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18442985 No.18442985 [Reply] [Original]

I fucking hate the effect that Lord of the rings has had on fantasy as a whole. An elf is not a tall strong beautiful wise horseback Archer that thinks they're better than everyone. An elf is a tiny little mischievous Forest man.

When I think of an elf the first person that comes to my head is Rumple Stiltskin, not Legolas.

Honestly I think fantasy needs to return to fairy tale stuff and not big epic whatever bullshit with all these "races". Honestly this effects video games and D&D worse than any other medium but I'm posting this rant on /lit/ cause it started with these damn books.

>> No.18443007

Go back to >>>/g/

>> No.18443116

G? That's a tech board, this is about shitty writing trying to imitate a series it will never live up to.

>> No.18443121

thought that was the game board, whatever go back there

>> No.18443145

You mean >>>/tg/

>> No.18443147

perhaps you will live long enough to see fantasy evolve into something not so directly descended from Tolkien

>> No.18443173

There's separate boards for video games and game games???

>> No.18443235

Unfortunately drama is what sells. Have you tried Discworld? Still has the whole 'races'/monsters thing but depending on the book they can be either stories of little note to the rest of the Discworld or universal catastrophe. I personally suggest a book with Sam Vimes as the main character, before he rose in rank. Something maybe like Snuff

>> No.18443482

Tolkien destroyed whimsy in modern fantasy.

>> No.18444175

Elves are only pretty and young(old) girls. There's no "male elves".

>> No.18444537

You seem to have a set idea of what an elf should be based on narrow folklore experiences. I mean, I agree with your later point about everything having to be epic in scale and having a bunch of races, but that's hardly Tolkien's own creation. His universe is quite limited with its elves and dwarves; it's later writers, and in particular role-playing game creators, who've gone way too far without understanding what made Tolkien work.

>> No.18444557

Do you understand what made Tolkien work? If so, please explain.

>> No.18444645

There's plenty of male elves but the females have bigger dicks

>> No.18444649

There's like 5 video game boards

>> No.18444701

Tom. Bombadil.

>> No.18444714

Was there whimsy in modern fantasy before Tolkien?

>> No.18444724

Fuck you i want tall sexy busty elves to coom to and you wont stop me

>> No.18446224

Funny joke, but no. Elves are a female race, like Amazons.

>> No.18446569

or you could just read a xian xia novel.It's basically another branch of fantasy at this point.

>> No.18446771

"modern fantasy" wouldn't even exist without tolkien lol

>> No.18447205

there's a well-documented effect of how older gods get reduced into little folklore creatures over time: lugh of the long arm was the ancient irish god of fertility and craft, after 15 years he became a nasty little creature that makes shoes known as a leprechuan.

>> No.18447211

1500 years* oops

>> No.18447247

Tolkien was full of whimsy retard

>> No.18447402

I believe LOTR is genuine art but I agree.

>> No.18447416

blame the movies, jackass
also watch peter jackson's best film "Bad Taste"

>> No.18449283

The nice thing about freedom of thought is that you are allowed to imagine whatever fantasies that you like. Many people enjoy thinking of elves in the Tolkien style because that media influenced their idea of what an elf is. Before Tolkien, an elf was a different concept entirely, but seeing as elves are not a real creature then why would any interpretation be more genuine than any other?

>> No.18450753

Kinda cringe. There weren't set definitions of what an "elf" or "troll" was. Categorising different beings is actually because of fiction.

>> No.18450781

elves dont exist retard, write your own rumple stiltskin fantasy then

>> No.18450800

Don’t elves make toys for Santa Claus?

>> No.18450808
File: 195 KB, 1024x1658, 71DABF76-5962-4B5D-AB25-F3B65E90B559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be Fingolfin
>be badass
>be High King of the Noldor in Arda
>kick Morgoth’s ass in single combat

>> No.18450814

not that poster, but the problem with later writers is that they treated Tolkien's creative decisions like genre rules. instead of seeing lotr as a book they saw it as a blueprint, which constrained their creativity

>> No.18450816
File: 33 KB, 512x365, A3BA15C6-1464-4DFA-8794-9E85F1CBD717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ecthelion is my personal favorite Elven Chad of the First Age.

Gothmog didn’t stand a chance against flute guy.

>> No.18451063

if the same word is used for two different things doesn't mean they don't exist anymore

also, not completely related: aren't the (tall, beautiful) elves basically nymphs?

>> No.18452426

what sort of gremlin would yahweh turn into?

>> No.18452552
File: 243 KB, 920x713, Ängsälvor_-_Nils_Blommér_1850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> non-european spotted
elves originally (eg poetic edda) were meant exactly as tolkien did.

>> No.18452566

>dies from the fight

>> No.18452581


>> No.18452654
File: 160 KB, 1366x2048, Ajrud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18452932

Tolkien's elves, apart from having "leaf-shaped" ears and having flesh-and-blood bodies (which they lose during the 4th age), are essentially the same as the elves from Germanic folklore.
The only named mythological figure that is directly stated to be an elf is Weyland, who is of normal human size, not small. Elves are associated with archery. Neolithic flint arrowheads, common in the British isles, were traditionally called "elf arrows" and were used to ritually cure "elf-shot" or shooting pains, thought to be caused by being "shot" by an offended elf. Elves are also traditionally associated with ancient pre-Anglo-Saxon sites such as bronze age barrows, and thus are associated with previous eras. The common motif of the procession of elves on horseback found in Tolkien's work is directly cribbed from the traditional story of Tam Lin and the Elves.

>> No.18454696

>An elf is a tiny little mischievous Forest man.
That's not true. If elves were just white people 1,000+ years ago, they would have been the white villagers of the time. The mischievous people would have been the goblins and, wait for it, JEWS.

>> No.18455661


>> No.18455694

>I fucking hate the effect that Lord of the rings has had on fantasy as a whole.
Yes, the medieval fantasy setting is overdone. Authors need to learn about technology so they won't be afraid of writing about the current world. Terry Brooks, Terry Pratchett, Robert Jordan, George RR Martin...it's all so tiring bros.

>> No.18455969

This is why I like Dahl. He wrote amazing fantasy stories that were contemporary and used technology as inspiration. But he is far removed from what is today defined as fantasy and wrote stories for children, so he's not taken seriously. Even though the true classics of fantasy were all written for children.

>> No.18456536

Dahl is a small, petty man, an emotional midget.

>> No.18456556

Gaiman already reset fantasy, albeit with a modern tinge

>> No.18456603


>> No.18456624

yes and it sucks