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/lit/ - Literature

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18418106 No.18418106[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever dated a /lit/ girl? How did it go?

>> No.18418108

>Have you ever dated

>> No.18418112
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My only intimate contact has been with prostitutes

>> No.18418114

The slut on the right looks obnoxious
One of those kids you hate since grade school

>> No.18418118

Does an english teacher count? She had a degree in history I think.

>> No.18418137

Used to know a published poetess back in college, she was clearly interested in me and quite aggressive with her seduction. She was also a turboslut and fucked half the males in class.

All women are whores!

>> No.18418157

Why hasn't Kat uploaded a new video yet


>> No.18418171

I want to marry Emmie

>> No.18418202

My wife graduated with honors from a school in the top tier of US News rankings, with a degree in english literature with a concentration on restoration authors. We met in college.

Today, ~15 years later, we are happy enough, but 80-90% of her reading is now YA or YA-equivalent.

>> No.18418240

they look like they are 10

>> No.18418259

I can't remember a single time that I talked to a girl one on one for more than 3 minutes.

>> No.18418268

Dios mio... un incel anonimo...

>> No.18418269

the only woman i communicate with is my mother

>> No.18418271

You won’t talk to hot chicks, won’t lift to max; won’t pitch wild ideas Your entire life is designed around avoiding EMBARRASSMENT You don’t want to LOOK like the little guy But your rather BE the little guy as long as you don’t have to feel the sting of rejection

The ONLY reason a man could tolerate being tiny inside and living a tiny life is projected fear of embarrassment There is no other possible explanation Whoever gets humiliated the most wins the game

And most Sad of all, you’d rather be miserable every day of the rest of your life as long as nobody else knows. Because that would be embarrassing. And for you embarrassment is worse than death So you’ll go down quietly until oblivion takes you out for good

>> No.18418279


>> No.18418281

Kys simp

>> No.18418288


>> No.18418301

No. I’ve been with academically intelligent girls though. I find the more intelligent they are, the stupidity trades off into mental illness

>> No.18418305

No, but I dated a pseudo once. The only true /lit/ girl I met was extremely promiscuous (kissed over 30 people in a year).

>> No.18418306


>> No.18418308
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I'm 29 and I've never had a gf

>> No.18418311
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Yes, it lasted about 8/9 months.
She was a typical girl and by that I mean unexceptional and boring. Her hobbies were watching Netflix and clubbing. Often times when I talked about anything deeper than the latest show everyone watches she wouldn't know what to say. On our third date she mentioned getting an STD test after coming back from vacation where we met ( I did not fuck her then). Another time she mentioned having had sex on the beach and I was on the verge of walking away and never speaking to her again. The sex was alright, she was impressed with my big penis. She was less impressed by my racism, which was worse than her ex's racism. This bothered her because I'm not fully white myself and would often complain about the increasing amount of black people in my small town. She seemed to kind of like or tolerate my complaining about LGBT.

What annoyed her the most was me not being very romantic with her. I was entertaining most of the time but was lacking in the loving compliments and such. I believe this caused her to break up with me. I have been single ever since (1.5 years ago) and when I have been on dates I don't want to invest if I think the girl is too basic. I'd rather have a complete oddball than waste my time with someone totally predictable. Those 8/9 months were the best time of my life.

>> No.18418317

do you talk to women? do you have a job? do you ever go outside? unless you're a burn victim or something like that, it's probably all in your head.

>> No.18418323

Incel seething

>> No.18418327

Simp squeaking

>> No.18418339

I don't speak to women.

>> No.18418354


>> No.18418358

mmmmmmmm *licks lips* based

>> No.18418365

women make me anxious and depressed

>> No.18418374
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I'm unemployed. I go out but I just end up sitting alone reading in coffee shops, libraries etc. I don't have nerve to approach women but I'm trying actively to fix my job situation. I feel like time is running out and I am not sure I know how to fix it.

>> No.18418375


Literally just be yourself.

>> No.18418378

I misread /lit/ gf as just any gf so no, OP I haven't

>> No.18418382

Meant for >>18418317

>> No.18418399

Didn't she have A tier feet?

>> No.18418406

honestly, based

>> No.18418407

until you're a senile old man it's never too late to get your dick wet bro

>> No.18418411

My wife is a Museum curator and has her phd in Art History. She reads a lot but rarely fiction, or the meme works discussed here. Mostly stuff related to her work and history of civilizations and their art. Mostly art.
Guess that's what you get when you marry a cute but workaholic jew.

