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18420610 No.18420610 [Reply] [Original]

I read book lately by Nieztsche and he says religion is to just dull the senses of the people. I agree

>> No.18420613

cool story bro

>> No.18420620

>does not specify which "book"
>ridiculous main take away from nietzsches deliberations on (christian) religion


>> No.18420632

Why is Aleksander Duguin in there?

>> No.18420639


>> No.18420657

it is a russian bust style, so I guess the display is somewhere in russia where dugin is in good graces

>> No.18420677

where does one get a cool nietzsche statue

>> No.18420868

You make it your self >>>/diy/

>> No.18420873

why do you have a dugine statue

>> No.18420875

>he can't even spell
go back.

>> No.18421540

take it easy bobby

>> No.18421580
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>he says religion is to just
Even a cursory examination of history will show that religion is an emergent phenomenon and not cultural feudalism. Religion isn't "just to" anything. It just is.

>> No.18421635
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Even if that were true, that would just mean you should love religion even more, because it is GOOD to have your senses dulled. Dulled senses will make it easier for you to ascend to the intelligible world, less distracted by the sensible one.

>> No.18421861

You don't know what pseud means. Ironic.

>> No.18422302

Based. Always annoys me how people make these sweeping statements about religion as a whole. As though there haven't been hundreds if not thousands of religions..

>> No.18422354

nice fucking blog faggot

>> No.18422450

Western civilization has never been so irreligious, yet has never been duller and less mentally potent to the world. A malaise of sensual daze lays over the planet.

>> No.18422452

As opposed to the supremacy of who? The deeply religious south Americans? Or the zealous Muslims and africans who are leading their respective nations into enlightenment?

>> No.18422573

Based Christian admitting that you're fundamentally gnostic and world-hating
On that note, I really wish suicide hadn't been made a sin in the Christians' attempt to maintain worldly power, when theologically it is just and righteous. Us who are of the world and not nihilists would have a much easier time then.

>> No.18422713

A society with non-taboo suicide wouldn't last long enough for you to have had any appreciable probability of being born into it

>> No.18422856

Boy imagine if the religious did the same thing but even worse with anyone who doesn’t believe as they do. That would be hypocritical to the point of embarrassment

>> No.18423018

atheism good thread
prepare your buttplugs

>> No.18423308

The peoples you mentioned will outlive those in the West so they are supreme by the standards of evolution.

>> No.18423342

nieztsche didn't advocate LE HECKIN SCIENCE theism though did he? His philosophy is mostly trying to render a revolt of the spirit against the direction we are headed now. You have to understand something very clear: Since 25,000 BC when we have archaeological evidence we know such "religion" existed that was centered around mass guilt cucking of the males (e.g. Neolithic Europe) and eunuchs worshipped morbidly obese fat fuck matriarchs (google the Venus of Willendorf for example). People lived 20-30 morons eating off the floor in communard "longhouses" or mudhuts. They were totally domesticated by fat womyn who used virtue signaling to funnel their powers over the mass of eunuchs, cucks, and other bonobo types. they had their religion.

then came from the steppes the nomadic aryan indo european warriors. they were very well built men (contrasted to the neolithic womyn farmer cuckmen who were malnourished, weak, femdommed etc). they came and without much of any fuss conquered the entire continent of Europe and asia. these guys pushed all the way into India. they simply destroyed the sloghog world of matriarchy in one great offensive. impressive. this is what nieztsche is talking about. we are "reverting" back to that 25,000 BC way of life with morbidly obese fat womyn, eunuchs, and other cuckolds now policing us reverting us back to YASSQUEEEN worship, (Only fans acts as a kind of public ritual where men donate their time and sperm to womyn priestesses). this is the end point of "religion" as you understand it. You must clearly comprehend: the gods of the Greeks were more than gods, rread the Illiad for example. They even praised men who fought the gods like Diomedes who even WOUNDS several gods Diomedes was a champion to the Greeks and the Greeks got all this from the Aryan steppe warriors who came and blew out the matriarch womyn fat communards that ruled them prior. Thats why they were so joyous. They took this to heart. THe last few thousand years we've had starting the Ancient Greeks is an anonmaly in most of history. Look at China where the men are domesticated cucks serving a nanny state and "men" give their paychecks to their wives and mother-in-laws, etc. This is the "default" state of mankind: a yeast infection that lives in communard "housing" and is a eunuch cuck cultist, etc. This is the point of the UBERMENSCH, who continues the CYCLE of actual manly freedom with virtues that aren't virtue signaled, if you understand my meaning (look at Hebrew Torah which is just one big feminist BLOG about virtue signaling btw jews to this day still live in communard housing look up those kibbutz they live in).

