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File: 3.04 MB, 2089x1272, Trinity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18406901 No.18406901 [Reply] [Original]

The Father is MIND. It is the shared essence of all living things, whose manifestations in living things seems distinct and plural because of differences in experience, bodies, and genetic filter. Just as the father takes precedence to the son, the precedence of mind over body is clear in the way we identify with our thoughts far more than we do our bodies, and can only experience the body and the rest of the world through the mind.

The Son is MATTER. Jesus was a temporary corporeal avatar of God, whose crucifix serves as a reminder that this temporary life involves suffering. His sacrifice represents our duty to overcome our material/biological impulses and show compassion for others. His rebirth and ascension remind me a lot of the laws of conservation of matter and energy, Einstein's e = mc^2 equating mass with energy, and the particle-wave duality of quantum mechanics.

The Holy Spirit is REASON. The Holy Spirit was once described to me by a seminarian as being the link between the Father and the Son. What is reason but the communion between a thinking being and the material realm in which he resides? The Holy Spirit, if taken as it is in scripture as a vessel for language, could represent the capacity for codifying experience into abstract concept, and then communicating it others so it is integrated by other minds.

I grew up Catholic and fell out of the faith in my adolescence. I am considering coming back to it having reevaluated the Trinity under the influence of thinkers like Teilhard de Chardin, Buddhist philosophy, and Spinoza, and realizing that it aligns with my understanding of the world.

>> No.18407050

Good post. I saved it to my notes to think on it further. I was baptized and partially raised catholic as well as somewhat within buddhist practices and hindu as well. So I grew up within both of those worlds, somewhat. But I've always had a desire to reconcile both east and west into a workable system for myself and not get tripped up on their different opposing viewpoints.

>> No.18407221

Thank you. Your upbringing sounds somewhat like the main character's in Life of Pi, which I'd always admired.

I understand religion in a similar way to other aspects of human culture- as a set of codified of principles and universal ideas that speak to the part of us that requires meaning. Some may look down on it and call it fake, a anachronistic fable, or whatever, but I find it ironic to mock a a system that dresses up morals and ideas in spiritual doctrine when the whole idea of language and representation is a kind of fable itself, reliant on belief. (-This is an apple. -Why? -It just is.)

As a metaphor, the ones who blindly follow religion are people who drive a car while not knowing how to drive it, while the ones who look down on religion are people who abstain from cars while unknowingly depending other types of transportation. I would like to be someone who admires the car but remembers that it is only a car and not something transcendent. For limited beings we need something to believe in or the world quickly becomes a bleak place, and we need to understand this.

>> No.18407696
File: 46 KB, 850x400, quote-to-love-is-to-will-the-good-of-the-other-thomas-aquinas-109-9-0911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the father is one, preceding being, creating all beings via his own being from nothing, who freely diffuses his goodness to all particular beings. Just as the father takes precedence over the son, God in his entirety precedes all created beings

the Son is one. Jesus is the co-eternal second person of the trinity, made flesh through the incarnation of God in human flesh, two natures in one essence without separation, whose crucifix serves as a reminded of Gods love, his sacrifice represents his unwavering determination for mans sanctification and salvation. His rebirth and ascension remind me of Gods boundless power and life, not even death itself could hold him

The holy spirit is One. The holy spirit as tradition and revelation hold is the mutal conformity between the the father and son, the holiness and spirituality of both, the love realized between the two eternally, this unique glimpse into the trinity that is given to the ones who seek it, grants us the theological virtue charity, uplifts and guides us in love for God, intimating to our human intellect the unfathomable depth of the trinities eternal procession of love, communicating the fathers will, our destiny.

fixed that for you

>> No.18408056

This is good and all, and I respect your way of understanding the trinity, but unfortunately it requires an unwavering faith in Christian doctrine that I do not possess. I prefer to look at the trinity as a metaphor that remains consistent with current understandings and interpretations of existence. Besides, if God is truly inscrutable and beyond understanding, then all our attempts to understand him are futile and thus open-ended. Are you not a limited being like me? Or would you wrongly assume, like everyone else who is attached their own system of belief, that your views are superior and must be imposed at the expense of all differences in experience?

>> No.18408340

>The holy spirit as tradition and revelation hold is the mutal conformity between the the father and son, the holiness and spirituality of both, the love realized between the two eternally
That's filioque heresy my friend. Sayying this, you just confuse the Spirit with the sum, the synthesis or the essence of the Father and the Son.

The Father is God in himself, the Son is the Image of God, or his expression through which He create all things and the Spirit is the image of the image of God (actually that's what the church fathers said), God descending into men and creation, he is the one in which creation is made.
The Spirit is the third and not between the Father and the Son.

