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18426188 No.18426188[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Capitalism has destroyed any possibility for romantic love. The sexual revolution of the 1960s, widely seen as a liberation movement, is better understood as the intrusion of capitalist values into the previously sacrosanct realm of intimate life.

>In societies like ours sex truly represents a second system of differentiation, completely independent of money; and as a system of differentiation it functions just as mercilessly. The effects of these two systems are, furthermore, strictly equivalent. Just like unrestrained economic liberalism, and for similar reasons, sexual liberalism produces phenomena of absolute pauperization. Some men make love every day; others five or six times in their life, or never. Some make love with dozens of women; others with none. It's what's known as `the law of the market'. Economic liberalism is an extension of the domain of the struggle, its extension to all ages and all classes of society. Sexual liberalism is likewise an extension of the domain of the struggle, its extension to all ages and all classes of society.

What are some books on this topic?

>> No.18426226

Entitled hag

>> No.18426230

How many dates do you think she gets taken on with that attitude? My guess is 0.

>> No.18426242

Hardly matters as long as she looks like that

>> No.18426244

probably why she's so bitter

>> No.18426245

Incels have destroyed this board
Why can’t you just stay on your own boards? Why do you have to talk about women on every single board on 4chan(nel)?

>> No.18426252

capitalism and sexual liberation created the current incel crisis

>> No.18426263
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>that webm
New target for Orca Jet aquired, target aquisition?
*orca noises*
Orca Jet has locked on with his next gen sonar roastie sniffing glands and is poised for attack
The president has made comformation, proceed with the attack
T-34 seconds until impact
*every soldier in the us military feels Orca Jet's sonic boom and they can't help but shed a tear of joy and salute, a hero flies again*

>> No.18426265
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>a walk as a date option
is it really that easy for some people?
>yo babe wanna go for a walk and then I'll fuck your puss
>sure chad :)

>> No.18426286

Lmao massive cope. In 2021 a stupid foid with an attitude like this still has 1000 matches on Tinder and gets regularly ravished by Chads.

>> No.18426292

If you were 10/10 Gigachad with a Ferrari and a mansion, why would you waste you time with her? You could have anybody else.

>> No.18426296

>the victim mentality
incels are on par with tranny feminists

>> No.18426299
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I wish I were a chad, having sex must be a lot better than being here...

>> No.18426301

You underestimate how many simps with well-paying jobs there are out there.

>> No.18426314
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You guys know this is the last chance, right? This tiktok is 100 years of sexual liberation and women's rights movements condensed culminating in 30 seconds of pure entitlement. I don't know how anyone can support this retardation after watching shit like this. You know that nothing will come out of complaining on 4chan and that you need to take real life action to curtail the tragedy that is women's rights? Do it for your own sake and for the sake of your own son so that he won't be a 40 year old KHHV

>> No.18426334

unironically yes.
I knew a guy who was such a chad that we once were at a mall walking and we passed by some women sitting and he just asked one of them for her number and she gave it to him just like that and 2 days later he showed me a video of her giving him a blow job. the guy exuded big dick energy.
that sounds like a made up story but there really are people like that. it's madness

>> No.18426343

>you need to take real life action to curtail the tragedy that is women's rights?

please for the love of god have sex

>> No.18426346

I don´t see what is wrong with this. I have 0 interest in that bitch and she wpuld have 0 interest in me. She wants someone with amazing looks, great manners and money, someone who can take her to expensive restaurants in order to get to fuck her. I want someone who is more than a talking hole with entitlement issues, someone who can have a positive impact on my life.
I think it makes the filtering process a lot easier.

>> No.18426357

does she have an onlyfans tho?

>> No.18426368

>stop noticing things

>> No.18426386

Diagnosis: Involuntary celibate

Prescription: Sex

>> No.18426388
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The netherlands give the disabled money which can be used to buy one hooker a month. I say that every man which has not have had sex for a certain amount of time (say 2 years or more), should be give the same as the netherlandese.

