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File: 61 KB, 486x452, derp3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1844602 No.1844602 [Reply] [Original]

Is there anyone on the planet that is fluent in Sumerian?

I would love to speak it. Never will though probably.

>> No.1844624
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I don't believe there is a single person on earth that would know for certain how the vowels etc. would be pronounced. Same as Egyptian. It's all guess work.

There are a lot of people who can read Egyptian Hieroglyphs, but very few who can read cuneiform.

I would actually bow to someone who could legitimately read cuneiform. Truly an astonishing feat.

>> No.1844625

I think that even if someone learned how to write in Sumerian, there's probably no way to learn the phonetics or speak it.

>> No.1844633

Oh man that would be awesome, OP. Go for it. Don't ask about the guy who is fluent in Sumerian. Be the guy who is fluent in Sumerian.

>> No.1844640


>> No.1844641

Hmm, but if all that remains of Sumerian is in text form, then there is no longer such a thing as the phonetics of Sumerian. So, someone who can read and write it fluently would really be fluent in the language as it is presently manifested in the world.

>> No.1844652
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>> No.1844660

If one were to attempt speaking cuneiform/Sumerian, they would make faces that would look awfully similar to OP's pic.