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File: 132 KB, 1171x397, trolley problem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18416126 No.18416126[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What would anons on /lit/ do and why?

>> No.18416130

Kill the lone guy because that'll get me the least amount of trouble.

>> No.18416136

Try telling them to stop. Pulling the switch is a false choice. What position is it currently in? It goes there.

>> No.18416141

Take the lonely one and tie it together with the group; proceed to kill all six.
>t. Benatar

>> No.18416149

Nothing, it’s not my responsibility

>> No.18416151

deranged psychopath

>> No.18416174
File: 51 KB, 341x257, 1623212158147_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guys in the pic are not even tied, they're just lying and chilling there, looking at the clouds. Obviously they're committing a collective suicide, so I let the train run over five of them.

>> No.18416177

Ask myself why so many people in this town are eager to meet their creator and not drink or eat anything until I am several hundred miles away

>> No.18416179


>> No.18416184

Jump in front of the trolly to kms.

>> No.18416185
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Assuming they're all women in this hypothetical scenario (because as we all know from movie cliches that women are always getting themselves tied to train tracks), I would pull the lever to kill the 1 woman and then go over to the other 5 who are tied to track and rape them all. Unless of course the 1 girl is somehow hotter than the other 5, then I would kill the 5 and rape her. And we're not talking normal rape here, I'd shit and piss all over her. I'd wait there until she shits and eat that and then shit that into her mouth. Also I'm a 35 year old virgin does anybody have any advice to help me?

>> No.18416199
File: 271 KB, 1914x828, _plebs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18416201

Pull and let the one guy die because then that's one guy dead instead of five guys dead. For me, if you have the chance to do this and don't, you are responsible for the death of those five men.

I think people are particularly drawn to this dilemma because it has no way out, no escaping the situation. Poor fella will be dead because I pulled it. That guy's family won't forgive me, I might face charges and everything. But the alternative is worse and I'd pull it anyway.

>> No.18416204

All things being equal, the obvious choice would be to pull the lever, and the majority of philosophers and an overwhelming majority of regular people agree. But if the one person to the side was the person's family member, friend, or spouse not only would I not pull the lever, but I think it would be the unethical choice.

>> No.18416205

The very nature of a dilemma is that there is no good solution. You're fucked either way

>> No.18416207

Hop in front of the train

>> No.18416210

One person dying instead of five is objectively worse. To me it's just a question of whether your conscience can handle that you were personally responsible for the one death. I'd pull the switch. It'd be tough on me at first but I can always justify it mentally, wouldn't keep me up at night.

Is this sociopathic of me or is there a completely different way anons view it? I think a lot of people are just scared of how others would perceive them if they said they'd pull the switch. Who knows

>> No.18416215

Meant to say objectively better* kek I'm not a psycho

>> No.18416222
File: 346 KB, 1380x1907, vz4v5lch5sd51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18416224

This shit is old as fuck and it still makes me chuckle every time.

>> No.18416237
File: 356 KB, 1020x793, trolleycompany.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One must imagine the lever puller happy

>> No.18416239

Does anyone else imagine the trolley going unbearably slow? Like there has to be enough time for you to grasp the entire situation and think through both sides as a time constraint is never included in the problem. I always imagined it was going slow enough that when it ran over one person it wouldn't be instant, but that it would slowly crush their arm before getting to their body and slowly cutting that into three pieces while the guy screams in absolute agony. The five-person one is sort of like a Saw trap where you can see and hear the people next to you slowly getting crushed by the trolley that's going to crush you. In this way the full weight of the decision is felt by everyone involved.

>> No.18416246

I don't have the moral responsibility to intervene, and I'd be held liable for whatever death I cause by touching the lever, so I won't touch it.

>> No.18416249

Would pulling the lever violate NAP?

>> No.18416253

>let's just ignore the millions of deaths under communism

>> No.18416268
File: 113 KB, 1199x715, EqZhyiOU0AA9tEQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leftist trolley problem meme is a worse representation of capitalism than the fascist trolley problem meme

>> No.18416316

Whenever you are in situations like this, you have been placed there by someone else to offload the responsibility onto you.
Best to run and give a good reason, or place someone else there.

>> No.18416320

the someone is God the place is everywhere

>> No.18416325

If they are tied to the train tracks they probably got there for a reason

>> No.18416337

Give me an example where you are in such a dilemma through natural circumstances and God directly punishes you for the wrong decision.

>> No.18416340

Don't interfere because it would mean I have to assign numeric value to human life thus degrading them to means to an end.

>> No.18416350

I would administer a three part survey to all six people.
The first part would deal with objective qualities in an attempt to measure each person’s “worth” (i.e. level of education, health and diet, income, community service, number of dependents, etc) Also a basic 50-question IQ test.
The second part would be their psychological and spiritual profile. Have they made their peace with the universe? What do they believe awaits them in the afterlife? Are they happy / depressed? Do they need more time on earth to self-actualize?
The third part would be some mad libs to add some levity to the situation.
After the surveys are completed, the scores would be tallied. Of course the single person is at a natural disadvantage, so the scores are weighted such that each of the group of five essentially counts as one-fifth of a person. I know this seems harsh and dehumanizing but keep in mind only two or three of them have to be worth saving unless the single person is basically billionaire Jesus with a 160 IQ and the cure for cancer in his pocket.
In the event of an indecision, the audience will be polled (excluding any friends or relatives of the contestants). This is a meaningless gimmick to book-end a commercial break and the results mean nothing. The winner will be decided by a panel of expert judges with decades of experience in ethical and moral dilemmas: Jack Kevorkian, Philippe Petain and David Ross.
The winner (or winners) will go on to the semifinals where they will compete against the winners of the Stanford Prison Experiment in a no-holds-barred battle royale.

>> No.18416374

Pull the lever just as the trolley is centered over the junction to see what happens

>> No.18416381
File: 7 KB, 199x242, 1598205360388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good post

>> No.18416386

The trolley derails and hits you.

>> No.18416425
File: 371 KB, 1574x2048, tQxcpRJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.18416432

Extremely underrated comment.

>> No.18416433

Because those are the only two options

>> No.18416436

Based slave

>> No.18416440
File: 87 KB, 828x958, A296DAD6-C587-473C-8592-673942E2116E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18416443

Well I wouldn't kill the lone guy. It's unlucky for the 4 people that are in the train tracks but the other guy doesn't deserve to die either.

>> No.18416450

Based and redpilled

>> No.18416452 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 506x449, pol makes a telltale game.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What they don't tell you is that the game is rigged from the start. Do what you feel in the moment and reflect on the morality after.

>> No.18416465

Perhaps the lone figure is the charismatic cult leader who smoothtalked those vulnerable people into a suicide-by-tram pact. Would it not be better to run over Jim Jones?

>> No.18416814

No :3
Don't touch that lever!

>> No.18416831

Reminder that if you ever pose one of these scenarios or earnestly engage in it, you are, at best, a deranged retard and at worst, evil.