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18447191 No.18447191 [Reply] [Original]

>Romantic relationship is power dynamic stuff
>Therefore if you always starting to chat her first or always be the one who give compliment to her, you are turn into the needy person. You gave her too much power. “Let there be silence time when you don’t chat her first so she will realize; ‘Ohh, where’s this sweety boy? I guess i must chat him first.’ Remember, relationship is when both of you want each others, not just you. So stop being needy,” the writer of this book said.

>In order to gain attention from your crush, you must change yourself (your clothes and attitudes).
>Replace everything old in yourself into the new things. This will make her curious and listen to you carefully.

Yea, these are the several things i had learn from this book. What do you think?

>> No.18447240

Thanks. Very informative.

>> No.18447271

Just have common sense and be confident

Thats it. Just follow this guideline and I promise you that you'll get a girlfriend OP

>> No.18447309
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Romantic relationships unironically require a requisite degree of manipulation and bad faith on the behalf of both parties, which is why they are unworthy of the pure, transparent autistic.

Embrace your natural gift of autism. It's literally celibacy that you don't even have to try to do.

>> No.18447314

There isn't a point of relationships unless you are in polygamy.

>> No.18447342

The PUA books of the early 2000’s said the exact same thing.

So it’s probably true.

>> No.18447348

I understand. But to be confident, i need to work for myself first ; Get a job, get good salary, and buy stuff, etc. It will take times to be confident.

You can’t smile and look straight up to your crush with empty pocket and messed up face, bud.

>> No.18447350
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>have common sense and be confident
How do I attain these superpowers.

>> No.18447361

I fucking hate dating and relationships. Just bring back arranged marriages and retire this confusing, inscrutable current "dating" mechanism.

>> No.18447384

I agree on the first paragraph you had written there. It’s always has been “fucking” each others with bad intentions since the beginning of humanity. I am sure both of your mommy and dad had decided to start relationship for the sake of sex; biological needs rather than for christian faith (in case you come from Christian family background).

>> No.18447394

the concept of the friend-zone is retarded and I hate everyone that perpetuates it.

>> No.18447398

What's the matter bro, you don't want to try your hardest to impress a woman who thinks it's normal to fuck 10+ men a year in her 20s? Sounds like a you problem, not a her being a burned out loveless whore and emotional wreck with inflated expectations because men out of her league will give her limitless attention as long as they're only looking for sex and she's offering it problem.

>> No.18447434

I mean unless you're like extremely fucking poor to the point it's visceral when people are around you then I don't see why you would think like that. But hey, if that helps then go ahead

>> No.18447437

hes probably also out of shape or an addict

>> No.18447498

this is not false, but completely obvious and apparent to anyone with half a brain that has been in a relationship at least once. After adolescence, not being too needy to keep the dynamic balanced becomes automatic if you're not socially retarded.

>> No.18447505


>> No.18447510

i've always been dirt poor and always had a gf, usually they buy me stuff. Just try to look decent with the tools you have. oh and be tall, at least 6'2

>> No.18447522

Thanks anon. I appreciate your point of view so much. I will improve myself (mentally and physically) to the point that girls will look at me as a person who deserve to be loved by ‘em.

>> No.18447531

Dating is a completely foreign concept to me. It just seems like socially acceptable prostitution. You buy a woman a meal or a night out and then she fucks you in return. Is there anything more to it?
t. Non-American

>> No.18447545

>socially retarded
I am always spending my times talking to my friends but when it comes to a girl; i am become disgusting beta male.

Maybe the term “romantically retarded” is better at this point.

>> No.18447557

prostitution is much better, at least you're sure to get the service you pay for, in your terms.

>> No.18447565

yeah of course, there is a difference. imho your best shot is not giving a fuck and lower your standards, there's a lotta fish in the sea, and it all smells

>> No.18447600

>and it all smells
what did he mean by this?

>> No.18447603

women are disgusting
>t.str8 guy

>> No.18447610

>"the very elements that nurture love - reciprocity, mutuality, protection, closeness, emotional security, predictability - are sometimes the very things that stifle desire"

>> No.18447614

He means that i can identify all the opportunities in every girls i met.

