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/lit/ - Literature

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18454668 No.18454668 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18454674 [DELETED] 

I think Butterfly unironically made me her mental slave :3

>> No.18454697
File: 54 KB, 520x532, CL3ZDN3UcAAooKG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are more than 1,000 varieties of bananas grown in over 150 countries. Cavendish is the most commercialized variety, accounting for about 47% of global production.

>> No.18454701


>> No.18454708
File: 562 KB, 1594x2400, 91WdD7toTNL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let me guess, you're currently reading this

>> No.18454791

There was actually a deep state conspiracy among excolonist Europe nations. It was about bananas. The US got mad about this because they'd invaded and couped a lot of central/South America to ensure their banana supply to sell to the Europeans and cried foul when they found out other countries could be imperialist dicks too. Bananas are great.

>> No.18454864

Currently watching Ina drawing.

>> No.18454865

Goodnight my pedigree chums

>> No.18454874
File: 173 KB, 465x480, FC2A35AF-B7BA-4F26-8B5E-84E068982B93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The internet feels kinda dull lately. Like been there, done that

>> No.18454894

I'm making rice rn

>> No.18454941

gays are boring but they think they're interesting

>> No.18454946

wash me huwhip
wash me nae nae

>> No.18454968
File: 10 KB, 424x426, 1581472195927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so self-conscious about balding. I'm just 20, and it isn't even a normal kind of balding, my hair is thinning all over the place, alongside with my hairline slowly receding. I have on oral minoxidil for around 8 months and haven't seen much result yet, but my dermatologist says that I should start seeing results after a year. I just can't stop thinking about it, about how my skull shape is weird, I look for haircuts that will hide my baldspots, I try looking for things that might help me reduce the hair loss, and I simplt cannot take my mind away from this.

>> No.18454981

>I have on oral minoxidil for around 8 months
Finasteride or topical minoxidil I get, but where the fuck did you get oral minoxidil? Did your dermatologist give you a prescription for it? Seems a bit dangerous since I've heard it can cause heart problems, I'd rather take finasteride.

>> No.18455006

Yes, I got a prescription. To avoid heart problems, I had to start with very small doses (0.25 mg) and slowly increase them. Now I'm taking 0.75. That's probably the reason why I haven't seen results yet.
I've heard that finasteride causes ED and depression, is that true? Have you seen any secondary effects?

>> No.18455014


>> No.18455017

bine cone

>> No.18455035

My ass has an itch, nothing a dollop of black salve can't fix.

>> No.18455072

I read a lot of stuff and immediately think “I hate myself because I’ll never write anything this good.” Anyway, that comes after the “I hate my life because it’s not as good as this story” phase.

>> No.18455076

Aah the pepeloni, pepeloni. You know the pepeloni? The no one? I always- I always order the domino, domino pepeloni; and without pepeloni. I always order the pepeloni and without pepeloni. Pepeloni! I like pepeloni. I always- I always order the cheese-cheese pan. How can I explain? I can explain by my drawing. I always, order like the cheese pan that it has cheese on here, this part, the ear. Ear of pizza. And then I order, when I order pepeloni the ear, it always have the pepeloni on the top. But I pick up this, Away! Because I don't eat it!

>> No.18455090

>I've heard that finasteride causes ED and depression, is that true?
ED is a possible side effect, I've heard that some people got depression from it but I'm not sure if there are any conclusive studies on it.

I've personally been taking finasteride for years and I've never felt any side effects.

>> No.18455126 [DELETED] 

i wonder if it's possible to harness cringe for more energy. like i was so tired but i keep replaying this cringy thing from work today, and it's giving me a lot of anxiety hyperactivity.

>> No.18455143
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>> No.18455158

>uploaded in 2013
>description has a link to tumblr
man the internet was so much better back in the day, now everything sinister

>> No.18455185
File: 27 KB, 617x436, 9jhq6oz8l9x31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I a bad person for desiring another man's partner?
I don't act on my impulses, I have a normal mind and self control, but it still feels "sinful" or wrong. The man is none the wiser, but I feel like I have wronged him and betrayed his trust, despite never even uttering a word about it.

>> No.18455198 [DELETED] 

the whole point of having a hot gf is to make other guys feel envious/jealous.

>> No.18455211
File: 250 KB, 750x1624, 2FDD9917-57D4-4C27-A011-C9FC2FB42A58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you not assert your manhood by cuckolding another man by fucking his girlfriend/wife and making him raise your child while he thinks it’s his?

>> No.18455256

You don't really see the word "normalfag" posted anymore.
Did we get invaded by them? Did we normalfags? Did 4chan stop feeling disdain for normalfags?
>inb4 we

>> No.18455257

is this banana guy part of a viral marketing campaign? a new jamie foy video just dropped on thrasher channel and he's stating to banana boat by harry belafonte. let me guess, there's some new banana themed marvel summer movie coming out right? or a netflix special on bananas or something? everything on the internet is an advertisement for something.

>> No.18455264

Eat a banana schizo

>> No.18455270 [DELETED] 

No one cares. :3

The line between being normal and exposed to 4chans culture is blurrier than you think.

>> No.18455276

Part of me wants to completely give up and become a full blown /jp/ otaku NEET weirdo. I want to retreat entirely into a fantasy land.

>> No.18455282

It really does feel like a party that went an hour too long.

>> No.18455324

Have /fit/ invaded our OT thread? When did this happen? Hi /fitlit/, what made you come back?

>> No.18455332 [DELETED] 

It get's really depressing after some years anon

>> No.18455339

Oh I imagine it's really depressing pretty much straight away

>> No.18455346 [DELETED] 

i've told people irl that i'm working on a retro game limited to the graphics capabilities of the nes. most people think that's incredibly stupid, and they're not wrong, but i don't care. i have nothing else to do, and when i croak there will be one more retro platformer from my lifetime for people a 1000 years in the future to check out.

>> No.18455393
File: 255 KB, 326x326, EBA4AB90-E500-4A82-BFA1-A1487FA40A82.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck do I make money?! I just wanted to read!

>> No.18455415

Isn't it crazy that if someone wrote a beautiful Romantic poem on the level of Keats or Blake today it would go unappreciated simply because its no longer fashionable?

>> No.18455420

get a job

>> No.18455438
File: 1.57 MB, 1050x787, 1612969845687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The discussion on [board] keeps getting worse and worse. I sometimes contemplate getting a discord and exploring that option, but that would be persistant-identity social media and therefore an enormous timesink, and most posts would be some sort of drama.

>> No.18455448

>I sometimes contemplate getting a discord and exploring that option
It's not worth it, friend. The "Discord Tranny" meme is real.

>> No.18455452

You should be like Apu and spend more of your time thinking about sitting in actual swamp water. It's probably at least as good.

>> No.18455481

I have one but it doesn’t pay enough. Give me ideas for a better one.

>> No.18455484

Hedge fund manager

>> No.18455503

When do I start boss?

>> No.18455558

I'm old enough to remember when they were called traps and weren't associated with political schizoposting and counter-schizoposting.

