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18427663 No.18427663 [Reply] [Original]

>Spengler thread
Does he talk about how we can slow the decline?

>> No.18427899

The Decline is inevitable. We can merely play our part. However what we can do is advance towards Western Civilisations completion. That of Empire, and Caeserism. If you want to read how the Decline may be stopped (in the views of the author of the book) read Yockeys Imperium. He approaches it from a Spenglerian position as if it’s an addition to the Decline of the West

>> No.18427929

spengler is one of the left's most interesting thinkers. i wish polcels could stop appropriating him like they do with jünger or heidegger.

>> No.18427930

>stop the decline of the faustian civ
>wignat wrote this book
why even bother?

>> No.18427953
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Spengler was right about encouraging people to embrace technics and the spirit of the age. Caring about religion, philosophy and tradition instead is just suffering, everyone will call you schizo, racist, incel, worthless, etc. I wish I was just a STEM normie making a lot of money and pushing technology forward

>> No.18428238

What does Spengler say about cultures that are on the borders of various civilizations? Is there such a thing as liminal cultures according to him?

>> No.18428244

spengler says he hates polcels

>> No.18428298
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Supposedly he did, I think it was in his book on Prussian Socialism, were he wrote about how to make a state stay in the culture stage.

If not then you have Confucius and (Neo-) Confucians however important to note that even Confucius himself call his ideas small tranquillity, because no matter, no one can escape the decline. The best we can do is return to a decentralized form of feudal government, where it gives soil and water for new waking consciousness to rise up, or we can just rape the old - like how Zhao overthrew the Shang.

According to Shao Yung - a Neo-Confucian thinker - A ruler can change the state of the polity, in this case from the state of Hegemon (Winter) to Monarch (Spring), one stage per generation, (in a four by four grid one can arrive at the upper-left cell). All are unified by the Tao, even if the Tao is only manifested through affairs, it is the path that people can follow eternally. To quote the starting passage of Doctrine of the Mean; What is God-given is called nature; to follow nature is called Tao (the Way); to cultivate the Way is called culture.
But how to know one is actually following the Tao? The sage, like heaven, is able to exercise the power to go against the current norm and change the situation (quan) just as heaven brings about changes in the seasons. The ultimate standard of value by which the exercise of such power must be measured, Shao asserts, is whether or not it “gives life to the populace".

Important to note that Hegemons are the last defender/great men of a culture. For Shao Yung, the ruler after the fall of Zhou, basically all rulers of Imperial China, were not Hegemons but usurpers, what Spengler would call Caesars. Yet Shao Yung believed the Song Dynasty to be start of a new Spring period - while his wish did not come true, he was somewhat right in that historically both China and India had a revival at the same time, i.e attack on Buddhism.

Neo-Confucianism almost became a new waking consciousness for the Chinese, especially considering how close both China and Korea were to adopt the Catholic faith - to not forget about the Taiping Movement. But as history shows most of these attempt end in failure - at the very least they will inspire later generations, maybe this is what Shao Yung meant.

>> No.18428308

They are usually in a state of pseudomorphis, can only express their culture through foreign culture forms. I.e Magian and Russia.

The Magian would shed its pseudomorphis with the advent of Muhammad and Islam, reason for its stunning success.

>> No.18428408

>religion, philosophy and tradition
One of these is not like the others, you cringey larper

>> No.18428464

guenonians lose once again

>> No.18428474

I have the first volume of The Decline. How essential is the second volume? I'm guessing the answer is an obvious yes. I'm only asking because I think it's a matter of time before his books are shadow-banned from main retailers.

>> No.18428502

His writing is so inspirational, every time I feel I have overcome him rereading his texts brings me under his spell.

>> No.18428536

The first volume was just the introduction so you can grasp the second.

>> No.18428582

He's very much an Anti-Hegel in that regard. Hegel's influence and the will to imitate him in creating an all-encompassing philosophy are unmistakable, but almost everything else - down to Hegel's notorious writing - is the exact opposite.

>> No.18428926
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I prefer the Evolian prescription

>> No.18430374
