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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 22 KB, 315x232, just me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1845977 No.1845977 [Reply] [Original]

why dont you have a girlfriend ?

>> No.1845978


>> No.1845979

I'm gay.

>> No.1845985


>> No.1845992

>only gets moldy cheese

>> No.1845994


>> No.1845997

>implying that makes sense, cheese dick

>> No.1845998

I am a homosexual.

>> No.1845999

I'm still looking for a girl who likes Russian literature, continental philosophy and Adventure Time. And is a beast in the sack.

>> No.1846002

Because i take a look at how my mother, and my two sisters act, and i think "fuck that shit man".

You know how fucking expensive women are? Do you really know?

Ok, take all the money you make, and thats how expensive they are. I dont fucking know how they do it, but there it is, all gone.

I got goddamn internet porn, good enough for me, fuck that shit.

>> No.1846003

maybe you should try to stop calling it "continental philosophy"

>> No.1846004

hahahahaha ok, that's why you're single

>> No.1846006

What you talking about?

>> No.1846007

> women
> expensive

thats the lamest excuse ever.

dude, you are either butt-ugly, from New Jersey or all you know about women is from US sitcoms.

>> No.1846010

I'm good looking, from ohio, and i dont watch tv.

Whatever though dude, you got it figured out, there's no way some woman could do that to you, take all your money, just a bunch of bullshit. Yep, you're too good for that.

>> No.1846011

You sound like a bottom feeder.

>> No.1846012

I'm fat, ugly, and bad with people.

>> No.1846013

I don't think my wife would let me. I haven't asked, though.

>> No.1846014
File: 17 KB, 318x340, 1246124932462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all the girls who likes me enough are already taken. Probably I'm alone, also, because it seems that I'm rare as fuck:
I like drugs, partying 3 days, writing, reading and just intelligent girls.

>> No.1846015

continental philosophy is an almost derogatory term coined by the analytic school of philsophy (also known as the aspergers faction), basically describing all western philosophy that is not them. whoever would be in any of that would most likely never say "I like continental philosophy", because its such a broad descriptor. THat is unless that person has no clue about philosophy and maybe that also exactly the kind of girl you want. the one that knows just enough to find what you say marvelous. No offense.

>> No.1846022

you sound like you were surprised when you found out the whores you are paying aren't REALLY having orgasms

>> No.1846024


>> No.1846025

> I like drugs, partying 3 days, writing, reading and just intelligent girls.
wow, you really sound like a one in a million guy... or, you know, like any guy who has a tumblr account would describe themselves

>> No.1846027

*golf clap*

>> No.1846029


This is true. It is a prevalently American thing, so they wanted to distance themselves from their European counterparts because they deviate from their conclusions of Kantian epistemology. It's basically a "new world" - "old world" thing.

>> No.1846034

cause im not a lesbian

>> No.1846036

Because they are too animal and stupid to choose superhuman tier, they can't betray the traditional human race because they have the biological role of procreation and they coul'nt avoid it, generally.

Also, I'm not a kind of guy who is interested in sex above freedom.

>> No.1846037

I'd much prefer a cute little trap.

>> No.1846045
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the powers or rationalization are strong in this one

>> No.1846046

I killed the last two girls i dated, so... not really looking to do it again. Lot of legal fees.

>> No.1846047

Eww. Women

>> No.1846049

I gave up.
Now I have a waifu.
wat wat

>> No.1846057
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this is creepy

>> No.1846069

>illustration fuckyeah.jpg
but amending its epic fail, so, with one eye put on feelings.

>> No.1846072
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>> No.1846676

cause of aids

>> No.1846688 [DELETED] 


is analytic 'new world' because its more sciencey?

traditional gender roles.

>> No.1846694

The Asuka one made me lol.

>> No.1846702

I don't get out often.

I'm tall and lanky.

I don't know any girls who read Philosophy.

I don't know any girls who read.