>> No.18455567

9/10 parts of me

>> No.18455681

I feel like I have somthing new to express, but I can't articulate it

>> No.18455719


>> No.18455732

I just read because of the boredom and loneliness now

>> No.18455821

It doesn’t really matter what you end up doing at all, college or no college, rich or poor, dumb or smart it literally doesnt matter at all. Most people would get depressed at that but honestly I find it very relieving, Im at a very important crossroad in my life and I have the tendency to overthink everything. If I feel like it im going to buy some cigs since its been months since I smoked and sit alone for a long time. Then do the same thing for the next week or two

>> No.18455844

>If I feel like it im going to buy some cigs since its been months since I smoked and sit alone for a long time. Then do the same thing for the next week or two

I'm envious anon. I need to do something like this soon, but I have work unfortunately.

>> No.18455857

Idk Monday?

>> No.18455877

create adult content

>> No.18455884

I want to go on a creative project but I find myself incapable of working on anything for more than a week before I just stop doing it.

>> No.18455906

What program should you use to write? I've been ooga booga-ing in notepad for everything so far.

>> No.18455916
File: 66 KB, 828x921, FEFD4F44-C5DB-4F03-8959-C092E534DDA3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can only do it because Im neeting before this next phase of my life, theres a beautiful little pier in the back of a park near me I know about and I love sitting there listening to the waves. I hope you can do the same anon, if theres one thing I learned is that no matter how mentally gifted you are you need some form of meditation and time alone to make decisions you wont regret. Drove myself mad so many times believing I could outsmart life

>> No.18455923

ah, neeting is a bad word. Im in between jobs really and choosing career

>> No.18455995

My favorite moments are when things don't go according to plan, and I'm overreacting, anxious, worrying. And there is all of a sudden moment of clarity, when I realize where I am, what's going on around me, and how things don't matter as much as I make them seem.

>wanted to go to bed earlier tonight
>end up playing some games with friends
>gets closer to the time I'm gonna get off
>one friend joins out of nowhere says hes gonna play as well
>annoyed but decide to play another, going past my bed time
>all of a sudden, hear my friends talking clearly, laughing having a good time, I'm apart of it, and able to hear them, can picture the smiles on their faces
>realize I'd rather be here for another few minutes then in bed, when I can just sleep in tomorrow morning a bit

>> No.18456011

This will be me at the end of the year. Plan on quitting my job in October and spending some time working part time to figure out what the hell to do next. I won't be able to completely NEET it but I plan on using my available spare time to simply relax and sort my head out and spend time in nature. I know that's it's a risk quitting a stable 9-5 but it's driving me insane and you don't make any progress without risks

>> No.18456020

I stopped enjoying anything. Is there a cure for this?

>> No.18456027

I need a way for a character in 1800s esque Ireland to get powers involving fire. Any suggestions?

>> No.18456029

French patisserie

>> No.18456035

Pray to Saint Brigit

>> No.18456037
File: 328 KB, 1024x560, hex_mania_by_thescarred-d8wiuh2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have inventory tomorrow and I'm going to be bouncing between working on everything and getting it sorted and brainstorming for my books. I've done it many times before but it's always a day where I feel like I'm up in the air.

>> No.18456053

Sorry, Im Protestant

>> No.18456056

She's not Catholic.

>> No.18456066 [DELETED] 


>> No.18456145

At least use Element.

>> No.18456161

I only pray to the Father in Heaven in the name of Christ Jesus. Im not praying to a sinner.

>> No.18456178

Do you also live in 1800s esque Ireland?

>> No.18456195

No. Did you mean HE prays to St Bridget? I thought you were telling me to pray to St Bridget

>> No.18456209
File: 175 KB, 1200x1200, 060897dd097416eebdb02853c3074d98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just shave it off. Live the bold life early. You wont look back

>> No.18456218
File: 56 KB, 720x450, william.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in a similar boat, but I'm 29. Finasteride is by far the most effective drug and will almost certainly stop your balding immediately and maybe even regrow the lost hair, especially in combination with minoxidil and maybe dermarolling. But I'm not on it for the same reasons as you; the side effects scare me. Worse still, there's a loud minority of people who claim to have something called post-finasteride syndrome which allegedly causes the issues you mention permanently, years after they stopped taking fin. Many people think it's a myth, just in their heads. But if there's even 1% chance of ruining my life after taking that pill, do I want to take it? I'm not sure. And while I deliberate, I'm only going to get balder. Why did we have to be cursed like this, anon?

If it goes on like this and I decide not to risk it, I'll probably end up either getting smp (scalp micropigmentation) or a hair system, which can look really good even though it can be costly.

>> No.18456224

Just quit Discord recently. You dont want it, anon. Nothing but drama and distraction away from reading. Now im at a loss where to look for community online but thats a much smaller problem than discord ever was

>> No.18456233

I cut my hand today. The skin separated, and you could see the dark meat underneath. Always thought of myself as a white meat kind of guy, but whatever.

>> No.18456234

The Judge doesn't look as much of a bloatmaxxer here as he should.

>> No.18456238

these grapes taste like feet?

>> No.18456267

Started what's probably going to become a novel a week ago. It's a pulpy scifi horror set in the postapocalyptic ice wastes of Imperial Russia about a guy and his family.
First time I actually enjoy what comes out. Wondering if it's a good sign or not.
Will try to finish it in two or three months, let it stew and get to editing.

>> No.18456277

Recently I have been frustrated by technology, and I have sought to use it much less, for I do very little of value through it. I want to be more productive and live a simpler life. I know I should spend time exercising but I lack motivation. Specifically, I feel like I should run every morning, and I never want to and I do not enjoy it at all. Recently I've been thinking it might be a good idea to play some sportsball games with friends—I recently did this and it was quite fun and energy-expending. However, I feel as though I do not have the ability to do this, particularly I feel as though I lack the participation of others. Et cetera.

Additionally, I have recently been conflicted in my beliefs. Although I have recently sort of returned to Christianity, or at least an appreciation of it (and religions in general) (I am not sure if my "beliefs" are sincere) from agno-atheism, I am now unsure if this is a good thing. I am "attached" to the point where it seems like it is a good thing I do not want to leave, for family as well as personal reasons, but at the same time it seems "problematic", particularly in the cases of destroying other religions and being Judaic in nature (most of the practicers of Christianity not having Judaic historical backgrounds). I have been increasingly intrigued by "pagan" ideas, although it seems wrong to actually, unironically "practice" this. Also, pluralism is no good.

In fact, there seem to be several lifestyle changes or things I want to do at hand. I hope to accomplish these things.

End of rant—I have written what was on my mind.

>> No.18456283

Wait if you're only 20 and its balding all over isn't it much more likely to be telogen effluvium? In which case the most likely explanation is stress or something else like an iron deficiency. If you're seeing a dermatologist I assume they would have raised this possibility. What did they say?

>> No.18456302

I kinda feel like replaying Portal 2 for the second time but the last time was a year and a half ago so I think I'd still remember all the puzzles too well and it won't be as fun.

