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18398273 No.18398273 [Reply] [Original]

> Search nothing beyond the phenomena, they themselves are the theory.
there is nothing "beyond" this world, no god, no concepts, nothing. if you could see the beauty inherent in nature, that "beyond" would feel useless and ornamental and "too human" to you. but you can't, /lit/.

also, general /goethe/ thread.

>> No.18398296

didn't he also think that kant's writing was incredibly clear. no wonder he was in love with phenomena

>> No.18398308
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Goethe was a prosaic pedant and a symptom of and further reason for the worst impulses in the german character.
>there is nothing "beyond" this world, no god, no concepts, nothing
disproven by the existence of mathematics

>> No.18398331

kant was also in love with the phenomana indeed, although he followed a different path from goethe (goethe himself said it). the ultimate goal of the KRV is proving that the vernunft remains itself only insofar it doesn't surpass the "realm" of transcendental aesthetics (=phenomena).

>> No.18398335

>disproven by the existence of mathematics
this is why goethe never accepted the newtonian physics. he didn't think that the empirical phenomena can be fully reduced to mathematics.

>> No.18398336

This is not what he means.

>> No.18398337

this is exactly what he meant and he repeated it many times.

>> No.18398362


>> No.18398394


>> No.18398397
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>Grau, teurer Freund, ist alle Theorie und grün des Lebens goldener Baum

>> No.18398406

This is your brain on romanticism

>> No.18398441

I want to understand why this man is held in such a high regard. What did he do thats means many consider him the greatest thinker period. I read sorrows of young werther and adored it, went looking for more, and was sad to see he doesn't have very many books.

>> No.18398459

there's also Faust and Wilhelm Meister, both are great

>> No.18398495

>and was sad to see he doesn't have very many books.
what shit bait.
he is one of the most prolific writers in german.
He wrote a shit ton of books.

>> No.18398502

I wish he wrote more short stories. I really liked werther
How many?

>> No.18398528

> I want to understand why this man is held in such a high regard
because he is the greatest poet to ever live after homer
> read sorrows of young werther and adored it
objectively his worst work
> not many books
he didn't just write more than 80.000 pages, he wrote on so many subjects that it's impossible to read him like a single writer. something like leibniz.

>> No.18398547

>because he is the greatest poet to ever live after homer
I thought Schiller was regarded higher?
>objectively his worst work
>he didn't just write more than 80.000 pages, he wrote on so many subjects that it's impossible to read him like a single writer. something like leibniz.
Wonderful. Such as?

>> No.18398574

his autobiographical writings are Exactly like his prose texts so they count to his fiction pretty much.

>> No.18398607

I was going to say youre cheating, but it says right there his autobiography is seems like a massive compilation of his work including his philosophical and literary creations.

>> No.18398615
File: 7 KB, 236x151, 7f0941c6d0c77d09140ea8e7ddeed7ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks that quote by Goethe is anti-God/religion/philosophy
Have you even read Goethe, or did you just google Goethe quotes?

>also quotes Nietzsche
Wow, you definitely haven't just found out about Nietzsche, and you definitely understand him.

>> No.18398656

This is from Theory of Colours. The point is not that there is nothing beyond phenomena, but that with true richness the phenomena constitute their own world - as with a wonderful blue which forms its own light, in its own way equal to the elements present at the sea's creation.

In perfection beauty exists in harmony with the boundaries, it frees them. The object is born of the totality of the thing, yet in its end will constitute its own world.

Thus in the forest already exists our death, waiting for us, and with it our freedom. The ultimate beyond which harmonizes even where there is silence, and the great rest which forms our peace.

Über allen Gipfeln
Ist Ruh,
In allen Wipfeln
Spürest du
Kaum einen Hauch;
Die Vögelein schweigen im Walde.
Warte nur, balde
Ruhest du auch."

(Over all mountain peaks
is rest,
in all treetops
you feel
scarcely a breath;
the little birds are silent in the forest.
Just wait, soon
you too will rest.)

This is not pantheism either, nor occasionalism. The popular understanding of Plato's theories will also lead to misinterpretation. It is stronger than this and relates to theomorphism.

>> No.18398747

Jünger's writing on the forests is similar to Goethe's morphology.

"Whoever thinks of the tree must not only think of the root, he must also think of the forest. The forest is a faculty of the tree, therefore one can imagine the tree without the forest, but not the forest without the tree.
The forest, however, is not a mere multiplication, not a mere standing together of trees, but it changes the form and life of the individuals. Formed by them, it has an effect on their formation. Selection, as in the wild, becomes more acute; especially in the primeval and mixed forest, the species compete for space and light. For every thousand pollen there is one that fertilises, for every thousand germs there is one stem, and it too is threatened for a long time. In the dense fir, one sometimes comes across a young beech that, towering high, bends its crown to the ground. The image is reminiscent of a young man, a pupil who has been expected to do too much.

