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18439942 No.18439942[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I want to refute his materialism, his class reductionism, the idea that hierarchies are inherently unethical, the idea that we need to claim the means of production, which books to read, Das Kapital?

>> No.18440006

>I want to refute his...
How do you know you want this if you haven't read him?

>> No.18440018

You could read Capital, but honestly all you need to refute Marx is the Manifesto. It’s on-par with Mein Kampf in terms of how there are brilliant or new—for the time—ideas in it that immediately morph into some of the most retarded conclusions possible. I don’t know how someone could read either of those books and walk away wanting to follow every word to the letter.

>> No.18440029

read hegel, adam smith and riccardo before marx

>> No.18440042

Definitely not Das Kapital, as it says in the title, it's a study of capitalism, not communist propaganda or theory. Also, there's not such a thing as class reductionism in Marx (not saying the same for marxists), he makes use of dialectics, therefore there's always more than one factor into play of everything he considers. For the means of production part, go read The Communist Manifesto and Wage Price and Profit.
You clearly don't know anything about Marx, and still want to outsmart him. Good for you, the books that answer some of your question is where everyone should start. For more basic information on Marxism go read Socialism: utopian and scientific (this one is actually Engels'), Critique of Gotha's Program, and Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right. All of these except the last one is pretty entry level. Good luck

>> No.18440044

>refute tranny babble
How new are you? All sophistry has already been refuted by Plato to the best of our human capabilities. Beyond that point, reason cannot reach and people will believe in retarded shit like astrology and communism.

>> No.18440056

>How do you know you want this if you haven't read him?
I have engaged in numerous discussions with marxists, their arguments have consistently been pathetic, foiling to the very model of reality of life as an evolutionarily driven competition of the will-to-power spirit which in of itself can be associated to his dialectics, in which Marx engages hypocrisy by proposing an endpoint to this dialectic, all i know from these experiences if that this is all Marx's followers have to offer then i will definitively refute him as well

>> No.18440080

Is Critical Theory marxist/neomarxist?

>> No.18440222

It’s been refuted to death. Resentful and vengeful people will never stop being marxists, or whatever ideology empowers them because some nerd refuted it with muh arguments.

>> No.18440226

What would qualify as “refueled” evidence?

>> No.18440265

Read Nietzsche. Evidence, reason, facts, logic have nothing whatsoever to do with why someone is a Marxist. That’s all I’ll say.

>> No.18440321


Read 12 Rules For Life for a truly brilliant refutation of modern day Marxist delusion. No need to read anything by Marx himself.

>> No.18440343

>Read Nietzsche.
Retardus detected

>> No.18440355


> Evidence, reason, facts, logic have nothing whatsoever to do with why someone is a Marxist

Nietzsche is another good anti-Marxist philosopher who uses evidence and logic to take down postmodernists. 12 Rules for Life is better but Nietzsche is a good introduction to Peterson.

>> No.18440397

Nietzsche was a postmodernist

>> No.18440422

Relevant video


>> No.18440431

>I haven't read any Marx but I know he's wrong because I argued with some retarded liberals online who also didn't read any Marx
Le 14 year old Ben Shapiro fan has arrived

>> No.18440460

I dominate /leftypol/ who read theory all day. They get BTFO on the daily.

>> No.18440461


You don't know what you're talking about. Nietzsche was against communism and hated Jews. (Not saying this was a good or bad thing but he did.)

>> No.18440485

He was a philosemite you illiterate moron

>> No.18440539

No, he was a German and probably Aryan.

>> No.18440563

Read this curriculum and you'll actually have some grasp of Marxism to talk about, right now you're the equivalent of a toddler trying to refute physics.

>> No.18440572

First you will need at least 7 IQ points, which you clearly lack at the moment

>> No.18440862
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Nietzsche loathed anti-Semites and saw them as emblematic of slave morality and laughed in his sister's face when her fascist husband went off to Paraguay and died there with a bunch of his fascist buddies. Whatever anti-Semites might loathe about Judaism, it is even more present in their own Christianity.

Also there are some communists who have taken some things from Nietzsche.