>> No.18456316

I hate vrtubers and wish they would die

>> No.18456322
File: 60 KB, 498x275, pepeloni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahh the pepeloni, pepeloni. you know the pepeloni? the nooo one. i always, i always order the, the domino. domino pepeloni and without pepeloni. i always order the pepeloni and without pepeloni. pepeloni! i like pepeloni, yeah. i always, i always order the, the cheese- cheese pan. ahh how can i explain? i can explain by my drawing! i always order like the cheese pan that it has cheese on here, this part, the ear. ear of pizza. and then, i order- wh- when i order pepeloni, the ear- it always have a pepeloni on h- on a top, but i pick up these... away! cause i don't eat it. and then i eat the cheese pan pizza. okay? you understand? understandable! pepeloni! yes

>> No.18456335

why the fuck western narrative lit is always like
>she gazed at me with red eyes, as the sun approached the horizon illuminating our room, light reflecting off the curtains, eventually making its way to the cannabis smoke
>i got fucking toasted last night
is 20x more elegant and descriptive

>> No.18456343

Pseuds like to overwrite things since it makes them feel smart.

>> No.18456352

>whoa dude maybe like being more simple and vulgar is actually more smart!

>> No.18456372

There's an excellent and hilarious essay on social media influencers by one Barrett Swanson in the June 2021 edition of Harper's. Highly recommended. It's comparatively rare for writing to make me laugh so I always remember when it does.

>> No.18456405

I love vtubers and wish they would be posted here more.

>> No.18456411

I do not like vrtubers and think they are harmful to people, especially young men. They are not your friend, they are not real, they are fake.

>> No.18456426

I like vtubers and think they are helpful to people to pass the time, especially young men. They are your friend, they are real, they are entertaining.

>> No.18456432

Yeah. She's an ancient goddess which was syncretized into the new religion. She's a fire goddess. Keeping her symbols in your home protects your home from fires. She does a lot of other things too, but if you want fire, there you go.
In voodoo she's the death god's wife, and they pretend she's a saint too.
Most Irish saints are not really heavily supported by the Roman Church, because Ireland has a habit of making things up from paganism and forcing it into canon. Halloween is in the Church calendar, but it's a pagan Irish festival.

>> No.18456433

I had to get vaccinated because my dream university is requiring it for all students wishing to be on campus. I told myself I'd never take it and despite the circumstances I feel like I've compromised on my values for the sake of my future. I would do it again if I had to, but I fear this is one of many Faustian bargains I'll face as I try to make it in the real world. It was still my decision at the end of the day. Deeply ashamed of myself.

>> No.18456438

the triality of man

>> No.18456444

I wouldn't mind shaving it if I was 10 years older, but I don't want to be bald so young. Plus, my skull shape doesn't help much.
I think I would get a hair system too, there are some that look very nice, but it would worry me if something unfortunate happened like it falling, or having sex with it
Yes, I took a blood exam after our first session. Apparently, everything is fine, but I should take care of stress and my alimentation too, that I looked malnourished, and that kind of stuff. Thank God I got prescribed a shampoo to erradicate dandruff too, because my scalp itched all the time when I was 14-18, and I bet that that caused me a lot of hairloss too.

>> No.18456453

i'm so bored i think i'm going to read

>> No.18456455
File: 129 KB, 600x898, DragonBall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Dragonball. Its the most /lit/ serious.

>> No.18456476

Enjoy being magnetic vaxqueer!

>> No.18456515
File: 121 KB, 1075x677, 1615001883248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So to start this brief story, I'm severely deaf which means for this post I need you to understand I have no directional hearing. Sounds just exist. I can't hear something and know where it came from.
So anyway I heard what sounded like a creature scratching away at paper, and I have a small pile of junk mail sitting next to my desk right? It was a slow scritchy scratching noise.
However I had a can of raid ready and I found a bug! It was no match for me!
Just now I noticed the sheet that covers my mattress had come loose and it has a paper tag that explains how to wash it. When you touch this paper it sounds like a critter scratching paper.
My mattress and my inability to hear properly just gave a bug one very unlucky night. It probably wasn't doing anything at all and the mattress cover just betrayed him.
Ah well. Shoulda stayed outside Mr. Waterbug.

>> No.18456600

Chad deaf hearing Vs virgin waterbug tap dancing

>> No.18456741
File: 1.16 MB, 2000x1383, 2009_PAR_01209_0017_000(045305).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had moments of authenticity at work today and I feel embarrassed and bad about it. I've been completely psyop'd. It's over.

>> No.18456749

I want to leave this place
I have no future here.

>> No.18456750


>> No.18456850

Well this wasn't an encouraging reply

>> No.18456865



>> No.18456876

Beta male

>> No.18456880

What would you do if you had to choose between your future (college) and getting the vaccine?

>> No.18456893

these threads should be bannable

>> No.18456945

i feel so bad about everything i just want to cry. no one is one is on my side.

>> No.18456947

i'm reading it right now to learn japanese
it's working

>> No.18456951

After experiencing the French life style, I am convinced that only people, and not things, can bring about true happiness.

>> No.18456953

describe the french life style

>> No.18457001
File: 1018 KB, 828x1792, 897C3D78-99F1-4700-AB72-FB20A9E44010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy based

>> No.18457004

then what the fuck is your post an advertisement for?

>> No.18457010


>> No.18457027

Lie about it?
I'm not in college but with my currently work I would 100% refuse if they made it mandatory. I'll find another job, I wont be forced to get jabbed like an animal

>> No.18457080

I think I have proper gum-disease. I'm not sure how I let it get like this. I have a dentists appointment pretty soon, hopefully they can help. fuck I'm ashamed though.

>> No.18457105

I have no idea what to do with current hair state. On one hand i'd like to grow it out but on the other it doesnt look that good now.

>> No.18457153

maybe the reason they are so smug is because they are right

>> No.18457154

what's the trouble anon?

>> No.18457161

Not that easy friendo. We need to submit proof of our status by uploading our vaccination cards to the school's portal. You can recover from quitting a job if you're able to find a new one. Try dropping out of college at 18 and living with your parents with no friends or no future prospects other than working at a Wendy's. At least you'll still have your pride I guess.

>> No.18457259

I wish i could create the meaning out of nothing but im too weak for it and it make angry. Maybe i am the slave after all.

>> No.18457358

The mainstream starts to realise that /pol/ stuff was not just memes and now they're worried about the radical left. I see regular people and mainstream experts discussing exactly what /pol/ was discussing several years ago. Yet, all these people are still smug and fashion themselves as sophisticated intellectuals while deriding today's /pol/ ideas. In several years many will adopt current /pol/ discourse.

>> No.18457368

Hahahaha I thought you were a faggot for linking Reddit but holy shit these old hags are SEETHING realising they'll die alone as men marry young girls.

Sorry you wasted your 20s being a feminist whore lmao

>> No.18457370

How is this virgin weeb freak not permabanned yet?

>> No.18457380

Vaccination cards you can download or say you lost yours. I carried a card to not wear a mask, I have no conditions conditions would give me an exemption.
There are a hundred excuses to take the path of least resistance but at the end of the day you basically agree that basic human freedoms are not meant for the unvaccinated. That might not have a direct effect on you but it does for me. And it's not pride I have, you get abuse for saying you don't need the vax. It's a clear conscience.

Also going to a different college is not the end of your life, I think I'd be in bigger trouble if I lost my job. But it's your choice, be happy with it.

