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18404204 No.18404204 [Reply] [Original]

>And look at how he lived: a forty-year-old wife to do the cooking, a fifteen-year-old wife for whatever else …
Is this novel supposed to make me hate or love Islam? Because right now I am leaning towards the latter

>> No.18404208

It's supposed to make you question the state of Europe, so you decide.

>> No.18404232

polygyny creates incels

>> No.18404246

Is that why the West is so full of them?

>> No.18404257

Its equal around the world cunt. Try your racist b8 elsewhere edditor.

>> No.18404264

You're supposed to think the protagonist is a depressed, opportunistic wastrel who would sell his soul to get his cock sucked.

>> No.18404275

>Its equal around the world cunt
Exactly. Yet there are places with polygyny, which supposedly creates incels.

>> No.18404279

>You're supposed to think the protagonist is a 4channer

>> No.18404297
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The state of Europe deprived me of my birthright. Allahu Akbar

>> No.18404300

>Someone else is feeding him the juice

>> No.18404319

It's meant to tell you more about yourself than Islam, if the fantasy of dehumanizing women and abrogating their rights appeals to you it probably means you're pathetic scum. I mean you understand he's describing what is a very dated almost stone age society, right?

>> No.18404330

>if the fantasy of dehumanizing women and abrogating their rights appeals to you it probably means you're pathetic scum
That's just that, a fantasy. Why do Westerners keep claiming other civilizations are dehumanizing when their people are so far removed from being humans they don't even want to have children - the most human of things?

>> No.18404339

>It's supposed to make you question the state of Europe

I found it more tongue-in-cheek and playful than his other works where the doom and despondency that fuels him is more palpable.

>> No.18404342

>I mean you understand he's describing what is a very dated almost stone age society
Islam isn't that advanced.

>> No.18404343

>giving women rights and the ability to decide their future is forcing them to not have children
Do you have any idea how stupid you are?

>> No.18404355
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Empirically proven by unsustainable birthrates and women crying when their biological clock runs out

>> No.18404360

Do you?

It's a scientific fact that "liberated" women are the unhappiest bunch of women in human history. (Which makes sense when you realize that "women's liberation" was something that was done to them, and not something they did.)

>> No.18404362

The same women who cry about this in public are the same one's who promoted childness before and both times it was simply for attention. It's proof of nothing.

People always have fewer children and become less religious once they have a sustainable and prosperous western lifestyle. If you look at 3rd generation Muslims in Europe it's the same. It's a purely economic issue, when you have more options you....have more options. I bet you're an incel. It's always the most pathetic and spineless men who know they can't compete for women in a normal way who are in favor of regressing to primitive 'customs' to compensate for their own dicklessness while calling it the 'moral' thing to do. The west is in no danger of being depopulated.

>> No.18404366

Science != picking and choosing from various clickbait and pop sci youtube videos to build up a 'world view' you agree with.

>> No.18404369

A meme novel written by a literal incel with barely-hidden pedophilia in it, like every other Houellebecq book.
I read bits of "Les Particules Elémentaires" and it reads like the demented diary of an /r9k/ browser before his time. For some reason in one scene a grampa tries to masturbate to the sight of horny young gay men dry-humping each other on the beach of Paris Plage but can't get it up. Why?

it's about as accurate about the state of Europe than r9k is about women

>> No.18404372

>it's empirically proven 3rd worlders are happier than westerners
>it's empirically proven that 3rd worlders want to come to the west for a better life
The cognitive dissonance from your type is staggering.

>> No.18404376
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>a very dated almost stone age society

>> No.18404377

>I posted a retarded wojack meme!
>that'll show 'em!

>> No.18404380

god, imagine getting called 'darkly funny' by the fucking guardian... mortifying. houellebecq is such an alibi, but i guess the money doesn't hurt

>> No.18404382

>I disregard Vico and everyone even remotely hesitant about radical enlightenment values and refuse to elaborate
>that will show 'em!

>> No.18404383
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Well, gee, when you put it that way, why should anyone interested in birth rates support democracy and capitalism at all? You make a case for open fascism, open state control of the economy, and open government opposition to liberal democracy and sexual liberation. If modern, Western society creates the familial and childbearing conditions we currently have... why support it? Why not oppose it, instead, and actively work for its downfall?

