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/lit/ - Literature

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18398728 No.18398728[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Education should become the tool of the oppressed
>The main purpose of education is to figuring out why the structural repression exist and how to dismantling it

>To implementate this idea, both Party (teachers and students) must refuse against the conventional way; hierarchical education.
>Education must be seen as egalitarian relation, therefore both teachers and students must learn from each other
>Educators has obligation to raisin’ awareness to students about how bad oppression is
>After the students got the awareness, it is time to convert the mental state into real action; rebel against the oppressor in real life (like demonstration, create petition, etc).

Yeah, i was reading Paulo Freire’s literature stuff today and they are the main points which i absorbed.

>> No.18398741

Hol up.
What about white power?

>> No.18398751

White power is racist tendency. Very unacceptable in our civilized and modern society, sweety.

>> No.18398758

Paulo Freire is so fucking gay

>> No.18398762

Only the oppressed whites apply since those in power are still 95% white.
Don’t worry about a sign. The slogan is still “all power to the people”

Though the teacher usually knows more, it is wise to listen to a student.
> like demonstration, create petition, etc)
Like what good does asking the oppressors ever do?

>> No.18398767
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>> No.18398768

Students are borderline retarded and don’t know how to learn properly until years of critical thinking habits have been rammed down their throat. “Learning from students” is akin to a parent asking their child what they want for breakfast. Oh, cookies again? Of course.

>> No.18398770

What about white power??

>> No.18398771

>but muh equality
you are the victim of your education retard

>> No.18398775
File: 50 KB, 637x439, E8C0CBCB-8980-403B-8643-DB13E771E8E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are so fucking fascy

>> No.18398777 [DELETED] 

Mass education has always been mass political control and indoctrination. In this particular instance, the author, a bolshevik beaner, wants to rile up the plebs and the soft brained youth into insurrection against white property owners, simple as. The solution is that books like this should be proscribed lest an affluent white woman gets her hands on it.

>> No.18398787

You are actually borderline retarded for not understanding what is being said here. A good teacher listens and can on occasion learn from who he’s teaching. I don’t think it’s a call to do role reversal on alternating days

>> No.18398791

unless your students are leaning towards a conservative worldview and they're influencing others during those egalitarian conversations, in that case, turn into the strictest disciplinarian you know

>> No.18398796

This. Liberty, equality and fraternity were mistakes.

>> No.18398801

>power to the people
>but only these people
Some animals more equal than others.

>> No.18398806

Woman are cattle.

>> No.18398808

Which "people"?

>> No.18398810
File: 195 KB, 500x727, 4BDF0140-E056-4906-B08D-1FA4875A3CFA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It means take the power held by these (pictured) people back. Take control of your lives.
Stop repeating their propaganda and supporting their unjustifiable rule.

Everyone in the world right now should be calling for the head of Bill Gates for what he’s done

>> No.18398824

Have seen those charts where the majority of the population have like 6% of the wealth and the .1% have like 90
Not the .1%

>> No.18398844

>Not the .1%
Why leave out those?

>> No.18398861

tired of retards using people as meaning plebs when it means populus

>> No.18398892

Yes we should take back power by re-enslaving niggers.

>> No.18398898

You're a self hating white?

>> No.18399038

>dumb face

>> No.18399046

Nice antisemitism fucking nazi