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/lit/ - Literature

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18413055 No.18413055 [Reply] [Original]

>not reading 1000+ books a year


you plebs

>> No.18413071

I'll be honest: I ain't watchin all that. Congrats to him anyway though.

>> No.18413121

What a monolithic coping pseud

>> No.18413281

lol what a retard

>> No.18413320

so cringe. i read up to 5 books a day

>> No.18413332

why do people give such a meaning to the quantity of books you read and not the quality?

>> No.18413345

Anon the youtuber didn't have curiosity a reader has. He "researched" how reading will benefit him, took examples of billionaires and only then he started reading, if you can call it that. No surprise he doesn't care about quality. More books = more brains simple as

>> No.18413357

Jorge Luis Borges may have been a massive pseud but you can't deny that he was passionate about reading in the way this guy clearly isn't

>> No.18413388

Oh, yeah. I wanted to watch Satantango, by Bela Tarr, the other day, but 7h?! No way, I dont have time for that!
>open VLC > Playback > Playback Speed > 7.00x
Why don't you watch 10 movies a day like me, anon?

>> No.18413396

Stopped watching when he said they were all non-fiction desu

>> No.18413399

the quality of the books and of your reading of them; many completely fail to take anything important away from what they do read

>> No.18413443

An actual quote from the video
>So the first thing i did was i sat down and researched what is the return on investment in a time sense for reading

>> No.18413457

>daddy stalin read 1000 pages a day uwu smugwojak.jpg
>n-no, this youtuber is just lying, nobody can read that fast
the absolute state of trannies

>> No.18413460

Americans should be gassed.

>> No.18413464

what's wrong with evaluating whether an activity is worth your time before you start engaging in it?

>> No.18413465

>George W. Bush: known for reading many books, held contests with Karl Rove to see who could read more books each year of his presidency
>Lyndon B. Johnson: never read a book in his life
Keep that in mind the next time you think reading is an "intellectual" activity.

>> No.18413475

>Forget old ways of learning! In 2021 you should use the New Techniques:
>1. Modern Learning
>Just watch TED talks and read summaries.
>2. Deep Learning
>Just focus on the book for more than one hour.
Yup, this is all very new. No one ever did it before apps and productivity youtubers.
My god, what a hack....

>> No.18413527

>"You've got to understand the place that authors come from when they're writing a book. A lot of them wrote a blog post, it did well with their audience, then they thought 'Ah, I should turn this into a book.' But the book shouldn't be a book in the first place, it should be a blog post"
the absolute state of zoomers

>> No.18413533

most non-fiction books can be summarized in a 60min TED talk desu

>> No.18413552

he’s called uncle joe, not daddy stalin

>> No.18413570

Most non-fiction books of the type he is reading, for sure. Not most non-fiction in general.

I actually am happy for the fact that the tips he's giving wouldn't ever work for any minimally complex book. It gatekeeps them from this type of people. Imagine you have to relearn how to read to get into philosophy, because your method only applies to shitty books.

>> No.18413587

That's a good point; the retards who watch stuff like this and take it to heart probably shouldn't be reading in the first place; we should be grateful for filters like this

>> No.18413593

jesus fucking christ

>> No.18413614

>recommends reading the book while listening to it on audiobook at the same time
I tried this and found that I couldn't focus on anything, it was doubly distracting instead

>> No.18413622

He didnt read shit because in his own words reading a book in it's entirety is old-fashioned and the modern way to read is stopping when you get the general idea of what the author is trying to say or when you get bored

>> No.18414366

Yes well Stalin was intelligent, unlike random youtubers.

>> No.18414377

This is the logical conclusion of Protestantism

>> No.18414391

What determines whether something is worth your time? What determines whether calculating that is worth your time?

>> No.18414400

sounds like a scamy braindead social media faggotry. i want to punch this faggot

>> No.18414428

this guy is 12 years old and probably already worth 7 figures, you can laugh all you want but the future belongs to zoomers that watch anime on 7x and only read the table of contents of a book because they already saw the summary video on tic toc

>> No.18414603

You can read books on the fucking phone, zoomers

>> No.18415355

Stalin read 1000 pages of what? according to state propaganda of course

>> No.18415645

I stopped doing this because of my wife, but I used to watch anime and shows at 1.5x in mpv.

