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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.16 MB, 1250x853, summercore_readinglist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18439410 No.18439410 [Reply] [Original]

Post the books you are reading/intend to read this summer.

>> No.18439423

Mostly dogshit, bro, save the Céline. Get a taste.

>> No.18439424
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>> No.18439435

buncha gay shit I've never heard of

>> No.18439453

>The Summer Book
You should save this for the Winter. Live a little, OP.

>> No.18439464

based illiterate frog

>> No.18439622

who is the publisher of the Jung

I have a old coffee table sized one and looking for one that is easier to read

>> No.18439684
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>> No.18439729

are you gonna be a part of the 4chan Gravity's Rainbow reading club?

>> No.18439801

>camp of the saints
based where did you find that

>> No.18439811
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>> No.18439879

Different anon here. I have it and it's probably one of the worst quality books I own. Pages fell out and I haven't even creased the spine. The pages feel like shitty toilet paper for poor people. Don't bother with it.

>> No.18439894

i literally mind read that gaddis would be in this stack before i clicked the pic. something about the hyper-book chunky rectangularness of those books

>> No.18439903

Cool stack anon.

>> No.18439925

In Search of Lost Time

>> No.18439931
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>> No.18439976

Thank you.

>> No.18439993
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Re-reading the Quest and Gatsby’s a nice summertime book. Any reqs?

>> No.18440009

you think the great gatsby would be enjoyable for a non american?

>> No.18440017
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My summer reading stack. The Yeats, Beckett, and Lawrence I've already read, but I am doing a research project on the three, so I am doing a reread of them.
I've only heard of and read excerpts of JR.
Not a bad combo
Immediately based because of Dubliners and Jarry.
Damn good stack. I'd recommend reading some of Plath's poetry alongside The Bell Jar.
Damn good stack. O'Neill is tied with Beckett as my favourite playwright. The Harold Bloom introduction is also fantastic. I haven't read Giles Goat-Boy yet, but John Barth's short fiction is amazing.

>> No.18440022

if you like Gatsby you might like Dawn Powell and Nathanael West

>> No.18440032

I think so. It offers a pretty accurate glimpse into the American psyche that I’d say comes pretty close, and just might be, timeless.

>> No.18440039

Thanks anon! I’ll look em up

>> No.18440063

Can I ask what you think of Waiting for Godot? It’s the only thing of Beckett’s I’ve read and I feel like it filtered me hard. Parts of it felt like reading a David Lynch movie written by Hegel, but I might just be a smoothbrain

>> No.18440069

ah ok ty the only other style i have seen is a shitty mass market paper back.

>> No.18440077

god I hate the look of the new penguin classics

>> No.18440334

nah they're okay, they're meant to be disposable and nondescript

>> No.18440351

Waiting for Godot is actually one of my least favourite plays of his. Not because it's bad or anything, I loved it when I first saw it, but after reading/watching Endgame, Ohio Impromptu, Play, Krapp's Last Tape, Not I, and several other plays of his, Waiting For Godot doesn't show the peaks of bleakness or humour that would come to Beckett later on in his work. The David Lynch movie written by Hegel is actually a funny analogy, and one I would probably agree with. The thing with Beckett is that you have to go into it knowing that it's going to be absurd. Absolutely absurd, surreal, and other-worldy. Once you accept that, you can dive deeper into character analysis.

>> No.18440367

yea bro

>> No.18440380
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>> No.18440384

original anon here, that why I got the one with library binding. It's solid like a textbook.

>> No.18440392

>thousand cranes
>the sailor who fell from grace
>the picture of dorian gray

>> No.18440394
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>> No.18440495

a mainstream bookseller franchise downtown

>> No.18440499

I loved every second of woman in the dune. My best book of last year.

>> No.18441261

All excellent summer reads.

What? When is that happening?

>> No.18441468
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What's your go to comfy wageslaving escape book to read under the sun?

I love reading books with southeast asian/beach themes. Just finished pic related. Was not bad.

>> No.18442584


>> No.18442592

the power broker is a poorly written book that's badly in need of an editor

>> No.18442637

That's disappointing. I've heard really good things about it, like how it's a page-turner and can teach you everything you need to know about public policy.

