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/lit/ - Literature

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18445131 No.18445131 [Reply] [Original]

can someone explain to me, in the most accessible way possible, simulacras and simulations?
i know it's supposed to be vague, i really am interested in this idea, but too much of a mid-wit to comprehend it taken directly from the source,

>> No.18445159
File: 233 KB, 1371x1778, EgCoSwfX0AA8QcB (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See attached

>> No.18445164


>> No.18445414
File: 56 KB, 468x403, EC0F68FF-6694-44D0-B8F8-F5BE694C7A34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absolute state of lit
The whole point is it calls into question the ability to definitively determine the line between truth and fiction. There’s no longer a real or fake, only a radical indetermination “The mark of simulation is the inability to distinguish the real from fiction” from ‘intelligence of evil or lucidity pact’

>> No.18445421

Pseud words. You can dismiss anyone who uses them.

>> No.18445545

stupid image. the corn is not a sign or representation, it is the thing itself. cooking it doesn't change that. the only point at which there is a symbolism is in the last image, in which the design is supposed to stand for and is not it. but even then it is not a simulacrum of corn.

>> No.18445644


>> No.18445906

A simulacrum is something reified beyond appearance. One has simulated a beyond to appearance. In other words, simulation "is the production of the real", and this is always the sense in which he uses the word production too. Now, the opposite of simulation to Baurillard is illusion. Illusion is the destruction (or, in Baudrillard's terminology, "seduction") of "reality"/simulacra by appearance. The relevance of the idea of the seduction of reality is everywhere present in an age of news whose truth cannot be determined.
>The whole point is it calls into question the ability to definitively determine the line between truth and fiction. There’s no longer a real or fake, only a radical indetermination “The mark of simulation is the inability to distinguish the real from fiction” from ‘intelligence of evil or lucidity pact’
While correct, this is not a definition.

>> No.18445917

First quote meant to quote OP:

>> No.18446001

Also to help you out in your quest for understanding Baudrillard, a general key to understanding Baudrillard's philosophy is to READ BATAILLE. Baudrillard in an interview describes himself as a Bataillean, and their philosophies are so similar I would not find it a stretch to say that Baudrillard has plaigarized Bataille. This line of thought is developed by the book "The Ideology of Tyranny" by Preparata, an amazing work which shows the depth of plaigarism of Bataille in postmodern french philosophy.

>> No.18446005

Again, this was meant for OP:

>> No.18446215

Thank you, now I know where to start at least