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18421966 No.18421966[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

More people and groups should emulate the Jews.

>> No.18422068

bad meme shalomo, also the nose isn't big enough. Enjoy you little time before rotting in hell for eternity (God abandoned you, it's over).

>> No.18422078

there are, they are called US people.

>> No.18422087

>More people and groups should emulate the Jews.
Actually, yes. More people should solely look out for their own tribe and rebuke all others. Sadly, Jews know firsthand how effective this tactic is, and for that reason so strongly push multiculturalism and globalism.

>> No.18422098

You don't seem to understand their way of thinking. They are turning the Western world (they call it Edom or Rome) into a mess because they believe that Yahweh will always have their back. They also believe that what is poison to non-Jews is good for them, ex: feminism is poison for non-Jews because it kills the traditional ways but it's good for Jews because it promotes matrilineality (as you inherit your "chosedness" through your mother's blood).

>> No.18422129

This is literally how Jews have so intertwined themselves into every political venue in history. They marry their daughters off to the powerful and when the child comes he gets both the patrilineal inheritance and is part of the tribe!

>> No.18422133


It's always the same logic: "we know what will kill you because we firmly believe that God will protect us". Jews are incredibly hateful and vengeful. Which is why everybody hates them so much.

>> No.18422155

I have never seen more cucked or unmasculine people more than the jews. They are the equivlent of a cunning big nosed tranny.
>Yahweh will always have their back
Not anymore, they broke the covenant and God gave rise to the last prophet from Ishmael and not from their tribe (prophetically enough this new nation will be the one to remove them from existence for good). The one who has their backs now is literally Satan.

>> No.18422161
File: 157 KB, 1824x737, Why do ((they)) hate us.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look up the Talmud. Some of the most vile text I've seen, made worst by the fact that's practiced by a mainstream Religion

>> No.18422192

since this is /lit/ I think the most redpilling book on the JQ is "Three Aspects of the Jewish Problem" by Julius Evola.

>> No.18422193


Jews are well aware of their flaws. Just read Kafka. But that's why they are trying so hard to push abnormality and insanity down our throats (Weininger, a Jew):

"The Jew is an individual, not an individuality; he is in constant close relation with the lower life, and has no share in the higher metaphysical life."

"it is plain that the conceptions of a Supreme Good and a Supreme Evil are not truly Jewish"

>> No.18422206

Why you rabbi stick a babby pee-pee in his mouth doh?

>> No.18422210
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Culture of Critique is the hallmark in terms of exposing the Jewish Problem

>> No.18422228

Wasn't kafka disconnected from his jewishness and said that he has nothing in common with them
The problem is that jews conceal so much of what they know and purposefully distort and lie to mislead the masses
However there are some anomalies, for example, check this channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoydhtfFSk1fZXNRnkGnneQ
I don't even know why this jew is putting stuff like this in the open.

>> No.18422230
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Good sassenach

>> No.18422241

I don't really believe in "evolutionary psychology" it's a jewish invention itself. In Evola's books he discusses the question of the nature of the jew and what makes him behave the way he does. He comes to the conclusion that this is an elaborate ongoing plan of vengeance.

>> No.18422285
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That makes sense

>> No.18422416

Great Channel.

>> No.18422436
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should we imitate Jewish weakness, and weasel-like behavior as well?

>> No.18422440
File: 63 KB, 354x504, fear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the emotion of hatred being taboo is a jewish mindtrick in and of itself
what the fuck else did our ancestors feel when an enemy was invading and destroying their lands?

>> No.18422447

Jews make up 2% of the US population, no one is stupid enough to fall for that

>> No.18422480
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>> No.18422496

I think that it's profoundly unappealing to hold on to power by demanding that everyone else feel pity for you. So no, I would prefer not to emulate the Jews.