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File: 34 KB, 425x319, Brecht.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18421132 No.18421132 [Reply] [Original]

Everyone's heard of the major socialist theory texts, from Marx to Mao, but what are the best socialist works of fiction? Libtards need not apply, I only want hard-core red lit.

>> No.18421140


>> No.18421148

I said no libtards.
>b-but Orwell fought in Catalonia
He was an anti-communist who made a list of socialists for the British government to spy on, he was no red.

>> No.18421157

Steven Universe novelization.

>> No.18421167

>but what are the best socialist works of fiction?
>from Marx to Mao
You answered yourself.

>> No.18421172
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News from Nowhere, Morris
The Dispossessed, Le Guin
(Bolo’bolo isn’t technically fiction)

Socialist author, but the subject is just about authoritarianism

>> No.18421173

Brecht. leguin, g hay, those Italians with a footballers name who wrote q

>> No.18421177

Modern Marvel and DC comics

>> No.18421180

Stupid bitch

>> No.18421194

Calvino was a commie and he wrote pretty good books.

>> No.18421198
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He was anti-Stalinist. Left of Labour is socialism.

>> No.18421208

Grapes of wrath

>> No.18421209

Cope, anti-Stalinism is anti-communism.

>> No.18421213
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Neat. Didn’t know. Are any of his stories socialist themed?

>> No.18421227
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Stalin’s method to communism is trash, and Orwell knew it.

>> No.18421243

Mother Courage and Her Children by Bertolt Brecht is one of the best plays I have ever seen/read. Though I would never call him a "Marxist" or "communist" by any stretch, a lot of Dickens's books reflect on the plights of capitalism during the 19th century.

>> No.18421288
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>> No.18421348

london and sinclair

>> No.18421365
File: 546 KB, 2048x1365, Ngugi wa Thiong'o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is his best work?

>> No.18421429

Hmm... Marcovaldo is about a working class dude, but it's definitely not his best work. They're kinda of bittersweet stories about alienation in modern (1960s) cities

Speculazione edilizia - A Plunge into Real Estate

La giornata d'uno scrutatore - The Watcher

I'm just skimming through a Racconti (Short Stories) volume, on a random page I found "L'avventura di due sposi", which seems to have a similar theme to a song from a collective he was in shortly after WWII, which was strongly left wing and basically invented Italian cantautorato "impegnato" (political songwriting), I'll check the title if you're interested.

The Path to the Nest of Spiders is Calvino's first novel, about a kid joining partisans. Didn't really like it desu, my favorite stuff from him is the sci-fi and the metaliterature, also the Ancestors trilogy.

All in all, many of his realistic short stories have some kind of lefty message, but they simply aren't at the level of his other stuff. They might be good, but not outstanding.

>> No.18421438

Hmm London's Iron Heel is also not allowed? I really liked it desu, stilistically it had interesting solutions. My edition has a Trotsky preface or something.

>> No.18421460
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>> No.18421468

>Left-wing fiction
Just read the news

>> No.18421492


>> No.18421494


>> No.18421593

the only fiction leftists have written is whiny genre fiction and soulless realism about factory workers.

>> No.18421611

Read The Good Person of Szechuan.

>> No.18421627

lel literally the most cancerous and systematically unpleasant author in the leftist canon.

>> No.18421658

Hmmm... ever read Tolstoj?

>> No.18421973

Holy filtered

>> No.18422060

Dude, the communist writer Gorky with Socialist Realism had the most impact in South Asia. Checkout Progressive Writers' Movement. It was filled with trad Marxists fiction writers writing about economic struggles of working class.

Look into it

>> No.18422067

Surrealist were also commies you retard

>> No.18422114
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>> No.18422145
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>His science fiction novels often explore socialist, communist, and anarchist political ideas, especially Trotskyism and anarcho-capitalism (or extreme economic libertarianism). Technical themes encompass singularities, divergent human cultural evolution, and post-human cyborg-resurrection. MacLeod's general outlook can be best described as techno-utopian socialist, though unlike a majority of techno-utopians, he has expressed great scepticism over the possibility and especially over the desirability of strong AI.