>> No.18457392

There's still interesting stuff going on, but you won't find it on 4chan anymore. They left anons behind a couple years ago.
It's all about insular in-groups focused on improving systems now. Not much of that spontaneous energy left.

>> No.18457397


I’ve rented a house for two weeks in Europe with 7 french and 2 germans. Most of us are working remote.

>everyone is chipping in to cook, clean, or plan for activities
>drink constantly good wine, beer but no one has had a single hangover or embarrassing drunken moment
>eat together, play games together, very few people off doing their own thing or staring at their phones
>banter over our country’s idiosyncrasies
>constantly insulting SJW politics and sensitive Americans
>Literally cheers-ed “to Trump” at dinner in a hippie restaurant as a joke
>people, including strangers, don’t shy away from conversation, they’re actually a community
>even in the boho region I’m in, people dress with at least some effort

Meanwhile I receive texts from friends back home about new video games coming out.

>> No.18457493

don't know what to do with this day. I got the summer off. I pickde up boxing. I've gone twice. it's pretty cool. I got my glasses busted by a punch which feels pretty great desu, I feel like a dumbass kid again. the way they work out is insane though, completely insane and I'm out of shape so now all I want to do today is lay in bed and watch streams. otherwise I would have read out in the sun. I also heard from a chick I was really into a while back. I think something with my relationship-forming brain is busted, I only knew her a short while a couple of years ago but I fell for her hard in that time. I can't tell if I like her or desire her. Well, I'm pretty sure that when we hung out years ago I really liked her a lot as a person. But gradually over time it's like the reasons why I liked her as a person has faded and become replaced by desire. Either way: she got back in touch with me, so my mind if pretty pre-occupied by that.

Fuck it, I don't think I want to do anything today.

>> No.18457506
File: 324 KB, 1262x1074, covid vax requirements.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, picrel is my college's vaccination verification process. I'm not guilty I didn't find some way to circumvent it. I'm guilty I chose my personal goals and ambitions (attending university) over my principle that I would never take the vaccine.
I'm clearly bothered by it in my post. When you call me a beta male, what would you have done? Asking sincerely.

>> No.18457526


how do I forge a batch #?

>> No.18457677

>tfw you finish Aristotle and go directly to Hobbes and ignore all of the medieval shit
So satisfying.

>> No.18457751

I've been to a few boxing trainings and it's the most exhausted I've ever been in my life.
Maybe should pick it up again
From what I see in the img a you need to do is print out a vaccine card and be a bit creative in what you write on it. They can't access your full medical records right?

That's what I would have done. We're not in the same boat but I don't think I'd get the vax. Besides being way too stubborn to give into stuff like that I have a bit of a phobia against needles.

There's no use in sulking over a choice made but for me I think it's a sign of things to come. If you give in to this when you're young and supposedly at your most rebellious and with the least amount of responsibility it might show that you will never stand against real pressure. Or do you think you'll suddenly take risks when you have people who rely on you or when you have real bills to pay? Like I said, there's always a million reasons to take the path of least resistance.

Maybe you will grow a spine but from my point this is how I see it

>> No.18457770

Any books about crushing loneliness that eventually leads to suicide? Recommend me something

>> No.18457786

Not sure exactly why but I enjoyed reading this anon. It's cool to see that some anons are trying out new activities and finding something worthwhile in it.

>> No.18457924

Why would you want to read something which strengthens the current mindset?

>> No.18457948

I think you're on the wrong board and should go back to >>>/vt/
that's what came to mind when I saw your stupid fucking picture

>> No.18457960

I wish I ran in different circles and wasn’t the goody two shoes. I wish I stayed working in that seedy bar or those blue collar guys and never went off to college, never put on the suit and tie and worked at an office. I wish I got in fights like I wanted to, got drunk like I wanted to, mixed things up a little like I wanted to.

I figured at some point, this other way would be worth it. Eventually, I’d like it. Eventually, it wouldn’t feel so damn boring. Boy, was I wrong.

>> No.18457970

>Like I said, there's always a million reasons to take the path of least resistance.
This, a lot of my choices have been made by this not because im lazy but because I value my time being wasted on shit that clearly I dont need to deal with. When something is worth going through the trouble you’ll know it

>> No.18458001

asian bussy

>> No.18458005

Maybe you should go to a different site if pictures of anime girls trigger you so much.

>> No.18458026

>e-thot streamers
>anime girls
pick one and only one

>> No.18458039

Are you confused? We're talking about vtubers, not twitch thots.

>> No.18458053

>We're talking about vtubers, not twitch thots
same shit except one can look like a goblin IRL and still get donations from orbiters

>> No.18458057

I hope you can turn it around anon, this feeling you have is above all what I wanted to avoid in life

>> No.18458064

He has been making the OPs of all the general threads out of spite for some time now because people predictably reacted the way you just did. He throws some real tantrums about it. One time his tranny friend showed up and started melting down big time.

Here's what he does if you try to make the threads with a non anime picture before he does.

>> No.18458071

thanks for the heads up. faggots like that are the worst

>> No.18458072

If I were put in a gas chamber with a bunch of weaboos I would personally hold the door shut from the inside to make sure nobody escapes.

>> No.18458077

I guess we can just try to ignore him, if I see a thread not made by him ill post otherwise ill try not to

>> No.18458101


Can you explain to me exactly how these are interchangeable? Also, every vtuber I've seen has been attractive or average. This is what Inuyama Tamaki looks like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4e44gkeVp0

>> No.18458160

>fighting over whether or not your imaginary imaginary girlfriend is probably attractive or not
hackers on steroids

>> No.18458188

I'm really enjoying re-reading Mrs Dalloway.

>> No.18458293

Literal English translation of classic Chinese prose is always kino, it feels like poetry even though it's not
By comparison 100% of Western canon is pure cringe, word salads upon word salads. White people shouldn't write prose, they couldn't make it look appealing even if their lives depended on it.

>> No.18458333

sex is so different without a condom im convinced they were invented as a direct expression of evil

>> No.18458390

"Racemixing" is abhorrent. Every individual should mate with someone that has similar phenotypic expression.

>> No.18458408

I MUST go to the pool this weekend. My god, it is imperative to have the cool water on my skin!

>> No.18458416


>> No.18458419

he fell for the race meme

>> No.18458442

There are two paths to go down. The moral idealist path and the pride/pleasure path.
The moral idealist path is actually the rationally hedonistic path, as the Divine Bliss is the greatest amount of pleasure over time you will experience, however, the journey to get to the light is much less exciting.
The pride/pleasure route, you try to maximize your pleasure in the present while also giving your life meaning by improving your self-confidence.
At the end of the day, the moral idealist route wasn't that challenging, and it is the smarter option of the two. But the pride/pleasure path is very tempting and appealing to the weaker willed.

>> No.18458448

funny that you say this because i was flirting today with the cutest black girl from cameroon and i was so into her. anyway, very stupid take and cringe

>> No.18458455

Some crazy dude that went by Mr Hyde 86 online (probably browsed here because he read most of the lit meme books) shot two kids and an old man.
They reported it on the news and the service went something like this:
"The 34 yo had no friends and was mentally unstable..."

