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18452158 No.18452158 [Reply] [Original]

This book is literally /lit/: the novel

>It’s complicated to be a male, especially a white male, with all this lack of sympathy, with all this incessant talk of privilege, with this constant admonition to “Sit down. You’ve had your turn. Now it is time for you to step aside and adopt the attitude of self-loathing,” an attitude I have all along been prone to anyway, by the way. Only now that it is insisted upon, I bristle. If I am to self-loathe, I want it to be my choice, or at least the result of my own psychopathology.

>> No.18452164

Every self loathing person has a huge ego and thinks they're better than everyone, types like Woody Allen and Charlie Kaufman. Guys like Arnold Schwarznegger seems a lot more humble

>> No.18452177

This. Kaufman is a good screenwriter but not nearly as good as he thinks he is. He peaked with eternal sunshine

>> No.18452221

it's a good book but ppl here don't read books

>> No.18453543

He really runs out of ideas after like the first 150 pages

>> No.18453651

Kaufman's hilarious, his self-directed stuff is beyond terrible though - do you think I'd enjoy Antkind?

>> No.18453964
File: 574 KB, 1328x1760, antkind excerpt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Antkind!
I encourage everyone to read the excerpt on the publisher's website:
click on the "read an excerpt" button.
There's also this image.

>> No.18454039
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You got filtered by Synecdoche New York and I'm thinking of ending things

>> No.18454058

I read "I'm Thinking of Ending Things" when I found out he was going to adapt it. The movie was a million times better than the book.

Eternal Sunshine is something to have so you can put the DVD on the first time a girl comes to your place to fuck. It's like owning Moulin Rouge,

>> No.18454428

This is true and just serves as more reason to hate yourself.

>> No.18454455

Mediocre prose, worthless idea, arrogant tone, and a clearly positive ironic identification with wokeism. This is seriously what you /tv/ fags think good writing is?

>> No.18454997

>white male
He's jewish though

>> No.18455075

This is your retarded part of lit. You probably read all the lit trends and swear on some esoteric pseudo philosophy, or hate philosophy entirely.

This is midwit lit you‘re talking about. It’s not about how smart you are or what you read, don‘t read but about the attitude to be person yourself, and not relate everything to some group identity—one you yourself by devaluing it want to put yourself above everyone.


>> No.18455127

Funny you mention this, I actually slept with my last girlfriend for the first time when I watched this movie for the first time.
Makes no difference, it’s still his best and where he peaked.

>> No.18455217

>Synecdoche New York
pretentious pleb shit

>> No.18455320

That’s literally the premise of the book. It’s about a guy named Rosenberger Rosenberg who can’t admit to himself that he’s Jewish.

>> No.18456113


>> No.18456261

Sounds jewish. I think I'll pass on this one

>> No.18456315

It's a good movie, but the only reason anyone could believe it's his peak is because they have underdeveloped mainstream tastes, going for gimmick more than depth.

>> No.18456327

You like Orson Welles, do you? Pseud

>> No.18456328

>He peaked with eternal sunshine
I like Kaufman but I fucking hate that movie, the love interest is an irredeemable cunt.

>> No.18456346
File: 21 KB, 592x518, nickf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kaufman films are terrible. Get some taste.

>> No.18456353

What films do (you) like, anon?

>> No.18456360

I thought the same thing, just parroting an interview he liked because of its energy.

>> No.18456371

Once Upon a Time in Anatolia, Begotten, the Turin Horse, Satantango,

>> No.18456415
File: 673 KB, 1728x1446, E7A4B62E-3F1E-4259-B174-DA2A463A0647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think Kaufman is pretentious but praise begotten? You are a sissy

>> No.18456503

Self-deprecation is certainly part of Woody Allen's schtick, but he's not self-loathing. Woody is incredibly humble for the genius that he is. I mean, these days, you rarely even hear from the guy, he has almost zero media presence besides when his movies come out.

>> No.18456670

That observation is literally just true though

>> No.18456743

Hilarious book. Recommend to anyone who wants a real laugh.

>> No.18456759

>he Turin Horse
I'm Hungarian and only cuck foreigners like that flick. Lemme guess, you felt real sophisticated with your black-and-white film and subtitles? Grow up.

>> No.18456792

these are the comments i like to see on the internet

>> No.18457037

I don't like Jews speaking in my name. So many specifically Jewish problems have gotten attributed to whites recently because they insist on speaking for whites. I do not want to share in their neurosis.

>> No.18457325

It is pretty funny that jewishness is the only reason this passed the neo-liberal censors, any white man would instantly have been turned down and blacklisted.

>> No.18457333

sir this is a wendys

>> No.18457334

Based. I loved the Turin horse

>> No.18458308

>Self-deprecation is certainly part of Woody Allen's schtick, but he's not self-loathing.
Earlier Allen work though, of the 70s and 80s, always had an undertone of understated self-loathing. Welles was right on describing the Allen of his time.

In the early 2000s Allen's films shifted more into a 'life is pretty meaningless so let's see what films we can make' kind of general gentle absurdism, whereas before that there was a good deal more discontentment.

