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18421656 No.18421656 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think about this book?

>> No.18421820
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Supposedly one of the best books of the 21st century but I haven't read it yet.

>> No.18421823

Loved it. Besides 2666 my favorite 21st century novel

>> No.18421931

It’s spectacular. The sexual stuff can be a little cringe but it’s mostly great. He must have been like elbow deep in Nazi shit for so long, i feel like he could tell you where you would have to go to get your drivers license renewed in 1939 Berlin.
The introduction is so good too

>> No.18421961

I saw an interview with him and he seemed pretty calm and well-spoken. He's also /pol/ repellent since he's descendant of Russian Jews. Pretty cool guy overall and I hope his upcoming kino is good.

>> No.18422046

I basically agree with what the complete review says about it:


>The Kindly Ones is a bad book. There is actually some power to its awfulness -- not the awfulness of what Littell describes, but the sincerity with which he is at work here, and his willingness to plow relentlessly on (over nearly a thousand pages !) to so little effect. Little here feels revealing, and Aue remains a very peculiar cipher, even after he has vomited all this out.

>Most baffling -- in a book that is full of baffling choices -- is the essentially comic (we certainly found it laugh-out-loud) ending, with Hitler's nose, the Nazi-Keystone-cops, and Aue's ridiculous escape.

>The book is readable, though there seems little good reason to bother. It is beyond comprehension why it has gotten as much attention as it has. Certainly its subject matter has something to do with it -- but it is also in its treatment of its subject matter that it falls particularly short. There are facts here -- many, many facts -- but little insightful truth. This is poor commentary on Nazi (and human) evil, and a poor work of fiction as well.

>> No.18422048

It's holocaust porn right?

>> No.18422079

I haven't read it, Steve Donoghue recently made a video about and he sounded pretty lukewarm at best. Even if I didn't watch that I doubt I'd ever read it.


>> No.18422097

Nah, it's Nazi porn.

>> No.18422101

>Steve Donoghue
This guy's a retard, not sure why would anyone take him seriously.

>> No.18422287

Nah, he’s not particularly happy with the way the holocaust unfolds. He’s antisemitic to the end but he questions the point of the extermination and he’s appalled at the sloppiness of the bureaucracy

>> No.18422373
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>> No.18422395

literally whomst

>> No.18422413

lurk moar

>> No.18422802

>not sure why would anyone take him seriously
Because he gives some good book recommendations, I don't think too highly of his political and cultural views (that aren't related to books) but he has been reviewing books for a long time and at the very least can spot decent prose and story. Also his videos on classic books where he compares translations are very useful.

>> No.18422821
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I like the ending.