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18455609 No.18455609 [Reply] [Original]

So I just finished reading No Country For Old Men. Really enjoyed the story, characters, dialogue, setting, and the themes. I'm in the process of getting more into Cormac McCarthy. My question is, what should I read next from the author to get more into his work?

>> No.18455701

BM or the road, I enjoyed both even though I’m a brainlet and didn’t understand “the deeper meaning” behind them.

>> No.18455714

I've been wanting to read Blood Meridian, it sounds very much like something I'd want to read. My only reason of hesitation of reading it mainly stems from hearing about how hard of a read it is.

>> No.18455759

Just fucking read it. Goddamn I absolutely loathe when people put off books because they’re hard. How the fuck do you think you’ll become a better reader? It’s a book man, a book can’t knock you on your ass and hurt you if it’s difficult, it’s words my nigga lmao

>> No.18455785

Fair enough lol

>> No.18455835


>> No.18457401

It’s hard-ish but not that hard, it’s also somewhat short and very enjoyable. It’s a good mix of demanding attention and rewarding it.

>> No.18458265

how similar is it to the film?

>> No.18458296

Film copied it one to one (even the pan of camera follows McCarthy's descriptions) but removed Bell's musings.

>> No.18459396

I started with Blood Meridian and now I'm reading Suttree. Both great books, but I'd go with BM first.

>> No.18459420

Suttree is his longest and most meandering so I'd tend to agree with this

>> No.18459529

How is the prose in Suttree in comparison to BM?

>> No.18459536

As good, perhaps better given it is warmer and (sometimes) cheekier in tone.

>> No.18459572
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Hell yeah I'll read that next then. Thanks and Good Day, anon

>> No.18459635

I just finished BM an hour ago, holy shit that was something else. Definitely in my top 3 books, even if it's a little harder (for an ESL). Definitely recommend it.

>> No.18459643

Based. I finished it a week ago and can't stop thinking about it

>> No.18459646

it's really not that tough of a read. Just take your time and pay attention.

>> No.18459667

Give it a shot. Read it twice if you have to.

>> No.18459685

fortunately the main difficulty is just the unusually large vocabulary, it's not like some authors where you dont even know wtf is going on or where / when a scene is taking palce

>> No.18459708 [SPOILER] 
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Yeah, I don't know how to grasp the ending, if the kid is dead or if he "embraced" the Judge metaphorically (he turned evil) and he raped the little girl and killed her and that's what they found in the toilette outside the saloon.

>> No.18459751

Hack away you mean red nigger.

>> No.18460256

I think judge just killed him, idk if he’d let a whole shootout go just to have the man as a buddy

>> No.18460329

The kid already was a child killer
He crossed the line in the previous chapter

>> No.18460341

>or if he "embraced" the Judge metaphorically (he turned evil) and he raped the little girl and killed her
Why would he do that?

>> No.18460463

The judge is naked, he embraces the man, and locks the door; later people look in and they're horrified. That's all we get in the text. I think whatever underlying event transpired the point is that the man was consumed by the judge. Whether that means he was killed in some horrible way or whether it means he fully fell under the judge's sway is an open mystery, but the judge won the interpersonal struggle whether it was in a physical or metaphysical way.

>> No.18462119

At the time of story the Mexican-American war is dwindling and Glanton's Gang are the last remnants keeping the embers of war alive. By the end of the book, the gang is no more, the war is over, and The Judge is bringing war to trades; as represented by the different types of men sitting with him at the bar. The final chapter is the final dance for the last remaining ember from the Mexican-American War and The Judge snuffs The Kid out and moves on to bigger things. The book isn't about The Kid and what happens to him. It's about war (and religion).