>> No.18442678

Where do you all buy used books :{>

>> No.18442871


independent book stores and charity shops

>> No.18442893

Charity shops are amazing, can get books for $1 each
If you live in the UK or USA you can get books on abebooks for cheap

>> No.18443106

I live in asia. Do they have COD?

>> No.18443131

Fuck their shipping fee. Literally 10 more times the price of the book

>> No.18443132

Well idk then, you're probably fucked
Do asian countries even have charity shops?
Also what do you mean by COD?

>> No.18443139

Where do you live?
As an Australian it sucks seeing books sold for $1-2 USD but with $10 shipping fees but idk, is it the same in the USA/UK?

>> No.18443141

Cash on delivery. I'm a minor so I don't have credit card.

>> No.18443151

Anon saying that you're underage will get you banned here

>> No.18443153

What do ye think of bookdepository?

>> No.18443157

I delibirately break rules to flex my power to the jannie

>> No.18443171


>> No.18443635


>> No.18443760
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a boomer died and i bought all his blue penguins from the 60's

>> No.18443884
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>> No.18443911

My stack for Summer (Winter) for now is
The Study Quran
Persuasion by Jane Austen
Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
Any suggestions would be appreciated

>> No.18444032
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Also, I have The Little Drummer Girl downstairs.

>> No.18444120


>Girl with a dragon tattoo


>> No.18444137
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If anyone can recommend me some books on asset management or portfolio management, that would be greatly appreciated. Or some good fantasy/medieval fiction.

>> No.18444158
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gotta do reading logs this summer :/

>> No.18444162

Same. Hate when I open a package and it's one of the new ones.
>they're meant to be disposable
At that price? Wordsworths are disposable, Penguin just bought into its own hype.

>> No.18444164

Asia is big, where? They sell books on taobao, you can also send requests. They just take em to a print shop.

>> No.18444203

Is this instagram ? Who fucking cares pédéraste

>> No.18444246

I don't read.

>> No.18444324

Wow, these are actual shit.

>> No.18444413

anon tell me more

>> No.18445010
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>> No.18445013

Hey I just started women in the dunes yesterday!

>> No.18445097

It’s not that great, but Agnes Grey by Anne Bronte could be really interesting to read right after Wuthering Heights since they’re pretty much polar opposites.

>> No.18445124


>> No.18445210


Read Gatsby recently and think it is the perfect summertime book, read it in one day and enjoyed it a lot

>> No.18445244

basado and goosebumpado

>> No.18445579

Very nice

>> No.18445783
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Just started Swamp Fox by John Oller. It's pretty neato.

>> No.18445847


>> No.18445876
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>> No.18445915
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>> No.18445995
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Just got for free.

>> No.18446282

Where does one get free books?

>> No.18446301

how do i raise a baby

>> No.18446312

As for sumer literature, i've read Gilgamshed, Lugalbanda and Enmerkar, some royaol poetry and god shit.

>> No.18446456

literally the dumpster

>> No.18447048

Don't worry about the logs most of those books are already logs. However, The Catcher In The Rye deserves a thoughtful response.

>> No.18447133

what dumpster

>> No.18447214

Reading A Month in the Country at the moment
My summer stash includes
The Singapore Grip
Party Going by Henry Green
Guerrillas by V S Naipaul
The Hamlet by William Faulkner
The Long Ships
The Sea Wolf
Ultramarine by Malcolm Lowry
American Pastoral
Humboldt’s Gift

>> No.18447227

what youll be after reading that shit!


>> No.18447273


>> No.18448023

where were you able to get the Camp of Saints?

>> No.18448140
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A normal french bookseller. Why?

>> No.18449383

blue penguins / pelicans at around 200 pgs are the comfiest reads. blast through one on a Sunday afternoon... there's nothing better.

>> No.18449409

Read the Big Sleep by Raymond chandler. Reminded me of Gatsby. Also, read the rest in the Phillip Marlowe series, also

>> No.18449480

It's going to take me all summer to read the NRSV Bible and take notes on it.

>> No.18449492

>jordan peterson

>> No.18449576
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>> No.18449672
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Finally feel ready to tackle the grey book. JP2's book is very illuminating, I'm sure it will be as influential down the centuries as people suspect it will be.