>> No.18447751

you haven't talked to a real woman in your life

>> No.18448587


>> No.18448622
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Pls explain anon

>> No.18449246

>In order to gain attention from your crush, you must change yourself

Jesus. There is so much wisdom in this. Suppose to go on a date and it goes fine. Afterward the hours go by, a day goes by, if the girl doesn't text you back then you need go accept that she already has a mental snapshot of who you are currently. To offer more of who you are currently would not somehow make her want to break that silence.

The best thing you could do is improve the fuck out of yourself. Maybe you run into her a month later, or 6 months later, or 2 years later, and she sees the updated life you have, and then she'll want to break the silence.

>> No.18449332

i hate esls

>> No.18449536

>In order to gain attention from your crush, you must change yourself (your clothes and attitudes)
wrong, this just turns you into a bland NPC. you need to identify the best and worst parts of yourself, reject the worst and embrace the best to become more yourself. a true individual will provoke more reaction than tucked-in shirt guy no.10249433823

>> No.18449569

Stop reading dating book retards or cut off your balls and return to/LGBT/
You are murrican midwit who is accustomed to consumerist culture of your muttland, so just buy marketing book and learn sales. I.e become cheap clown/sponsor for aging slut who has 949558 other options at any given moment of time

>> No.18449586

Imagine being so subhuman and backwards in your development that you need a fucking book to not being a little bitch. Do you need a book about how to not shit your pants in public space too?

>> No.18449618

I feel like the reason most men struggle with women are due to emotional and psychological issues (depression, anxiety, insecurity). That’s why many resort to tricks and imitation of what ‘alphas’ do since there is an empty husk where their feelings are supposed to be, these are the same dudes that post on 4chan after losing their virginity and saying they don’t get the hype (because sensation ends at their penis).

>> No.18449638

Everything you need to know about how to behave, mentally, can be learned from reading the ancients. If a guy in 500BC Greece would have thought it cringe, don't do it. Obviously don't tell women they are property, but you need to sort of have that mindset. Just that the societal power over them is gone, so you must attract them with the masculinity which has attracted them for millions of years.

>> No.18449666

not him but they smell bad. also I like men better personality wise. I like women though and don't think they're disgusting.

>> No.18449668

After spending so much time improving, there's a strong possibility that you will no longer be interested in that girl. By that point, you could do better.

Dude, where do you think you are? At least 90% of the people on this site have some kind of issues with socializing or relationships. This is like going to some gay conversion website and being like man you guys really need a book on how to not be gay? What are you, gay? Well, yeah, they are.

>> No.18449690

all you should have to do to get a woman is exist naturally and some women will gravitate towards you. if it isn’t happening then you need should change yourself for your own sake, because if no woman wants you then you probably aren’t living up to your potential. whether you want women is an entirely separate question.

of course you also have to be adept socially too. if you are healthy but you don’t know what’s considered inappropriate culturally then you will come off poorly. just spending time around people will naturally fix your deficiencies as you will pick up on the appropriate behavior.

>> No.18449752

My girlfriend has been with 29 different men. Used to be an escort.

Should I be upset about this?

>> No.18449760

So only fuck PhD student sacred prostitutes and 16 year old boys?

>> No.18449763

will this work on trans girls

>> No.18449768


>> No.18449775

My god, there is nothing I hate more than trannies. All of them, no exceptions. Anyone who is a tranny should die.

>> No.18449780

yes thats why I asked, because they are not real women

>> No.18449785

I don't understand how you couldn't be but if you two are happy and she has stopped, I don't want to make you feel bad about your relationship. I hope you guys have a pleasant, healthy relationship and that life is behind her.

They are sick. They need help, not hatred. Well, the ones who prey on others deserve hatred but many are victims of mental illness, a cult, and a society that failed them.

>> No.18449791

Wow anon, not the kind of response I was expecting.

Yes, she told me she quit doing it for me.

>> No.18449795

>Therefore if you always starting to chat her first or always be the one who give compliment to her, you are turn into the needy person.
Huh? I thought you were supposed to go up to girls and be confident and upfront about your feelings? Now you're supposed to just wait for them to approach you? Oh gosh this is all so confusing...