Why not become exactly the sort of reactionary monster that lives in every liberal democrat's nightmares, if that might potentially get you the flourishing birthrates you want?

>> No.18404387

>You make a case for open fascism, open state control of the economy, and open government opposition to liberal democracy and sexual liberation.
>Why not become exactly the sort of reactionary monster
Implying I'm not?

>> No.18404391

>implying your shitpost where you call billions of people pathetic scum is any better

>> No.18404394

I'm all for polygamy and the abolition of women's rights, but Houellebecq was wrong here, young arabs in France are getting assimilated, Islam won't ever rise to power.
t. frog

>> No.18404397

Did you even read the post you're posturing as having replied to?
>Well, gee, when you put it that way, why should anyone interested in birth rates support democracy and capitalism at all?
The question should be why should anyone be 'very' interested in birth rates at all? As I said, the west is in zero danger of being depopulated. There's always more 1st and 2nd generation Americans for example, and they have more than enough children to remain above replacement. It takes a special kind of unintelligent loser to start ranting about fascism without even a real pretext for any of it.

>> No.18404400


>> No.18404401

Marrying 15 year old isnt pedophilia you mentally ill mutt

>> No.18404404

How come in these threads it's always the rightoids getting utterly btfo?

It happens every time.

>> No.18404410

>>it's empirically proven that 3rd worlders want to come to the west for a better life
Says you. It's only societal rejects that couldn't make it in their own country that come to the West seeking their 'American dream'

>> No.18404437

>why yes, I want to have sex with mentally undevelopped girls because I'm a failure of a man and a relationship with an equal scares me, how could you tell

>> No.18404439

It's literally the reverse, immigration is an evolutionary check of sorts, it's typically the most able or affluent who manage to escape 3rd world shitholes. An amazing example of this are Nigerians, who completely outperform all other Africans in the US for this reason.
Educate yourself and stop regurgitating ignorance, you're as wrong as it's possible to be.

>> No.18404447

>I'm a failure and a reject
>that's how I bought I bought a plane ticket or a green card!

>> No.18404448

>Being affluent means you aren't a social reject
Check yourself mutt with fawning over the elite

>> No.18404452

I mean most people can't even afford food in these places so being able to buy a plane ticket...is that really impressive? That's like saying all of the immigrants coming here with academic scholarships or with specialized work visas aren't just total idiots! Duh.

>> No.18404453

Tsk, I sold one of my eight year old to a wealthy sheikh.

>> No.18404458

Are you the same retard talking about the need for fascism? The ressentiment here is palpable.

It used to be that a liberal was a power worshipper without power quoth Orwell. Now it's the reverse. It's losers who think they are awesome for completely rejecting a society they've already been rejected by. Wow you sure showed me you don't respect power, ability, or success...by seething over it.

>> No.18404463
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low IQ

>> No.18404464

>Immigrants are all affluent and well educated we want them here
>Also immigrants are all rapists and criminals low scum
Typical westoid

>> No.18404468

Nigger if I wanted to have sex with equals I would be fucking men

>> No.18404470

maybe schizo
either way total non sequitur might as well be a bot replying

>> No.18404484

That would be extremely gay

>> No.18404486

Because leftoids send their best to become politicians and public influencers while the cream of the crop rightists are busy fucking their wives and running businesses so the debates end up with a few standard iq deviation difference between the sides which means that the smartest lefties end up spending their days arguing with bottom of the barrel magapedes, ultimately getting nowhere and wasting massive amounts of human potential for their side.

>> No.18404487

Halfway there

>> No.18404489

>Because leftoids send their best to become politicians and public influencers
>which means that the smartest lefties end up spending their days arguing with bottom of the barrel magapedes
Yes I'm sure Obama is right here in this thread arguing with magapedes

>> No.18404497

Wouldn't surprise me desu. I bet he frequents trump threads.

>> No.18404498

You're supposed to wonder if it's the start of a decline to change your religion for solely material reasons like wives, changing religions like one changes their underwear for comfort and ease.

>> No.18404501

3rd worlders come to the west purely for money, my friend

>> No.18404514

They're too blind to see that that's all there is here

>> No.18404520

>for comfort and ease
But wasnt this the reason religion was invented in first place? Without people thinking that was the reason of course, or else it wouldnt work.