>> No.18449788

Based stack, Plath is phenomenal and I've been wanting to read Joyce for a while now

>> No.18449845

Your arms

>> No.18449849

Its sold out everywhere in English. Selling for hundreds of dollars for even non first editions

>> No.18449857

>self published edition of the Republic
I hope you don’t do this, anon… translation and text edition matter so much for Plato

>> No.18449894

Don't feel like grabbing a picture, but here's my current list:
Georges Bataille - The Accursed Share
Walt Whitman's collected poems
William Blake - Songs of Innocence
Michel Foucault - History of Sexuality vol. 1
Yukio Mishima - Confessions of a Mask

>> No.18450060

>The Accursed Share
I've enjoyed the few fiction books I've read from Bataille, Story of the Eye is close contender for my favorite novel. How does his nonfiction feel in comparison?

>> No.18450131

It brushes upon similar ground as Story of the Eye so far (example: one passage in the book is titled "Nature's great luxuries: eating, death, and sexual reproduction"). The general idea is really interesting: it upends traditional economics by arguing its fundamental premise is completely wrong — in the more general sense, it's a fallacy to think of the economy in its entirety as being "merely" the composition of all the little small transactions that we typically think of as being characterized by production. In Bataille's view, what he calls the "general economy" is predicated on the consumption and transmutation of natural resources; in other words, the human economy is inextricably tied to the biosphere, and is simply a new part of nature. The only "production" that ever occurs is the energy that the Earth receives from the sun, but at the same time the biosphere is always at a surplus of energy. He then argues that, due to fundamental limitations on how much a system can grow, there must eventually come a point where the system needs to "let off steam," as it where, or else the system inevitably crumbles. Nature does this through eating, death, and sexual reproduction; the human economy does this in a multitude of ways including worship, festivals, human sacrifice, war, and entertainment.
It's pretty interesting stuff. I'd love to see someone figure out a way to introduce mathematical rigor into these ideas

>> No.18450137

"As it where" fuck me I'm retarded

>> No.18450158

Taking a break from Western Philosophy for a bit. Currently looking into Eastern philosophy, Hermeticism and Gnosticism, might read some more epic and classical poetry too.

>Laozi - Tao Te Ching (just finished)
>Herbert - Dune Messiah
>Bhikku Bodhi - Discourses from the Pali Canon
>Brian Copenhaver - Hermetica
>Hans Jonas - The Gnostic Religion
>Seamus Heaney - Beowulf
>Daniel Matt - The Essential Kabbalah

>> No.18450215

I appreciate the synopsis anon, I'm definitely intrigued. I'll have to find a copy.

Do you have any other recommendations that pairs nicely with Bataille's work? Fiction or otherwise, I'm fairly new around here and retarded as well.

>> No.18450234


100 pages in this book is really good. Those first 30 are a struggle I see why ppl give up

>> No.18450490

120 Days of Sodom is an obvious choice, I'd put Huysmans - À rebours in there as well. Picture of Dorian Gray, maybe?

>> No.18450506

>120 Days of Sodom
Yeah, already gave that a go. I stopped reading halfway through because I didn't get it at all, but after doing some research, came back, finished it and loved it. Haven't read the others, thanks anon.

>> No.18450635
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>> No.18450884

Get a job you faggot

>> No.18450892

I have a 40 hour work week and still read, crazy innit

>> No.18451008

Fair enough, summer reading made me think you're all school kids

>> No.18451463

bump post stacks

>> No.18451558

It’s translated or no?

>> No.18452038

>Get a job you faggot
does this still work in niggerica or is it just boomers being old?

>> No.18452139

Gravity's Rainbow
Beyond Good and Evil
On the Genology of Morals

>> No.18452204

What did you use to research?

>> No.18452293

Is that one of those Aeterna press editions (Three Ages)? How does it look on the inside?

>> No.18452871

can you read?

>> No.18453047

I watched some older documentaries on youtube, I looked for them, but it looks like they're taken down. They were kind of shitty, but had enough info for me to get the context of the book and who he was, since I was more less going into the book blind.