Mom heard that and was like: "You hear that Anon, he had no friends and spent all his time online! "

I don't know how I should feel about that...

>> No.18458463
File: 64 KB, 640x800, samanthabadra-yabyum_79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

divine bliss and pleasure are not mutually exclusive you fucking faggot lmao

>> No.18458478


>> No.18458488

god i hate all of you bitches so much it's unreal yet i keep coming back to 4chan because it's one of the only places where i can FREELY SPEAK MY MIND

>> No.18458504

Why not just do both?

>> No.18458530

I just come here to confess every now and then because my regrets are killing me from within and writing it down here makes me feel better for a while.

Considering starting an anonymous blog where I just write everything down. I'll the despicable shit I've done

>> No.18458632

The amount of hustling and grinding you have to do get a shit fucking white collar job these days is truly humiliating. My university has an "8 step job guide" and half of them are "create a LinkedIn profile and post daily", "join an industry organisation related to your field and volunteer", "keep in mind that 50% of jobs don't ever get advertised" etc. etc. It's all so fucking tedious and it's all to wind up with a job that's going to make you want to kill yourself anyway. Meanwhile, I know people who get paid jobs at prestigious organisations that they're not even fucking qualified for because their parents work at the company. I'm not cut out for it. Maybe that makes me lazy or weak but I'm not cut out for it. I'm not a brown nose. Maybe that means I have an attitude problem but it all makes me want to kill myself.

>> No.18458651

I was urged by a voice in my dreams to synthesize Whitehead and Bataille through the poetry of Sappho.

>> No.18458664 [DELETED] 

then these same companies will complain there aren't enough qualified people and they need to up the h1b quota. it's all a farce.

>> No.18458670

I want summer to end, so the girls will cover themselves again. When I go back from my shitty job, I don't want to be reminded everyday how miserable I am. I used to love summer.

>> No.18458678

If I go a few days without working out I feel like I'm losing my mind.
Like I legitimately have trouble sleeping, I'm anxious all the time and my mind plays tricks on me.

>> No.18458680

Just take the whitepill bro. Unless the reason you're miserable is because you have no time to date.

>> No.18458692

Same, I hate seeing people having fun.
Beautiful scantly dressed women make me sad and embarassed

>> No.18458695

There is a new one?

>> No.18458700

I wanna lose my phone, it's such a pain in the ass, I can't get shit done and all I do all day is check notifications and wasting time on yt/4chan/Twitter.
I'll fail my exams and my parents will kill me.


>> No.18458709


>> No.18458714


>> No.18458749

Can neuroticism be cured?

>> No.18458765

My dream tonight was a girl I know who spread her vagina like bat wings in a Walmart while she complained about how much I drink.

But that was only the first dream. I can’t remember the rest of them. I slept for like 12 hours for the first time in months.

>> No.18458778

You should start writing down your dreams.

>> No.18458810

The one time I did a dream journal for two weeks to lucid dream I finally realized I was in a dream, but in the dream, the only person I was with that I could tell was my friend who likes to hear himself talk and didn’t care we were in a dream.

>> No.18458837

Should've lucid slapped some sense into him.

>> No.18458838
File: 490 KB, 500x376, Sonic 2 casino.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a dream I was in the middle of the city and decided to go visit a few stores, but after just a short while I was suddenly in a rural area. I turned back and was on top of a mountain overlooking the city, and it was now night. The city kind of looked like pic related and there were also enormous search lights pointed at the clouds.

>> No.18458880

You were in Atlantic City?

>> No.18458901

It was my first time, I didn't know how, and he thought he had something important to say.
I love how in dreams when you turn around or open a door its a completely different setting.

>> No.18458903

It was an altered version of my own small city, at least when I left it. There's no mountains or hills around here. My CAPTCHA just now was literally "mountains and hills."

>> No.18458910

I had a long term gf when I was in my upper teens/early 20s. after that broke down I had one one night stand (it is true that being buff as shit helps with getting women, at least when you're young). Then I got severely mentally ill. I am beginning to come out of it now to the point that it seems likely that I could become a somewhat functioning member of society/somewhat independent. I am now 31, it has taken a lot of time to get back to somewhat functional (I was recooperating at least a little after a little over a year, but then some stuff happened that deepened the crisis pretty severely at what I have to assume was a pretty sensitive time. it is somewhat surprising I did not kms, but here we are). What I'm getting at is this: the last time I dated a woman she was 19 years old. I am now interested in a woman who I think is 34. In truth I would have maybe prefered someone younger, but I like her a lot so it may not be a deal-breaker. But what I'm wondering (out loud) is what a 34 year old woman is really like, day to day. Of course my confidence isn't exactly on top after everything that happened and I keep thinking back to how it was with my long term gf of my youth as an example of how things can be. But we were kids.. I dunno, maybe there isn't really any difference, this woman is pretty childish in a nice way, you can goof around with her. I just wonder what sharing a life is like when you're 30+. I really know very, very little about life, I've mostly rested now for so many years.

>> No.18458933

The fact that loving others is more painful than being alone is proof that Schopenhauer was right
There's a big gap there bro, what happened in the one night stand to fuck you up so bad

>> No.18458940

Does she already have kids? I find that people who have had children, whether male or female, are remarkably more serious in life, probably because they had to deal with many important responsibilities.

>> No.18458973

I mean obviously it's a long story. I had my second psychosis. with psychosis recooperation can take a very long time, and it is normal never to recooperate fully. I was doing better, but then.. I don't wanna dig in it to be honest, but I really think there was a thing that happened that set it all back a lot. I've been doing work-rehabilitation programs and the like for a long time, currently trying to finish college at my own pace.
I worry she wants to be with me becaus she may be going baby crazy

>> No.18458975


>> No.18458979

19 year old women vs 34 year old women can either be a huge difference in personality or not, it depends, just like any human being, on their life experiences. Did that person's life choices stunt their growth as a person? Like, did they not go to college and stay as a waitress the entire time and go drinking and partying after every shift? Then that person will still be very young in their mind as their exposure to the world is what amounts to 6 hour shifts of highschool drama at a restaurant. Some women will have experiences that skyrocket their ability to cope with responsibility and make them jump to the other side of the fence so to say (married then divorced, had and raised a kid, rape, masters program, corporate ladder climbing, moved to a bigger city) all these things can change a person and be what amounts to a shock treatment of responsibility. No longer are they seeking oats, but instead simply seeking comfort and conformity to a life they are okay with living. Just as any human that grows older.

God I hate that I'm getting older. I've been rewatching friends recently, now at 29. I hadn't watched it since I was a kid. It hits far harder than I expected. It leaves me with such a bitter sweet feeling.

>> No.18459022

Not that anon but I'm happy you're doing better now.

>> No.18459042

>No longer are they seeking oats, but instead simply seeking comfort and conformity to a life they are okay with living.
this is what I'm hoping for, maybe she is too. she's smart and very well read and her own ideas. just chilling while she reads would be ideal.
thank you anon, I appreciate it

>> No.18459047

>and her own ideas
and has*

>> No.18459071

Good for you anon. I was madly in love once. I didn’t know how good I had it, being so young. She moved away, got her health in order and is now married. I ended up having a bunch of one night stands. One of them even accused me. So I won’t be on the dating scene for a while or ever again I don’t think. That kind of happiness and contentment is for other people. If I am bound to suffer I hope I at least come out with something good creative or career wise out of all this. Otherwise my life will have just been rather sad.

