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18419198 No.18419198[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>FFFFFUCK, my BOSS just asked why I was LATE. we live in a HELLSCAPE. I’m licking the boots of the ANTICHRIST
Best burgercore?

>> No.18419206
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>> No.18419212

Wow loving this literary genre which consists not of books, but of pictures of roadsigns

>> No.18419224

Books aren't profitable

>> No.18419239

Yeah. More importantly they’re hard to write and take time, which is why I take part in this genre simply by posting pictures of chain restaurants online

>> No.18419263


>> No.18419799

What are the odds I ctrl+f your most recent manuscript “Tranny,” “Billie Eilish”, and “League of Legends” appears 20+ times

>> No.18419809

have sex

>> No.18419827
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>tfw I want to fuck trannies and Billie Eilish and I have LOL running now
How did you know?

>> No.18419842
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when a neoliberal tries to mock you for preferring forests over a McDonalds sign

>> No.18419856

Get with the times, old man.
Now instead of "have sex", you write touch grass.

>> No.18419859

If you really preferred forests to McDonald’s signs, I’d assume you’d write and read about forests. What you actually prefer is complaining

>> No.18419879

>Produce oxygen
>Reduce carbon
>Look nice
>Provides lumber
>improves biodiversity

>1 Euro/Dollar McChicken

Well, I mean...

>> No.18419991

You cannot convince me that these people who partake in “burgercore” or any genre explicitly centralized around neoliberalism and cyber-communication are any different than the bugmen they claim to hate. Death Grips, JPEGMafia, Logo Daedalus all come to mind. They say they hate these things, but what do they write about or make art about BUT these things? How do we not take that as an indication of approval? I almost find it more sickening than the neoliberals they hate, at least I know they don’t have the capacity to perceive the world around them for anything else. These other people are convinced of their genius yet they view their lives as nothing but a few hours working a minimum wage job or a nighttime binge of porn. It’s sickening to the core. If this is what you think your life is, do I expect you to value life? Any life? This isn’t life. This is nothing. Life still exists, these assholes just disown it, because they’re liars and cowards. FUCK “Burgerpunk” and fuck anything like it

>> No.18420000

Name me ONE reason why a forest is preferable over a McDonalds sign.

Well, im waiting?

>> No.18420001

>criticizing something is actually endorsing it
Your brain is so big it snapped your neck

>> No.18420005

They are the thing they criticize

>> No.18420008

>Falling in to a dialectic of pure pro-con rather than simply apreciating the aesthetics of it, like you dont like the events of a tragedy or a dystopia, but you still apreciate the ambiance it presents for good or ill

>> No.18420019

See >>18420008

>> No.18420035
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>> No.18420037

Sacred reverence of Pan and the gods of nature
Rejection of sinful product consumption and the demons of capitalism

>> No.18420057

Yeah, you can actually reject all this shit whenever believe it or not, forest or not. No one is putting a gun to your head and telling you to work at McDonald’s and watch Belle Delphine. By the way, do you even see places like these pictures? I mean, I assume not since you probably don’t even leave your house. But did you know that forested areas actually still exist? Like lakes and trees and nice beautiful waterfalls (mmm), yeah turns out they still exist and are probably within 20 minutes of your house, you just need to drive there. Yeah, so why don’t you? Since you love it so much

>> No.18420061

>thinking that liking nature and disliking advertising is some sort of advanced opinion
Into the helicopter with you

>> No.18420064

u saying they are the beast they worship?

>> No.18420096
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Sacred reverence for 'Donald and the captians of industry
Rejection of petty lower aesthetic value for higher aesthetics in the crucible of egoism as well as the false goods of the barbarians and hierophantic sophists.

>> No.18420203

Hmmm I just thought of something... your medieval ancestors probably would be amazed at McDonalds, beef being something eaten daily by the common folk in our modern society would seem almost unbelievable to a peasant. The bright colorful lights and climate controlled interior would seem miraculous to them, and soda would probably taste like the finest nectar to someone who had likely never tasted sugar (depending on where they lived) not too mention ice cream... if your medieval yeoman ancestor could eat at McDonalds every day they probably would, and they would love it too.

>> No.18420216

You were really proud of this post, huh?

>> No.18420237

There he stood. In the middle of the gas station. Staring off into what he would consider nothing in particular, thinking about nothing in particular. He was standing next to the small section with the overpriced bottles of engine oil and small scented trees. The black ones were his favorite. He found the jokes online about their freshness funny and so he bought one one day. Eventually his ironic thought turned into an ironic act that turned into a sincere act that turned into a sincere thought. Now he actually enjoyed the little black tree smell. He thought it legitimately smelled fresh. He grabbed a pack of them and continued to stare off into the distance.

An elderly lady was near the front cash register slowly playing scratch offs with a dime in one hand and a jug of whole milk in the other. A twenty something was near the drink fridge comparing the ingredients of two diet energy drinks. The cashier was watching soccer on his phone. He still couldn’t remember why he was there.