I don't belong. ;_;

>> No.1846703

>I'd like to meet a girl who's into pottery
>Pottery is such a broad term you must mean someone who knows little enough to like your stuff
Projecting much? No offence.

>> No.1846716

I'm sitting beside my girlfriend right now, actually.

>> No.1846722

I think you missed the point. That poster was pointing out that you are probably pretty uninformed about philosophy in general to use the word ''continental'' philosophy in any other context than to differentiate it from analytic philosophy..the term is pretty meaningless and, as the other poster said, used in a kind of ingroup/outgroup derogatory way. I would imagine that what you know of philosophy you learned on /lit/..specifically from the heyday of ''hurr durr analytic vs. continental thread gogo". No worries, I miss those days actually...

>> No.1846723
File: 66 KB, 800x600, 1306346915586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women if the developed world are the biggest spoiled pieces of shit ever.

How many songs are on the radio specifically curtailed to perpetuating their wanton shittyness?

Just the way you are- Bruno Mars
Who run the world (girls)- Beyonce
Born this way-Lady gaga
Price tag- jessie j
What the hell- Avril lavigne

Just to name a few.

What bothers me is that not only are the lower starta of society affected by this, it is the middle and upper as well. *vomits*

>> No.1846724

Look at his /b/ folder.


>> No.1846728

>born this way
>about women
you seem to be rather sheltered..get out more often and you might discover how giving and kind women can be and why that song is not about what you think it is about.

>> No.1846730

lol..i actually do not keep a /b/ folder, although she did find some bestiality link in the browser history which was..awkward..but we worked it out.

>> No.1846732

>That poster was pointing out that you are probably pretty uninformed about philosophy in general to use the word ''continental'' philosophy in any other context than to differentiate it from analytic philosophy
>implying that wasn't exactly what was done

>I would imagine that what you know of philosophy you learned on /lit/..specifically from the heyday of ''hurr durr analytic vs. continental thread gogo". No worries, I miss those days actually...
I believe what you accuse others of more appropriately applies to yourself

>> No.1846734

That song is not just about faggots. You need to get out more. That song is about everyone:
No matter gay, straight, or bi,
lesbian, transgendered life,
I'm on the right track baby,
I was born to survive.
No matter black, white or beige
Chola or orient made,
I'm on the right track baby,
I was born to be brave.

You need to get out more faggot.

>> No.1846735

That's the thing, your beliefs do not necessarily reflect reality. Also, I know YOU are but what am I?

>> No.1846736

I actually have a girlfriend, OP.

My dating pattern is cyclical; every 10 or 11 months I round up as many ovulating hicks as I can find in a single trailer park and have sex with all of them over the course of 36 hours or so, pollenating each specimen 2 to 3 times. At least one of them will become pregnant, but it's alright if there's more than one, because they seem indifferent to polygamy. I marry the pregnant woman/women and move to a remote ranch in northwestern Nebraska. 6 months into the gestation period, I kill each of my wives, eat the fetuses, and begin having sex with the corpses only once the genitalia show signs of rotting until limbs begin to fall off due to friction.

>> No.1846741

>Implying I said it was only about faggots
>Implying it's somehow about gender and not sexuality/race
>Implying you ain't a buttmad permavirgin
>calls me a faggot

>> No.1846746
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i c

>> No.1846747
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>he doesn't put his corpses in the fridge.

>> No.1846752
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I do, but it's currently a long distance relationship and that's not much better.

>> No.1846753
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i don't consider myself a misogynist at all and actively hate misogynists, but there is some truth to this idea. by that i mean that women expect men to be exceptional in varying areas, whereas the same is not asked of them. sometimes it's to the point of frivolousness (ie. he needs to be taller than me by x inches especially because i like to wear heels, etc.).

as a man, i find it more than a bit frustrating that even though i'm ivy-league educated, i'm talented, i'm well-read, i have good taste in art and fashion, i've endured incredible hardships to get where i am, i live in a cosmopolitan east cost city, i'm fit and generally a pretty classy dude with prospects, the fact that i'm a little more introverted and shorter than other men (5'7) makes me a total leper.

just a little annoying.