>> No.18426404

>I want an imaginary fantasy woman

>> No.18426408

stop making excuses and break through "things" like the man you're supposed to be instead of being a fucking bitch-ass pussy nigga

>> No.18426421
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I really don't care about sex and only ever regret getting involved in relationships.

>> No.18426425

>I want someone who is more than a talking hole with entitlement issues, someone who can have a positive impact on my life
So you want to date men, got it

>> No.18426438

Why do you want to date if women are this shitty? If what you want is sex, why not just go with an escort? They are about as hot and half as expensive.

>> No.18426454

I have entirely given up on women so insults like these do nothing to me

>> No.18426466

Houellebecq kind of touches on it.

>> No.18426468

It's actually easy to get laid if you're decent looking, fit and communicate well. Doesn't have to cost more than few drinks either. Just don't get into relationships with these sluts, 75% of millennial and 95% of zoomer females are insufferable narcissistic monsters.

>> No.18426472

I really wish you niggers would stop replying to a thread where the op vid is ragebait

>> No.18426483

>communicate well
How can I achieve this?

>> No.18426490

practice, which means you'll have to fail along the way. but you're a fragile little pussy so you hide inside your room.

>> No.18426493

Practice, more practice and small doses of alcohol.

>> No.18426499

i think she needs more lip injections.

>> No.18426500

I can’t wait for sex robots, when whores like this will crawl on my doorstep begging for my attention and I can kick them in the teeth and then fuck my tradwife cat girl robot up the ass

>> No.18426510

How does that make any sense? Does fucking a hooker really do something that masturbation doesn't?

>> No.18426514

kek normalfaggot "tough love" posturing like this is so pathetic

>> No.18426518
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>I can’t wait for sex robots, when whores like this will crawl on my doorstep begging for my attention and I can kick them in the teeth and then fuck my tradwife cat girl robot up the ass

>> No.18426523

So, I should just dress well, go out on friday night to a bar and try to talk to the first stacy I see? Is this how it is supposed to go?

>> No.18426524

struck a nerve then haven't I

>> No.18426532

>romantic love
Was a lie told to you to sell movie tickets
You fucking, learn history before you bitch about m-muh modern world and wommens made me a loser
>What are some books on this topic?
Fuck off and die, shittroll

>> No.18426533

What an npc-tier response
I'm not the guy you replied to by the way brainlet

>> No.18426539

No one does this anymore, well not unless you're Armani model level. You need to chat up girls in your social circle - school, work, friends of friends etc. If you're sheltered incel, you simply won't get laid.

>> No.18426549

easily 5000 matches and every single one of them is a date if she wants it to be. ugly chicks get like 1500 matches in no time

>> No.18426556

/ck/ told me that Nespresso makes shit coffee and espressos in general

>> No.18426569

How can I join a social circle? At work there's only men and I´m not in good terms with them. I'm willing to put myself out there and bite the bullet.

>> No.18426575

I had female friends acts exactly like her, it's a miracle that we got along well

>> No.18426588

I dunno, but this guy seems legit


>> No.18426594

As a sheltered incel who's also an autist I don't think it's even worth it to "put yourself out there"
I've had sex (paid for it but it's still sex) and it wasn't worth the money so I can't imagine the rest being worth the effort. I think I will cope by shutting myself off from society even further.

>> No.18426608

Honestly not sure what kind of advice can I offer you here, most people build up their connections during education. College is all about networking and fucking for most... In your situation, socializing with guys at work would be a good start I guess. You could always try Tinder because that's where the casual sex has moved but as you probably know, the average man doesn't stand much of a chance there.