>> No.18449807

I have a good feeling that birthrates are declining and less people are dating because men (and by extreme women) are degenerating to the point that they are seen as disgusting by women. It’s basically nature telling us that we are fucking up. What other species forgot how to reproduce successfully?

Men are becoming so insecure, scared, self-defeating, and overall pathetic. Even among the men that do attract women, many are pretending and copying the behavior of other men because they don’t how else to attract women. There are men that literally believe that being mean to a woman, and showing her that YOU THINK SHES JUST A WHORE AMONG A SEA OF WHORES is what turns women on. And they are completely right, that will turn on women, but just the emotionally abused ones. Any healthy woman sees through that facade completely.

Go on any of these pick up artist communities for a good laugh. These guys are so scared of being genuine that copy and paste their whole personality from what some muscular guy says is the “right” behavior. If she does this then do this. If she does that then do that, and don’t even think about doing that or else she’s going to think you’re a weak beta.

It’s no wonder that so many women are entering sexual relationships with women now. Because as much as you 4chan retards who quote Schopenhauer will deny it, women are better than men right now. Women are better at understanding and processing their emotions and expressing themselves. And these are the keys to attracting anyone. If you are like most men and you are emotionally numb because you learned to suppress emotions since they’re gay and feminine, then the only way you can attract a woman is by pretending to be something other than what you are. The funny thing is that these people only want women in the first place because male culture tells them that men who don’t have women are losers. In summary they are completely scared of not conforming, they indeed are the biggest pussies pretending not to be. If they weren’t pussies, they would learn to feel their emotions again even if they are uncomfortable, so that their true desires are revealed and so that they don’t need to imitate behavior to attract women because the right behavior is already inside of them.

I honestly don’t know what the difference is between men and women is, but I do know masculinity and femininity are made up. Look at the average 4chan larper, they look back and idolize ancient mythical figures like Hercules saying they represent TRUE masculinity, which is raw strength, power and stoicism. But all they are doing is imitating other men under the illusion that if they imitate hard enough then women will gravitate towards them. Funnily enough the belief that women will gravitate towards them is the only thing that is helping them, because it destroys the belief that they are unworthy of a woman, but the masculine ideology they adopt does nothing for them except push away(1/x)

>> No.18449812

I think both promiscuity should be discouraged and sex work should be illegal but if someone can be saved, good for them. I'm not going to be the one to save any of those girls but if other men want to for whatever reason, whether it be desperation or true love, good for them if it works out. Most of them, like transgender people, are vicitms of a society that failed them. The people responsible for creating this nightmare should be given no mercy (though it's unlikely they will ever get the punishment they deserve...) but the ordinary people who have bought into or been pushed into the degeneracy they've created usually deserve forgiveness if they are genuinely leaving that world behind. Does her past upset you? Do you have hope for the relationship?

>> No.18449822

>What do you think?
I chose tonight of all nights to make my glorious return to /lit/ after last gracing this board with my presence in 2014, and this is the absolute state I find it in.
What have you all done?

>> No.18449823

I wouldn't say most women are better than men right now but I agree with a lot of what you're saying. Both sexes are in a dire state at the moment and both want to blame everything on the other. These kind of societal problems can't be solved on an individual level but we as individuals can improve our own lives, try to find a good woman, and then try to raise a good family. The real battle is beyond that though. If you actually want to set things right, you have to have political and/or economic power. Elites are the ones who decide history.

>> No.18449826

Oddly enough, no, it doesn't. I might be more bothered if she had kids but she doesn't.

She keeps thanking me for helping her out of it, so I dunno... She's very attractive and about five years younger than me so... Hell, why not?

>> No.18449827

I have a crush on my best friend. he said I wasnt his type (I didnt ask btw). hes a 10/10 and im lonely and masturbate to him alot. I don't mind that im not is type (I mean I do care but I don't feel im owed anything) but he is always talking about other friends of ours and is mentioning how he would fuck them even though he doesn't find them attractive, but that their personality is good enough that he wants to fuck them. It just feels pretty shitty because it feels like he either doesn't like my personality as much (even though we're besties) or he just finds my appearance so repulsive. Im at least glad I get to hangout with him alot
hopefully he did not happen to enter /lit/-literature today.