>> No.1846762 [DELETED] 

>the fact that i'm a little more introverted
that's the only thing. the shortness isn't a problem. it's meant to be because of traditional gender roles that majority of women expect more confidence. there's no similar explanation for them not liking shortness so i think you're wrong there.

>> No.1846767

Because I can't find a woman who's got a great bod, is smart enough to earn a doctorate on full scholarship, loves video games, plays tapetop RPGs, grows her own weed, drinks like a fish, is hilariously racist and misogynist, sucks dick like a champ, and is always up for adventure.

Oh wait I did and we've been dating seven years. Suckers.

>> No.1846772

Not that I agree with all this, but does anyone else seem to notice that a large amount of American girls are on drugs? My last four gfs were all on anti-depressants, and all complained constantly about the most minor of inconveniences. Maybe I just attract that type.

>> No.1846774

I don't think it's necessarily the fault of women in general that such shallowness pervades our culture..there are a lot of media-driven female ''standards'' which are unrealistic..this effects women mostly in a self-esteem way..whereas I think men tend to have a more competitive inter-personal problem with ''standards''..it is bullshit, and people shouldn't judge based on these things...but they do. I don't think it is only women who do.

>> No.1846777

Well more american people in general are on drugs. Society of the spectacle feels bad man.

>> No.1846778

hey cool useless nattering about philosophy semantics and /r9k/ garbage in the same thread! useually i have to look at two different ones for that!

>> No.1846779

>always up for adventure
Getting a new spatula from Ikea is not adventure.

>> No.1846780


and i think that the counter-argument against this would be "well, women have an incredibly stiff standard of beauty to live up to" and i would agree with that--society as a whole has constructed a pretty untenable female standard of beauty.

however, for practical purposes it doesn't hold up. by that i mean that men will essentially take what they can get. these standards are easily cast aside by those men who would just love to be with a woman. i think this plasticity or compromise is, if not non-existent, then more rare than it should be among our female counterparts.

>> No.1846781

u mad?

>> No.1846788

I agree with everything this man has said. I've come to find that talent and intelligence doesn't really get you anywhere in a group with girls you might have interest in: everyone might like you but regardless of whether you can play the piano and the guitar and have a fine tenor voice and you are well-read and funny and well-spoken and can act, you become the entertainer rather than the ladies' man of the group. And I am very thin- I wonder if it's to do with that.

>> No.1846792

I can still flip bitches with my odl spatula.

>> No.1846793

More lyrics:

My mama told me when I was young
We are all born superstars

She rolled my hair and put my lipstick on
In the glass of her boudoir

"There's nothing wrong with loving who you are"
She said, "'Cause he made you perfect, babe"

"So hold your head up girl and you'll go far,
Listen to me when I say"

HUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUE (perpetuates cuntism)

You were saying?

>> No.1846799

Yeah well maybe it's our fault for taking what we can get? Honestly, I think the beauty myth that women are faced with ultimately gets applied to men by women..basically the source for shallowness is common for both genders..which is why feminism ideally would benefit both genders..as it would attempt to eliminate these kind of stagnant gender roles (like huehue men shuld b confident)

>> No.1846801
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>> No.1846803

I guess I'll have to spell it out for you. Those lyrics are about a drag-queen. Like I said, go live a little and maybe you would know that.

>> No.1846807

Because she wants to take things one step at a time.

>> No.1846809

Oh I see, you are the kind of person who can't admit that they are wrong, when they actually are.

>> No.1846815

No that would be you. Seriously, you have no idea what that song is about..and your little misogynistic post in general was filled with the pain of a thousand rejections..gb2/r9k/

>> No.1846823
File: 48 KB, 533x800, Don.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women reject me? I don't think you know who you are talking to.

I am fucken Don Draper in the flesh.

>> No.1846828
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Her name is Barbra Streisand

>> No.1846834
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>Authorial Intent

>> No.1846839

Daydreaming is fun :p

>> No.1846850

Because I haven't met a girl I've had the opportunity to ask out in the past 12 months.