>> No.18404521

They aren't blind, they simply know what they want and leave when they get it

>> No.18404522

I started getting into Huysmans cause of this book, reading la bas now, is pretty dope.

>> No.18404528

Religion was invented as a structured way to communicate with the divine.

>> No.18404530

Not quite, religion was invented to give meaning to the world, comfort and ease aren't necessary for that.

>> No.18404540

>why yes, I want to have sex with mentally undevelopped^1 girls because I'm a failure of a man and a relationship with an equal^2 scares me, how could you tell
>(1): attractive, young, clean
>(2): ugly, old, used up

>> No.18404545

I guess this is fair take if you are religious
But isnt finding meaning in the world comforting? Wouldnt promise of a better, fairer life put you at ease? I was mostly refering to that, and partly to the moral framework they provided (dont kill etc.), that also made life more bearable.

>> No.18404557

For you

>> No.18404558

what age do girls become mentally developed?
should the law be changed whereby only at that age we can have sex with them?

>> No.18404677

Just started reading it in French. I'm getting a tad filtered but I think I'm doing well for the most part.

>> No.18404691

Is it hard? Does it have a lot of slang?

>> No.18404702

A little bit. There are some sentences my brain does not really process; I fear I might be missing some of the nuance. Still, I was able to read two other previous books of his so I think I'll manage. You probably can to, if that's what concerns you.

>> No.18404767

>>giving women rights and the ability to decide their future
That’s funny because that’s exactly what the Koran did. In the Koran, God states that women should be able to use their inheritance as they wish, which basically means that they can define their own future. The man receives a bigger inheritance but he must spend it on his family, he doesn’t have a choice. The Koran also states that both Adam and Eve were at fault, which means that women are not seen as corrupting figures. So this alienation of women is a purely cultural thing which was then given a sort of religious legitimacy through “Hadiths”. Most of the reported claims associated to the Prophet and his companions are actually invented.

>> No.18404768
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Is this you, OP?

>> No.18404777

>So this alienation of women is a purely cultural thing which was then given a sort of religious legitimacy through “Hadiths”. Most of the reported claims associated to the Prophet and his companions are actually invented.
First part was great then you ruined it with this with Hadith bashing. Theologically speaking, according to Quran men and women are equal. I don't see how the Hadiths take away from this and make women unequal.

>> No.18404790

I'm not an incel, in fact i'm kissing my cute read-haired girlfriend atm.I had sex with more than 20 different woman sicne the beginning of the month, so...

>> No.18404798

The Hadiths contain everything wrong with Islam. The worst Sunni scum (Isis, Al Qaeda etc.) rely mostly on the Hadiths (and sometimes on a decontextualized and literal reading of the Koran) to justify most of their backward ideas.

>> No.18404802

I think it's written quran and not koran, by allah.

>> No.18404806

Either way is fine in English. It's not like it's written in Arabic like it was originally intended

>> No.18404809

>Blah blah terrorist blah
I don't care much for western propaganda. Hadiths are an important part of Islam.

>> No.18404815

They love making deals, those Nigerians.

>> No.18404822

>God states that women should be able to use their inheritance as they wish

That's because Arabia at the time of Muhammad was a society with extremely high rates of male death due to constant warfare, in societies like that (see also Spartans hamstringing themselves through being outbred by helots because of insanely rich Spartan women having no interest whatsoever in reproducing, or the case of Medieval Spain where constant warfare with the moors meant different laws of inheritance in comparison to other parts of Europe due to high likelihood of men dying in battle) women inheriting a lot of shit is the law, a necessity, rather than the sign of equality.

>> No.18404824

No point in making another thread, where to start with Houellebecq?

>> No.18404830

Start with this video

>> No.18404856

The lovecraft essey

>> No.18404858

>You're supposed to wonder if it's the start of a decline to change your religion for solely material reasons like wives, changing religions like one changes their underwear for comfort and ease.
Isnt this just true historically? The vast majority of converts always came from those seeking opportunity rather than metaphysical or theological arguments.

>> No.18404859

Both are transliterations, Qur'an would be more correct but nobody uses it.

Assimilated or perverted? From what I see, their kids become NPC and embraces consumerism.