>> No.18418427

I look in the mirror

>> No.18418429

I try to hide my reading from femoids. They would probably find my love of cishet white male authors problematic. And with Biden in office that could mean a stint on a FEMA re-education camp or worse.

>> No.18418435

Yeah i'm not giving up. Hopefully I can fix both my career and social life in coming years.

>> No.18418444

>Have you ever dated a /lit/ girl?
I only date attractive girls.

>> No.18418445

went great until the book ended and I had to go back to reality

>> No.18418458


>> No.18418469

This but unironically

>> No.18418476

How did you meet her anon?

>> No.18418482
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No, I am 21 and I haven't even held hands with a girl.

>> No.18418489


>> No.18418494
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>Have you ever dated a /lit/ girl?
Yes, for a few month in high school.
>How did it go?
Only dated her because I was a lonely and horny teen. She had giant tits and would drive me around. Broke up with her after her friend told me she was sending nudes to other guys.

>> No.18418498


>> No.18418511

based, keep it up bro

>> No.18418526

I have already had one-on-one outings with a beautiful hypokhâgne, she has spirit but is quite infatuated with very childish things. The most pleasant thing is her sensitivity of mind and the diaphanous aspect of her soul, she is very innocent at heart. She is rather /lit/, able to talk about Cyrano de Bergerac which she knows very well. We also talked about Bernanos, and she is a lover of good music, really a subtlety of mind very rare in women. Unfortunately she does not like me, but we are good friends.

>> No.18418532

Never heard of this thank you anon. Everyday is an uphill battle. What the fuck did they do to us man?

>> No.18418543

Why would I want to date someone as annoying as I am?

>> No.18418577

My first "serious" gf was obsessed with history and Joyce, went well enough but eventually our interests went elsewhere, shes doing a PhD at Cambridge and I'm shitposting here

>> No.18418605

Fucking fundementalist bullshit
Who the fuck reads a shortened version of a book written by a faggot?
The same people that read this shit and worship it are the same ones that complain about self help books.

>> No.18418614

Freshman year college. We both were in the same social work club. I went there on a lark the first time. Talked to her for 4+ hours the first time we met. Kept going to club activities. Rest is history.

>> No.18418639

>nooooooooo you have to keep watching porn

>> No.18418643

Did you read it tho? I did it and never looked back at porn again.

>> No.18418659


>> No.18418680
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This is absolutely true. I'd throw a baby off a bridge to not feel the seering heat of embarrasment I felt asking a girl out and being harshly rejected when I was 14

How to fix? I've taken control of my life now in every way other than being willing to take a risk by talking to a QT or two

>> No.18418689

I'm reading it right now but I'm trying to hold back on NOT SKIPPING CHAPTERS.



>> No.18418701

Just don't give a fuck. They are females they cannot hurt you

>> No.18418713

Who are these people

>> No.18418728

My first long-term gf kept a band of fuckbuddies on the side and took pleasure in gaslighting me and watching me descent into insanity.

If you're naive inexperienced simp, nothing can hurt you more than a girl.

>> No.18418737
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>cannot hurt you

>> No.18418757

this is true and I actually get this. If you're willing go with me on this anon

the trouble is they can hurt my sense of self, my identity - my pride I guess. every serving of failure implies to me that I'm incapable of living in the world fully or something. each "rejection", explicit or implicit is some kind of dismissal of me being myself, like showing some kind of authenticity is met with scorn. But then, I don't think I can show that authenticity out of embarrasment. I guess they aren't rejecting "me", but rather my mask of societal disguise I use to be averse to faux pas. Fuuuuuuck I'm in a real mess, I know my reasoning doesn't make sense, just b yourself, I know, I've made strides in my optimism and attitude. This is the final jump which necessitates vulnerability that young Anon knows too well and fears. I'll do it, I'll do it i'll do it i'll do it i will i will

>> No.18418765

i wouldnt want to waste my time with someone who was willing to waste their time on me. its comfy when youre small desu. youll never know the comfy with that attitude

>> No.18418767
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>when I have been on dates I don't want to invest if I think the girl is too basic.
I'm in the same boat, it's cursed. I'm yet to go on a date with a women with more than basic interests.
>"Tell me about yourself"
>I like to watch netflix
>I like to travel
>I like dogs
>I like to drink
>I like clubbing
I'm staring to lose hope bros.