>> No.18460186

im turkish and i think the same of once upon a time

>> No.18460262

You're mixing up the characters that Allen plays for Allen himself. All you have to do is to look at Radio Days or Another Woman to see the difference between what you think of him and who he actually is.

>> No.18460850

>obsesses over BBC
>wants to be a woman
>thinks Armond White is spying on him with drones

that book's the embodiment of /tv/ if anything

>> No.18460880

>Asserting the truth is being a pseud
Heh, just look at guys like Kaufman, sniffing their farts while being weak, small and shy while drowning in their own self perceveid brilliance. Self loathing acompannies a huge ego and thats an universal truth

>> No.18462704

I don't think he peaked there. It's more that he took greater creative control on projects he's been involved with (Michel Gondry peaked there though...everything else in his catalogue is shit except Human Nature (the Kaufman team-up which came before Eternal Sunshine and probably Kaufman's weakest)).

>> No.18462716


>> No.18462836

Buster Keaton films, True Stories, Deathstalker

>> No.18462874

Eh, I really don't see it. I think there are certainly elements of 'self-loathing' in Stardust Memories, and maybe that's the best example, but I think it's more of an artistic choice rather than a reflection on Allen himself.
I believe there is a real understated optimism in his work from the 70s to 80s. For example, take a look at Manhattan which is certainly one of Woody's bleaker movies. But that scene at the end where Tracy tells him he has 'to have a little faith in people' I think represents that optimism best. You've got to remember that Woody didn't just write his own character, he wrote the girl too.
Also, take a look at his appearances on television during that era, especially on Dick Cavett. He's incredibly suave and confident on that program.

>> No.18462916

he wrote not 1 but 2 movies where his self-insert gets cucked by lesbians. Jewish neuroticism is weird

>> No.18462936

A Jew writing about being "white". Americans really know how to make comedy.

>> No.18463026

Stardust Memories is far from self-loathing, given that it's one of the truest depiction of the artistic and celebrity life out there. Sandy has problems like every normal human being and gives voice to them but is idealized by his fans. Given how celeb and internet culture has gone in recent years it's surprisingly prescient, and is actually far more optimistic than what fandoms can be like nowadays. Yet the film ends with the triumph of art over the smaller human foibles, both of the artist and the fans. Sandy makes his film and manages to transform the aches of the everyday into something higher.

Manhattan on the other hand is only optimistic on a surface level given how throughout the film Isaac is shown as largely manipulative and is unable to live up to the idealized world of the romantic black and white cinematography. He's totally willing to fling Tracy off for a neurotic who, earlier, he chastised as being a pretentious poseur. He only gets fucked when he's outplayed by an even bigger cheat. Tracy tells him to have a little faith but given the entire film's characterization of Isaac as a Romantic who gets caught up in delusions and manipulations only to be slapped in the face by reality, this is far less optimism than a subtly-veiled warning to get his shit together because it's likely the relationship is dead anyway. The heartfelt crescendo of the ending's score, like the rest of the movie, is more reflective of the character's internal fantasy than the reality that's going on. But you are correct that Allen is the director manipulating all of these pieces, not the character himself. His film is largely a critical portrait of a manipulator which most people have been fooled into thinking is a romantic love letter to the city.

>> No.18463116
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Is this the thread where we dunk on people who think it's so hard to be white?

>> No.18463122

>literally titled "White"
A bit too on the nose, no? Why are boomers so cringe, bros?

>> No.18463166

The thing about Antkind is that the protagonist, B Rosenberger Rosenberg, insists that he is not jewish.

>> No.18463171

Because Ellis got super duper triggered so hard he could literally only come up with a one word title indicative of the material

>> No.18464234
File: 401 KB, 1100x1700, fag.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go read your Josh Luna comics and wallow in your inferiority complex. Fag.

>> No.18464240


>> No.18464829
File: 892 KB, 850x638, cae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is this the thread where we dunk on people who think it's so hard to be white?

>> No.18465103

Synecdoche, Adaptation and Malkovich are leagues ahead of Eternal Sunshine

>> No.18466525
File: 826 B, 120x160, 1551018169489.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This book is literally /lit/: the novel

>> No.18466533

Oh. So this guy is an incel who can't score. That explains a lot.

>> No.18466605


>> No.18466623

Okay now I'm reading it.

>> No.18466830


>> No.18466844


>> No.18466854

He's gen x retard

>> No.18466919

Yeah, it’s honestly that attitude that makes someone like Kurt Cobain seem like such a phony.

>> No.18467672

I don't think it's always a matter of thinking they're better than everyone, it's more about being overly self conscious/aware. You can be legitimately self loathing without being arrogant. Sometimes people who hate themselves really are humble, always putting others before themselves and not seeing their own worth.

>> No.18468134

I didn't even notice time was jumping forward within the first scene until I watched it the second time I watched Synecdoche. Great movie.

>> No.18469213

This take makes absolutely no sense. You didn't read the book did you?

>> No.18470934

I love Eternal Sunshine but I can confirm, I did this with a date of mine.