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/lit/ - Literature

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18441644 No.18441644[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the best work of literature, besides the Magic Mountain, of course, to come out of the Weimar period?

>> No.18441653
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>> No.18441658

btw I seriously hope none of you will say Mein Kampf, thinking that you're either funny or smart. You're not.

>> No.18441704

Mein Kampf.

>> No.18441814

Mein Kampf

Also go fuck yourself with your meme period that no one gives a shit about. You may as well as for good books from Israel.

>> No.18441968

Man, this board's a shithole now.

>> No.18442939

The best I've read is Berlin Alexanderplatz. Funny and moving. The protagonist becomes a brown shirt for a while because he's bored and they sang a catchy drinking song.
I thought Goodbye to Berlin was quite good, but it's written by an Englishman who just stayed in Berlin for a while, so it may not be what you're looking for. I think it's worth reading just for the scenes of the very gay narrator going on dates with women for appearance's sake and openly telling them that he thinks they're obnoxious cunts. He tells one that he wishes she would make animal noises instead of talking so he wouldn't have to engage in conversation.

>> No.18444570 [DELETED] 

Disgusting to think the homosexually movement dates this much back and that men even in a society with little divorce and practically no sexless marriages would be so incompetent with women. We truly deserve what we have gotten.

>> No.18444579

The Outlaws
Little Man, What Now
Berlin Alexanderplatz

>> No.18444764

Die Dreigroschenroman

>> No.18444769

Debt Slavery manifesto by Max someone

>> No.18446502 [DELETED] 

Faggots have been around a lot longer than the 50s-advertising-ploy americana shit that you larp as being your tradition, /pol/ack.

>> No.18446572

Döblin - Die drei Sprünge des Wang Lun

not even a competition.

>> No.18447418
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>your meme period that no one gives a shit about.
Jews care about it. A lot. Younger hip ones decorate their homes with Wiemar art posters and such. Just like the early USSR, Wiemar was a proto-Zion and many of them have nostalgia for it.

>> No.18447440

Storm of Steel

>> No.18447461 [DELETED] 
File: 995 KB, 498x2766, Nazi Regime Set the Trans Rights Movement Back Decades Here’s How .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wiemar is the end-game for Jews in diaspora: gentile states totally controlled by them, our families broken and starving, our flesh their plaything to carve and coom in.

Posting this because clinical photos of Hirschfeld's surgical experiments will get you banned.

>> No.18447503

Studying the Weimar period is a massive redpill because then you understand That the Nazis were right.

>> No.18447521

now add to this that there is not even one single book about the weimar period from a right wing perspective, as a period of degeneracy. every academic book on it (mostly by jews) glorifies it as a period of "diversity" and avantgardist homo shit.

they completely control the narrative. for almost a century now. remember, even other liberals and leftists agree that they use the narrative for propaganda, for example when they turned all americans from live and let live isolationists to rabid anti-germans within 2 years in order to prep them for entry into ww1, after promising them no entry into ww1. they did the same in ww2, turning the germans into devils and demons to justify the war. read pat buchanan's book as a corrective to that.

you can't trust shit. i literally do think the holocaust happened and even i squint at it out of principle because of how propagandistically it's shoved down everyone's throat. anything with that much interest behind it can't be perfectly honest, and i say that as someone who thinks himmler was evil, gassing jews bad, it probably did happen etc.

>> No.18447533

>Berlin transformed itself into the Babel of the world. Germans brought to perversion all their vehemence and love of system. Made-up boys with artificial waistlines promenaded along the Kurfustendamm. Even ancient Rome had not known orgies like the Berlin transvestite balls, where hundreds of men in women's clothes, and women in men's clothes, danced under the benevolent eyes of the police. Amid the general collapse of values, a kind of insanity took hold of precisely those middle class circles which had been unshakeable in their order. Young ladies proudly boasted that they were perverted: to be suspected of virginity at 16 would have been a disgrace in every school in Berlin.
Stefan Zweig

>> No.18447541
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I read pic related earlier this year
A memoir By a Polish Jewish communist. He spent a little time in Weimar Berlin and said something to the effect that the Nazis were not exaggerating about the degeneracy.

>> No.18447676
File: 1.35 MB, 3000x1166, Holocaust Handbooks copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i literally do think the holocaust happened
Wait until you find out the memes are real.

These are practically templates for rigorous historical scholarship and you can download all for free as epubs.

>> No.18447694

>your meme period that no one gives a shit about.

An yet here you are angrily posting about it.

I care because you do.

>> No.18447722

Ball, Critique of the German Intelligentsia

>> No.18448668

Yeah communist Jews and Nazis. That's two fringe communities. No normal person cares about it cause it has no cultural significance other than being ultra degenerate and a trigger for Nazis.

>> No.18448697 [DELETED] 
File: 3.31 MB, 1920x7520, weimar condensed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No normal person cares about it cause it has no cultural significance other than being ultra degenerate and a trigger for Nazis.
You should, because it's happening again nig-nog. Right here in Western Civilization, across North America and Europe.
What was it that Mark Twain said? History Doesn't Repeat Itself, but It Often Rhymes.

>> No.18448707

The "who cares" chorus is all jews.

They care. A lot.

>> No.18448754 [DELETED] 
File: 370 KB, 1487x997, Weimar Repeat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the Weimar Republic was the failed experiment for the merchants.
If you want to know what (((they))) want from us stupid goyim, look at Weimar; Poor, broken shabo's goyim that will cut off his dick for the pleasure and entertainment of foreign Jewish bankers, all while they back a communist uprising going on down the street for a cheep laugh.
They also care about the Weimar Republic because their perfect Jewish World blew up in their faces and pushed them to the brink.

>> No.18449184
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Well, some Jannie (Or Mod?) did not like that post, and I got a temporary board suspension and a warning.
Feels good man

>> No.18449240

An angry jannie did the same thing to me and I was just answering a shitpost, something about this thread really got one toasty. I honestly think he was one of the ones posting and just banned everybody who disagreed with him for being "off topic."

>> No.18449253
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Straight up that is the warning that I got, despite the fact I posted it before no problem
Fucking Jannies

>> No.18449258

I'm thinking it was >>18448668

>> No.18449285

Almost definitely. Imagine being that big of a fucking faggot for free.