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18447428 No.18447428 [Reply] [Original]

Is Progress a real and desirable notion underwriting the liberal tradition, or is it mere driving myth?

Christopher Lasch traces the idea and it's lineage from Christian Millenarianism to its secularization and finally through to its current form, the idea of continual and limitless improvement in quality of life via technology and democratization, which is reinforced by a consumer culture and the hostility to memory as nostalgia and tradition (prejudice, particularism, nationalism, etc) as illiberal.

>> No.18447651
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>> No.18447684

Utter myth. If these faggots that worship “science” took an objective scientific biological look at the modern world they’d see we’re living in the unhealthiesta d most disgusting time period in human history very far from their notions that somehow everything is infinitely improving.

>> No.18447716

you wouldn't last one minute in the premodern world. have fun shitting in a chamber pot and living without basic sanitation you whiny faggot

>> No.18447737

>lol life would be harder the the pre modern world you idiot

>> No.18447749

Anon you are physically more unhealthy then 99.9% of all humanity that has ever loved if you are obese. You might be deluded to think life is easier now but the biological fact is you are living a disgusting life.

>> No.18447771

it must have really bothered them that they didn't have toilets and showers

>> No.18447825

>man evolves for millions of years to perfectly suit his environment
>this lifestyle is somehow now repulsive to """normal""" people
So normal. We aren't weird spoilt freaks now or anything lol

>> No.18447863

A few years ago prior to COVID I spent about a month in western China one day to check out a temple I stayed in a village where the only toilets were outhouses. Was very gross there were maggots and shit in the ditch and it stank to high heaven but the villagers seemed relatively happy and if I stayed there a while I’d probably get used to it.

>> No.18448116
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they werent healthy back then

>> No.18448182

>actually the fat people are the healthy ones

>> No.18448219

>If these faggots that worship “science” took an objective scientific biological look at the modern world they’d see we’re living in the unhealthiesta d most disgusting time period in human history
That's silly, anon. Of course, yes it is unhealthy in the macro sense, but it is much more hygienic on the everyday level. As the other anon said, go larp in a teepee for a few months and find out how clean that life is

Progress is a myth though that's for certain. Enjoying my neet life and not feeling guilty in the slightest that i don't "contribute"

>> No.18448282

>Progress is a myth that's for sure
>doesn't work

>> No.18448308

Lasch is absolutely based. The foremost critic of the nouveau elite faggots

>> No.18448369

Progress is a necessary notion that functions as a foundation for the ideological liberal view on anthropology. It is acceptable to believe in progress, but it is ingenuous to believe that history is inherently progress

>> No.18448742

Why is it necessary?

>> No.18448775

Not him (i'm OP), but to Lasch Progress, necessary or not, has underwritten liberalism and in its economic form (which is considerably powerful when results are so quick to come as they have from roughly 1860-1960) provided a practical, egalitarian foundation. At its core is a firm (religious) belief in science and universal abundance, and its primary mode of expression is unceasing critical discourse to absolutely everything aside from it.

>> No.18449348

Reading culture of narcissism for the first time right now. It’s amazing but I’m kinda not understanding the overall thesis. Ik I’m dumb so can someone explain it to me

>> No.18449382

Better fat than emaciated or dead of starvation.

>> No.18449892

The only thing we're progressing towards is extinction.

>> No.18449916

your caveman ancestors were more manly and had better sex than you ever will.

hunting mammoths with your bros was way more fulfilling than filling excel spreadsheets in a sterile, politically correct corporate office.

yea you might have died at 35, but who cares.

>> No.18450596
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>As the other anon said, go larp in a teepee for a few months and find out how clean that life is
Noo, nooo, you can't shit in a hole in the earth. This is like TERRIBLE!!!

>> No.18450639

>and its primary mode of expression is unceasing critical discourse to absolutely everything aside from it.
The thing is, now with Covid it will only get worse

>> No.18451029

Revolt of the Elites is his best.