>> No.18422153
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From a Goodreads review of The Dark Forest:

>More conscientious readers would have recognized the historical materialist perspective in that novel, and that Liu is, at the very least, more intellectually engaged with Marxism than any other philosophical movement. I'd like to think libertarian fandom simply appreciated that novel's brilliance without regard to ideology, but considering that most of them run screaming from the name Marx as if the mere mention of it will wrap its collectivist tendrils around their brains and assimilate them into the hive mind, the more likely answer is they just didn't understand it.

>In The Dark Forest, Liu's application of Marx's materialist theory to his future history is so glaringly obvious it practically lectures you on the subject, and the libertarian worldview is very clearly demonstrated to have as many drawbacks and destructive tendencies as totalitarianism. They can't miss the point this time too, can they?

>> No.18422182
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Two Soviet novels:

How the Steel Was Tempered, Nikolai Ostrovsky

>The story follows the life of Pavel Korchagin, including his fighting in and aftermath of the Russian Civil War. Korchagin fought for the Bolsheviks during the war and was injured. The novel examines how Korchagin heals from his wounds and thus becomes as strong as steel.

And Quiet Flows the Don, Mikhail Sholokhov

>The novel is considered one of the most significant works of world and Russian literature in the 20th century. It depicts the lives and struggles of Don Cossacks during the First World War, the Russian Revolution, and Russian Civil War. In 1965, Sholokhov was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature for this novel.

>> No.18422198
File: 18 KB, 220x331, TheSongOfAriran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Song of Ariran is a book of reportage by an American journalist, Helen Foster Snow under the name Nym Wales. Snow traveled to Yan'an, the wartime capital of the Chinese Communist Party, which welcomed and supported many Koreans in the fight for independence from Japan. The colorful and personal information on the history of the Korean independence movement and the Chinese Communist movement in the 1930s is based on extensive interviews with a Korean communist Jang Jirak who is called Kim San in the book.

>> No.18422217

A lot of the famous Mexican and Latin American novelists were left leaning or straight up leftist

>> No.18422226
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>Red Star Over China, a 1937 book by Edgar Snow, is an account of the Communist Party of China that was written when it was a guerrilla army and still obscure to Westerners.

>Along with Pearl S. Buck's The Good Earth (1931), it was the most influential book on Western understanding of China as well as the most influential book on Western sympathy for Red China in the 1930s.


>> No.18422232

isn't that the point of Brecht? to filter people so hard they become commies?

>> No.18422274

You are listing fiction though. Its just a bunch of thought experiments that aren't particularly solved (Thanks critical theory) and I'm pretty sure capital is an allegory, but I won't spoil it for people who haven't read Marx.

>> No.18422297

Quality posting bro

>> No.18422623

check out paul nizan

>> No.18422628
File: 491 KB, 1170x1447, 1B7B8446-E048-4D5F-B1A8-14768D3C5709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

surprised that nobody has mentioner steinbeck or sinclair. regardless, these are the greatest american socialist writers in history.

>> No.18422645

brecht didn't actually give a fuck about communism, he wrote it himself in a famous poem.

>> No.18422648
File: 48 KB, 640x480, B330AB7B-21EA-4CB3-992B-C8EF75C23B02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gabriel Garcia Marquez (1927-2014)

>> No.18422655

Both Sartre and Camus were communists. A big theme in some of their novels deal strongly with alienation and atomization, both of which are major parts of Marx's critiques of capitalism

>> No.18422659


We just lost another potential communist. Great job anon, you really showed him.

>> No.18422676
File: 435 KB, 1221x1024, FB91F67A-AFB4-4073-A94B-85606D4F10FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you retarded?

>> No.18422690

Saramago has some great books.
Baltasar and Blimunda The Gospel according to Jesus Christ are both excellent.

