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/lit/ - Literature

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18448516 No.18448516 [Reply] [Original]

Whenever I try to read I'll have to constantly reread sentences or paragraphs because I forgot what I just read. ADD was considered and I was meant to get meds for it, but when I was diagnosed with high functioning ASD they decided no meds. Is there anything I can do for myself to make it better? I don't want to have to give up my love for reading. Currently reading through pic related but I think I might give up

>> No.18448525

Just keep doing it. Discipline will make you better, there is no other way besides the one straight ahead

>> No.18448537

just get the meds if you really can not will yourself through it
I know several guys who are completly fine but take ADD drugs anyway to turbo-charge their intellectual path
it will take a few years off your life for sure but everything in life is a tradeoff

>> No.18448543

how old were you when you got diagnosed?

>> No.18448588

I read plenty of novels when I was a kid and it was just as bad back then, powering through won't make it better. Only reason I managed it back then was I had nothing else to do and had more energy.

I live in the UK and am fairly sure you need a prescription to get meds


>> No.18449081

for sci fi I'd recommend short stories instead of escapism novels

>> No.18449462

Autism Spectrum Disorder?

>> No.18449505

Unironically get off the internet for at least a month. The format of the internet as a whole rots the attention span.

>> No.18449511

never understood this. I work a fairly mentally demanding job and listen to audiobooks the entire time. Classic literature and history books almost exclusively. 100% retention. I do that for ~8 hours a day. I also outperform my peers at my job.

>> No.18449564

Yes. To be more precise I have what they used to call Asperger's but they grouped it and a bunch of other conditions into one umbrella term

Am trying to limit my time but completely cutting it out is not an option for me

Good for you anon

>> No.18449590

>I have trouble focusing while reading, what do I do?
>G-good for you, anon.

>> No.18449599

Hi OP:

use the pomodoro method. Set a timer for 15 or 25 minutes, and read during that and then set a timer for 5 minutes and just close your eyes and rest from reading for that period, and then repeat.

>> No.18449607

By reading, like most other things you need to just do it.

>> No.18449623

>Am trying to limit my time but completely cutting it out is not an option for me
Yes it is. You don't need to remove access to things like email and maps, but you do need to compel yourself to stay away from any dopamine stimulating activities, like forums. If you really want to change, you can change.

>> No.18449648

I have an ADHD diagnosis and hadn’t read since middle school (21 now) but just this year I started reading again, without using medication as it makes me irritable, and have completed 26 books so far. So yes, it’s possible anon. You will progressively get better at reading the more you do so. Just make sure to read everyday, at least 30 pages or so, to implement it as a habit. From there on it will become easy and you will find yourself reading sometimes 100+ pages a day.

>> No.18449689

literally how is reading difficult or mentally exhausting? Especially when i presume you aren't exactly attempting Hegel while performing heart surgery.

>> No.18449703

Zoomer dopamine receptors are fried from daily extensive internet usage.

>> No.18449709

zoomers are the only generation more mentally retarded than boomers.

>> No.18449729

I have OCD so it's very difficult to read without medication. The amount of anxiety this causes me is frightening.

>> No.18449744
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Do I look like I stuttered?

First actual piece of advice that isn't "just do it lel" thank you

Ok I'm kind of contradicting what I just said but hearing this from someone in a similar situation is reassuring. I'll keep going.

Because I don't have a neurotypical brain


The concept of naming generations is retarded and has no benefit

Please share any ways you've found to help it. Otherwise I hope you learn something from this thread.

>> No.18449754

This and take amphetamines and stop fapping and stop fucking.

>> No.18449800

Using legal meth to read with your full attention is pussy shit. Just read a page a day no matter what, make it a habit to read and you will quickly improve

>> No.18450463

Life Hack
do some meth beforehand and you'll be up for hours with nothing to do but read and build birdhouses at 3AM

>> No.18452427

Take the book you want to read, a piece of paper and a pen. Read a paragraph and then try to rewrite that paragraph using your own words. It'll take way longer to get through a book but you'll retain much more and understand much more.

>> No.18453887

read more interesting books and control your environment. I can only focus on things I'm generally interested in, and even then I usually get bored after an hour or so unless I know that there's nothing more interesting I could be doing at the time.