>> No.18415662

There's nothing wrong with non fiction, but the type he's probably reading is pop science/psychology or self help garbage. I doubt he's reading history, philosophy, economics, math, physics, ect. books

>> No.18415670

I’ll just wait until 2040 when I can neuralink every book ever written into my brain

>> No.18415676

>probably already worth 7 figures
Based upon?
And he can be worth 15 figures and he'll still be a retard

>> No.18415679


>> No.18415688

Seems like a massive waste of time and an activity reserved solely for people who don't actually create. But I suppose that's reading in general.

>> No.18415723

I dont think theres anything inherently wrong with what he says in the book but if you're just listening to the author's ted talk(assuming they even have one) and read summaries you still haven't really read the book. I think this only applies to people who are really deep in the "self help/improvement" shit, I can't imagine this working for literary fiction or philosophy, you can obviously get something out of reading other people's summaries or opinions on what the book means but that isn't really what the point of reading is to me.

>> No.18415738

your comment doesnt really make sense. unless you think theres a very small quantity of quality books, you should want to be able to get through quality books quicker and experience more. This is just slow reader cope.

>> No.18415747

The brain is a web of parallel processes, we will never be able to translate written information to synaptic learning.

>> No.18415754

>Reading more than one book a day

>> No.18415782

It has been estimated that there are anywhere from 129,000,000 to 135,000,000 books currently in publication/circulation/available and cataloged online; following Sturgeon's Law, that means that there are only about 12,900,000 to 13,500,000 books worth reading *ever*. That is a staggering amount, you would really have to read like Bloom claimed (1,000pgs an hour!) to get through them all, and first you would have to find them

>> No.18415971

your wife saved you from being a bugman i hope you're grateful for her

>> No.18416007

1) Can I profit from this?

>> No.18416030

>The future belongs to zoomers
The future has belonged to every generation that has it's youth. But nothing ever changes.

t. zoomer

>> No.18416031

wow this dude is probably clinically retarded
did no one tell him life is abot having fun and doing things you enjoy the way you enjoy them?

>> No.18416379

According to your logic i should watch good movies at 2x speed so i can have time to watch more of them

>> No.18416385

This is your brain on american work ethics

>> No.18416446

Doesn't matter. He actively breeds with women, do you?

>> No.18416480

watching a few minutes of this video made want to quit my job hunting, I just don't care enough about money or success if it means having to be anything like this guy

>> No.18416490

you seem to think of all of this in terms of profit and return on investment just like this retard

>> No.18416498

Yeah, this guy is like the perfect employee/entrepreneur
Anglo excellence

>> No.18416587
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>> No.18416644

Now I know why zoomers are called zoomers. Because zoom zoom, they gotta go fast, gotta experience as much as possible in the shortest time.

>> No.18416654


Not sure how speed reading a bunch of useless YA novels helps anyone develop.

>> No.18416658


You're so retarded, speed reading is just for pseuds that try to hit some mileage. If you read any quality book, speed reading won't do anything besides read the words on the page.

>> No.18416661

>joesph stalin lied about reading 1000 pages a day. trannies hate this fact
what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.18416667

>"ok dude. name a thing you've learned. not just a quote or something. like name a way your life is different at all because of your reading"

>> No.18416674

Young YouTubers should be exterminated.

>> No.18416720

>ITT: Seething boomers
You know he's right. If reading doesn't help you, there's no point in reading. Also, time us the most valuable thing, therefore, it is efficient to read as much as you can, in the least amount of time.

>> No.18416723

I am officially leaving this board
thanks retarded poster for making me realize this board is done

>> No.18416727

Do you guys nit understand that rich people pay literary professionals to give them short summaries of books. They never read the complete book.

>> No.18416733

Post a counter-argument and stop being melodramatic.

>> No.18416752

i will you stupid child. Literature is a art, and real literature is a pleasure to read (to non retarded people ofc) therefore reading should be enjoyed as long as possible, i.e. you don't want a good book to end

>> No.18416795
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>> No.18416809
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>tfw this is literally me

>> No.18416835
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You don't get it. Real life doesn't work that way. Your interviewer or the people who can help you get ahead in life don't really care about your feelings towards the book or whether you've truly understood it. What you need to do is impress them, make them feel that you understand it. Contemporary life is all about superficial charm.