>> No.18404864

>Assimilated or perverted? From what I see, their kids become NPC and embraces consumerism
Obviously assimilated if they became like all the other kids

>> No.18404878

that story is fake anon

>> No.18404889


>> No.18404898

You are not supposed to marry an 'equal' moron, you marry a young healthy woman who will produce healthy children, that is the purpose of marriage.

>> No.18404923
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>By all means, Mr. Raghead, destroy any modicum of civilization and decency my society and its structures still have, I'm utterly incapable of finding a loving wife that will cook for me and give me sex so I need to sell my country to people who are so mentally underdeveloped they blow themselves up for their Sky Daddy

>> No.18404945
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>With an utter and complete shit economy caused by the governrment passing more market regulations, taxation and inflation that stunts the economical growth and people buying power, people are marrying later in life and having less children

>> No.18404969

Nice explanation. But it’s wrong. Read what I said: women receive inheritance and are free to use it but they still receive less than men who have to use what they receive to sustain their families. It wasn’t necessary and it wasn’t the law before Muhammad’s revelation.
Found the Sunni scum.

>> No.18404994

>people living in the richest countries have the fewest children, meanwhile those living in mudhuts still have 8+
>its the economy, if we were richer this wouldnt happen

>> No.18404998

Why would you deny feminism is involved in this? We need to completely expel the savages, put the government in its place AND undo the social damage thats occurred since the 60's, these are not mutually exclusive goals

>> No.18405009

He's saying government policy has led to a situation where one income is not enough to get a house and family.

>> No.18405018

Latino Catholic and Arab Muslim cultures developed completely differently from White Anglo Saxon Protestant or Scandinavian cultures. People get used to a level of civilization comfort and will only have children if they are capable to feed them. In countries where people have become used to a quality of life that is utter and complete shit culture has become adapted to that, reproduction remains the same because there was never a huge drop in the economy.

>> No.18405023

Poor countries, by necessity, give less valuebto human life as death is far more common. Thus, having more children is not as much of an issue since there isn't such a big fuss about a few dead children. More developed countries place more importance on the life of children, not just their survival, but also their quality of life. As a result, having children in developed countries is more economically and morally taxing. On top of that, developing countries' inhabitants cannot rely on retirement plans; having children is a necessity to insure their survival going into old age, whereas that is not (yet) an issue for social democracies.
The reasons for this reproductive divergence are diverse and complex.

>> No.18405026

When has this been the case? My grandpa lived in a fucking farmshack during ww2 and still had 10 brothers and sisters. Increase in living conditions and fertility are negativly correlated if anything

>> No.18405063

>could go to the movies with 2 dollars
>80 years of inflation and increasing regulation and taxation later
>people are having children later in life and thus having less children


>> No.18405126


>> No.18405215
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I wish I had a cute wife or 4.

>> No.18405293
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>unquestioningly believing anything in the daily mail

>> No.18405303

now you have practically all the movies ever made available to you in the comfort of your own home for a few dollars

>> No.18405325

We pay 9 dollars for a movie ticket nowadays. Nine dollars back then were equivalent to 147 dollars nowadays.

>> No.18405336

I am euro. Maybe you americans had your golden age in 50s and 60s, but here living standards have definetely went up while fertility has gone down

>> No.18405600

Because that is a retarded line of thought. Women are naturally geared towards maternal, home-making and child bearing instincts independent of any ideologies, which are only copes for the mentally ill to justify not having natural inclinations found in everyone else. The reasons are more insidious than that, more akin to structural fuckery caused by the government with the gentle added push of ideologies and copes for the population to accept them.

European experts often cite economic factors as being part if not the biggest factor in the decaying fertility rates in Europe, aside "lack of child care" and work life becoming more hectic.

>> No.18405730

>Found the Sunni scum
Found the shia tranny

>> No.18405739


>> No.18405756

blowjobs are just part of it. he would sell his soul to get a better life, also "sell a soul" is a fake thing. also, how is he opportunistic?

>> No.18405769


>> No.18405782

>Old is bad
Based retard

>> No.18405919

I mean, look at the demographics in Europe. Muslims will probably take over countries like Sweden within the 2050s, and countries like France and the UK soon after. And to be honest, you can't blame them. If someone was offering their country to you, you'd be a fool not to take it. Muslims are the only intelligent group in this equation; history will remember modern non-Muslim Western Europeans as the stupidest group in all of human history.