He had already filled up the tank of his 2005 Ford Focus. He paid for it with a debit card at the pump. He couldn’t remember why he was there. He walked over to the snack isle. He enjoyed the Italian snack mixes with the rye chips. He grabbed the smallest bag he could find and made sure it wasn’t the mustard flavor. He had once bought a family size bag at the grocery store without checking the label, only to find out when he got home that it was an unsurmountable quantity of mustard flavored snack mix.

He grabbed one of the little duo packs of the cakes that looked like a zebra. He didn’t particularly enjoy the flavor of them, but there was a nostalgia to them. When he bites into the plastic icing it’s as if he’s five years old again, playing in the front yard with his dog and his pop, drinking soda that would eventually cause cavities and eating little zebra-colored cakes while running away from the lawn sprinkler. He liked the fact that a gas station could give him the closest thing to comfort he’s experienced in nearly two decades.

He still couldn’t remember why he was there. He had cigarettes. There was coffee in the car. At this point he was just browsing the wares for some semblance of fun. He imagined the fit dude-bro looking at energy drinks was an engineering student. Maybe a chemistry major. Dietary science? It would be the only reason that would explain why he wasn’t just getting shitty black coffee. If he were that guy, he would get shitty black coffee. But if that guy were him, he would already have shitty black coffee in the car, waiting for him. Slowly cooling down to the point that you can taste the bitter, long lasting notes of disappointment that fuels reality slowly setting back in after a bite of nostalgia cakes that look like zebras.

>> No.18420242

>your medieval ancestors probably would be amazed at McDonalds
poor wench's tavern

>> No.18420248

The lights above him were starting to be uncomfortable. His rate of blinking began to increase as he held more and more small snack foods trying to remember why he was there. He began his walk to the counter to check out.

“Howdy, bud.” He said to the clerk watching soccer, standing a good two feet above him from where the counter was positioned. The clerk looked through the shatter proof plexiglass.

“Good afternoon, sir,” the clerk said without making eye contact, “did you find everything alright?”

“I can’t seem to remember what I needed from inside the store, but other than that, I’m fine.”

“Very good, sir.”

The little bag with a smiley face on it and a ‘Thank you’ and ‘Have a nice day’ wasn’t particularly endearing, but he like the fact that they were at least trying in that false senserity of a corporate marketing team kind of way. It gave him a sense of normalcy. He swiped his debit card at the little machine and hit some buttons so that his fake money could go through some fake wire to a fake spreadsheet to a fake bank to pay for fake interest on fake loans to fake investors.

As he walked out the door he noticed a sign on the window pane that said ‘Bathroom for customers only’ and that’s when he remembered why he went into the store.

>> No.18420404
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>> No.18420450

Oh God bros, is that a truck stop? AHHHHH IM GOING INSANE HELP ME GEUNONIGGER

>> No.18420506

Using it as a backdrop would be alright, but it’s always the focal point of these stories

>> No.18420524

unwitting neoliberal trannies are the scourge of /lit/

>> No.18420586

What is this?

>> No.18420596

unwitting neoliberal trannies are the only people who like “burgerpunk”

>> No.18420666


>> No.18420750

Are "trannies" in the thread right now with us, anon?

>> No.18420825

I was in Eastern Drated once for a sheep shearing ceremony. Shit was beast.

>> No.18420864
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>> No.18420870

dman bruh u beat me 2it

>> No.18420884

>pepe poster

>> No.18420900

You're just a LARPer who wouldn't be able to survive two days in a forest. You should be on your knees thanking the fast food gods for blessing you with McDonalds and processed food

>> No.18420906


>> No.18420917

The touch grass meme is gay

>> No.18420927

I don't understand a single thing you wrote

>> No.18420934

they know they need the current status quo to get their HRT and anime and video games, and they're willing to genocide working class people for it.
explains the current state of the left

>> No.18420946

I literally live in a forest

>> No.18420954
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I can't think of a quicker way to say "I'm the grossest person that currently breathes"

>> No.18420978

My name is literally forest

>> No.18420999


>> No.18421023


>> No.18421059

This yours anon? It's lovingly mundane and soul crushing.

>> No.18421203

Novelty wears off and the long term degenerative effects on the quality of the society and the human inhabitants becomes apparent.

>> No.18421333

It’s ironic because this is mocking “burgerpunk” without even realizing it

>> No.18421338

Yes it is. Thanks. That’s the goal.

>> No.18421416

its not ironic

>> No.18421670

what the FUCK is this image lmfao

new tates has me in stitches

>> No.18421683


Write more. I'll buy it.

>> No.18421694

Jared Leto dressed as the Joker. I just looked it up with Google image search.

>> No.18421696

"The Soul Is Not a Smithy" by DFW

>> No.18421699


>> No.18421704

>Hmm. Burgers, tacos or pizza?