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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 339 KB, 472x412, dracula.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18417358 No.18417358 [Reply] [Original]

What are your favorite horror books?

>> No.18417367

White Fragility

>> No.18417391

i wish RLMfags would get permabanned en-masse

>> No.18417427

You sure know a lot about RLM for someone who supposedly despises them.

>> No.18417433

'Salem's Lot

>> No.18417459

Teatro Grottesco

>> No.18417460
File: 6 KB, 300x168, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rlm does video on something
>multiple boards are flooded with zoomer threads on said topic
>point this out
>"hurr you sure know a lot about RLM"

holy shit please dilate with a knife and die from the fake vagina bleeding you zoomer fucking faggot retard

>> No.18417470

Horror books are the same topic as some horror movie? It really seems like you're retarded and obsessed with them.

>> No.18417474

i can 100% gauruntee you this is some retarded zoomer using the picture of Dracula from the 2000 movie because RLM just did a vid on it and the zoomer wants to talk about it here under the guise of a regular rec thread. lurk moar

>> No.18417632

Here you are sperging about it and being annoying when we could have just had a thread about horror books with a peculiar picture

>> No.18417673

i just think that songs of a dead dreamer and grimscribe is a lot better, but tetatros very good nonetheless. I particularly liked gas station carnivals

>> No.18417692

I read all of them in chronlogical order and could see him evolve. I like Soadd and Grimscribe but his pulp influences bog them down imo. Teatro and Noctuary feel more personal in their philosophy which I liked.

>> No.18417693


>> No.18417698

the fuck is RLM?

>> No.18417700

Red Lives Matter

>> No.18417820
File: 68 KB, 890x839, 1617213540087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something something diary

>> No.18417824

damn, Schopenhauer looks like THAT?!

>> No.18417827

Ghost stories of an antiquary

>> No.18417828
File: 68 KB, 599x507, colombian nazi weed pope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm genuinely baffled why I ever liked this board.

>> No.18419380

Sigh, no good suggestions as usual. I just want a good horror book to read. Fuck all of you.

>> No.18419405

The Unbearable Lightness of Being.

>> No.18419410

It's hard to ignore the movie bit when you post a screenshot from the movie that dresses Dracula nothing like the book does.

>> No.18419463

C. Terry Cline Jr. - Damon (1975) if you're actually after something.

Chancre Scolex - Everything Can Be Beaten (2003) if you're not.

>> No.18419961

Boys, what edition of the complete tales and poems of Edgar Allan Poe should I buy? I've read Julio Cortázar's spanish translation of his work but I wanna enjoy it in the OG.

>> No.18420193

The scarlet gospels by Clive barker

>> No.18420559

Carrion Comfort and The Terror by Dan Simmons
Collected Stories of HP Lovecraft
Wormwood by Poppy Z Brite
Let the Right One In by John Ajvide Lindqvist
Last Days by Brian Evenson

>> No.18420791

haunting of hill house

>> No.18421544

is that schopenhauer

>> No.18421685

but they make me feel like i have friends

>> No.18421715

rent free
No one else brought it up.