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18440260 No.18440260 [Reply] [Original]

>Start reading pic related
>About halfway through the novel
>Every police officer in the book is kind and courteous, even offering escort and a place to stay
>Even when the protagonist acts aggressive towards them, they keep their cool and act civil, even to the protagonist's surprise
I can't imagine any of this happening with modern day cops. Were policemen just nice back then, or is it a Euro thing? (I'm American btw)

>> No.18440278

I've found most policemen polite and courteous. I'm a euro though. From what I've seen of US police they seem rather nice too, however.

>> No.18440298

Its a euro thing, and its still a thing. Try watching a modern UK cop show (real life ones not a drama). People treat the cops in ways there that would have them shot in the states and the cops are mostly just patient and helpful

>> No.18440493

>People treat the cops in ways there that would have them shot in the states
Only a small number of cops in the US ever shoot anyone, vast majority never even fire their gun in the line of duty. Get some perspective.

>> No.18440512

still the norm in norway if your white and doesn’t dress like tard.

>> No.18440545

even in europe in the cities they are becoming more and more militarized. just look at the shit thats been happening in france.

>> No.18440547

Show data or fuck off back to /pol/. And give an actual source not some bullshit 9000 hours in ms paint collage propaganda like /pol/ always posts.

>> No.18440565

cops in most european countries have a lot of power and most people know they shouldnt mess with them in turn cops usually stay cool too

>> No.18440581

Do you think every cop in America shoots someone regularly? It's pretty common sense only a small percentage actually shoot someone. They don't go into work and get into a firefight every day you fucking retard.

>> No.18440594

You set the level of the discourse, you didn't provide any data, why should I? The statistics for on duty firearm discharges and shootings are widely available, just basic grade school math to figure out the rest.

never actually been to /pol/

Same is true in the US for the most part, I mean almost every single person in the country manages to get through life without being shot by the police and they do it without much effort. We have our problems but they are no where near as bad as many life to make them out to be

>> No.18440934

I'm an American and the cops in my town are all good guys, kind people. I know a handful of them personally. I think it may have to with what kind of place you live in. It should be self-explanatory that a cop from the South Bronx won't be as patient and courteous as a cop from a tiny town in Ontario.

>> No.18441130

only time I've ever seen a cop be an asshole was when I went to nyc. they act like royalty there

did see one that was putting off a "don't fuck with me" aura but he was in full kit and I think he was either about to be part of a raid or had already been on one so his nerves were in battle mode.

>> No.18441149

I went to London once when I was in high school. All my life I'd heard the schtick that London cops are unarmed, pussies, etc.
So I was pretty suprised when I got there and all the cops were decked out in gear and carrying rifles and submachine guns.
Then I found out later that while I was there, there was a massive protest/riot going on the other side of the city.

>> No.18441153

reminder that hamsun was a huge nazi sympathizer, his books belong in the trash

>> No.18441156

Cops that don't have to act as armed baby sitters for feral negroes and indios tend to be quite relaxed. Why shouldn't they be?

>> No.18441160

Get out racists.

>> No.18441240

I spent five years working in the projects of Brownsville, Brooklyn. My racism is well earned. I bet you're the type of liberal who rolls up his car windows and locks the doors if you see a black on the sidewalk.

>> No.18441257

You realize that such nonsense only harms the cause? The numbers are true and ignoring the statistics just pushes away people from the cause.

>> No.18441262

>I spent five years working in the projects of Brownsville, Brooklyn.
any good stories?

>> No.18441273

whats wrong with being a nazi sympathizer?

>> No.18441282

>whats wrong with being a literal fucking fascist?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

>> No.18441288
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>>whats wrong with being a literal fucking fascist?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

>> No.18441293

Quite a few, but the best one by far is this one where a father just out of prison met up with his daughter in a playground, got drunk and started fucking when some local gangsters walked by, saw what was up and joined in. They tried to spin it as rape until video evidence proved that she was all for it. Good times. https://news.yahoo.com/complicated-story-brownsville-brooklyn-rape-224016526.html

>> No.18441343

I had two healthy friends get the Coronavirus and die from it.
Too bad it wasn't a dumbfuck like you instead.

>> No.18441403

Guess they weren't that healthy after all lmao. Bet they had Gay Bowel Syndrome.