>> No.18423355

anyone who speaks of "culture" or "values" is a numale.

>> No.18423363

and just to add: nieztsche is currently demonized by the MUTTHERD cucks who worship OnlyFans and other femdom Oriental/Hebrew communard labor camps/ritualistic social control. Cancel Culture existed in 25,000 BC and we are reverting back into it via domestication to fat obese womyn and their cuck slave sycophants ruled by system of complete unmanliness. it was said the Roman Legions in the early days would march to battle in total silence, grim faced daring death one line after the other. incredible contrasted today to modern antifa or leftwing social "Activist" (and even neocon hebrews who are trotsykists etc) who SCreech and scream in face of their so called "Enemies" (while wearing leash!)

>> No.18423374

Look at all "Atheists": what are they? They aren't "Atheists" are they at all. atheists are men like Joseph Stalin not these cancel culture Prebysterian schoolmarms who tell on you to communard security services (John Brennan was a Communist google his affiliation with the CPUSA) when you talk about something that insults their fat matriarchal domestication

>> No.18423381

atheists are just gigantic LARPers. if they were atheist in character they would have not be advocating to returning to 25,000 BC communard mutthouse life with eunuchs and cuckolding as center points in ritualistic life. no, they would be purusing destiny look at guys like that Jew Bernie Madoff another atheist type.

>> No.18423388

porn is a form of womyn worship. notice how they use porn to cuck men then slowly subvert the "beauty standards"? Compare the ancient greeks portrayal of women to the 25,000 bc portrayal of WOMYN. compare the same trend you see TODAY... dumb fuck!

>> No.18423393

This guy gets it.
Didn't Nietzche think more highly of Jews than Christians? I find that repulsive.

>> No.18423409

they sell porn to children then tell them to be submissive. then take the men and put themon HRT, tell them to wear dresses, have sex with migrants, etc.

because Christians are slaves. You misunderstand Nietzsche if you think he "loved the Jews". Christians are virtue signaling worshippers of death that subverted the great wheel that began with the ARYAN steppe nomads that started Ancient Greek then early Republic Rome, etc. It was Christian "morality" and femdomming (priests wear dresses they are kind of trans) that snuffed out the great flash of light. OF course Europe resisted in many forms those Conquistadors were similar in form to those Athenian pirates in many ways etc (albeit in more subvert form) but now the modern numale is against even the Conquistador and wants death of all adventure to subservience to social femdom hierachy. There you now understand a bit more clearly about Fred's talk about the Jews. It is not a love of Jew, it is understanding that the Jew outplayed the Christian . He can respect something like that

>> No.18423419

Fucking based.
Religions themselves are subject to evolution, just like their creators.

>> No.18423424

christians worship a guy who was nailed to a cross, but don't actually worship what JESUS represented in life... Jesus fought against the Temple Jews for example. THey don't talk about that, they only talk about LE MARTYR while ignoring the heroic conception that inspired it. look at aryan steppe burials in great kurgans or burial mounds (barrows in some regions it is called) you can find all over Europe to Asia. This was honor of the "great men". you know they used to bury these "great men" in full armor (very expensive) with great items, swords, sometimes with entire treasures. they would captured from romans great gold coins (they knew value of gold) but instead of using it to participate in hebrew economy they pierced holes and wore them as elements of triumph of the Legions. incredible people we do not understand because we are domesticated cucks worshipping fat trans womyn satan etc.