>> No.18418769

nothing is capable of hurting or even destroying a man more than a woman

>> No.18418811

Yes, yes this is true.

>> No.18418829
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this isn't a deconstruction, this is a destruction

>> No.18418833
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>> No.18418839

So true, just date a fat retarded woman because this guy told you. He’s really smart and knows everything about you

>> No.18418842

The fuck, I'm doing today? Damn...

>> No.18418849

>I define myself based off physical actions with objects as opposed to the unique character of my relationships with other people
Wow you are so cool, tell me more about lifting weights and getting into Dostoevsky. I want to suck your cock so bad now that I know you have a garden and produce EDM.

>> No.18418874

This is also true. I had a gf who was smarter than most girls, but she had some serious mental problems. She probably was bipolar, but I'll never know for sure.

>> No.18418940

this is good

>> No.18418953

based mummy's boy

>> No.18418956

It's okay to have certain expectations for people you enter a relationship with.

>> No.18418973

The problem is that who I am does not attract women, and I refuse to debase myself to get their attention.

>> No.18419006

this is the issue though, to what end could we consider it 'debasing' oneself? depends what you have to do to be successful in this respect I suppose

>> No.18419021

Club slut detected, seethe.

>> No.18419032

It’s okay to do anything.
All the opinions in Thai thread are subjective bullshit.
You hate women who like dogs.
That’s abhorrent.
But who cares.
You want to define yourself by a different set of material objects.
That’s fun.
People like what they like.
People are brainwashed into liking what they like.
Your attraction to women isn’t even real.
Who cares tho.
People have their “autonomy”
Super job!

>> No.18419065

not him but I don't know what you're trying to say here. it's frustrating to run up against girls who don't really have a personality outside of what they consume, which is the same base set as every other girl their age (pizza office dogs travelling blah blah blah). It's not only them all being alike, but it's the inability or unwillingness to maybe think about something in the abstract or have some unique identifier instead of being the same archetype as the rest of the horde.

HOWEVER many guys are the same way, the "lad" type in this country who likes footy and boozing and is probably a labourer of some kind. It's not unique to women but probably a bit more pervasive just by the nature of women (a stronger adherence to social norms, the pressure not to be "cringe" and "weird")

>> No.18419078
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be a day drunk or speedhead and get the coursge to chat up women

>> No.18419101

At this point I’m just schizo poetic posting because we have had this thread a million times and I’m not going to bother typing out all the bullshit we have hashed out a hundred times.
Social norms.
Commodification of society, relationships, and romance.
Signals and signifiers to get laid.

>> No.18419111

look up Transformation Mastery

>> No.18419126

This is the most disjointed response I've ever gotten in over a decade of being on 4chan.

I don't want to date NPC women who can't think for themselves, which is exactly what their lack of real interests seem to indicate. I also don't want to be bored listening to a woman day in and day out that only wants to talk about whatever the current netflix garbage is and then watch her eyes glaze over when I talk about something with some actual substance. Fuck me for wanting someone mentally stimulating, right?

>> No.18419135

yes yes very good. but FUCK those things. I HATE those things.

humour me on this anon, is yours a cynical acceptance of these factors? how do you deal with this reality of which I'll concede you're correct on. Can we not rage against these shackles?

>> No.18419161

Every intelligent, interesting, and 'non basic' girl comes pre-packaged with mental problems.

>> No.18419190
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dating one right now
she a cute Filipina and reads novel a day, i haven't read since college

>> No.18419215

I've dated a girl who thought she was /lit/ for reading self help books. She also listened to Tame Impala and other 'indie' and thought she had a very unique taste "unlike her normie taste for films".
As you can see, I'm still butthurt she left me.

>> No.18419232

Libertarian white male?

>> No.18419235

Find women outside of dating apps. Friends of friends or people at school or work. Something you can feel that’s real. Something more natural than being gassed and thrown in the same room with your statistical equivalent. I don’t know. I’ve generally stopped trying to get laid or be happy or any of those things women provide. I’m just a bitter old man now.

>> No.18419237

based wake up call anon

>> No.18419240

I'm not going to start being a frivolous hedonist who takes lavish holidays and lives to consume just to get a woman.