>> No.18449831

potential mates. These guys are so fucking clueless that they lift a fuck ton of weights and take steroids trying to look just like these statues, then they bitch about hot women going after “skinny art fags”.

Ultimately the culture we have created is to blame for all dating issues that are manifesting. We are becoming too “heady” and logical. We are disrupting our natural instincts that make attraction happen normally, and replacing them with theories and ideologies. We are all becoming physically uglier, addicts, mentally and physically sick, because we are only concerned with the furthering of culture instead of our own health and survival.

>> No.18449834

That sounds painful. What is his type? How fit are you? How do you dress? Have you ever confessed your feelings for him?

>> No.18449840

Did you meet her as an escort or did you two meet outside of her work?

>> No.18449860

Backpage which is a website for escort services etc.

I don't even know how it came about or why I even asked but I asked her if she would be okay with a relationship so here we are..

I don't know why I did it, I just.. did.

I guess I was trying to love without being judgmental. I didn't for a second think she would be so receptive and open to it, she said she had only been doing it for a couple months.

I don't really think about it much, five years ago the idea would have made me sick to my stomach.

I mean, I don't feel "desperate" or anything. Kinda just feels like someone else has been at my controls, it's all pretty odd to me.

>> No.18449865

She's lying about the number. My ex was an escort and it was over 100.

>> No.18449867

why are you gay?

>> No.18449870

Have you read The Underground Man?

>> No.18449877

Personally I wouldn't respect a lover who hadn't fucked at least 240 men and boys as a sacred temple prostitute dedicating their flows of semen to the all powerful female god of causing life.

Are you some dumb kind of cunt who takes a second rate whore who can't milk cum? What are you? Patriarchal Israelite Jerusalem High Place or some other dumb patriarchal shit?

>> No.18449878

Did The Underground Man try to help a prostitute too? I forgot about that. I know Raskolnikov did.

>> No.18449880

Yeah, probably.

>> No.18449884

Nope. Never have.

>> No.18449890

well you're a faggot and you don't even fuck men

>> No.18449891

Are you ok, dude? You don't sound very ok.

>> No.18449893

That's true, actually. Very perceptive of you.

>> No.18449895

also you would be gay too if you met the guy im talking about

>> No.18449898

I'm sure he's very handsome. I'm attracted to men but I don't have relationships or sex with them. Anyways, what's his type and can you become it?

>> No.18449901

Can you describe him for us (not in a gay way though)

>> No.18449906

Why the fuck do you guys go to escorts? I hope you aren't degenerates anymore.

>> No.18449921

idrk, hes into bodybuilding and likes guys with muscles. ive been working out more recently (although not body building) and ive been getting more attention from some people. it might help a little idk. also he mentioned that he dislikes my posture. idk im just rambling and feel lame talking about this stuff on r9k I mean lit. basically I don't know. I havent told him about my crush on him or come on to him intentionally. I guess its possible hes changed his opinion since I don't look the same as a I did when he said he wasnt into me, but he probably wouldve said something if he had changed his mind.

>> No.18449935

That's good that you've been working out. Staying healthy is always important. Become a bodybuilder or move on and find a new love interest. Being in love with a close friend is an excruciatingly painful experience, something I'm sure you're already aware of. Do you think it would weird him out if you said you were into him or asked what he thought of you physically? Idk what is considered weird between gay friends since I rarely interact with homosexuals.

>> No.18449940

Why not? Escorts tend to be on the more attractive side and all women are whores anyway so what's the problem?

As long as she doesn't have any STIs. Besides, she says she wants to stop doing that shit for me, it's kinda flattering.

>> No.18449944

If you've stopped, it's fine. I'm just saying prostitution is degeneracy. The same goes for promiscuity but it's not quite as offensive since there isn't money involved. It's best to just get a gf instead of going to a whore (literal or otherwise).

