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18420684 No.18420684 [Reply] [Original]

My dad is suicidal. He hasn´t attempted it yet, but he tells me that he has these outbursts of suicidal depression that nearly drive him crazy and that he has been veru close to just pulling the trigger. He is going to go to therapy and all, but he also asked me for books that could help him feel better.
The only ones that did it for me were Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Man´s search for meaning by Viktor Frankl and The Denial of Death by Ernst Becker (but I didn´t recommend him the last one cause it´s some heavy shit).
Are there any books that can help a suicidal man?

>> No.18420697

i dont know ,but anti depressants would probably work.. albeit with quite a few side effects

>> No.18420701

Brothers Karamazov

>> No.18420705

Tell him to start with the greeks

>> No.18420708

Kill him before he kills himself.

>> No.18420710
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Only one book I can think of

>> No.18420714

the absolute state of white people, telling their own children they are suicidal, pathetic. there are fathers who are ashamed to even show slight weakness infront of their loved ones...just pitiful.

>> No.18420715

Now that's what I call starting with the Greeks

>> No.18420723

The Death of Ivan Ilyich

>> No.18420725

Regular exercise is the best antidepressant. At the very least daily walks

>> No.18420746

Due to evolutionary pressures, the majority of men are genetically designed to be cannon fodder. Made to be killed in glorious mass battles in their primes. It sounds like your father is living in tune with his true nature, and the society designating him as sick is the real problem.

My advice is for him to take out as many of our enemies as he can on his way out.

>> No.18420764

A father should never show weakness to their child.

>> No.18420774
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>> No.18420798

This. And men should never show weakness to women. Only to a close, long-time buddy.

>> No.18420812

My dad was depressed from before I was born until I was 16 years old.
He had chronic pain too which didn't go away with medication (he was too scared to use the addictive ones) and when I was 16 years old he bought a suicide bag and killed himself.
He had settled into an eerie peace for a few months before it happened apart from one outburst where he screamed at me and called me a cock loving faggot in denial of his homosexuality and then cried in front of me and begged me for forgiveness.
I'm glad you're trying to help your dad.

>> No.18420816

Oh yeah, he also promised me that he'd never do it years before.

>> No.18420834

Can't really blame him if his pain was that bad. I was in the hospital with a guy suffering from Crohn's disease and I wouldn't blame him if he offed himself. Constant, debilitating agony for the lad. I used to hear him screaming and crying in the middle of the night.

>> No.18420988

Come on lads, don´t be like that. He´s no longer a young man. He has fought his battles, done everything he can, suffered so much that I can´t really blame him if he feels like he can´t take it anymore. I don´t think any of you have gone through similar things, so how can you talk like that?

You might be onto something. His job was really violent and he really enjoyed it. I can´t imagine doing what he did and enjoying it at all kek. But then again he was already managing at my age.


>> No.18421021

>You might be onto something. His job was really violent and he really enjoyed it.

Was he a soldier, a cop, or a butcher?

>> No.18421029

My parents were hippies and they called me Loin because i come from my dad's loin. Might as well have called me Cum.

>> No.18421039

Based sex having parents.

Go get me a beer, Loin!

>> No.18421048

>how can you talk like that?
Our own traumas, most likely. Oftentimes when people say or do something weird that's why, discounting sheer malevolence.
On a serious note, I hope that things get better for you guys. I can recommend the New Testament and the Bhagavad Gita.

>> No.18421114

The one you write to tell your dad how important it is to you for him to live

>> No.18421260

>i dont know ,but anti depressants would probably work.. albeit with quite a few side effects
Wellbutrin had no / very mild side effects for me. On the other hand, I found an SSRI to be debilitating in the smallest of doses. Antidepressants can work. Keep up your and your dad's hope.

>> No.18421290

ivan ilych is a good novella but i really wouldn't recommend to give it to your depressed father
could possibly make the situation worse

>> No.18421296

this, it's a depressing and sad read about a regretful life

>> No.18421607

>The Denial Of Death
>Look it up
>Builds upon the works of blah, blah
>Søren Kierkegaard

Aaaand it's DROPPED

>> No.18421713

What´s wrong with Kierkegaard?

>> No.18421903

Is he actually attempting to recover, I mean to say is he actually invested in positive outcome or does he lean towards indifference or..? If he's actually actively looking for means to improve his condition, it's one thing. If he's looking for something to sweep in and magically alter his outlook and shit, he's asking for nothing short of a miracle - maybe LSD or mushrooms, though they could have fatal side effects generating the needed impetus to self-annihilate.

>> No.18421975

Yeah, he wants to get better, but not in a magical miracle way. That´s why he´s going to therapy and why he is interested in the books that helped me get better.

>> No.18422141


>> No.18422218

I'd say, it seems to me that you're his starting point, and that you should just give him something you treasure. Talk about it and connect. The content isn't what is meaningful, but the connections that it fosters. If he doesn't like the first one, try another, find something you guys connect on and forge the bond.