>> No.18441409

They are the same today in europe

>> No.18441434

I'm Norwegian and the police pretty much act the same today. They are way nicer than foreign police. You can just google Norwegian cops funny moments and you'll get some pretty kino Norwegian police.

>> No.18441456

lol where do you live? India?

>> No.18441585

No, I live in the United States.
>Guess they weren't that healthy after all lmao. Bet they had Gay Bowel Syndrome.
Neither was gay, and yes, they were both healthy before they got Covid. You sound like a real piece of shit. I'd expect this behavior on /b/, but I didn't expect it here. I've found psychopaths in all sorts of places, though, so it's not all that surprising that someone like you would pop up here.

>> No.18441610
File: 31 KB, 165x115, 1598108481737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You sound like a real piece of shit. I'd expect this behavior on /b/, but I didn't expect it here. I've found psychopaths in all sorts of places, though, so it's not all that surprising that someone like you would pop up here.

>> No.18441611

Cop killing is exaggerated in the US due to the media and that fact that bleecks can't figure out how to not commit crimes

>> No.18441650

Cops are only there to protect the assets of the rich. You’ll never see them patrolling the ghettos where crime rates are high, but you will always see them with their weapons guarding gated communities from the Poors.
If the protagonist had wandered into a nice neighborhood you can bet the cops would have “escorted” him out.

>> No.18441654

>You’ll never see them patrolling the ghettos where crime rates are high
t. lives in a nice neighborhood
I live in the ghetto and see cops multiple times a day

>> No.18441675

Plenty of cops in the US hit people for no good reason, though, and nothing ever happens to them for it. There are about 12,000 police jurisdictions in the United States, and all of them have different standards, rules, and cultures. Some places have decent cops, while others have police departments staffed by people who are absolute trash. Windsor, Virginia is an example of the latter that's been in the news lately.

>> No.18441959

Cops are considerably more common in the ghetto/poor areas than in affluent areas. Stop making shit up and get out into the world.

Plenty of people hit people for no good reason and nothing ever happens of it, cops probably do it less than the average population. Not to say it is right, just that cops are employees of the people and it is not reasonable to hold our employees to a higher standard than we hold ourselves. The problem is not just the police, it is society and not just majority vs minority vs the institution, simple fact is no one cares, they just want to appear to care so they can say "I am better than you." What have you honestly done to improve things? Going to a protest or raising awareness or writing a check, this is not actually doing anything, I mean acts which have an definite and tangible result that you personally caused to happen. For the vast majority of people who supposedly "passionately care" about a cause, the answer is that they have done nothing. Your answer to that question is irrelevant to me/the board, and to my point which was about more than just you, but the answer should be important to you.

>> No.18442203

Walk ten blocks in Harlem and you'll see a dozen cops, walk ten blocks in Park Slope and you'll see zero. You're a fucking retard.

>> No.18442211

London is minority White now, it used to be much more civilised.

>> No.18442246

I'm from Ontario and small town cops are all have nothing better to do than to be aggressive and fuck with you. I've had better experiences with Toronto or Peel cops.

>> No.18442296

>Were policemen just nice back then, or is it a Euro thing? (I'm American btw)
t.dumb American still not getting that they live in a dystopic police state.

The way you people live, with 20 different kinds of cops around all the time, constant fear of getting busted for nothing (alcohol in public? You're going to jail, son!), constant news of cops executing people on the one hand and hordes of homeless, insane people and nuggets on the other would not be tolerated by the population in any part of the world except maybe Liberia. The US are a disgusting hellhole, no wonder your culture has turned to shit as well.

>> No.18442319

/k/ here. Fuck cops.

>> No.18442340

Have you read Patrick Leigh Fermor? He trekked across Europe in the 1930s. The town police used to allow travelers stay in a jail cell free of charge and provide a hot meal. Christian hospitality has gone by the wayside.

>> No.18442353

>I am absolutely SHOCKED that people on 4chan are not treating me respect!!