>> No.18459106

How do I become more productive?

>> No.18459118

What are you trying to be more productive at?

>> No.18459120

It depends on what is eating away most of your time.

>> No.18459155

you can take some time out and let things grow at their own pace. if nothing good comes out of rubbing up against it then don't, just let it be. Things have a way of coming back in the right way.

>> No.18459215

Getting assignments done, writing articles, reading stuff...
My phone, social media, yt, that stuff

>> No.18459227

quit blaming all your problems on the yt man

>> No.18459235

Evil yt man keeps from being productive with his videos REEEEEEE

>> No.18459242

Throw away your smartphone and get a dumbphone. Never read any social media, they corrupt the mind with sociopolitical nonsense of the day.

Set a time for when you will actively go on Youtube and look at a few videos until the alarm goes and you close the browser.

>> No.18459256

>Set a time for when you will actively go on Youtube and look at a few videos until the alarm goes and you close the browser.
seconding this, do like 45-15 minutes. you do this two hours at the beginning of the day, then do other stuff, then another 1-2 hours in the evening and.. well that's been working fine for me, htough I figure it might depend on what you're studying

>> No.18459267

I'm extremely bored of politics and I want to stop thinking about it entirely, it's a waste of time. Wish this stupid culture war shit hadn't infected everything so I wasn't reminded of it constantly. Hopefully it goes away soon.

>> No.18459284

I will try.
I study medicine, so there are lots of boring textbooks to read and names to remember.
I get bored quite easily so I usually play a video or podcast in the background

>> No.18459291

No, it is a personality trait. Just like introversion. However, the negative expressions of neuroticism can be managed.

>> No.18459292

Also make your studying engaging. Don't just do anki and lectures. Spend some time making up shit for a memory palace. It can be pretty fun trying to imagine the weirdest things so you can remember all the affirmative criminal law defenses.

>> No.18459295

You're suffering from dopamine withdrawal. Some techniques exist to deal with that (they require lifestyle changing though) but I haven't tried them so I can't vouch for how well they work.

>> No.18459301

The elections killed this site. The only reason to stay here is because at least here you can still speak your mind.

>> No.18459302

The single biggest source of my suffering is boredom. I’m so bored and disinterested in everything.

>> No.18459306

I would vote for a candidate who promises to make the internet better by ending elections.

>> No.18459308

I used to be very politically opinionated and then I did exactly as you said and left it behind entirely. I regret ever having a single political opinion to be honest with you.

>> No.18459325

Not that anon but can one use neuroticism in positive way? Its always depicted as negative trait.

>> No.18459344

Being neurotic about shit can be super useful. having a clean and organized home, having rules and regulations and processes on how to do things streamlines everything, neurotic people are normally great cooks, or at the very least good bakers because they can follow directions to a T.

>> No.18459358

what the fuck do these threads have to do with literature

>> No.18459367

I was told one thing by people at my job and the opposite by others and now someone is going to be very disappointed in me over it.

>> No.18459374

I feel like I can relate to people here but not many others, in part because of a shared love for literature. You know books typically don’t have much to do with literature either.

>> No.18459381

They are relevant to the /lit/ community. Ephemeral echoes of its visitors.

>> No.18459391

It took me a while to realize the difference between good writing and good story-telling but I finally get it now.

>> No.18459405

>read a famous and talented person biography
>started since young age
>look at myself
>almost 30 and still a complete loser without any talent
why do i even bother living

>> No.18459406

What's the difference?

>> No.18459418

A good writer puts words on paper and he presents ideas, descriptions, actions, and thoughts in a way that keeps you reading, entertains you, or impresses you with their ability. A good story teller imparts something that competes with reality.

>> No.18459440

Do it to spite God.

>> No.18459472

>just to be an eyesore in the eyes of God
that might work with very strong person

>> No.18459482

Why do phonecalls from random numbers and AI generated names give me such awful anxiety?

Really just phone calls in general. Even from people I like. Is it the not knowing what its about? Have I been pavolved to hate phone calls from bad phone calls in the past?

>> No.18459505

For me it's because I can only hear their voices and cannot see their reactions to gauge them.

>> No.18459506

I wonder if in the movie Signs the aliens were water soluble.

>> No.18459520

Signs was so shit, holy fuck.

>> No.18459521

What's even worse is that, it used to be I hated making phonecalls to other people. Then after having a job where I took 100 phone calls a day and after the debt collector calls and robo calls started, I can now make outbound calls easy, but I just fucking hate taking calls. Am I getting sued? Am I going to jail? Is my car going to get repo'd? Is a friend going to break up with me? It's like no one ever calls me for good news.

>> No.18459526

I’m at this point myself. People here point to so and so who wrote their first novel at 36 or whatever, but none of them are people who totally wandered or squandered early in life.

>> No.18459553

Try to make a conscious effort of every time you were wrong. Think about how bad the call was compared to the anxiety before you took it. Maybe it didn't turn out okay, but not as bad as you expected.

>> No.18459580

Exactly. Even when they were working odds jobs, they always improved their skills. It wasnt like waking up one day at decided on being a writer when you were 31.

>> No.18459588

I don't pick up any call from a number I don't already know or am immediately expecting a call from.

>> No.18459620

it is pretty fucked that people can just reach you in your home all the time

>> No.18459640
File: 25 KB, 500x504, images (81)~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The biggest solace I have is that nobody expects me to succeed in anything. I still try but don't care if I fail and live out my whole life as a loser. I get to do everything on my own terms, but in doing so I have given up the chance at close relationships, love breeds pressure to succeed so that the people you love might love you back. Sometimes I get a quick insight into how stunted I am socially when I look at other people interact with eachother but that only reinforces my current habits. I don't get lonely except at night when I wish I could fall asleep with a girl next to me. The idea of MGTOW is a total facade, but only a great man can succeed in life, starting from nothing, while at the same time maintaining a relationship and I am not a great man

>> No.18459704

Zoomer opinionators call everything "takes" because all they can do it take. They don't adhere to anything except cannibalizing everything that comes their way.

>> No.18459706

The worst feeling that I experience regularly is this stressed-out type of fatigue. Sometimes I'm so stressed out I can't sleep well and the next day is horrible from dawn till dusk. Such a bad fucking feeling, and the stomach is fucked too.
Almost makes me forget I can also feel good. Especially once it lasts multiple days.

>> No.18459728

I was feeling awful and lethargic just now, laying in bed staring at the ceiling, but then I got up and did 10 push ups and 50 jumping jacks and broke a sweat. I haven't felt so vigorous in months. I think we all just kinda stopped moving. Go move anon. Please. Even if its just a walk around the block.

>> No.18459743

I hate how young I look without any kind of stubble. I look like the kid from Come and See but starved. I cant even be an interesting or manly kind of ugly, I have to look like a Slavic child.

>> No.18459746

You don't deserve it. It's important to know this in case this stems from useless guilt.
You deserve to have a peaceful life.