>> No.18408521
File: 77 KB, 380x544, 63D96700-1402-4287-A27C-DD852EC8CBE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The universe exists within the “mind” of the FATHER, like a dream. The FATHER is intangible, and almost incomprehensible, but we can see the nature of The FATHER played out in the natural inherent order of the Universe.
The Son is the man-god, an avatar of the godhead who was made flesh, like the dreamer entering his own dream.
If we exist as “thoughts” of the Father, than all things, whether material or immaterial, are connected to each other and to the Father and to the Son. This “connection” is the Holy Spirit.

Or that’s at least my take. Mostly informed by Catholic mysticism, bro-Platonism, Spinoza, and a bit of occultism and Daoism

>> No.18408562

I find your thoughts interesting because they match my spiritual understanding of reality, placed in context of religious iconography which briefly renewed my understanding that most religions, in a roundabout way, get it right, but become obfuscated and bogged down. I'm tired, rambling, and this is my shit contribution to your good thread.

>> No.18408581

>Or that’s at least my take. Mostly informed by Catholic mysticism, bro-Platonism, Spinoza, and a bit of occultism and Daoism
so you mean twitter and sniffing your own shit? you literally just spouted bad hinduism with a christian veneer

>> No.18408714
File: 30 KB, 300x237, F0BC76A6-925A-4EDB-8134-0B05252A3489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fair enough

>> No.18408800

There's definitely a reason why these ideas proliferated and caught fire. As for all religions getting it right, I would agree. It's kind of like how the mind can conjure so many different ways expressing a basic notion, like being hungry. "I am hungry", "My body requires food", or "I must metabolize to survive" more or less all express the same notion, but are dressed up in different linguistic garments. I think religious dogmatists miss the point by worshipping each specific part of the expression while sometimes only taking a cursory glance at the idea itself. But the idea, whether manifested as Christ, Muhammad, or the scientific method, still resonates with the part of us that needs something permanent, good, and unchanging.

If a human being's way of making sense of an uncertain of existence is 'sniffing his own shit', then we are all sniffing our own shit. Get over yourself. You are no better than anyone else except in the world plays out in your own mind, and staying in that world is truly sniffing your own shit.

>> No.18408871

The Hitler is MIND. It is the shared essence of all living things, whose manifestations in living things seems distinct and plural because of differences in experience, bodies, and genetic filter. Just as the Hitler takes precedence to the Goebbels, the precedence of mind over body is clear in the way we identify with our thoughts far more than we do our bodies, and can only experience the body and the rest of the world through the mind.

The Goebbels is MATTER. Jesus was a temporary corporeal avatar of God, whose crucifix serves as a reminder that this temporary life involves suffering. His sacrifice represents our duty to overcome our material/biological impulses and show compassion for others. His rebirth and ascension remind me a lot of the laws of conservation of matter and energy, Einstein's e = mc^2 equating mass with energy, and the particle-wave duality of quantum mechanics.

The Göring is REAGoebbels. The Göring was once described to me by a seminarian as being the link between the Hitler and the Goebbels. What is reaGoebbels but the communion between a thinking being and the material realm in which he resides? The Göring, if taken as it is in scripture as a vessel for language, could represent the capacity for codifying experience into abstract concept, and then communicating it others so it is integrated by other minds.

>> No.18408941

>If a human being's way of making sense of an uncertain of existence is 'sniffing his own shit', then we are all sniffing our own shit. Get over yourself.

Those who are most judgmental of others are usually quite judgmental toward themselves. I apologize, I took the wrong approach. You deserve compassion like any other person, and I wish you purpose, meaning, and happiness in life.

>> No.18408943

Nice heresy

>> No.18408955

Look if you're not going to accept Christian doctrine then there really isn't any point in attempting any compromise or reconciliation. It's all or nothing. Any kind of eclectic pickings is just nonsense from the start.

>> No.18409073

>the father is one, preceding being, creating all beings via his own being from nothing, who freely diffuses his goodness to all particular beings. Just as the father takes precedence over the son, God in his entirety precedes all created beings
Do Catholics consider the Father superior over the Son?

>> No.18409260

There is a catholic uncounscious confusion between the Logos and the human form he took to incarnate as Jesus-Christ.
That's why they are accused of manicheism.
For the spirit to be between the father and the son in their view, the son needs to be put bellow the Spirit.

The confusion of the poster you answered to shows here :
>two natures in one essence without separation
nature and essence means the same. It is two nature in one hypostasis or personality.
He might have been just a larper.

>> No.18409279

Christ was a heretic. Call me what you want.
>All or nothing.
This is the kind of thinking that gets people killed.

>> No.18409285

>Christ was a heretic.
No He wasnt
>This is the kind of thinking that gets people killed
I'm starting to see why

>> No.18409305
File: 34 KB, 296x297, 1621974318245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a Christians stealing from Platonists episode again

>> No.18409415

Huh. A big brain post from a Christian.

Good on you OP. Good post.