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/lit/ - Literature

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1844470 No.1844470 [Reply] [Original]

Oblivion: Stories - David Foster Wallace
Wilderness Tips - Margaret Atwood
Strong Motion - Jonathan Franzen
Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell - Sussane Clarke
Revolutionary Road - Richard Yates
The Easter Parade - Richard Yates
The Feast of the Goat - Mario Vargas Llosa
A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian - Marina Lewycka

All very good books, whether it be due to plot, characters or prose, or 2 or 3 of them. Those writers = talented.

>> No.1844475

I've read one book, and that's Candide by Voltaire.

Didn't entirely finish it, though, but it was quite fun.

>> No.1844488

sauce on image OP?

>> No.1844497

Daniel Deronda by George Eliot

Jonathan Strange for me too

>> No.1844498

this reply gives me a warm feeling inside.

>> No.1844502

The Last Unicorn - Peter S. Beagle
Death of a Red Heroine - Qiu Xiaolong
Mrs. Caliban - Rachel Ingalls
The Dispossessed - Ursula K LeGuin

Honorable mention to a short story called Canus Lupus by Courtney Angela Brkic that I found very interesting, though the collection it was a part of was rather mediocre.

>> No.1844503


I don't know. Try running it through Tineye. I think I got it from /lit/.

>> No.1844506

>read one book so far this year
>only 100 pages
>didn't even finish it

Why do people like you even lurk /lit/?

>> No.1844514


How do we ru Anonymous off /lit/, Anonymous?

>> No.1844516



>> No.1844518

What was your favorite story in Oblivion? I like Mister Squishy the best, though it set the tone for the rest of the stories, if you read them in chronological order like I feel compelled to do.

>> No.1844532


Weh, I used to read in whatever the hell order I felt like, but now I read usually in order. I sometimes cross off stories I've read on the contents page. Weird.

I'd say The Pioneer (I think) was the best story, the one about the child prodigy. That had a really good narrative, with great language, and was long enough to get into properly. Second place is the first (Mr Squishy) and last story. Did the thing with the building climber ever go anywhere, though?

>> No.1844730


Yea, actually the guy climbing the building is part of an advertising stunt organized by the company. He climbs up making a crowd gather below the building the company is based in, and as he gets to the top he pulls out something that looks like a gun, and the crowd starts to panic/become more interested, then it turns out it was only a portable air pump that would turn his suit into an enormous, hovering mister squishy.

>> No.1844762

I loved "Good Old Neon" and "Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature" the best out of the Oblivion collection. One is a haunting portrait of self-absorbed destructive obsession polarized through different personalities as both are constantly aware of perception of gaze, and the other is a meandering madcap trip through the mind of a paranoid amateur arachnologist on a bus with his mom. Definitive DFW.