>> No.18405977

shouldn't worry about it anon, by 2070 the planet will be uninhabitable anyway

>> No.18406130

Even if they suddenly wake up getting rid of the invaders would take a genocide at this point. Lots of people see the problem but are so weak they're more worried about being called racist than saving Europe.

>> No.18406190

>you arent supposed to act in your own self-interest, what will happen to civilizational achievment of giving women, gays and trannies rights if muslims took over?

>> No.18406197

>People shouldn't have their individual liberties because this goes against my neuroses, paranoias, individual sensibilities, internalized little traumas and cognitive biases, I wish big daddy government was here to forbid everything I don't like and give me a free gf

>> No.18406204

Either Whatever or Atomised

>> No.18406205

>Fuck civilization, I should only care about my virgin desires for pussy I can't satisfy for myself
>the trannies are destroying muh civilization, time to save it by giving it to a retard desert cult of goat fuckers

>> No.18406210

>desert cult of goat fuckers
They were the guardians of Western civilization until they got wrecked by the Mongols, Ottomans, and Brits.

>> No.18406213

I’m not a Shia either, retard.

>> No.18406219

All I am saying is everyone is free to convert if he thinks it will be beneficial for him. You dont owe anyone shit. Stop projecting the rest of your garbage on me please

>> No.18406224

Sufi? Ibadi?

>> No.18406248

I've only read Elementary Particles, so I would suggest that. Good read and embodies a lot of his ideas.

I've heard Whatever is a good start, too.

>> No.18406293
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>immigration is an evolutionary check of sorts
are euros really smarter than us muslimbros?

>> No.18406348

>Islam is from the Stone Age
Are people just historically illiterate these days? I’m astounded by how often I hear this

>> No.18406399
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>dehumanizing women
>abrogating their rights
>stone age

>> No.18406413

>The question should be why should anyone be 'very' interested in birth rates at all? As I said, the west is in zero danger of being depopulated. There's always more 1st and 2nd generation Americans for example
We know the question is not about birthrates but about DEMOGRAPHICS.
Would you like to see an U.S.A. dominared by e.g. Chinks?
Would you still call it America?

>> No.18406443

>But isnt finding meaning in the world comforting? Wouldnt promise of a better, fairer life put you at ease? I was mostly refering to that, and partly to the moral framework they provided (dont kill etc.), that also made life more bearable.
You're talking about religion (in an ample sense) while thinking only about Christianity. Go back.

>> No.18406516

I must admit I never studied religion, but dont all abrahamic ones have similar concept of afterlife? Then there is also valhalla, hades and the rest... afterlife seems pretty common theme in religions.
Also all them have code of behavior ingrained in them for their followers to respect.

>> No.18406550
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>As I said, the west is in zero danger of being depopulated.

Fertility rates, globally, have been declining with each passing decade. You cannot forever continue to move people from point A to point B just to boost population numbers -- which tends to be a manifestation of consumerist ideology.

>> No.18406833


friendly reminder tgat taking dicks up the ass isnt sex. that makes faggos the real incels

>> No.18406840

lol a libtard would say those things

>> No.18406867

The very first chapter of the novel itself makes it clear that if you get too involved only in your self interest and eschew the stability of the civilization you are part of, some day you'll be walking over corpses on your way to work.

>> No.18407007


The whole novel is about how the people who are the loudest against the idea of an Islamic theocracy are probably the ones who would like living in it the most. It's a pretty one joke story.

>> No.18407011

we work to make it happen, pray for our success

>> No.18407012

He's been married multiple times. Even has a kid.

>> No.18407290

better than being run by skaven, orcs and libtards

>> No.18407428


>> No.18407532

What will you do? Pay Yizia? Convert? Move? Die?

>> No.18407775

Hello roastie toastie. :D

>> No.18407921
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Islam will never be the proper main religion of the west. The muslims that come here, their children are westernized. They smoke, they drink, they whore around, the only thing they don't do is eat pork. I don't think that there will be any sharia shit going around here.

>> No.18407993


Odd since the vast majority westerners no longer do so.

>> No.18408013

is it ok to jerk off on lit?

>> No.18408024

Obama is a leftist?
Since when?

>> No.18408028

i want to fuck her with my dick