On the other hand, the forest also provides security. The crowns unite to form a roof which lets the rain through but protects the ground from the sun. The trunks lose their lateral branches and grow upwards in a busy manner. This has an effect on the habit. Thus, the crown of the free-standing copper beech is already formed close to the ground, while in the copper beech forest the branches only rise to the leaf canopy at a great height like the pointed arches of Gothic columns. Only the trees at the edge of the forest unfurl branches on the outside that reach down to the ground and thus, together with the hedges, form a border wall against the wind that glides over the forests like domes. Some forest islands, especially in the tropics, resemble a mighty tree themselves."

>> No.18398804

goethe was "anti"-nothing, it wasn't in his character. still, he wasn't a religious person except for his pietist period which he explained as "mental illness".
> He who possesses art and science has religion; he who does not possess them, needs religion
as for christianity:
> Lots of things I can stomach. Most of what irks me I take in my stride, as a god might command me. But four things I hate more than poisons & vipers: tobacco smoke, garlic, bedbugs, and Christ.

also, i can tell the way you speak you are a retard. that was free information for you, make whatever you want out of it.

Dies ist die wichtigste "philosophische" Passage in der Faust.

Geschrieben steht: "Im Anfang war das Wort!"
Hier stock ich schon! Wer hilft mir weiter fort?
Ich kann das Wort so hoch unmöglich schätzen,
Ich muß es anders übersetzen,
Wenn ich vom Geiste recht erleuchtet bin.
Geschrieben steht: Im Anfang war der Sinn.
Bedenke wohl die erste Zeile,
Daß deine Feder sich nicht übereile!
Ist es der Sinn, der alles wirkt und schafft?
Es sollte stehn: Im Anfang war die Kraft!
Doch, auch indem ich dieses niederschreibe,
Schon warnt mich was, daß ich dabei nicht bleibe.
Mir hilft der Geist! Auf einmal seh ich Rat
Und schreibe getrost: Im Anfang war die Tat!

> Wort (Offenbarung) > Sinn (Vernunft) > Kraft (Wirklichkeit) > Tat (Werden)

> Schelling werde ich auf den Freitag mitbringen, um bei unserer Säcular-Empirie einen tüchtigen Hinterhalt zu haben.

Könnte nicht klarer sein.

>> No.18398865

>Schelling werde ich auf den Freitag mitbringen, um bei unserer Säcular-Empirie einen tüchtigen Hinterhalt zu haben.
from what is this?
I honestly cant imagine Goethe liking (early) Schelling too much.

>> No.18398889

Just got started on Italian Journey since I am burnt out from nonfiction.
Already a comfy read. Pretty cool reading about how he was having a kind of midlife crisis and just decided to skip town at 3 in the morning and leave behind a pretty glamorous court life to go travelling alone.
Very based man.

>> No.18398988

letter from goethe to schiller dating 12/22/1800.
goethe talked with schelling, but their principles were very different, as you can read there.

>> No.18399411

The Chad Goethe Reader vs. The Virgin Wiki Browser

>> No.18399529

>goethe was "anti"-nothing, it wasn't in his character. still, he wasn't a religious person except for his pietist period which he explained as "mental illness".
Do Nietzscheans really take "yes-saying" this literally?

>that was free information for you,
These are famous quotes, and you've only misunderstood them. For "Christ" he instead wrote the symbol of the cross, so more likely he disliked the image of the crucifixion, and considering how much he uses Christian imagery, and how appreciative Schiller was of Christianity, to take it as anti-Christian (inb4 muh yes-saying LARPing) would be shallow.

>Goethe wasn't a religious person
You haven't read Goethe.

>> No.18399591

>Do Nietzscheans really take "yes-saying" this literally?
just fuck off, faggot.
You are so cringe.

>> No.18399655

>just fuck off, faggot.
>You are so cringe.
That's not very yes saying, what happened to a mere glance being the only no saying?

>> No.18399787

No it isn't. Despite the quote in the OP for Goethe the phenomenal world is a mask for hidden relations and meanings between things. Phenomena are indeed all there is but he is no materialist. The archetypal phenomenon is like a mathematical axiom from which all things of a type are a manifestation. It is basically the same concept as the substance-attribute-mode metaphysics of Spinoza.

