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18421991 No.18421991 [Reply] [Original]

Have you got your order in anons?

>> No.18422038

No. Link?

>> No.18422047
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How many one-volume editions are there?

>> No.18422050


>> No.18422069

It's only available in the UK.

>> No.18422074

Uniromically been wanting to buy LOTR for 2 years, but I haven't cause idk which edition to go with.

>> No.18422088

if i ever publish a book the only ill make sure the only "versions" that ever come out are hardcover and paperback. fuck this gay faggot shit. you want whats inside not outside. and maybe a travel version
go to a bookstore and pick up the one that fits in your hands the most comfortably and has the nicest sized print

>> No.18422102

No I got one in the US. I think it releases in a few months. I wanted to buy the books anyway and the used ones at the bookstore were all movie-edition cover paperbacks and this version was like $70 USD and three separate hardcovers wouldn’t be /that/ much cheaper. Excited to read it.

>> No.18422128

Well, you're a lucky one. It currently costs 120 UK pounds + shipping.

>> No.18422150

How essential did Tolkien consider his personal illustrations to the book? Did he want to be some kind of light novel mangaka motherfucker?

>> No.18422158

kek I don't know, man. But back in the day, children liked illustrations in books. It was a big selling point. And didn't he originally intend these books for his kids? That's probably the reason for the illustrations.

>> No.18422159

You got the regular illustrated edition. The one in the OP is the deluxe edition and costs 140USD

>> No.18422211

This seems like such a bitch to actually hold and read.

>> No.18422242

Don't think, just consume.

>> No.18422341

>LOTR Special Edition
>LOTR Enhanced Edition
>LOTR Leather Bound Royal Edition
>LOTR Imperial Edition (limited to Pre-Order)

Truly the Skyrim of books.

>> No.18422491

You're not supposed to actually read it, pleb

>> No.18422501


>> No.18422512

>not supposed to read it

>> No.18422742

Jesus Christ. I can't think of anything more Reddit than a fucking Alienware LOTR picture book.

>> No.18422768

A digital version?

>> No.18422772

Like you download it as a game, not just as ebook format.

>> No.18422776

I refuse to purchase any Lord of the Rings media or products that have been released or approved after Christopher Tolkien relinquished control of the estate.
Its all cash grab bullshit by family members who would spit on Tolkien's grave if they got paid for it.

>> No.18422888
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readers truly do miss the age of the gilded book don't they?

>> No.18423430

Everyone who is going to buy that has already read the book. It's meant to sit on your shelf and look pretty. It's like those massive decorative editions of Homer.

>> No.18423599

Do you never read books again?

>> No.18423639

You can read it again sure but it ruins the resale value

>> No.18423652

It looks like it plays dubstep on opening

>> No.18423660

Only for The Hobbit, I don't think there was an illustrated edition of LotR published during JRR's lifetime.

>> No.18423665

Red and black are the best colors for a book. They make it go faster

>> No.18423675

Yellow is a much faster color than red

>> No.18424138

He never offered his illustrations to the publisher, as he considered himself too shit. He made them just for family and friends

>> No.18424635

>like skyrim but with pages

>> No.18426603

>It's meant to sit on your shelf and look pretty.
Sounds like some shit women do