>> No.18422698
File: 379 KB, 1536x2048, 55D60D0D-207A-4F8D-945A-467196798722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yiannis ritsos, but that’s poetry

>> No.18422711



>> No.18422715

>best socialist works
No such thing can exist because the concept itself is idiotic; as a case in point you can compare London's Martin Eden with his Iron Heel - the former is a pretty engaging story of a boot-strapping individualist, the latter is a collection of naive ramblings which were (supposedly) putting into a corner a bunch of conservatives with their laughable, kindergarten level "arguments". London had to stress all the time that the protagonist had "won" - you wouldn't have guessed otherwise.

>> No.18422720

>yawn fest
who'd have guessed a dour, stultifying dogma was bad for art

>> No.18422985


>> No.18423048

communism will rise

>> No.18423063

The Sun shines over the Sangkan river

>> No.18423137

Every fucking word is a dogma you absolute subhuman.

>> No.18423150

not sure what you mean? probably a sourpuss ideologue though lol

>> No.18423171

Every who speaks or perform an action has an ideology. What isn't dogmatic? Ancient Skepticism? They too had to develop certain due dogmatic truths to survive in this world

>> No.18423197

wow you're right, heaven's gaters were just the same as us. we are already eating from the trashcan all the time. now put on your hairshirt and pay penance for your bourgeois decadence, you miserable bastard.

>> No.18423205

Suck more bougie cocks you pathetic subhuman

>> No.18423207

This sure is some strong cope

>> No.18423211

Cope from what? Ancient Skeptics were the greatest crusaders against dogma and even their project failed due self awareness in humans and they can't function without contradiction and dogmatic beliefs.

>> No.18423217

Cope from your inability to differentiate between reason itself and dogma. But I don't want to argue right now, so shut the fuck up and go read a book.

>> No.18423228

>reason and dogma
Kek, Skepticism is literally the endgame of reason. Anything outside it's scope is dogma, even describing such concept is a dogma.

>> No.18423232
File: 34 KB, 440x440, adorno_conference_poster_-_6_july_heiti_tc1a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>depressive wet blanket marxoid desperately appropriating fashy dehumanization tactics to skirt around the crushing truth his precious movement is an insipid talentless void

>> No.18423279

Just like the kid in CoD who says he isn't trying. Just like the painted bitch who says she doesn't wear makeup.

>> No.18423284

>talentless void
The most well respected post-independence poet of my country was a Marxist. There were many cool artists and philosophers who were Marxists. I don't need your western lib bullshit narrative.

>> No.18423324

If this poet was so good you wouldn't have been ashamed to post him by name.

>> No.18423372

This thread is as shit as one would expect, but just pick any European early 20th C realist work.

>> No.18423610

Yukio Mishima
Ernst Jünger
Ezra Pound
Wyndham Lewis
Gabrielle Annunzio
Marinetti and the Futurist Poets
Dante's Inferno
Mein Kampf

>> No.18423630

Strugatsky brothers

>> No.18423634

You can dismiss M-C-M' cycle

>> No.18423887
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>> No.18423904

Pretty sure Michaelangelo wasn't a Marxist anon

>> No.18423918

Lenin and Orwell both criticized Dickens and his progressive politics as still capitalism just more nicely charitable

>> No.18423920


>> No.18423937

Bolano was a Trotskyist
Mailer had a Trotskyist phase before becoming a JFK groupie (and even later a Bush senior supporter)
Dos Passos had a similar trek though I don’t think he ever was a communist party member but he was a sympathizer until Stalinists shot some of his Trotskyist friends during the Spanish Civil War. He eventually turned hard right.

>> No.18423953

>Trotskyist friends
>eventually turned hard right.
Who could have imagined...

>> No.18424110


He describes himself as a socialist in Homage To Catalonia

>> No.18424188

disappointed in you butters

>> No.18424622

You seem pretty disappointing yourself