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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 176 KB, 1440x900, IJforum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1844674 No.1844674 [Reply] [Original]

>Make Infinite Jest Forum Thread
>Get flamed to hell and back
>Delete thread like a little bitch

>> No.1844684

no his complaints were justified.

>> No.1844683

If by getting flamed you mean Fabulous having a bitch fit, then yes we were getting flamed.

>> No.1844687


>> No.1844691

well it was kind of warranted

your forums aren't great

>> No.1844692

Lol gtfo. There were also anon poining out the true identity of the site owner and also how its all just a VIRAL ADVERTISING SCAM.


>> No.1844693


look it up faggot

>> No.1844699


How the hell is this a viral advertising scam? The book was published in 1996, a bit late for advertising now, no?

Because you got banned for trolling?

>> No.1844706
File: 78 KB, 500x375, 1305853431513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make thread
>expect to get new recruits to your shitty website
>start getting a few flames
>delete thread immediately

Thats some real cowardly antics right there.

tl;dr: Infinite Jest readers are faggots

>> No.1844710


>How the hell is this a viral advertising scam? The book was published in 1996, a bit late for advertising now, no?

>implying that whoever inherited the publishing rights doest still get a couple of bucks every time a copy is sold.

you really are dumb arent you?

>> No.1844711


Fucking summerfags.....

>> No.1844712

>Because you got banned for trolling?
he wasnt trolling

>> No.1844713

hai there malavox

>> No.1844719

Alright, i'm done with this stupidity.

If people want to read IJ with us, thats their choice. Whether or not PrinceCharming/Fabulous/DicksInMyAss approves isn't important to us. Those who want to read will, those who won't don't have to. We made a thread to let people know we were reading, some people weren't mature enough to handle it, we deleted it because honestly we could give two fucks.

>> No.1844718

>Infinite Jest Forum


>> No.1844723

>not to mention the fact that the website creator probably gets $6.00 CPM for his website
>this guy is obviously raking in from those DFW royalties
>absolute fucking morons everywhere

I mean this from the absolute bottom of my heart. Go drink sulfuric acid you fucking double nigger.

>> No.1844724


this is how mature the admins of the site are you guys

>> No.1844739

>Go drink sulfuric acid you fucking double nigger.
>double nigger

you obviously have some character there son

>> No.1844745

>we deleted it because honestly we could give two fucks
not giving a fuck would have been just leaving the thread up. you obviously DO very much give a fuck faggot.

>> No.1844752
File: 11 KB, 259x194, images2..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Malavox - confirmed as worst tripfag on /lit/

>> No.1844754

>We made a thread to let people know we were reading, some people weren't mature enough to handle it, we deleted it because honestly we could give two fucks.

Use of the royal we: the ultimate sign of pretentious bull shit.

>> No.1844761

I've always wondered what this book is like compared to "Fight Club".

Anyone know?

>> No.1844770



>> No.1844783

so is IJ the new fight club?

>> No.1844794


No, it's hipster lit that yuppies also read.

>> No.1844795
File: 110 KB, 800x600, 1307400088421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come on guys is IJ like fight club or not?

>> No.1844802
File: 28 KB, 404x267, fReEMaSoNs_cOnTrOl_Th3_wEaTheR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The forum is just a bunch of egotistical kids clawing for power. They could have easily held the discussions on /lit/, but instead they have to move it onto their territory so that they can be in control. This on its own is fine, but then they continue to invite people from /lit/ over, making it thereby an extension of /lit/. Why not just have the discussions here? It's not like the board moves fast. I'm pretty sure it's so that whoever the admin of this shit is can have the ultimate superhero powers to lock and delete threads, making him the toughest kid in town!

>> No.1844804

Is this thread still up? Wow. /lit/ fucking sucks. Move on kiddies.

>> No.1844807

Is this thread still up?
Yes, unlike the shitty 'Forum' which has now gone.

>> No.1844812

looks up to me

>> No.1844828


Same here.

What's all the commotion anyway? Are we still doing this thing?

>> No.1844830

don't know where people are getting the notion that it's stopped

>> No.1844835

>insulted by my use of a racial slur as an insult
>nonchalant to the fact that I legitimately would love to see you dead

>> No.1844839

what you going to do in a couple of months when everyones read it then?

>> No.1844841

well it's obvious this isnt about the reading,

so i'd like to see this answered too

>> No.1844845

Dudes, it's about the reading...
like during "the during".
Why would we be caring about what happens after?

>> No.1844846

The site will have served its purpose and we'll move on with our lives. Duh.

>> No.1844849
File: 195 KB, 922x562, NLOTHkennymorrison2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is now about Bono

>> No.1844861

Bono is cool, unlike these DFW worshipping morons.

>> No.1844862

Why dont you just discuss it on /lit/ then?

>> No.1844872

Because if you discuss it on /lit/, you get spammed with "DFW SUCKS" "NO DISCERNABLE TALENT" and suicide jokes. They probably want to have an actual conversation about the book, not a 250 post clusterfuck.

>> No.1844873

Cause we have a forum.
It's a lot simpler and neater.

On a more related note,
I've never listened to any Bono, where is a good starting point?

>> No.1844874

The Joshua Tree. So fucking good. All U2 is God Tier though.

>> No.1844876

Thanks Gent.

>> No.1844878


because summer

see: this thread

>> No.1844891

enjoy your faggy little forum. the real fans of literature will be reading (and posting here)

>> No.1844898


>> No.1844906


I'll continue posting both places, bringing more to the table at either place than you could ever hope for.

>> No.1844909

do what you want gent

Good for you gent