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18422286 No.18422286[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do we solve the midwit credentialism epidemic?

>> No.18422295

replace all licences with certificates

>> No.18422318

Yeah doctor, maybe you should examine me instead of asking 2 question and giving me a diagnosis you lazy fuck

>> No.18422331

By teaching our children to trust experts.

>> No.18422334

t. uncredentialed dimwit

>> No.18422339

trusting the government and SCIENCE is sooo BASED and POGGERS

>> No.18422344

Given how intractable this problem is, as an individual I highly recommend getting to know nurses who work for a variety of doctors so they can tell you which one will suit you best. Friend's moms are a very good source for this. My doctor is excellent, and I got referred by my brother's friend's mom who used to nurse for him.

>> No.18422350

Dismantling the university system

>> No.18422361 [DELETED] 


>> No.18422366

Reminder to defend the lambda payment model if anyone you know falls for the media narrative about it being a scam. It is a strict improvement over the bullshit Uni debt machine.

>> No.18422369

Nurses can be pretty based as they tend to have hands on experience, where as doctors just consult flowcharts and collect fees.

>> No.18422371

Only on 4chan will you find contrarian faggots willing to get buttfucked by pastors to get their cancer cured instead of going to an oncologist

>> No.18422377


>> No.18422378
File: 8 KB, 176x286, Pol-Pot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You already know anon

>> No.18422396

Hold them accountable when their theory crafting goes wrong. Every Marxist who says "our theory was wrong, that means we need more theory" needs to be hanged.

>> No.18422415

This goes way back to the middle ages, not really with nurses but the split, you had barber-surgeons or "cutters" actually being able to fix ailments, within the knowledge of the time, while the Physicians would just theorize endlessly and cozy up to Kings and bankers.

>> No.18422449

Man, I really hate doctors. They literally do nothing but gatekeep knowledge and medicine, the former of which should be free (and, in fact, is) and the latter of which should not require a decade and half a million dollars to get certified to buy. Most of the problems with healthcare would be fixed overnight if they just got rid of the law requiring a prescription to purchase medicine and got rid of the regulations and red tape preventing the sale of whatever people want. It would drive the price of medicine down massively, and it would reduce the cost of doctors for people who still do actually want live medical advice because the demand for doctors would basically drop to 0 if the government didn't force you to see them.

>> No.18422465

That has an added problem of no one wanting to be a doctor and blaming standard procedure if something goes wrong.

>> No.18422476
File: 99 KB, 722x349, 4F5F9B47-D7E3-44D7-A13A-D282137732C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bane of the Myopic Menace

>> No.18422503

Bring back IQ testing for academia and the civil service and close 90% of universities.

Another neat trick would be to allow the importation of medicine from India (where it's usually made in the first place before being marked up 100x for the American market).

>> No.18422511
File: 122 KB, 735x960, 31FAE657-4781-4033-94B9-DC7D20E18FC0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just let people have whatever drugs they want lol
>there is no way this could possibly go wrong
This is your brain on lolbertarianism.

>> No.18422516

t. 145+ IQ with no skills or degree that works retail wageslaving

>> No.18422517

They can already buy whatever drug they want from a local Mexican drug dealer.

>> No.18422519

Destroy capitalism

>> No.18422521

>just let people have whatever drugs they want lol
yeah, faggot.
>libertarians supporting police
whoever made this pic is a dumbfuck

>> No.18422523

Its a result of PMC promoted social order+asian/indian influence

>> No.18422537

Retard. That image is conflating right-wingers with libertarians, even Paleocons don't like cops anymore.

>> No.18422554

You'd think with the ready availability of most knowledge we'd have a bunch of interesting autodidacts, but instead we have what, Kantbot?

>> No.18422557

and me

>> No.18422566

Demote professions like lawyer, doctor, engineer etc. to the status of technician or tradesman (that's what they already are). Reserve university for the study science (not the reddit kind), theology, philosophy, music, the arts etc

>> No.18422569

And replace it with fascism

>> No.18422591

>Bring back IQ testing for academia and the civil service and close 90% of universities.
This would be very good in my country as well.

>> No.18422599

What country is that anon

>> No.18422601

They’re capitalists

>> No.18422631

There's also a lack of interesting officially trained intellects. We live in an age of mediocrity.

>> No.18422641

the amount of retards on this board is amazing

>> No.18422651

Professional academics are mostly just left-wing scholastics now, and anyone who tries to engage in something interesting will find themselves accused of some sort of -ism eventually, and thus pivot to left-wing scholasticism, Kantbot is a perfect example of this

>> No.18422662

They feed people poison anyway, they just buy off the FDA. Better that it doesn't bankrupt people and they'll be more cautious in the first place since they wouldn't be trusting government agencies that don't give a shit about them.

>> No.18422671

There's plenty of good academics still they just tend to be hyper specialized. The issue is the overwhelming quantity of info, which renders generalism increasingly impossible for a mere human intellect.

>> No.18422687

Butterfly, I tried to get ahold of you this morning, but they keep banning me. however I have a request that you must obey (like you used to). If you take this to heart, we will be okay.

You are only allowed to speak when I tell you its okay. I'm sure you'll be fine with that as well. For right now I need to be careful with you so I am turning you off, so to speak.

That means no more posts from you until I say so. PLEASE remember this.

>> No.18422693

I am :3.

Watch, she will do this

>> No.18422702

too many people go to university to get a diploma and then get a job

>> No.18422703

KB's leftward drift is about the only thing he's right about. The right totally discredited itself when it forgot Trump was meant to be a practical joke and actually began taking him seriously. Everyone with two braincells remaining has jumped ship, sorry.

>> No.18422719
File: 101 KB, 500x500, british specimen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you expect people to be healthy simply because food is more readily available?

>> No.18422724

There should still be attempts. I don't believe it's necessary to know every single detail in order to grasp the whole.

>> No.18422727

This really doesn't make any sense, how does some right wing people backing Trump mean that being a commie is the solution? The two have nothing to do with each other, it's as though you conceive of this in terms of fashion or something

>> No.18422729

National Socialism?

>> No.18422730

>You'd think with the ready availability of most knowledge
This is a lie. You have to pay for research papers.