>> No.18459771

why do some people think achieving greatness(fame and money)is the only path of life and people who live like simpletons are retards who can't see the truth

>> No.18459777

tis all but vanity.

>> No.18459781

I am so fucking tired

>> No.18459797

I have been praised for my writing but I don't even know how I can use it as a skill I don't like to write stories
I have been retarded with maths and stuff but I want to learn it and become great at programming but I don't know if I will succeed or it will be a waste of time and I should cash in on writing or some shit
I can't even pick a skill it's frustrating everyone has a thing I only have fapping and procrastination addiction

>> No.18459804

Technical writing
ghost writing
content writing

>> No.18459811

Social media has taught them that every opinion is valid and that you don't need to know anything about what you're talking about to have grounds for asserting claims about it.

Any ignoramus with a pretty face and a lot of followers can post their stupid opinion videos and get a million likes and shares from their ignoramus followers.

>> No.18459820

>Technical writing
>ghost writing

I've made money doing both of these, also as a writing tutor. Ghost writing is actually a good niche market, especially for college admissions essays or papers.

>> No.18459901

The one thing I do think there is an ounce, just an ounce, of truth to is the idea that people are starting life much later now. People get married and have children much later, it would stand to reason they’d have these other points of development later too. I just don’t know if we should beat ourselves up over it or not. For sure, I do anyway but part of me wants to just forgive myself for having to wander the desert as a young person. That doesn’t make it any better because it’s like “okay now what” either way but still.

>> No.18459909

This negative lil bitch attitude is way more damaging than doing nothing but work a dead-end job for 10 years. If you want to write, then do it. You're concerned about a legacy you don't even have yet.

If you are a competent writer but have no interest in writing stories you could get into writing "content" for blogs and shit.

People erroneously believe that money and fame will make them feel better.

>> No.18459930

Well, when minimum wage jobs require college degrees and every entery level position requires 5 years experience and has absolutely no training because everyone's turn over rate is so ungodly high, of course it's going to take a good chunk of people a decade to get on their feet. The bureaucratic systems of the private sector only get more and more complicated with a bright shining smile waiting for you at the end of an HR email.

>> No.18459940

the trick is apply anyway and just be cool during interview
it's all bullshit

>> No.18459988

hope i die soon

>> No.18459998

Oh. I thought you were talking about something that actually mattered, like books or war or something.

>> No.18460020

Moona learned the art of War Crime, I fear for us all.

>Inuyama Tamaki
She got married, recently, hope that goes well for her.

>> No.18460024

>muh glory of war
You guys will be the first run screaming when shit hits the fan

>> No.18460058
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>> No.18460073

You willl only get more bitter with each passing year.

>> No.18460083


>> No.18460087

unproductive comment

>> No.18460107

Sorry, I can't muster much sympathy for a guy who is upset that he has to sit in an air-conditioned office all day

>> No.18460113

didn't ask

>> No.18460116
File: 31 KB, 313x500, 8b9cc40ac2e8b3478e5582577a786d5b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>went to a bookstore the other day
>go to classics section
>half the books were overpriced editions with fancy covers and the other half were Wordsworth Classics
For what purpose

>> No.18460118

to all the depressed people who frequent these threads:

I get that it is entirely possible that you don't want to do anything and I hope you understand that given your situation that can just be how it has to be, your brain either needs this or it has decided that it's gonna do it either way, and that you don't feel guilty about it if that is how it is. But if you do want to do something I recommend getting a pair of rubber gloves and some trash bags and then just going out in the streets in your community picking up trash. It feels really good making the city nicer, it feels really good to be able to do this small thing for other people. I think humans are built to do shit for one another, but there are few opportunities in the modern world. And what's nice is that on the days you do do it, you feel like you at least did something real with your time. I dunno, when I do it I always feel pretty good after a while. I started it because I thought I needed to go for walks to at least get some sun, but just walking was so boring. Picking trash is a task, it gives you focus, it's frankly a lot more fun than just walking.

Well, that's all for me. You do you fampais.

>> No.18460120

is that a video game

>> No.18460121

Don't care

>> No.18460127

I work blue collar job, construction. In winter I hate this job, in summer it is bearable, apart from using public transport to get back, when you are dirty. Withthout a moment of hesitation I would trade my job for a cubicle. Warm in winter, cool in summer, no dust in your eyes, no loud noises. People romanticising manual labor are pretentious cunts.

>> No.18460192

>haven't been out socially in a decade
It's ogre

>> No.18460208

Should I buy the Complete Works of Plato?

>> No.18460210

Im just saying that really successful people have this desire to create since young age. It doesnt suddenly awake.

>> No.18460215

Lmao what an infantile world

>> No.18460240

You can't possibly know that

>> No.18460273

I'm really mad that I can't donate to people or causes that I want because I don't have a fucking credit card.

>> No.18460431

I fondly remember my short time as a garbage man. Back then I actually felt appreciated.

>> No.18460482

I want to know my characters deeply and understand why they do what they do but I don't want to go on a mental masturbation trip just to know that one character likes their steak medium rare and the other one is afraid of commitment

>> No.18460506

I'm pretty far left politically, but people keep comparing me to William F. Buckley Jr. What does this mean? That I'm articulate? A pseud? I'd be good for TV? I'm good at arguing trite and obvious points? What?

>> No.18460507

This girl that I loved who rejected my advances keeps coming to my dreams apologizing and promising to come back. I don't know what to make of it.

>> No.18460520

This is literally page 3 of Freud's dream analysis. It's your subconscious granting the thing you desire that you didn't get IRL.

>> No.18460556

Maybe. But I can't bring myself to trust Freud. I've had prophetic dreams before. I would rather hope it happens again.

>> No.18460574

It's also the, like, one thing Freud said that was almost statistically provable. It was the same types of dreams over and over again for children. The little girl who didn't get ice cream. The little boy who got to play at the beach for 5 more minutes. etc. All manifestations of one's desires made real.

Hell, I had a dream last night I finally got laid for the first time in a few years. You know what I desire? Getting laid for the first time in a few years. You know what I haven't got? Laid for the first time in a few years.

>> No.18460575

do you really believe that miracles happen?

>> No.18460584

>but I don't want to go on a mental masturbation trip just to know that one character likes their steak medium rare and the other one is afraid of commitment
why/why not?
t. not a writer

>> No.18460591

You greentexted 3 words, 2 of which I didn’t even say.

>> No.18460597

You would say that since you don’t actually work in one. Yet we’re supposed to concede authority to you on the matter because you don’t have one? No.

>> No.18460605

It’s not really that infantile to realize just how pathetic your wagie life is.

>> No.18460609

in this moment I am clear, content and happy. I wish you all the same.

>> No.18460620

I believe in prophetic dreams, but at the same time I believe it's risky to start hoping that your dreams are prophetic. If she rejected you you should try to forget her. It'll suck ass, it'll take time but it will be doable. If she does come back into your life, well, take it from there.

>> No.18460643

I hate that my fucking demon had to be the gayest shit ever. again i spent an hour or two looking at crossdressing shit and again I decided to delete the orders that I'd made. this shit can't keep happening it's ridiculous. I have not attraction to men whatsoever and I find the thought of turning trans completely repulsive. I seem to try to embody my sexual desires within my own body rather than properly chase after girls. It's fucking crazy that i can't seem to get away from this fetish for more than a few months at most. I know I can never fucking tell anyone aswell as it's completely fucking insane. I do feel determined to beat this shit once and for all though.