>> No.18453069
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>> No.18453074

this somehow makes it one notch funnier

>> No.18453112

I doubt this is your photo, but is Gravity and Grace the go to starting book from Weil?

>> No.18453125

It's generally what's recommended as the starting point, yes.

>> No.18453331

It is my photo, I took it this morning and thought it would be funny to post here. It's not my actual planned summer reading -- I don't have a specific booklist to get through, just some ideas and a general conception of what I want to be studying.

Anyway yeah I've read both of those and they're the only Simone Weil I've read but you could start with either. They're both extremely simple and introductory. "Waiting for God" begins with six of her letters before moving into essays for the last 2/3rds of her book so I guess that could make it seem more "supplementary" as you get details about her life and personal relationships rather than just pure spiritual thought/philosophy. Honestly though I feel like "Waiting for God" has material that addresses a broader range of discussions and is more straightforward in laying out her worldview, whereas "Gravity & Grace" tends toward abstraction and speculative reflection. Not that either is worse, just trying to help you make an informed decision.

> It is only necessary to know that love is a direction and not a state of the soul. If one is unaware of this, one falls into despair at the first onslaught of affliction.
> He who remains ever turned toward God though the nail pierces it finds himself nailed to the very center of the universe. It is the true center; it is not the middle; it is beyond space and time; it is God. In a dimension that does not belong to space, that is not time, that is indeed quite a different dimension, this nail has pierced cleanly through all creation, through the darkness of the screen separating the soul from God.
> In this marvelous dimension, the soul, without leaving the place and the instant where the body to which it is united is situated, can cross the totality of space and time and come into the very presence of God.
> It is at the intersection of creation and its Creator. This point of intersection is the point of intersection of the arms of the Cross.

From the essay "The Love of God and Affliction" in Waiting for God.

>> No.18453457

>I looked for them, but it looks like they're taken down.
Ah, darn. That’s too bad. Even if they were shitty I would’ve liked to see them.

>> No.18453508

It's here:

The site is dogshit and my ad block keeps blocking the video, but this is the one.

>> No.18453644

Thanks anon

>> No.18453679

Yes. It's out of print now I think. Will post pics in a bit.

>> No.18453864
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>> No.18453878

>doesn’t peel off stickers

>> No.18453905
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>Is that one of those Aeterna press editions (Three Ages)? How does it look on the inside?

>> No.18453924

I don't read.

>> No.18453927

They just came in the mail like 20 seconds ago. The Italo Calvino one will come off, probably not on The New York Trilogy, I can not imagine the covers of The Penguin Classic Deluxe series responding well to it.
How does my phone always know the most inconvenient way to rotate the photo?

>> No.18455093


>> No.18455349
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My summer reading this year. Laid out like this because no titles on some of the spines.

>> No.18455975

Dude I love D.H. Lawrence, its to bad he died in picketts charge

>> No.18456036

How do you like that edition on the septuagint? It seems like every current printing of the bible sucks ass in one way or another.

>> No.18456656
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it is about to begin, haven't decided upon the order yet

>> No.18456713

fuck off https://twitter.com/MargueriteABerg/status/1394943073399054336/photo/1

>> No.18456727

who's to say she doesn't post here anon?

>> No.18456734

common sense

>> No.18456842
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Not pictured:
>Human Action by LvMI
>48 Laws by Greene

>> No.18456845

Also Man and His Symbols by Jung

>> No.18456888

Reilley/Brown's Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management was the textbook I used.

>> No.18457094

How's Crawford's translation? His vids are cool

>> No.18457146

Thank you so much! Been thinking of buying some of their prints as their cheap and look pretty good

>> No.18457169

The recognitions is slowly becoming one of my favourite books. I’m only half way but I’m sure you’ll enjoy it

>> No.18457244

I am really looking forward to it, the handful of excerpts I have read over the years were fantastic. Reading Carson McCullers right now, and she is amazing. Think Agape Agape or the Mezzanine will be next and then one of the big books.

>> No.18458438

what do you like about it

>> No.18458767

you're welcome anon, glad I could help

>> No.18459061

The prose and character development is amazing for me personally. I find myself rereading some passages just out of amazement.
I also love the references Gaddis makes to literature, philosophy and theology.
I’ve never really read anything like it before.