Also, I find Eckhart Tolle pretty good, if you don't like Eckhard himself he talks about several other religions and practices. Mindfulness practices are the only relief I've found for myself, but they require a high degree of discipline to be really effective.

>> No.18422250

My dad killed himself it sucks. Good on you for trying to get him help. But if he does end up offing himself don’t blame yourself for his actions.

>> No.18422348

same. hope ur doing well, i feel a spiritual bond my fellow suicidal dad anons

>> No.18422358


>> No.18422401
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you're insinuating that you yourself are not a weakling
How to Win Friends and Influence People
Atomic Habits
tell him to stop trying to treat the symptoms

>> No.18422410
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>his son is a failure and a dick-sucking homo
your dad was dying and the last thing you could think to do is project
you really are focused on nothing but your own pleasure

>> No.18422431

What projecting did I do

>> No.18422508

My pops killed himself at 45, didn't tell me he was depressed, went on "vacation" for 2 weeks and killed himself the first day of it. Didn't find his body until 2.5 weeks later.

>> No.18423545

Bumping because I could use these books for myself honestly.

>> No.18423573

Bro please read Staring at the Sun, trust me.
And then treat him accordingly or after reading just recommend him that book. That book is a good antidote for The Denial of Death.

I don't think that one book can change him but you should do your best.

>> No.18423644
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Phaedo by Plato.

>> No.18423647

Why not give him books to help him achieve what he wants. Alt.suicides faq is a classic.

>> No.18423684

unironically Camoo (Sisyphus - Summer)
Holderlin's Hyperion
Perec's Life: as user's manual
Montaigne's essais
good luck to you and to him anon, don't listen to the edgy fags on this board

>> No.18423801
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Anathemas and Admirations by Emil Cioran.
The New Gods by Emil Cioran.

>> No.18423822

Best post

>> No.18423827

your dads suicidal? i'm suicidal, you're suicidal, everyone's fucking suicidal

>> No.18423834

Well life is prison. Might as well jump over the wall.

>> No.18423876

I hope you didn't think that was profound

>> No.18423885

Tell him to read Plato.

>> No.18424231

Seneca has a letter about why he wouldn’t kill himself and other thoughts that may help your father stop torturing himself.

>> No.18424241
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Get him some Krishnamurti, he's very life affirming.

>> No.18424300

There's no book that is gonna cure him of this and change his life. That's a dumb romantic notion and I've never seen it happen. Maybe it's possible, but I doubt it.

Journey to the End of the Night is my suggestion, kek. At least it's funny without trying to cheer you up in a fake way.

>> No.18424338

Brain chemical imbalance isn't true depression, your father is a pussy.

>> No.18425102

What is true depression?

>> No.18425394

A book that always cheers me up is the autobiography of norm macdonald.

>> No.18425430

Hell yeah.

>> No.18425487

Unironically start exercising with your dad, whether its hiking or the gym. Both you you should read Plato's 5 Dialogues as well.

>> No.18427141

Nausea, Jean-Paul Sartre. Though his problem must not be existetial rendering this book useless for his cause. Who could amswer definately? Sorry to hear about your dad.

>> No.18428803

>That book is a good antidote for The Denial of Death.
Id that book really so bad? Every time I see it mentioned its like it comes with a gun and a bullet ton tap out with when you read the last page.

>> No.18429113

Have you tried retransitioning? Be a son to him will ya

>> No.18429152

Detransitioning* idk tranny words sorry

>> No.18429171

>>His job was really violent and he really enjoyed it.
I felt bad for him until this

>> No.18429338

On Human Being by Olivier Clement. The Prison Saint. The Way of the Pilgrim.

>> No.18429367

Real life pynchon character

>> No.18430887

go spend time with him, retard
seneca and the bhagavad gita are okay

>> No.18430894

the denial of death? what the fuck is wrong with you anon are you trying to kill him? Thats what you read when even suicide seems like a cope to you, it's end game.

Give him the book Feeling Good, it teaches him to recognize his own cognitive distortions so he can see things clearly.

>> No.18430902

Denial of Death either makes you brakes you. But it does take away heavy load off your chest. Sometimes this book makes me want to go outside and dance till I pass out. Sometimes it makes me want to cry all day and do nothing and sometimes it makes me want to kill myself.

>> No.18432341

>His job was really violent and he really enjoyed it
Uhm, what was his job?
I don't believe in redemption. My own religion doesn't believe in such shit.
Depending on the extent of the impure actions he did, I would say he deserves to die.
It's an Abrahamic mentality to believe anyone can be "redeemed" after engaging in certain horrifying transgressive acts. Some people are beyond the possibility of purification and should, thus, die.
I'm not going to offer compassion when I don't know the whole story.

