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18432367 No.18432367[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there a good self help book that isn't the most obvious shit like "Bad things are bad for you do good thing instead"

>> No.18432386

Reading about the stoics, pyrrhoists and epicureans will do much more for you than any self help charlatan.

>> No.18432389

The Holy Bible is the only book you'll ever need, everything else is mere entertainment.

>> No.18432431

Those guys are exactly what I said in OP. Holy shit Epicurus like don't do displeasurable things who would of thought

>> No.18432482

Have you read him?

>> No.18432492

So you want a self-help book that says you can keep doing things you know are bad?
Try >>18432389

>> No.18433103


>> No.18433161

>don't do displeasurable things
That’s not what the stoics are against
Read Seneca

>> No.18433169

The fundamental basis of the self-help industry is the belief that all your problems and their negative effects on your life are caused by internal factors and internal elements alone. That everything is dependent on your mindset, philosophy and subjective perception and view of the world. The core mechanic here is that if you are able to change your internal view of the world around you, this changes all the problems into non-issues, which is an extremely wrong idea because, as another poster mentioned the last time I gave a similar rant around these parts, the entire field of psychology exists because we are not capable of controlling what we feel about the external elements around us. We can ignore the problems, act as if they don't have effects on us, but this is just a matter of time until the resilience cracks and we are back to zero.

The thing with self-help is, as mentioned, that it flees from the active attempt of changing the EXTERNAL elements and factors affecting your life negatively, mostly because they are far too numerous, varied and complex for one area of thought or skill to be capable to dominate (relationships, machines not working the way they are supposed to, economic factors, health). If you face the objective reality that there is no escaping the external elements and factors affecting your life and that to avoid suffering and the compromise of your happiness you must fix, solve or remove those problems, you will have to face the reality that there is no self-help that can ultimately help you at all.

In sum, self-help preaches that all your problems are caused by your own views and internal perspectives of the world around you, because then you can always buy a new ideology, a new philosophy and a new book from a new charlatan in order to try and change your mindset and change your life all over again. In reality, the problems in your life are indeed very much external to your perception only, and need to be dealt with.

>> No.18433243

would accept a sloppy bj

>> No.18433249

Their ideas are just as simplistic and obvious.

>> No.18433275

“Don’t give in to vice” and “Live virtuously” may seem obvious but the writings help further elaborate on what it means to live in such a way and challenges one encounters along the way.
You sound like you’ve only read wikipedia articles on stoic writings

>> No.18433513

Marcus Aurelius wasn't trying to sell books

>> No.18433721

I highly doubt it.

>> No.18433773

I don't wanna be super weird but I always wanted to ass fuck a trap and make them orgasm and cum without any touching of their dick, only by massaging their prostate from the inside.

>> No.18433839

Me too man

>> No.18433876

He was trying to cope.

>> No.18433885

I think Bailey would love Call of the Crocodile.

>> No.18433887

Pretty bird, might fancy a go.

What's her ig?

>> No.18433890

Same here but I'd also like to go on dates with a trap and cuddle him and maybe lie in an open field and look at the stars and talk about our dreams, maybe move in together, adopt a kid, etc.

Weird fetish but it gets me so fucking hard

>> No.18433932
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>> No.18434064

She’s talks about books she reads on her podcast. People send her recommendations on Twitter I think. She seems to read anything sent her way. Imagine the memes.

>> No.18434088

Anti fragile

>> No.18434136

Your trap fantasies are fantasies, don't buy into the tranny madness, anon. You probably wouldn't even present your trap girlfriend to your parents if by chance you met a passing one, the probability of which is already extremely low and the probability of going out with one even lower.
For degenerates like you, there are no cures except time. I've met countless people like you who are going out with normal girl, pretending to be normal but secretly lurking on passing trannies discord and reddit.

>> No.18434143

Well she says she loves so bad it’s good horror movies.