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/lit/ - Literature

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18412871 No.18412871 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys know of anymore Buddhist novels and epic poems?

>> No.18412892

>Buddhist novel
Better just be blank pages

>> No.18412942

Journey To The West

>> No.18413355

Careful, mods keeps deleting Buddhism threads. If this one lives, can someone rec me something on meditation? Only the Authentic ones please, I don't mind if it's difficult.

>> No.18413366
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Is this a good book to start with, for someone who knows nothing about Buddhism.

>> No.18413415
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It's just an abridged Pali canon / sutta pitaka. If you don't want to buy the same thing twice (assuming you move on to the Middle Discourses or the Long Discourses that are the major Pali sutta sources) you could start with the Dhammapada.

>> No.18413438

They aren't getting deleted, they've been getting moved to /his/.

>> No.18413442

Is the Dover thrift one good? Aren't they inexpensive books and bad for translations? Dhammapada translation by whom, should I purchase?

>> No.18413452

Nah, I remember one was to moved to /his/ yesterday, but three of them were deleted today.

>> No.18413455
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>can someone rec me something on meditation
I'll take a wild guess that you have never meditated before. I'm gonna teach you something, meditation and concentration is one.
What is the difference between meditation and concentration? Nothing. Meditation is just prolonged concentration.
Find an object to witness and concentrate upon, your breath is generally a good choice as a beginner.
Put all your focus on your breath, the sensation of air flowing through your nose or what ever.
As soon as you feel that your mind is wandering and you loose your concentration, remind yourself that you lost your concentration and bring it back to your breath again.

Please never ask how to meditate again.

>> No.18413463
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What a horrible rebirth

>> No.18413471

Dover is probably some early 1900 translation which in its own way could be as confusing as a contemporary one. I've read the Easwaran one and he has a rather useful, if long, introduction as well.

>> No.18413478

Can you please link the book?

>> No.18413493

Easwaran is the translator. It's not as if he translated it twice

>> No.18413494

The best is Thanissaro Bhikkhu's, it's free too: http://www.buddhanet.net/pdf_file/damapada.pdf

It has an intro, but you don't need to read it just jump in.

>> No.18413506

I was asking about the publication?

>> No.18413581
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Op here. Just bought this today after getting my second shot, along with hokusai shirt and blind box mini figure based on the Sake No Zashik wood block.

>> No.18413653

religion threads belong on /his/

>> No.18413675

We have had Buddhism threads here since the beginning of /lit/.

>> No.18413762

>Nothing. Meditation is just prolonged concentration.
this is false, concentration is just samatha meditation, which for many schools is just an entry to more complex form of meditation

>can someone rec me something on meditation?

another approach

>> No.18413930

this is for buddhist literature. tell me the name of the board?

>> No.18413943

it’s probably guenon incel we all know he’s a tranny janny and notice threads start getting deleted only since he got humiliated in a buddhist thread 3 days ago

>> No.18414065

Honestly, I do not know. What is considered Buddhist in this case? Created in a Buddhist country, dedicated to the ideas of Buddhism, written by a European on Buddhist themes?
Probably the collection of Jataka can be considered Buddhist novellas.
The most famous poem
Buddhacharita by Aśvaghoṣa (haven't read it yet)
This is according to strict criteria. Let's say the Chinese novel "Journey to the West" - is it Buddhist or not? It is hard to say. Tibetan epic about King Gesar of Ling? Also unclear.

>> No.18414247

Not false. Your object of concentration may differ, but it's still all about concentration.

>> No.18414885

saying literature in the subject is a poor attempt at a veil

>> No.18414911

I don't suppose the thirty odd "any books about my schizo opinion" are more on topic than books about Buddhism?

>> No.18416075

Why did the Buddhist Swastika get inverted as Buddhism progressed?

>> No.18416202


>> No.18416232

The Life of Milarepa
Songs of Milarepa
The Life of Marpa

Those are great Tibetan Buddhist novels and poems for you to enjoy.

>> No.18417188

mindfulness and concentration are not the same thing, some people even said they're polar opposites

>> No.18418096

If you want an epic then perhaps the Epic of King Gesar would fit your criteria.

>> No.18418716

Is it a new mod? As far as I know this never happened before.

>> No.18419216

Mindfulness is not meditation, it's relaxation.

>> No.18419624

>Jataka Tales
Used to read them as a kid. Were really fun.

>> No.18420114
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How do you resolve:
Right View
Right Speech
Right resolve
Right Action
right Effort
Being devoted to compassion etc etc ..
... with being a chantard?
Do you just pick and choose the parts you happen to gel with?
Seems a bit superficial.