>> No.1846857

Because i'm not a lesbian.

>> No.1846860

You don't wait for an opportunity, you make one.
Itt: Betas

>> No.1846862

Pretty much in the boat with this guy.
Track record lately has been either riddled with emotional problems, boring, or taken.

>> No.1846866

sure is /r9k/ in here

/lit/ confirmed for most pathetic board on 4chan

>> No.1846872 [DELETED] 

is it trendy to go guy because most girls think guys should be confident?

>> No.1846869
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>> No.1846990
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Because I have no job and the chick I know who wants to date me is below my standards (her looks are meh and her personality is bleh, so I rather stick with nothing)

>> No.1847000

what does not having a job have to do with it?

>> No.1847006

I'm in an occupation that involves getting shot at.

>> No.1847014

no job = no money = no gf

unless you are willing to lower your bar right down to the floor that is

>> No.1847015

i have a girlfriend

she may be fat

but i have one nonetheless

>> No.1847019

ever tried to go on dates/ support a relationship while on unemployment?
it aint fun after a while

>> No.1847026

So many betas bitching in this thread, those are excuses, son.
You can still get women even if you have no job etc., without having to lower your standards.

>> No.1847031

clearly an alpha who understands all.

>> No.1847032

Are you speaking from experience? I doubt it, as you have no idea.

>> No.1847033


>> No.1847038

well i have a boyfriend

>> No.1847039

Obviously butthurt, or just plain butt-ugly.
Honestly, it's not that hard to get goodlooking girls you fucking basement dwelling neckbeards.
To me it just seems as if you're looking for excuses to cover up your own inadequacies.

>> No.1847042

this same post was on a few other boards, someone is bored and pissed

>> No.1847050
File: 33 KB, 417x330, SL43956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op here why not me

>> No.1847053

I'm sorry but I'd rather have no girlfriend than a fat one. This isn't just about aesthetics (though I'm not gonna lie, they do factor), but how it affects their personality too. Everything is "do I look fat" or "does this make me look fat" or "I can't eat that or else I get fat". It's very tiring to hear, and you can bet your ass that they'd rather take the easy way out (diet) than exercise.

Sure someone might say "but fat chicks are great in bed" but in my experience self-conscious girls even let their weight issues affect sex, which is the last straw as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.1847062
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>Honestly, it's not that hard to get goodlooking girls
Explain how that works when

>Only about 20% of chicks in my dating range (21-30 year olds as Im 24) are attractive. The rest are either fat, not my type, ugly, or too ghetto (I'll go ghetto but not extreme ghetto).

>Having no job and not being model good looking means I am definitely NOT in the top 50% of guys elegebility-wise, let alone 20%.

>Women are natural shoppers. They know when to buy and when to shop around more. They know when they can find a better deal around the corner...

You do the math and tell me how you figure its so easy. I aint even mad bro. Im using my time off work to get in awesome shape and then when I finally land a job I'll be macking hella hoes

>> No.1847064

>You do the math and tell me how you figure its so easy. I aint even mad bro. Im using my time off work to get in awesome shape and then when I finally land a job I'll be macking hella hoes
Confirmed for dwelling in a basement.

>> No.1847067

>Confirmed for dwelling in a basement.
Now U is trollin

>> No.1847069

I'm re-building.

>> No.1847072
File: 75 KB, 517x408, 1305545663669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If looking for a job and using your free time reading literature and working out is "basement dwelling" according to your definition, then yes, yes I am.

Also, guess you're not so good at math.

>> No.1847076

>butthurt jellymode.

I think he's just mad that you're using your time off to get in shape.

>> No.1847079

saged and reported

>> No.1847081

U must be new around here xD

>> No.1847095

turn gay

>> No.1847098 [DELETED] 

how do you meet even meet any humans irl

>> No.1847143

Well, there's a guy I know that's alpha as fuck, he's short, scrawny, not model-good-looking and he's constantly scoring 10's.
Mind you, he doesn't have a job, he does drugs, drinks, smokes and lives unhealthy.
Although, he's cool as fuck, knows how to lure women into his nest and is a smooth-talker.
Alot of it is really about atitude, being exciting etc.