>> No.18442445

>Plenty of people hit people for no good reason and nothing ever happens of it, cops probably do it less than the average population.
Probably? You really don't have any idea, do you?
>Not to say it is right, just that cops are employees of the people and it is not reasonable to hold our employees to a higher standard than we hold ourselves.
Cops should absolutely be held to a higher standard, and they are supposed to be. They shouldn't hit people who have already been handcuffed, nor should they use excessive force. I don't care how pissed off they are.
>The problem is not just the police, it is society and not just majority vs minority vs the institution, simple fact is no one cares, they just want to appear to care so they can say "I am better than you."
Plenty of people care. Clearly you don't, which is fine, but don't assume everyone is as uncaring as you are.
>What have you honestly done to improve things? Going to a protest or raising awareness or writing a check, this is not actually doing anything, I mean acts which have an definite and tangible result that you personally caused to happen.
What have I done?
I spend most of my spare time taking care of my dying father so he doesn't end up in a nursing home and so my mother doesn't have to take care of him by herself.
I've spent countless hours and thousands of dollars helping my brother through a really horrible divorce from his abusive wife.
I have been a confidant to a young woman who was raped at the college I attended, and when the college wanted to expel her for alcohol and drug violations and low grades which were a direct result of her psychological problems resulting from the rape, I pulled some strings and got her academic probation instead. She told me I was the only man she knew who never hurt her.
When a young man who was a friend of a friend got thrown out of his house and was temporarily homeless, I gave him all the money in my pocket and the coat off my back.
While teaching on the university level, I had a student come to my office crying. She'd had several personal tragedies happen at once, and she said she couldn't continue in my class. She had already been failing. I arranged for her to medically withdraw from my class that day so that she wouldn't get a "WF" on her transcript, and I called the counseling department and got her an appointment with a counselor that week, which would have been impossible for her to do herself.
Those are just some things that come to mind at the moment, and the ones that don't involve my family are just examples. I've done more of the same. I'm usually not asked such questions, so I don't brag about these things, but yeah, I've made a difference in the lives of others.
>For the vast majority of people who supposedly "passionately care" about a cause, the answer is that they have done nothing.
Well, it ain't me, babe. I'm not one of those.

>> No.18442535

>The way you people live, with 20 different kinds of cops around all the time, constant fear of getting busted for nothing (alcohol in public? You're going to jail, son!), constant news of cops executing people on the one hand and hordes of homeless, insane people and nuggets on the other would not be tolerated by the population in any part of the world except maybe Liberia. The US are a disgusting hellhole, no wonder your culture has turned to shit as well.
Yes, many of us know how bad it is. We're not all stupid, oblivious, or outright bootlickers.
>I'm from Ontario and small town cops are all have nothing better to do than to be aggressive and fuck with you. I've had better experiences with Toronto or Peel cops.
This happens in the US as well. Do you have towns where the cops know they probably can't get away with beating up a minority, but know they can get away with beating up a white guy, so they rough up just about half the white guys they arrest? I'm from an area like that, and as a reporter, I've seen the results of it when I've had to go into jails to get information to do the jail report or write articles on crime.

>> No.18442922

>Probably? You really don't have any idea, do you?
What sort of bubble do you live in? We can just go with reported cases of assault and see it is far higher than even "adjusted" statistics for police officers and most cases of assault do not get reported, like most any fight in a bar or at party, someone takes their licks and life goes on.
>Cops should absolutely be held to a higher standard
Or we could just raise the standard for everyone else to that higher standard, Seems more sensible. What you suggest is like having your kid hire their own babysitter.
> but don't assume everyone is as uncaring as you are.
You are the one making assumptions here
>What have I done?
My point proven. It is good that you help those close to you but that is a very different thing from helping the community or society as a whole.
>Well, it ain't me, babe. I'm not one of those.
Maybe? As I said, answer not needed. But how about you respond to my post for what it is, as the single statement it is instead of pulling it apart and answering bits of it out of their context?

>> No.18443376

fuck off, faggot

>> No.18443392

how is the book, anyway? the premise sounds great and im half way through growth of the soil and enjoying it thoroughly. definitely think ill be on the lookout for it. does hamsun have any other notable works?

>> No.18443422

These are his best. Hunger is very different from Growth of the Soil but since you like the premise you read you probably will like it. Much of the rest of his work is more singular in that it speaks of and too a certain mentality, Growth of the Soil and Hunger he tackles larger ideas. Read Hunger, if you like it as well, you will probably like other works of his as well.