>> No.18423428
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>> No.18423446

Thank you Kanye, very based!

>> No.18423448

Take your happy pills and shut the fuck up already, schizo.

>> No.18423459
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everytime i appear you worthless shills come in to post this. free advertising and bumps for me. go shovel shit on your kibbutz

>> No.18423461

very poor bait

>> No.18423462

>look at Hebrew Torah which is just one big feminist BLOG about virtue signaling btw jews to this day still live in communard housing look up those kibbutz they live in
The ancient Hebrews were probably the manliest, most violent culture to grace the Earth. People complain about the Old Testament God being violent, misogynistic, cruel, etc., but that's just how the Hebrews viewed their world, that was their culture. (I wonder what that says about our world when God chose these people as his chosen, but whatever.)

The modern so-called "Jews" have to relation whatsoever to the ancient Hebrews, of course. "Jews" are just the end point of German protestantism.

>> No.18423466

>nieztsche didn't advocate LE HECKIN SCIENCE theism though did he?

Lol. Nietzsche is an atheist, so he has no fixed ''believes''. Nietzsche hates christian because christian think about the long term. Nietzsche wants to live in the present moment.

Do you know who else live in the present moment? Women.
Yeah that's right, atheism is feminism.

I will tell you everything there is to know about women, and then you can replace ''women'' with ''atheist'' in general and ''Nietzsche'' in particular.

one of the biggest red pills is the first time you realize that women experience literally no disconnect between saying X when it feels good to say X, and completely betraying and contradicting X five seconds later when it feels good to do that. women like to "try on" male-centric morals and virtues like children playing dress-up, but they don't actually know what it means to set up a virtue as an objective principle for oneself and then resist the temptation to break it in future moments when it stops being convenient and pleasant.

so if you ask a woman what kind of guy she values, she will blab on and on for hours about how noble she is and how she sees through superficiality and only wants sweet genuine men and etc., etc., etc. then five seconds later she'll completely contradict everything she said. the key thing to understand about women is that they don't perceive any difference here. from a man's perspective, you are thinking "but she said 'i only do X' and two seconds later she did 'non-X'?" this is because the fundamental modality of male consciousness is erecting principles and trying to follow them - even if you're a shitty man, it just means you're shitty and weak at erecting principles, not that the FUNDAMENTAL modality of principle-erection is absent. a woman's fundamental modality is "doing what i feel like." to a woman, that behavior is completely consistent: in the first instance, she did what she felt like. then she did what she felt like again. only a man perceives that the CONTENT of the actions was contradictory, i.e., would be contradictory if performed by a man. but for a woman whose primary stream of consciousness is "what do i want to do right now? :) perhaps i'll wear a ribbon in my hair tomorrow, tra lala!," no such contradiction occurred, or indeed is even possible.

>> No.18423467

google the Kitos War you fag. They weren't manly at all. They snuck around in the night cutting throats google what they did on Cyprus... the fuck you mean MANLY? Hadrian became a countersemite after the Kitos War and the Jews mass murder of uncountable numbers of roman civilians. The Jews to do this still KVETCH about Hadrian and they tried to play victim. You don't know what you are talking about. Google Kitos War.

>> No.18423474
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>nieztsche wants to "live in the moment" like womyn
is this really the best you got?

>> No.18423481

A people on the brink of extinction going total war on the Romans just as a final "fuck you", knowing that this will be the last war and they will be all wiped out, sounds pretty manly to me.

And you're the one kvetching here because you're scared of a little war and violence.

