the hipster liberals for promoting (exploiting) his art.

>> No.18460745
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>... his work gives off strong inappropriate vibes...


>> No.18460753

>strong inappropriate vibes
fucking normalfags I swear to god

>> No.18460799
File: 35 KB, 600x524, 1617257814868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his work gives off strong inappropriate vibes

>> No.18460895

Maybe you're a prude? Remember the slogan of May 1968 - "Il est interdit d'interdire!" The professional consensus among psych theoreticians, not actual practitioners, is mixed. Some say that children lack the developmental markers necessary to model symmetry in relationships (Tanner Stages+Erikson), others claim that children can consent following Stephen Kershnar's outline:
>Consent isn't real, so nobody can consent...

>> No.18460935

Isn't it stupidly fucking long? Like, 20 books long or something?

>> No.18461002



>> No.18461037

Look him up, his work on pedophilia isn't difficult to find.

>> No.18461053

hard pass, he sounds like a malevolent shill

>> No.18461080

>being this much of a pedo apologist
wow anon maybe find some rope

>> No.18461114

It's not apologia, my dear moron. You've confused a summary for advocacy.

>> No.18461821

Is it good?

>> No.18461848

It's not, no - think Eddison's The Worm Ouroboros (1922) mixed with L'Engle's A Wrinkle in Time (1962), but the characters are religious loli futa.

>> No.18461906

Everything about that sounds fantastic though

>> No.18462778


>> No.18462965
File: 2.53 MB, 540x400, trinitybeach.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Golden glow, red glaze: colours of imperial nostalgia.

>> No.18463538

If he was a pedo that would make him based, newfriend.

>> No.18463824
File: 3.44 MB, 2592x1757, 1615205851629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His magnum opus is his portfolio of collages. His 15 gorillion word epic is a mountain of bad fanfiction.

>> No.18463886

The real reason is copyright laws, his drawings were all basically copied over artwork from magazines, posters and advertisements
The main villain of His story for e.g was just a copied drawing of Tsar Nicholas

>> No.18463922

>Henry Darger

>> No.18463942 [DELETED] 

Yet another strike against Jewish copyright law.

>> No.18463972 [DELETED] 

A reclusive autist from Chicago who probably held the record for creating the single longest work of fiction in the history of mankind for about 40 years, before he was bested by other autists on fanfiction.net

>> No.18463974

A reclusive autist from Chicago who probably held the record for creating the single longest work of fiction in the history of mankind for about 40 years, before he was bested by other autists on fanfiction.net

>> No.18463992
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So this was John Manley the primary antagonist in the narrative, the Vivian girls were traced over advertisement covers

>> No.18464342

>longest work of fiction in the history of mankind for about 40 years, before he was bested by other autists on fanfiction.net
That was proven to be false, The 7 million words super smash bros fan fic was actually a Troll of sorts. Like There are over 100 chapters that simply consist of the the line "Priase Jesus! Priase Jesus! Priase Jesus!.......... repeated over and over to fill out the fic, Its just Copy/pasting a phrase a million times

>> No.18464460
File: 995 KB, 2048x1394, F25F6E9A-EF7D-4E0E-AD5C-12E306120AF9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrote this poem to try to capture the feeling of his painting and life story.

i play among Painted beauty, painted new
with fresh pastel and wet with watercolor,
green leaves, skyblue sea, canary sun, each hue
in my dollhouse was painted by my mother,
even my skin is painted porcelain white,
but the paint cracks, sometimes there is another

world I see but few things, few shadows and few
old rocks cracked as by the darkness and the weight
of worm eaten, rotten trees, for otherly
eyes and hands placed them there, light could not fall through
them, I am also worm-eaten and cracked, light
does not know me, not until I am smothered,

cracked paint; dust, and all returns; painted beauty
is new again, gone is the ugly of night,
pink flowers, silver swords, each returns cutely,
everything is as it was, all is set right,
once more: I am painted again and again,
the soul is painted;and I am whole again.

The Loud house: revamped still has over 6 million words.

>> No.18464480

I think the current real longest fan fic that isn't just copypasta is a RWBY fan fic

>> No.18464653
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>pedo tranny schizo fantasies
just go to /lgbt/

>> No.18465855

Just slap a disclaimer on there somewhere
>no celebrities were harmed in the making of this novel, any resemblance to actual persons - living or dead - is purely coincidental, yadda yadda

>> No.18467858

u sure?

>> No.18467873

Nice poem m8

>> No.18467936
File: 43 KB, 360x504, Kershnar_Stephen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kershnar has written over eighty articles and book chapters on such diverse topics as torture, affirmative action, reparations for slavery, pornography, hell, adult-child sex, discrimination, the most valuable player, capitalism, equal opportunity, slavery, sexual fantasies, and the nature of pleasure.

>He is the author of nine books, including Total Collapse: The Case Against Morality and Responsibility, Abortion, Hell, and Shooting Abortion-Doctors: Does the Pro-Life Worldview Make Sense?, Adult-Child Sex: A Philosophical Defense, and Gratitude toward Veterans: A Philosophical Explanation of Why Americans Should Not Be Very Grateful to Veterans.


>> No.18468004

What is this guy a parody

>> No.18469662

>those bloodshot adrenochrome addict eyes
Hard pass

>> No.18469667

lets check early life