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18455176 No.18455176[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Recommend books that'd increase my IQ with every turning page

>> No.18455178

The Holy Bible

>> No.18455193

Human beings only progressed when they got less religious.over time. So I'd say no to that.

>> No.18455200

Phänomenologie des Geistes

>> No.18455205

my diary desu

>> No.18455212

I hate to break it to you, but that isn't even remotely true. Priests were some of the first scientists because they were the only one with the free time to study nature and space. People's devotion to the church enabled a class of people who were encouraged to study nature, and subsidized for it.

>> No.18455231
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t. pop sci fan

>> No.18455235

Call of the Cherokee

>> No.18455247

>only one with the free time to study nature and space
>still couldn't figure out god wasn't real

>> No.18455268

> Priests were some of the first scientists because they were the only one with the free time to study nature and space
Is that why they imprisoned Galileo?

>> No.18455301

They weren't perfect, but to pretend that without religion we would be light-years ahead of where we are is patently false.

>> No.18455311
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>> No.18455312


math books i imagine

those patterns you have to solve on that mensa iq test are math related

>> No.18455321

i think asians get high iq scores is because they are good at math

>> No.18455337

you won't increase iq by reading philosophy books and fiction

you have to read books that engage your brain in pattern related math-related shit

>> No.18455344

Galileo was imprisoned for being a retarded. Religious causes are usually the pop sci take but the thing was that galileo used a telescope (which no one else had at the time near him) and presented his findings in a non-scientific way that made them look like digressions. Couple that with the fact that scientific writing at the time was already pretty rigid.

>> No.18455345

I didn't realize we solved that yet

>> No.18455369

if Christianity inherently inspired interest in progress and new ideas, no such thing would have happened in the first place. Examples of priests being scientists only mean they were scientists despite being religious not because of it.

>> No.18455389
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furthermore, the way he wrote his findings about the earth spinning around the sun (in the form of a dialogue) and not the way around made it look like it was HIS opinion, and not his findings.
Read picrel and then read another scientific book of the same period of time and you'll understand.
>he thinks he can prove the existence or non-existence of anything
to add to that, most people were religious, even during the scientific revolution and the enlightenment. I don't believe there might be any significant link between being religious/atheist and being pro/anti science, although, of course, pop scientists and their followers "fucking love science, dude!"

>> No.18455397

not the other way around*

>> No.18455409

Jesus, we're really merging with reddit. The last time I've read something so ignorant and retarded, it was on YouTube, by a reddit poster.

>> No.18455424

>haven't realized yet that no lasting civilization can survive without faith

>> No.18455425


>> No.18455432

Yes. I recommended him a few posts earlier

>> No.18455569

> they were scientists despite being religious not because of it
That claim presupposes that religion inherently disenfranchises people to study science, which it doesn't. The majority of scientists today are religious, and the vast majority in the history of science have been religious. If the study of science inherently made people less religious, then the majority of engineers, doctors, mathematicians, etc would be atheist, which they clearly are not.

>> No.18455645

Turning pages does not increase iq

>> No.18455947

you know what he's saying

>> No.18456120

Not true. Scientists are far more irreligious compared to general population.

>> No.18456824

Anon might believe that those priest got "less religious over time".

>> No.18456846

Handbook of Psychological Assessment, 6th edition

>> No.18456851

if the people of those civilization are insecure nationalistic religious cucks then sure yeah
it's bound to fail

>> No.18457021


>> No.18457031


>> No.18457033

a book that isn't in your native language, ideally in a nonlatin script

>> No.18457641

You are retarded

>> No.18457644

Fuck off! Dumb retard! Go somewhere else please!

>> No.18457660

The opposite is true

>> No.18457904

Aristotle's complete works.

>> No.18458089
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>> No.18458907
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>> No.18458930
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I love Ulysses and I love you guys.

>> No.18458934

The complete works of Taleb

>> No.18458937
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>reading people that died more than 2000 years ago

>> No.18458983

it really do be like that

>> No.18458996

Plato's Theaetetus

>> No.18459157

Uhh reddit???

>> No.18459191

You must be 18 to be here

>> No.18459210

based retard

>> No.18459238

I love you too anon.

Please read more. Get off the internet and read some serious books.

>> No.18459260

Literally just any philosophy.

Augustine, Aristotle, Buddha, the Vedas, Aquinas, Berkeley, Kant, Locke, Hume, Nietzsche, Marx, Liebniz, Spinoza, Pascal, etc.

Or contemporary Continental stuff. Look up some series in Continental philosophy by Fordham University Press, Indiana University Press, Stanford, Bloomsbury, Continuum, etc.

Really just like 90% of academic literature, in whatever field you have an interest in. Just start studying it.

>> No.18459264