>> No.18426613
File: 34 KB, 550x540, feelsweirdman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Read this exact post, word for word, on /biz/ a moment ago
>Close /biz/ and decide to check /lit/
>See this post

>> No.18426623

I read this thread without watching OP's video, but jesus christ what a pretentious snob of a karen. Who the fuck is so entitled to think that the best way to judge the human condition is to participate in middle class sedatives? Why should I give her the opportunity to make me pay the 80$ bill just so she can post shit on instagram and then not put out at the end of the night while chad comes along and knocks her up after three drinks.
Look at those lip injections. Look at that late 20s attempt at still having value in her youth.
Absolute fucking garbage with no intuition in what constitutes human behavior or knowledge.
A tramp raised by parents who make 6 figures and went off to become a marketing specialist but ended up just becoming a realtor. I fucking hate this world. So god damn much.

The fact that you have to meet a woman through some bullshit simulacra of an internet app is ridiculous. The fact that meeting women that are actually interesting or personable or an actual non NPC outside of college is impossible is absurd.

I'm sorry grandpa and grandma, but you won't be getting great grand children any time soon.

>> No.18426624


what a pleb

>> No.18426644

Whatever works for you personally. No one says you HAVE to have sex.

>> No.18426657

This isn't Twitter

>> No.18426670

She would probably look way better if she didnt go full baboons ass mode on the lip filler.

>> No.18426675
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Fucking a hooker is ideally better than just jacking off. You see some, feel something, maybe you even talk. Something like that can help people, especially lonely ones. Something like sexual surrogacy could be good too.

>> No.18426681

STD's too

>> No.18426690

These are men ain't it?

>> No.18426691
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What 'real life action' are you encouraging us to take, Anon?

>> No.18426694

How else do you wish for me to symbolically represent an entire zeitgeist of a particular personality architype beyond the use of a particular phrase you both know and deeply understand, understand to such an extent that you went out of your way to post about the particular word. This is the English language in a perpetually meta understanding of internet dialectics.

>> No.18426707

View it as a greater trend. Incelism has become universal

>> No.18426714

People say it all the time

>> No.18426727

kill women (in Minecraft)

>> No.18426732
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>> No.18426742

something something dating apps something something can no longer pretend it's not just comparison shopping poring over spec sheet something something uncle ted

>> No.18426774


>>18426388 isn't

>> No.18426843

>The sexual revolution of the 1960s, widely seen as a liberation movement, is better understood as the intrusion of capitalist values into the previously sacrosanct realm of intimate life.
This has more to do with Communist sympathies than "Neoliberalism". Most of the people promoting some sort of free love were Communists or fellow travelers.

>> No.18426875

sitcom mentality kek.

>> No.18426899

Communists would say that a good date is making a giant feast for all your comrades on your farm. Going to restaurants is bourgeoisie bullshit.

>> No.18426905

I've long become undateable but I'd still instantly discard a whore with swollen lips

>> No.18426914

>Giant feast

>> No.18426922

>being free

>> No.18427003

Based Orca Jet, doing the work for us.

>> No.18427079

michel clouscard is exaclty what you want, i don't know that you can find it in english though

>> No.18427088

more like silicone mentality

>> No.18427095

WR Reich

>> No.18427123

>Why should I give her the opportunity
You shouldn't.
Why do you think she's talking to you? Why are you so triggered by a random retarded woman?

>> No.18427131

Communism is not what you think it is

>> No.18427143

Because I see and meet entitled women like this or that believe shit like this all the time. They are drains on society.

>> No.18427149
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Is it weird that I’m entirely indifferent to people like this? Life probably hasn’t been entirely kind to a person like this - if you look at her apartment, it’s clear that objects have taken the place of fulfillment. There’s always a class of people whose worth is tied with displays of wealth, and they expect affection to be based on material. Ultimately, I just think to myself, “Well, then I guess I won’t be dating a person like this”, and move along. It doesn’t even phase me, and I think people like OP would be in a healthier state if they didn’t let it phase them either. There are many roads, and she doesn’t happen to be walking on yours. She’s not the first, and not the last.