>> No.18432352

Make him read blood meridian or ulysses. He'll kill himself out of confusion

>> No.18432376

What shitty religion would that be?

>> No.18432391

Why should I tell you when you refer to my religion as shitty?
It is your religion that is in fact shitty. You treat God more like a being that has a personality rather than a qualitative force because you are morons.
When people engage in certain transgressive acts, they tarnish their inner spirit. Are you going to promote trashy antinomianism?
Many people deserve to die, for they have embraced the darkness and destroyed their inner light. This can be understood by embodying negative states of mind and temporarily inducing a kind of void within one's heart; such impure, defiled ones exist in such a state for much of their lives.
To rid this world of impurities, of the darkness, is an act of righteousness.
Depending on the kind of actions his father engaged in, suicide may be advisable. There is nothing wrong with that. This world can use less people, especially those who are animated by the lie.

>> No.18432440

You sound like a schizo

>> No.18432457

alright philistine. you're going to hell anyway, with your ashtray-like soul full of the ashes of your sins.

>> No.18432475

The reality is that you are the schizo in that you believe people can freely engage in transgressive actions without yielding irreversible impure effects.
As I've said, I want to know the specifics of what his dad engaged in. Did he do actions such as rape or kill children, animals, and women. Did he do so out of some sadistic urge?
If so he is beyond the capacity of purification, and this world would greatly benefit from his death. In fact, this would aid and benefit God.
Moreover, the fact you are constantly choosing to resist the truth I bring forth to you means you are spreading lies and deceit. You spread the lie that people are still redeemable after highly sadistic or transgressive acts, and therefore, you too should follow their fate with suicide *unless* you change your act. Depending on your circumstances, you may still be purified if and only if you cease spread antinomian and nihilistic nonsense.

>> No.18432488

I'm neither sadistic nor transgressive.
Original Sin is a disgusting view, a literal lie, and people who believe it will go to hell in my views.
It is simply a dynamic of purity vs impurity, good vs evil, nothing more. You are a death fetishist, and your views are the highest form of lies.
You are an edgelord cunt.

>> No.18432495
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>yeah I'm being a shitty person but I won't tell you why!
Alright I guess

>> No.18432506

You are too afflicted by the Abrahamic mentality.
Serial killers, sadistic murders, and many more do not deserve to live. They are beyond the capacity of purification.
In regards to soldiers, those who rape and torture children or women do not deserve to live. However, shooting men who fight back during war is fine, and one still has capacity for purification.

>> No.18432517

Which letter? Can't find it

Staring at the Sun by who?

Feeling Good by who?

>> No.18432521

Crime and Punishment moved my unconscious and caused me to stop being so bound in bed severely depressed.
I'm on antidepressants and they do help, have him see therapist regularly.

>> No.18432548

>offering compassion when you don't know what kind of actions a person engaged in
There should be no compassion offered to likes of Jeffrey Dahmer, murderers of Furuta, Peter Scully, and so forth. The only way to help this world is by executing them as soon as possible.
There is such a thing as false compassion.

>> No.18432553

Not OP but I am interested in your religion and theology.
As a teen I became a degenerate petty criminal and did things... I would like to hear what they say about purification

>> No.18432557

sounds like he deserves it, frankly.

>> No.18432571

I'm not talking about doing petty criminal things.
I'm talking about doing heinous, insane shit like murder of Ebba, Jeffrey Dahmer, murderers of Furuta, Peter Scully, gang-rape of al-Janabi, and etc.
There are certain things if you do in this world, you cannot be purified. I would also place torturing mammals and birds on that level too.

>> No.18432813

al-Jabani, i wish i hadnt looked that up LOL fuck mannnnnnn

>> No.18432849

On the Shortness of Life may help him, though that could be one that’s more beneficial if you read it at a younger age

>> No.18432867

hidding your weakness is even more pathetic. Parents should be honest with their children.

>> No.18432875

Diamond and Lakavatara Sutras

>> No.18432880

The Stranger by Albert Camus

>> No.18432883

Not in the case of suicide, no parent should admit to their children they are contemplating suicide. Frankly if you have loving children you dont even get the privilege to commit suicide. You choose to forgo that privilege when you have children.

>> No.18432958

I sometimes wonder what would happen if I had kids but continued to still be depressed and suicidal

>> No.18433016

Staring at the Sun by Irvin Yalom

>> No.18433023

>My dad is suicidal. He hasn´t attempted it yet, but he tells me that he has these outbursts of suicidal depression that nearly drive him crazy and that he has been veru close to just pulling the trigger. He is going to go to therapy and all, but he also asked me for books that could help him feel better.
Hug him very, very strong

>> No.18433463

Fucking mutts, once again.

>> No.18433468

Therapist, anon. Now

>> No.18433478

Nvm I'm dumb

>> No.18433488

Who broke you?

>> No.18434122

What is your religion, Hindu/Indian?