>> No.18423495

oh my god on brink of EXTINCTION LOOOOL nobody was wiping the JEWS Out. they were living in egypt and cyprus and then came out with knives cutting thraots, cooking people alive, wearing their entrails . you are a a jew aren't you?
king david hotel bombing
murder of UN diplomats... hmm sounds like a TREND with you people

>> No.18423501

jews blew up peoples temples, desecrated them. nobody cared about them practicing their beliefs then jews came setting on fire entire libraries, slaugthtering priests, cooking children in ritualistic blood sacrifice. what you know about jews is myth. "scared of a little war and violence" says Jew who KVETCHES to this day about the noble Hadrian... oh my god you people are so funny really. kibbutz farming cuck

>> No.18423515


Meanwhile the Jews in the region of Cyrene had put one Andreas at their head and were destroying both the Romans and the Greeks. They would cook their flesh, make belts for themselves of their entrails, anoint themselves with their blood, and wear their skins for clothing. Many they sawed in two, from the head downwards. Others they would give to wild beasts and force still others to fight as gladiators. In all, consequently, two hundred and twenty thousand perished. In Egypt, also, they performed many similar deeds, and in Cyprus under the leadership of Artemio. There, likewise, two hundred and forty thousand perished. For this reason no Jew may set foot in that land, but even if one of them is driven upon the island by force of the wind, he is put to death. Various persons took part in subduing these Jews, one being Lusius, who was sent by Trajan.


jews exiled from region after mass murder of an incredible amount of people.

>> No.18423579

>nobody was wiping the JEWS Out
They were wiped out twice, first during the First Jewish-Roman War, and then a second time after the Bar-Kokhba Revolt. (The Kitos War was the 'Second Jewish-Roman War'.)

Anybody who called or calls himself a 'Jew' after the Bar-Kokhba Revolt in a larper and an impostor.

>jews blew up peoples temples, desecrated them. nobody cared about them practicing their beliefs then jews came setting on fire entire libraries, slaugthtering priests, cooking children in ritualistic blood sacrifice
Yes, metal as fuck.

One important caveat: they held themselves to the same standard; google the Seige of Masada.

"Josephus reported that the defenders had drawn lots and killed each other in turn, down to the last man, who would be the only one to actually take his own life."

"The Jewish rebels had set all the buildings but the food storerooms ablaze and had killed each other, declaring "a glorious death ... preferable to a life of infamy."

>says Jew who KVETCHES to this day about the noble Hadrian
You're the one kvetching here, fuckboi.

The Hebrews had it coming to them and probably deserved it, but if there's one thing they definitely weren't is cowards or not manly.

>> No.18423705

dude they were targeted because they were mass killing roman citizens in great sperg outs while living abroad as immigrants.

>> No.18423711

>Yes, metal as fuck.

>> No.18423722
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>jews ITT derailing this post

>> No.18423732

>they were wiped out twice
that doesn't even make sense you dumb yid.

>> No.18423910

>then came from the steppes the nomadic aryan indo european warriors. they were very well built men (contrasted to the neolithic womyn farmer cuckmen who were malnourished, weak, femdommed etc). they came and without much of any fuss conquered the entire continent of Europe and asia. these guys pushed all the way into India. they simply destroyed the sloghog world of matriarchy in one great offensive. impressive.

Link me to any credible evidence to this and I'm going full nazi for the rest of my life.

>> No.18423945
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absolutely excellent post

>> No.18423974
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>> No.18424002

Lol lmao, it's not gnostic bro. Its about heaven and earth comming together, about order entering into and transforming the material, not about leaving the material. That's why God became flesh dude, because flesh in and of itself isn't evil. Evil is not something which substantually exists, but rather is a mere breaking away from the divine.

>> No.18424682

no you retard, the neolithic population declined because of a plague and the Indo Europeans migrated to the ravaged area's, changing the culture and language

>> No.18424701

nieztsche just rolled in his fucking grave when you posted this bullshit

>> No.18424709

>Western civilization has never been so irreligious, yet has never been duller and less mentally potent to the world.
You can thank the 2000 years of indoctrination under one of the most thoroughly stupid religions humanity has ever created for that.

>> No.18425060

cringe projecting

>> No.18425096

bro you posted peak cringe

>> No.18425252


>> No.18425268

Religion is the only thing standing between your children and psychopaths who want to groom them into permanently prepubescent homunculi

>> No.18425272

>They even praised men who fought the gods like Diomedes
Diomedes said he had no desire to fight the gods. Nietzscheans have a secular view which is opposite to the Greeks.
Try reading sometime. Twitter doesn't count.

>> No.18425442

Cope and dilate. Not an argument.