>> No.18459639

Power Broker is worth the hype, it’s so well written

>> No.18460326

Good, that's what I thought. That other idiot in the thread got filtered, or probably doesn't want people to read it and ascend.

>> No.18461325

good thread

>> No.18461785
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Actual /lit/izen reporting in

>> No.18461826
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Other books ordered and on the way
DFW - Everything and More
Robert McKee- Principles of Screenwriting
David Markson - The Last Novel
Brian Lumley - Necroscope book 2

>> No.18461867


>> No.18463188
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>> No.18464082
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>> No.18465768

Is that the dubs guy book?

>> No.18466259
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Ready for the hot days.

>> No.18466276

theory of the young girl is based, so many fucking plebs on this board

>> No.18466852

Celine, Wolfe and Gaddis r cool, everything else gay. Is raspail actually good stuff beyond good politics??
Good anglo postmodernism, waterland is brilliant.
Do report back on nabokov letters. Greene is endlessly readable

>> No.18466861


see >>18466610

>> No.18466889

>Is raspail actually good stuff beyond good politics??

Not really. The prose isn't that good, the plot drags a bit, and the characters aren't that well-rounded. I got the impression he had a great premise and wanted to get the book out ASAP, lest it happen before he published it. But he doesn't hold a candle to his obvious influences like Gracq, Celine, Bloy, and de Maistre.

>> No.18466947
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>> No.18467272

Is great book, v funny farcical moments, a massive story with a lively, complicated cast (anselm was young mes favourite) and many clever little passages. Do not understand its reputation of being difficult

>> No.18467293

Rothfuss is reddit incarnate and Jemisin is a fantasy-version of Toni Morrison

>> No.18467495

My grandmother passed away recently and left me all of her Tolkien books, among other things. I've always liked fantasy but never read Tolkien, so that's my plan for the summer. Is he as comfy as people make him out to be? I'm OK with all the names and places and myths and world-building - that's definitely part of the appeal. I'm a bit depressed and need to just get lost in something else for a while.

>> No.18467579

Yes, it's excellent. Go read it in a park or something with some good coffee and enjoy.

>> No.18467612

Cheers... thank (You)

>> No.18468734

based 14 y.o.

>> No.18469214

I really want to read The Tears of Eros, but I'm trying to find an old French edition with illustrations. Pretty hard to find. God, it's frustrating. I can't even find a PDF of that edition online.

>> No.18469338

man and his symbols is literally new age dog shit. i remember reading it years ago and thought it was so fucking stupid.

>> No.18469402


>> No.18469432

I am a hedge fund analyst
Margin of Safety by Klarman (out of print, will have to pirate pdf)
One Up on Wall Street
Most Important Thing - Marks
+ your market wizards book should all be a good start. No one uses academic portfolio management techniques — they’re not founded in the real world and don’t work in the real world

>> No.18469448

Worth. Why are you reading?

>> No.18469482
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Some missing books but going from bottom to top and on Critique of Pure Reason currently

>> No.18470774

I've started reading GG last summer, with The Heart of the Matter. It blew me away. I was too prejudiced against him: I don't like British novelists of the 20th century, I barely ever read genre, I won't even consider spy-fiction or whatever, and of course, there is that 'Catholic Novelist' stuff. So, I greatly delayed reading him. Now, I'm trying to fix it by reading two GG every month.

>> No.18470872
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here is my stack

>> No.18471323
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>> No.18471376

Based and latinxpilled

>> No.18471551
File: 2.08 MB, 3840x2160, DSC_0158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18471744
File: 1.23 MB, 1896x3363, P_20210617_230306_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I dropped by Jimbocho and found these, 200 yen each. When am I going to read them? Who knows.
>summer in July
The Northern Hemisphere is upside down, it ain't normal.

>> No.18471756

Andate a la concha de tu hermana, negro de mierda.

>> No.18471772

Basado argie hermano

>> No.18472138

I don't understand Spanish.

>> No.18472211

Pretty ambitious, bro. Good for you.

>> No.18472347

He's saying that he loves you

>> No.18472926

No he isn't