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/lit/ - Literature

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18434896 No.18434896 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18434986


>> No.18435038

Is this America's equivalent of the Confucian classics?

>> No.18435054

I haven’t read the books but I have a friend who loves them. I watched the first two movies years ago so I don’t know what’s so bad about Harry Potter?

>> No.18435269

OP and this post should be a banner for /lit/

>> No.18435385


>> No.18435390


>> No.18436895

at best, Harry Potter is serviceable fantasy for young readers. But it's super derivative and stylistically, nothing spectacular. Even as a kid, I stopped after the fourth one.

Too many adult readers still think they're good.

>> No.18436901


>> No.18436906

I never read any of them
Sorcery is devil’s work

>> No.18436909

These books helped me learn to read and I loved them when I was younger. Are there flaws? Sure but overall it was a great thing for literature as a whole. Many people reading fantasy or even reading in general would not be doing so without these books.

>> No.18436910

The movies are comfy. Especially around Christmas or Halloween time.

>> No.18436924

>But it's super derivative
besides alice in wonderland, derivative of what?

>> No.18436934
File: 7 KB, 259x194, mookie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The books suck but their better than the movies
>There books suck, but their badder than the movies.
>There, books suck, but here their better up with movies.
>There, books suck, but here they're batter's up with mookie.

>> No.18436938
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nice post, but it's not going to dissolve my hunger for trannies' nut butter

>> No.18436942

It's a cultural touchstone, but I wouldn't quite give it *that* much credit. If Harry Potter didn't come out, something else would have taken its place. Fantasy's always been popular, but HP was published at the right place/time for it to be massively commercially successful.

Twilight's the same way, got a lot of people into reading... but you don't hear claims of that series being a great thing for literature. Both just products of appealing to a very commercially safe demographic.

>> No.18436945


>> No.18436958
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Besides some obvious examples like LOTR and Star Wars and other 'hero's journey' derived stories...

It's got the same plot-pitch as Ursula Le Guin's A Wizard of Earthsea.

"Young gifted wizard boy gets magically attacked by a parasitic evil entity that becomes a part of him (by leaving a distinct scar on his face) and acts as his stalker, then goes to a wizarding school where he has a rivalry with an aristocratic douchebag" doesn't sound all that original when Le Guin did the exact same thing 30 years prior.

There's also Gaiman's Books of Magic.

>> No.18436962

moar horse dick trannies pls

>> No.18437001

Harry Potter doesn't "suck," it's genuinely one of the comfiest coming-of-age stories of all time.
The only thing that sucks is its adult fascination and fanbase. People have let that fact muddy their perception of the books themselves in a reactionary way.

>> No.18437039

It's good. Unlike most YA lit that's only engaging on a surface level for having an exciting plot or something, there are real symbols and meaning in it, much more than you would expect from a series written for kids. Harry's direct connection with Voldemort, his parallels as a character with Neville, Snape's love for Lily are just a couple interesting ideas that go way below the surface.
It's not Nabokov. If you are 25 you'd be better served by reading something else. But if you are a middle schooler reading HP you have some pretty good tast.

>> No.18438135

Harry never learned how to turn into an animal. After 8 years he never surpassed his father, couldnt teleport, and barely ever solved shit on his own.

>> No.18438350


>> No.18439428

the state of /lit/ instead of addressing OP's thread these nigs just shitpost.
Also comfy movies and books btw.

>> No.18439449

Yes. But rereading them would be an ordeal, while rewatching one of them movies can be comfy.

>> No.18439457
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>> No.18439499

This. I have HBO max and just watched them all. Wasn't what I was hoping but I was over all satisfied with the movies. But Ron and Hermione relationship was very disappointing.

>> No.18439614
File: 338 KB, 496x360, 9422AD3C-F9F2-43B5-B73A-CC0578E801B3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Harry Potter

Low self-esteem euros try to insult Americans can’t even remember their own achievements