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18399373 No.18399373 [Reply] [Original]

Jumped into Fanged Noumena with an undergrad selected-readings understanding of Kant and figured my familiarity with D&G, Nietzsche, and Bataille would carry me through but was definitely in over my head for Land's essays on Kant.

Should I start w/ Critique of Pure Reason or is it advisable to familiarize myself with, like, Spinoza and Descartes first to get the most out of it?

>> No.18399401

>capitalist realism thread
>fagged noumena thread
Guess who.

>> No.18399652

Isn't it just the beginning of FN thats like that? Not sure if it's worth reading hundreds of pages of Kant for a few essays when you're probably more interested in the post-meltdown essays anyway

>> No.18400149

I think the Kant stuff is pretty critical to getting the most out of the post-meltdown stuff bc it seems to be the basis of his thought

>> No.18400191


Critique of Pure Reason is first of Kant's works. He sets the fundamentals for all of his philosophy there, but it can be pretty tedious to get through it due to the language, so maybe look up a guide on kantian terms cause he uses some of them in a non-intuitive manner.

Like "transcedental" doesn't mean for Kant, past the physical world, but at the limit between the physical world and the "noumenal" world, the limit of human knowledge.

"Practical reason" means ethics. And so on... he has some stuff you don't get intuitively.

>> No.18400211

Is there a particular translation you'd recommend?

>> No.18400229
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There will never be a bigger pseud than Nick Land.

>> No.18400252


I didn't look after a particular translation to be honest cause I also used a secondary source to help me understand better. But that secondary source is in romanian / spanish so I'm not sure it would be worth to you.

>> No.18400270


>> No.18400387

Henry E. Allison — Kant's Transcendental Idealism: An Interpretation and Defense
sadly you can't just jump into Critique of Pure Reason and except to understand it properly, which you'll understand why once you get a few chapters into Allison's book.
on the other hand, if you manage to finish that book you'll probably already be too smart to fall for Land's semi-coherent garbage, so tread lightly

>> No.18400404

Critique of Pure Reason is gold. Try it. You won't regret or fail to enjoy it.

>> No.18400417

Transcendental is a loose category that sloppily includes the physical world because he is forgetfully trying to reason his way about describing the representation of physical things while showing that the thing in of itself is not to be experienced. This helped me through some sloppy passages.

>> No.18400447

There are prerequisites to understand Kant; the firm understanding of Descartes, Leibniz, Locke, Spinoza and Hume is an absolute must. The basic knowledge of Aristotle is also preferable. Lol at you if you think you can understand Kant before going through Hume and Leibniz.

>> No.18400532


Kant explicitly uses transcedental and transcendent to make this distinction. Transcendent is for things outside the phys. world while transcendental refers more to the limit of what can be known, but still possible to be known.

>> No.18401100

What are the Leibniz works that I should read before the Critique of Pure Reason?
Also I think I know the Hume works but tell me anyways pls

>> No.18401736

Read it with a manual of philosophy (preferably Copplestone) by your side.

Copplestone plus the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy and Kant´s direct book and I think you´ll be okay.

>> No.18401845

Maybe try out if you can get away with reading the Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics instead of the Critique. Kant wrote it as a kind of summary of the first critique after he didn't get the kind of reaction he wanted from people with the Critique. Reading the Critique is kind of an undertaking in of itself. So doing it just as some prep work for Land is probably not worth it. Reading secondary literature on Kant is also always an option.
Oh or you could just skip forward to the next essay in Fanged Noumena.

>> No.18401864

im confused about all the nick land fetishists who don't actually have a knowledge of philosophy. Fetishizing nick land is also sharply ironic given the content of his thought

Do you just like his boomerposts, or what

>> No.18401886

It's kind of hilarious to have this attitude of "Immanuel Kant, one of the most thorough systematic philosophers in history, is just being sloppy lol!" when you're the one making such a basic terminological error

>> No.18401945

Lands philosophy is interesting to go through but i wouldn't take it too seriously

>> No.18401962

>can't read Land
What the fuck do they teach on anglo Uni?

>> No.18401971

It's the basis for his later thinking mostly. FN is more Deleuze like shit.

>> No.18402006

How are you going to pretend to get the point of Deleuze if you don't get Kant.

This is why people should read the canon in chronological order

>> No.18402030

>all the nick land fetishists
It's one guy. And you retards got baited.

>> No.18402037

nah, It's more than one guy, you dumbass

>> No.18402075

There's only one fag who comes on and cries about 'accfag' any time somebody makes a thread about Land or any other CCRU guy, but there's a lot of people who are into this stuff. You can go out and find dozens of identical twitter accounts rn who have adopted the vague aesthetic of the CCRU and ironically use it for pure faciality politics, and you can find people who are interested in the acc sphere who aren't total faggots (example: edmund berger is consistently dope)

>> No.18402386

It’s actually only ever Land himself. Personally I’d prefer an obvious will self fetishist.

>> No.18403377

Read his first book and go from there.

>> No.18403415
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>> No.18403993

is this the cheat code if I've already done 1k plateaux and anti-eddy?