I'mnot a buddhist or anything, but I watch you guys LARPing as religious or ethical, yet still conducting yourself like a common or garden chantard and I find it both hilarious and beguiling. How can you lack so much self-awareness?

>> No.18420128

inb4 janny's rage

>> No.18421414

Buddhism literally teaches emptiness (sunyata) pervades all observable phenomena and you have no abiding self to identify with and everything you think, feel or observe isn't worth being ''attached'' to since it's deceptive and transient mirage within samsara. Buddhism doesn't solve nihilism it just copes with by depersonalization and detachment and setting you on a wild-goose chase for something that is by definition unattainable, unobservable, and there isn't even any one there to realize nirvana, since realizations and attainments are just noise and phantasms that that come and go within the dance of samsara.

>> No.18421425
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Anything other than this is cope. You don't solve nihilism. You revalue it.

>> No.18421481

The Lotus Sutra is an epic of sorts, maybe more of a dramatic narrative as opposed to straightforward sermons or historical accounts like many other sutras. I'm very fond of Burton Watson's translation because the terminology he chooses for buddhist jargon is on point from my understanding of the teachings. Also using literal translations of the Buddhas' and Boddhisattvas' names aids reading, for example Universal Worthy instead of Samantabhadra, which also helps you know what their dharma names mean instead of huge moutfuls some of them have. Overall great version of the Lotus. I've also started the Avatamsaka (Thomas Cleary) and just the first few pages have overwhelming imagery and symbolism

>> No.18421534

Emptiness as in empty space in which things happen in, or empty like a mirror reflecting what happens, but having no permanent and eternal reflection. Fittingly, understanding thay concept becomes the object of dhyana, which becomes samadhi, which is the prajnaparamita, which becomes the sustained nirvana and buddhahood

People shouldn't mistake sunyata as nothingness

>> No.18421547

I love that book, I'm re-reading it atm

>> No.18422394

They don't. Or they think they're Chogyam Trungpa and they're just going after emptiness in a different way. There's an autist here that keeps posting Buddhist-themed Pepes and literally talks about "skillful memes".

>> No.18422438

I generally agree with you, but Buddhism is not nihilism, it's closer to an extreme kind of reductionism.

>> No.18422675

I only come here to learn. Whatever opinion people have about anons doesn't apply to every single one of them.

>> No.18423215

Hmm, I'm not really sure if I enjoy reading Pali Sutta's
Should I just go into mahayana or vajrayana?

>> No.18423603

Vajrayana is a meme, just go into mahayana.

>> No.18425547


>> No.18425683

The Pali suttas are hard to read if you don't already have a good amount of knowledge.
I would recommend finding a particular monk that you like and reading things they've written. Thanissaro and Bodhi are ones lots of people like. Having a Westerner explain the teaching helps a lot in my experience.

>> No.18425799

If in Buddhism we are supposed to get rid of our attachments and realizing emptiness to reach enlightenment, why do they teach love and kindness instead of just indifference? Isn't that an attachment in itself? All these Buddhists talking about world peace or animal cruelty seem to be missing the point yet those are what Buddhism teaches.

>> No.18425848

Compassion is considered the first virtue or stage of the bodhisattva path (in Mahayana) because it facilitates realization of no-self and non-attachment. Described in the Bodhicaryavatara, Mahayanasamgraha and many other places.

>> No.18425865

The Wisdom translations of the Middle Discourses and Long Discourses have large introductory sections. It's sufficient for reading comprehension, probably not for mastery. Buddhists don't read the canon cover to cover anyway. Focus on a couple of sutras at a time

>> No.18426587

What are Buddhist objections to objective morality and the transcendental argument for God's existence?

>> No.18426660

Why even read if your main goal is to become an NPC in life and disappear into the void after death?

>> No.18426674


>> No.18426713

What if the real void was the [literally everything] we made along the way? The real nihilism is believing you have a personal, permanent, immortal existence awaiting you after death if and only if you follow the correct priest, replacing your reality with his fiction. It is such a blatant bait and switch it is a wonder anyone bothers with vigorously defending not merely theism but the entire edifice of theology in a post-theocratic society.

>> No.18426741

What if Nirvana is the real permanent heaven and Buddha is the real monotheistic god?

>> No.18426824

You do not need to read any buddhist literature because the inly Truth is Jesus Christ.

>> No.18426856
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Anyone here read An Introduction to Zen Buddhism? Would you recommend it?

>> No.18426915
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That's not really supported by any scripture I know of but a bit of a forced interpretation through western eyes.
I haven't read any Suzuki but Bataille cites him in On Nietzsche.