>> No.18449947

You know what they say, love is blind and all that jazz.

>> No.18449951

I forgot to mention that not all women are whores. There are good women out there even though they can be challenging to find. The same goes for there being good men out there.

>> No.18449952

>Whining about degeneracy in this day and age

Oh, I'm sure you're a model specimen of the species buddy..

>> No.18449960

"The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'

>> No.18449962

If you have to resort to paying women to fuck you, I doubt you're a model specimen yourself. Yes, people should have standards for themselves and others. I would like to live in a pleasant society.

>> No.18449968

I'm an atheist but if Christ helps you to live a more virtuous life, more power to you.

>> No.18449973

>Not all women are whores

Well, I mean.. yeah. The ugly ones probably aren't.

>> No.18449983

I think this is a bad mentality to have. There are a large number of young men who seem to think this. While there certainly are a large number of promiscuous women, it's not nearly as large as some people on the internet or the people running the media would have you believe. There are good women out there just as there are good men out there and both sexes are necessary to perpetuate the race. You just have to improve yourself as much as you can and do your best to find her.

>> No.18449989

In bourgeois society all women trade coitus or romance for objects or services obtainable by the exchange of exchange-value. They react to eros as commodity, and to the useful things of life as commodities.

All women are whores.

>> No.18450009

In all societies women desire men who possess higher status (including good looks) or more resources. I don't care about that. That's fine. Hypergamy is eugenic. What I meant is that it's bad for so many young men to get this idea in their head that most young women are going out and having sex with another new guy every weekend or something. More women than you might expect are not promiscuous, including some pretty ones. I don't want more people getting locked into this toxic, self-destructive mindset that demonizes all women, especially young White men who need to be going out and getting married so they can make some babies.

>> No.18450037

I'm not interested in specifically demonising women, sir, I am interested in detesting all persons equally for what they are. Next time avoid loaded language like "whore." Try "slut" if you mean negative appraisals of female hypersexuality in our current society.

As noted above, sacred prostitutes were hypersexual and admirable for the same. Now, sir, take my fucking corn tithe and unzip.

>> No.18450122

After finding my wife, I can confirm that being yourslef, that is, your best honest self, is the way to go.
Love is not blind, stupid, mysterious. It's the careful learning of each other throughout your time together. As all learning this one may be tedious, difficult and it will never work if it's not redciprocal.
The learning part is what's essential in love. Nothing else.

>> No.18450143

Getting a realistic understanding of how relationships and women function made me realize that I don't want one. Haven't made any effort to even speak to a woman in years.

>> No.18450159

I don't want to be the sort of man that women are actually attracted to. If that makes me unwanted by them, then so be it. They can go do whatever it is they want to do. I don't care what happens to them.

>> No.18450275

it'd be weird in my opinion cause we've been good friends for 8 years and I'm not in his league. he talks to me about all the people hes dating or into and there isn't room in there.

>> No.18450289

hot men are also whores they just don't always flash it online because they're more self aware

>> No.18450293

also im more autistic than he is so its just undesirable

>> No.18450357
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This board went down the shitter so quickly. Like people thought it would be too cringe if a few discord sweaties decided to try and post here like butterfly, but honestly, it's gone full circle and people are back here posting about incel shit straight-faced. The pajeet is strong in OP's grammer

>> No.18450368

kill all the losers, melt their heads on a stick so their blood bleeds out quick

>> No.18450376

>I mean unless you're like extremely fucking poor to the point it's visceral when people are around you
That anon sounded like he was a NEET who didn't even have a job. In which case he has $0 and probably lives with his parents. Good chance he's never even had a job before. I would know.

>> No.18450397

Your problem is that the only thing you've done is talk to them

>> No.18450406
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hahaha hell yeah

>> No.18450425
File: 336 KB, 1846x2048, 894087B1-6E9E-48F3-815B-F8A0F8BF0DD6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice to see someone with a positive outlook on women

>> No.18450441

Women positively serve their role as pseudo-human fuckholes, I admit.

>> No.18451876
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>Said the broken chromosomal degenerate who sleeps with a toy fire truck