I aalso have a yearning for the sea, like never before.

>> No.18460655

Are you euphoric?

>> No.18460662
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>> No.18460664

So you're just a straight guy that wants to look pretty. Just do it and keep it between yourself and your girlfriend and other people you trust. There's no magical gay or gender switch like society makes you believe.

>> No.18460665

I really don’t want to do this job anymore but I don’t know what else I should be doing. I want to write but you don’t just magically switch jobs as a writer. The military is appealing to me but I know it will be a waste of time at my age. I might just quit, move in with mom and dad, and take some time off to figure things out. I just don’t want to work anymore if I’m being honest.

>> No.18460906

What's the point of the non-linearity to IJ? Just something like, say, that these wildly different arcs and lives are tangled together in a mostly inextricable way? Is is just a sort of narrative trick to hold the reader's attention over the whole course of the thing via injection of arbitrary variety/mix ups? I know it's been a necessary part of the meme trilogy since forever ago but is there actually anybody else left here that's read the thing and has some coherent thoughts on it?

Kindest regards,


>> No.18460918

I also desire another man's partner but I also know that I am a better man than he and she a better woman than he deserves. The righteous prevail. Hold firmly correct to what you know to be true.

>> No.18460921

I think it was introduced because he had to cut nearly 500 pages from the book. The entire plot points of 'action' that are them digging up the head and the invasion and all that are all bits that don't actually happen in the pages of the book, but the time skips we are able to infer it.

It's also a joke on the book's nature of cyclical rewatching of entertainment. The people who watch infinite jest rewatch it until they die. The book is supposed to be an endless circle that you reread over and over again. There is no "beginning" and there is no "end", just an INFINITE... jest. lol

>> No.18460985

Thanks for your thoughts. I was somewhat aware of the so-called parabolic structure of the plot and how the endnotes are supposed to resemble the back/forth of a tennis ball. I think I was trying to tie that neatly in with the temporal fuckery of the thing in a way that doesn't entirely make sense. Parabolic symmetry implies a different kind of symmetric structure to, say, straight out isotropy as in >There is no "beginning" and there is no "end" .
But, thinking just sort of practically, >he had to cut nearly 500 pages from the book,
I didn't know this and that's also a pretty good explanation.

>> No.18461025

The line that runs through the footnotes and the temporal issue is the fact that he wants you to constantly remember that you are reading a book. The fundamental post modernism act of creating empathy, flow, and connection with the words on the page and then to subsequently be explicitly ripped out from it. And he did that, I think, because of his goals with the themes of addiction and entertainment. It would be a completely different experience if everything was in order and neat. There's a reason he used end notes and not foot notes. etc.

>> No.18461067

this book sounds very annoying desu

>> No.18461078

That is also a good point. It is, on reflection, a book in which the nature of the reading plays nearly as much a role as the reading itself. The thing I'm now wondering is if all that is worth the investment required to sustain it. I've said elsewhere here lately that the best parts of this thing (to my mind) are the most tender and humane parts and I'm struggling with some of these 'intellectual' ambitions of the novel not because they're frightening to me (as it happens I'm also a math nerd & athletic enough to be disappointed by mediocrity) but because I begin to wonder if they undermine that very humanity more than they encourage us to bring these considerations into our everyday lives. In that sense, I think perhaps that he was a more capable writer of non-fiction.

>> No.18461109

If I learn modern Arabic, will I be able to read the Quaran straight away?

>> No.18461120

It is. It's my favorite book now, but I would never recommend it to anyone.
I think the struggle to maintain a connection to the very real fake characters is part of the appeal. If one puts this much effort into their relationships with fake people, shouldn't we put that much effort into knowing and understanding our fellow man, outside our disassociative scopes of media and drug addiction? Should we not pierce the veil of modernity to sooth the infectious isolation and loneliness we will all die of?

>> No.18461137

I want to write a story about someone like you. I don’t think you’re weird for the record.

>> No.18461145

I’ve never had a dream like this in my life.

>> No.18461149

We should but it doesn't work, even when you try (most of the time). I think I agree with your sentiment because if it's anything like what I have been considering then I think about this all the time. But there's a disconnect, a ''Nothing,'" like Gately with his failure to grasp God as he understands him. If it's the yearning and not the having that's the thing, why yearn? It hurts so much to be alone.

>> No.18461151

>the best parts of this thing (to my mind) are the most tender and humane parts
>reading for sentimentality
stay pleb

>> No.18461152

Make him a pretty girl, anon.

>> No.18461165

>denying value in emotions
YWNBAH (Human)

>> No.18461167

that's what they call "agp"

>> No.18461170

The feeling of connection with another human soul is the highest part of art. I will accept objections from, and only from, the deeply religious who will claim the highest part of art is connection to God. Tradcath LARPers need not apply.

>> No.18461178

>tear jerkers are good!
it will never make up for your lack of kids, cat lady

>> No.18461186

if i want connection to a human soul i'll go talk to a human not read a post-modern doorstopper

>> No.18461198

Projecting a little are we?

>> No.18461200

I'm honesty jelly that I so rarely get such a connection from IRL interactions as I get from great art. I wish I had what you purportedly have, unironically.

>> No.18461220 [DELETED] 

>calls others non-human
>gets defensive when it's obvious their a lonely old lady

>> No.18461236

>calls others non-human
>claims others are projecting

>> No.18461282

Couldn't decide on a comeback?

>> No.18461291


>> No.18461295

New thread


>> No.18461297

We all make mistakes.

>> No.18461366

Homie, this is what you do: get a tailor. The more miserly the better (not just the ones you're thinking of Asia is tight af too). Get clothes that make you feel like a fashioned man, which are well made. If you want to live your life as an 18th century fop or as an imposing high level gangster or whatever, people will mire if your clothes are well made. You don't want to be a girl, because if you were a girl you would still look like a schlub, and what you want is to not look like a schlub. Get a tailor and be mensch.
I suggest larping as the Lost Generation near the beach too. Bring a picnic.

>> No.18461835

>thought I had an anxiety disorder
>turns out I just wasn't eating enough and it was making me feel like shit
were fat people right all along?

>> No.18461887
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How long have I been alive? Truly alive anyways, for most of my life so far I've been content with submission to others in an attempt to achieve some semblance of order, or perhaps meaning in my existence. Indeed, most of my time in life was not spent living at all, but only wondering why I was alive, which, as one could imagine, was a waste of ever precious time; however, I suppose that I was able to come to my conclusions through those years of thought? Or perhaps it would have come unto me regardless following the death of that man, the answer, I cannot know. Waving the previous statements, I know understand why I live, the answer is as simple as the truth that I was born, ergo I do not need a reason to live, for I am. As such I have felt far more alive as a result of this school of thought than my peers and colleagues who still search for meaning through the material. I am alive now, as I was in my mothers womb. I live.

>> No.18461980


>> No.18462834

>I'm so self-conscious about balding
You literally stated the cause of your balding.