>> No.18443483

>Do you have towns where the cops know they probably can't get away with beating up a minority
Nah mate, this is a country where they still pick up drunk Natives and drop them half-naked 3 km outside of the reserve in the middle of a storm in January.

>> No.18443509

>Plenty of cops in the US hit people for no good reason, though, and nothing ever happens to them for it.
This doesn't differ so much elsewhere tho. Up here in Canada it's a fucking joke. The Brady list for Montreal alone must be a fucking mile long.

>> No.18443529

>Nah mate, this is a country where they still pick up drunk Natives and drop them half-naked 3 km outside of the reserve in the middle of a storm in January.
Holy shit. Seriously? That's some fucked up shit I wouldn't have expected from Canada. I knew that the racism against Native Americans was worse up there, but I didn't know it was that bad!>>18443509
>This doesn't differ so much elsewhere tho. Up here in Canada it's a fucking joke. The Brady list for Montreal alone must be a fucking mile long.
I tried to look up "Brady list," but I only got Brady v. Maryland, the US Supreme Court case on exculpatory evidence. Cops that are known to have lied under oath are known as "Brady cops" here. Is it the same there?

>> No.18443577

the old "starlight tours"

>> No.18443614

I just read this. It's fucking horrifying. I've lived in Northern States that border Canada, and the cold is nothing to fuck around with there. That is an utterly shitty thing to do to someone, and for what? Being drunk? The Saskatoon cops executed three guys for nothing, probably.

>> No.18443681

yea its a pretty sad and shitty situation up here regarding the natives. reserves are extreme isolationist communities with virtually 0 possibility of any sort of economic growth/development or opportunities, they're ripe with corrupt leadership, drugs, alcoholism, violence, incest and child abuse etc. and getting them to work with law enforcement to deal with these issues is like pulling teeth. in the end they end up exporting these problems to surrounding communities, its not uncommon for them to be hardcore drunks/addicts who are extremely aggressive and violent and have nothing to live for, and are basically basically impossible to deal with. the cherry on top of this whole mess is that the only way to really deal with this problem is likely to end the reserve system and open up their communities so they have some chance of growing and developing, but as im sure you can imagine, despite being the source of their problems, the reserves have serious symbolic value for them so that isn't happening any time soon.

just a pretty shitty situation all around with seemingly no end in sight

>> No.18443703

US is the same situation, but we noticed the problem a little earlier than you, not that it helped much. The whole thing here is made all the worse with the reservation casinos and government checks to tribe members. If you are in a tribe you have no reason to be a part of society or do anything, between the checks from the casinos and the government your life is taken care of and sadly the bulk seem to squander that on drugs, alcohol and giving it back to the casinos. We do have reservations which are doing great, even some with casinos, but they are in the minority.

>> No.18443720

They still act like highschool toughguys though.

>> No.18443723

Police (at least in the US) are the nicest they've ever been. Literally the entire history of policing in America is them being authoritarian drones but now they mostly stick to abusing black people instead of everybody deemed undesirable by mainstream American society.

>> No.18443739

How many cops have you interacted with? People are generally polite if you're polite.

>> No.18443751

>they were both healthy before they got Covid
Clearly not. There's no way you can die otherwise.

>> No.18443788
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>> No.18443806

this has been my experience with police. the only exception in my life was when one blew is gasket and got super pissed off and yelled at us after we (high school kids) j walked across a relatively busy street and weren't overly cooperative with him when he pulled over to talk to us from his car. found out afterwards he just came from dealing with a knife wielding crackhead and was a little frazzled

>> No.18443811

Back in the day people became cops to serve their community, no people become cops to have a fleeting sensation of power, and most cops are completely disconnected from the communities they work in. Its the same everywhere, our world has become too complex

>> No.18443856
File: 70 KB, 470x700, goebbels is not pleased.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this? Propaganda for ANTS?

>> No.18443864

you gotta click on the picture to see it dude.

>> No.18443871

are you new to computers? you can actually click on it, retard

>> No.18443877


>> No.18443890

>Too bad it wasn't a dumbfuck like you instead.
> I'd expect this behavior on /b/, but I didn't expect it here.

You know what they say about throwing stones in glass houses, mate.