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/lit/ - Literature

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18409088 No.18409088[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the best way to break a book, lit?

>> No.18409094

Why is there a new forced meme on 4chan every month or 2 now that gets spammed across all boards?

>> No.18409104

t. Broken Buck

>> No.18409119
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gee i dunno

>> No.18409139

hey this was pretty cool to read. thx

>> No.18409204
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>> No.18409208
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>> No.18409310
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for the beard of the whale, please tell me what is going on in this world

>> No.18409341
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You don't. Take care of your books as if they were a living being. Be gentle with your books as they are releasing knowledge to you previously unknown.

Breaking books is only a peer-pressured meme made by /lit/ in order to be like "do you even read bro???".

If you have indeed read the book, then there is no need to prove yourself, if you have yet to read the book then get to reading it soon, if you have no plans on reading it then throw it away.

>> No.18409363


daring synthesis

>> No.18409416

I was just memeing desu

>> No.18409424
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This is all true but I'm not a shill I just think buckbreaking is funny

>> No.18409531
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What do you mean, anon?

>> No.18409580

I like how the final recommendation is to try to weaponize nihilism. But the leering, goonish, shitposting denizens of /pol/ are already proficient at doing that so it is a lost cause. All that is left is to criminalize the unwanted behavior.

>> No.18409593

>/pol boards
Do they think 4chan is a subdivision of /pol/?

>> No.18409596

Stopped reading after they effectively said 8pol was just a more racist 4pol. The former absolutely was mainly frequented by open fascists, so whoever put this together never looked at the website themselves.

>> No.18409599

It's a shame Barnes&Noble won't let you book break in the bathroom anymore. Now back when old man Barnes was binding and breaking them books himself it was different. But Mister Noble he wanted to take the company in another direction. Where he come from you book break in the privacy of your own property. When he became the senior partner, some say he even broke Barnes to get his way.

>> No.18409612

So the reccomendation is just to flood the boards with bots?

>> No.18409634


>did little more than to provide ISIS sympathizers a platform to mock the DHS and sow an increased distrust in foreign policy
>buttblasted that /pol/sters have Solzhenitsyn's Rat Detector as a free feat

Absolutely halal.

>> No.18409688

Look at any board and you'll find a few /pol/ threads. Look closer adn you'll find threads about differnet topics full of pol posts

>> No.18409705

They’re all /tv/ related. So what does that tell you?

>> No.18409716

/tv/ is the spirit of 4channel

>> No.18409928

I can't believe people paid to produce that and wasted their time developing software to analyze what an undergrad could see after spending 20 minutes on any one of the sites.

>Recent developments in artificial intelligence enabling researchers to automatically generate credible extremist sentences make such a tactic cheap and easy to implement.
All they're going to do is create a cesspool of hate and alienate normal people from tempering the racist retards. I'd say they'd never heard of "blowback" but they mentioned "Think Again, Turn Away."

Or maybe they should just stop and think...the hype is coming from politicized language having to do with identity politics centering itself within all political discourse. Anyone with half a brain knows to stop listening when the government starts throwing around terms like "terrorism" and "extremist" in order to justify a mandate.

>> No.18410360

And you're a faggot for memeing. Worst of all, you're not even funny

>> No.18410377

Yer looking to get broke boy.

>> No.18410383
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>So we been breaking bucks for 3 generations.
>Mos' time the breaking sticks. The buck don't give you any kine uh problems.
>B b but sometimes, sometimes... well sometimes you get a PECULIAR buck.
> This one buck, well he was the peculiar type, he a uh, well he would act up but he wouldnt hide it.
>It seem every week he was pretending to take a nap on pickin duty( but with one eye open all koi like) or he'd take extra molasses pie, or or or he'd sit his field ass on the front porch.
>Every week he'd do somethin' rascally IN PLain damn sight of the OVaseeah.
>OVasseha would call out to the buck to get to the Breakin Barn. This Bucks eyes would light up and before you could whistle dixie, he'd be in the barn.
>This Buck would run to that breaking barn like it was a cool stream on a hot August day in Georgia.
>Hellll it got sooo bad this buck would TELL You what kine mischief he was gone get his midnight black ass into. He hadnt even DO nuthin yet..
>He would skip over to the barn after an call out " COME On MAaaaaSSA THIS BUCK AINT GUNNA BREAK HISSELF!"
>Just down right peculiar...

>> No.18410384


>> No.18410697

Anyone having tips on breaking through writer's block? I've had trouble with it for years, I guess I do a little better when I write in longhand, but I need better techniques for breaking blocks.

>> No.18410705

What is this buck breaking meme about?

>> No.18410824



>> No.18410892
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>just down right peculiar

>> No.18410961
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>there are people who takes us seriously enough to go full on a cybernetic war

>> No.18410965
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>> No.18410983

get a white guy to fuck it in the ass in front of other books.

>> No.18410984

He really loved being broken

>> No.18410987

Y'all did nothing fuck off. If I'm not getting freed then y'all aren't taking a w

>> No.18410991


>> No.18411003

Fake forced meme, y'all torture me for a hope of a half win based on me trying to keep my emotions and thoughts in equilibrium then spam autistic memes like a bunch of silly cunts the second you get something.

>> No.18411015

Seethe more tranny nigger.
Your current status: Broken

>> No.18411021
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