>> No.1847148
File: 141 KB, 343x408, 1289889584171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You lucky son of a BITCH

>> No.1847150

>doesn't have a job, he does drugs, drinks, smokes
does not compute

>> No.1847152

u mad cos its tru tho. gays are hornier then grls evry1 noes that

>> No.1847156 [DELETED] 

i wasnt making fun of you i was asking a question...

>> No.1847177

sry i dnt hook up wit ppl i mt on this site

>> No.1847180 [DELETED] 

stop, you're blowing my cover...!

>> No.1847229

You faggots make my brain hurt.
Its about personality, not what skills you have or how much money you earn.
How do I know this? By socialising with normal people.
Go outside for gods sake.

>> No.1847233

>Fail with chicks
>Move on to guys instead

>> No.1847237

fuck off monger.

>> No.1847241

A chick who is into literature = a massive ball-ache of the highest order and avoid at all costs.

Do not, repeat, do NOT make the mistake of screwing/becoming involved with a girl who is into literature. She will be and is the most high-maintenance pain in the arse fckstick you ever have the misfortune to not b able to extricate yourself from.


>> No.1847247

I don't think you are 100% wrong.

>> No.1847254


You know it. That's them. That's fkcing well them.

>> No.1847259


This is true, but if you're looking for easy, buy a fleshlight. No woman is uncomplicated and without maintenance.

>> No.1847266

>i dated this one chick who was into literature who turned out crazy so all chicks into literature are crazy

>> No.1847267

> not tall
> not handsome
> not rich
> introvert
> not really an interesting personality
> average intelligence
> depress/nihilistic views

>> No.1847278

no its more about confidence than personality or anything else at all.


>> No.1847275

I didn't think library slut had that nice of a mid-section...I'd still slap her silly for being the naughty cunt she is.

>> No.1847277

>103 posts and 18 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
>my invisible face when

>> No.1847279
File: 386 KB, 740x1064, SpankedWithSlideRule_NationalLampoonArtPosterBook1975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this?

>> No.1847282


Has never, but dreams of, dating a lit chick.

Ritual self-abuser.


>> No.1847303

now how did he manage that?

>> No.1847304

Has anyone else pretty much lost the will to sex but just wants affection or to be able to show affection to someone?

>> No.1847316


for a while but not completely.

It's of lesser importance to me than a good relationship but that's always been the case - some people are like that.

>> No.1847317

Because I'm 23, overweight, in my fifth year at a two year college, unemployed and live with my mother.

>> No.1847319

Do you know what Ive been doing? For three hours solid I've been on my troll facebook account looking for pics of a girl I loved in uni. I found two friends that hadn't set their wall to private, and from their I looked at every post they ever made looking for photos of another friend who I know is friends with the girl I loved. I found about three pics of her.
Soon though the game changed. I was curious to see if anyone commented on the pics of me after I left uni and deleleted my account. Well, despite gaining access to the albums that I knew used to have me in them, I found no trace of myself. It looks like I have been systematically deleted from every photo taken at uni. This spans over four people's albums. To say the least I am pretty depressed right now.

Just thought I'd spill my useless forgettable guts here because I've got fuck all else to do and nowehere else to do it.

>> No.1847363

i'm so lonely, i've been alone for so long, i've never spent so much time alone, over a year with nobody to talk to or sit with, i haven't even left my room, my life has fallen apart and i sit it narrating it and prodding it and crying when it falls apart in my hands

>> No.1847372

>over a year with nobody to talk to or sit with, i haven't even left my room


>> No.1847384

Because I'm married. Silly.

>> No.1847387


A slight exaggeration. I leave the house once every two weeks to sign on so that I can get my benefits.

hi, how are you, great, sage because of something