>> No.18401287

What's the best translation of Wilhelm Meister's Travels? I'm reading Carlyle's and I like it, but there are whole dissertations out there on why it's very bad.

>> No.18401526

Op absolutely btfo'd.

>> No.18401541

Top quality post.

>> No.18401734

Carlyle still makes academics seethe.

>I asked myself: What is this that, ever since earliest years, thou hast been fretting and fuming, and lamenting and self-tormenting, on account of? Say it in a word: is it not because thou art not HAPPY? Because the Thou (sweet gentleman) is not sufficiently honoured, nourished, soft-bedded, and lovingly cared for? Foolish soul! What Act of Legislature was there that thou shouldst be Happy? A little while ago thou hadst no right to be at all. What if thou wert born and predestined not to be Happy, but to be Unhappy! Art thou nothing other than a Vulture, then, that fliest through the Universe seeking after somewhat to eat; and shrieking dolefully because carrion enough is not given thee? Close thy Byron; open thy Goethe.
>But there is no Religion? Fool! I tell thee, there is. Hast thou well considered all that lies in this immeasurable froth-ocean we name Literature? Fragments of a genuine Church-Homiletic lie scattered there, which Time will assort: nay fractions even of a Liturgy could I point out. And knowest thou no Prophet, even in the vesture, environment, and dialect of this age? None to whom the God-like had revealed itself, through all meanest and highest forms of the Common; and by him been again prophetically revealed: in whose inspired melody, even in these rag-gathering and rag-burning days, Man’s Life again begins, were it but afar off, to be divine? Knowest thou none such? I know him, and name him—Goethe.

>> No.18403688

This is some top-quality material.

>> No.18403762

math doesn't exist, friend

>> No.18403787

Objectively wrong.

>> No.18403802

I find it funny that the people who say math doesn't exist are implicitly subscribing to a materialistic view against their will.

>> No.18403881

Math is in your head only. All language really, and all ideas.
I dunno what materialism means.

>> No.18403931

>Math is in your head only.

That would mean reality wouldn't follow mathematical rules when nobody is looking, this being absurd shows you are wrong.

>> No.18404024

Anyone who has to post a woman to get people to pay attention to their shitty post is just confirming that whatever they're saying cant stand up on it's own

>> No.18404025

Where do i start with Goethe

>> No.18404028

Sorrows and Faust part 1.

>> No.18404051

A Study Based on Spinoza

>> No.18404107


>> No.18404278
File: 24 KB, 400x628, thedegenerate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Take Goethe, who held Christ for problematical, but the good God for wholly proven, albeit retaining the liberty to discover the latter in Nature after his own fashion; which led to all manner of physical assays and experiments, whose continued pursuit was bound, in turn, to lead the present reigning human intellect to the result that there's no God whatever, but only "Force and Matter."

>> No.18404560
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Not him, but have you ever wondered why there isn't a number after 9 and before 10? Like why is 10 the cut off for decimal places? It's almost like math is a set of arbitrary manmade rules used to describe an otherwise indescribable phenomenon for the purpose of communication, kind of like language.

>> No.18404587

Well I know Der Handschuh by heart so thats a point for Schiller

>> No.18404742

>I thought Schiller was regarded higher?
No way, they're kind of equals and you can't understand one properly without the other, being opposites but mutually beneficial in every regard, one of the great constellations of history, but Goethe is still kind of considered "the all mighty genius" which even Schiller recognised in him as the naive artist.

>> No.18404772

Going to get "The Essential Goethe" by Matthew Bell. Seems like a good collection, doesn't seem to contain his "Maxims and Reflections" though.

>> No.18404780

What a dumb fucking thread

This board is utter shit

>> No.18404851

nice power fantasy and pretentious buzzwords, but that's not goethe.

>> No.18404868

also spinoza in proposition 16 of the 1st book of ethics made it clear that the infinite god/substance/natura naturans is bound to express itself ENTIRELY in the phenomenal universe, as well a cause needs its effect in prder to be a cause, that is, the first radical denial of transcendence in european philosophy. and this is what goethe liked about spinoza.

>> No.18405953


>> No.18407191


>> No.18407570

Truth is a certain kind of correspondence between what's in our heads and what happens in reality. Math as a language gives us the power to express this reality up to a very precise point, but it can still express falsehoods, ficticious scenarios, etc.

>> No.18408335

Isn't he a homo or something? Yeah, no thanks.

>> No.18408870

Reality is in your head

>> No.18408985

Goethe was the embodiment of IFLS though you absolute pseud.

>> No.18409984

Filtered by lingual limitations

>> No.18410100


>> No.18410118
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