>> No.18417154


>> No.18417164

Well that's really what not this board, or literature is about though. Do you think people read Moby Dick or really any good quality literature just to impress their superiors?

>> No.18417165

Because this is success, guys. The amount of money you have accumulated.
I suggest to read American Psycho. You will realise that this way of living is boring and unfulfilling. Don't fall for American memes, zoomer.

>> No.18417199

Bro I read 10 books a day, and this little boy's proud of his pathetic score... This morning alone I absorbed the entire works of Edmund Husserl. The afternoon will be spent resting.

>> No.18417205

The assumption that life is supposed to be fulfilling or exciting is actually more of an American meme desu.

>> No.18417260

Tell that to the Greeks.

>> No.18417888

>Supreme leader of largest nation in history, one of the most busiest people ever had the time spend 10 hours (that is assuming he's a very fast reader) a day just reading books
reminds me of some post on /fit/ about some fatty claiming they can run a 5 minute mile

>> No.18418591

Why would I do that? There is more to life than reading, and I'd rather digest what I read than use it as a means to stroke my own ego.

>> No.18418669

why does /lit/ get mad at the concept of productivity and time efficiency?

>> No.18418698

Because time has no value when you're studying international gender relations.

>> No.18418704

He’s a liar, a pseud, and a faggot.
You cannot possibly read 3 books in one day, let alone 3 books a day for a whole year.

>> No.18418793

Productivity is irrelevant because reading doesn't produce anything. Time management is meaningless when it come to reading unless reading is your job. Most people here are reading for pleasure, no matter how in depth their study of whatever they're reading is. That means that when it comes to enjoyment it is irrelevant how fast their reading is because they are enjoying their time all the same.
This board doesn't have a problem with being productive or efficient with your time. The problem is mostly with people who can't grasp the simple things that I had to explain. It shouldn't need to be explained.

>> No.18418808

Saying you're reading for "pleasure" is the biggest pseud cope I can think of.

>> No.18418821

1 or 2 quality books per year is far more valuable than 1000 useless ones. These people are actually idiots.

>> No.18418822

Why do you read?

>> No.18418850

What? No, I'm grateful for her just generally, but we would watch it at 1x speed. We quit watching anime a few years ago though. It just doesn't appeal like it use to. It might be because of the whole trad/natsoc shit I've been reading and we've been discussing... Who knows?
>On topic of the OP
Anyways, I'm just some /pol/-tourist here looking for more nazi books and whatever books to gain a better understanding of traditionalism/perennial wisdom. I'm not going to watch the video, I already know the content of it. Anyone who boasts about the quantity of books they read are not reading for the same reason I do. This vapid man thinking "more book = more smart" has the exact level of criticial thinking I would expect out of the average person. The nuance is typically lost on these people, however, even when explaining the nuance, they appear to not understand.
Enough of my soap box, I've books to add to my "to read" list.

>> No.18418877

The pseuds are the ones reading for "knowledge" you retard.
No one cares what board you came from or why you want to read what you do

>> No.18418885

Because it helps me to build wealth.

>> No.18418895

they still* appear to not understand.
Not him, but I tend to read to gain information, inspiration, or understanding. This does create a form of "pleasure", but that is not the centerpoint of why I read.
I can read 3 books in one day. If I sat down and cracked open... Lets see what my wife has near by.
>Three Days of Happiness
>Lord of the Flies
>Catcher in the Rye
in one day. You know what, I can probably fit in Crisis of the Modern World, but maybe I wouldn't get much else done. It would also take a year to come up with the proper list to read 1,000 books in one year.
This is the place to talk about it if there ever was one. Cope harder.

>> No.18418896

How was Borges a pseud? Never have heard this.

>> No.18418897

why do you build wealth

>> No.18418907

why aren't you?

>> No.18418924

answer the question

>> No.18418949


What a monumental retard. The purpose of reading is either entartainment or knowledge, and the latter is the only worthy pursuit.

>> No.18418964

just tell us why money = bad so we can laugh

>> No.18418967

i didnt say that
just answer

>> No.18418987

no :)

>> No.18418993

fuck you

>> No.18419081

>The pseuds are the ones reading for "knowledge" you retard.
pseud detected

>> No.18419205

He's right tho

>> No.18419370

You are stupid

>> No.18419383

Non-fiction tards are so tiring, sigh.