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18394868 No.18394868 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: excerpts that women and low testosterone men will never understand

>> No.18394879

this book should be adapted into a film

>> No.18394892

Based and Jüngerpilled.

>> No.18394905
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>> No.18394912

I understand it and my testosterone level is at 0.4 nmol/L, I really ought to actually get around to reading him though...
Anyone read his other works btw?

>> No.18394920

Why do we need several junger threads?

>> No.18394925

>I understand it and my testosterone level is at 0.4 nmol/L
Post butt.

>> No.18394932

post girldick

>> No.18395427

I’m bi - men are beautiful especially young men. Can’t ever imagine killing one.

>> No.18396632

Is there a kiked edition of this book I should avoid? which is the best edition?

>> No.18396648

Any edition is based on Jünger's writing decisions.

>> No.18396681

These are the runts of /lit/, they have to make a lot of noise to make sure they are not forgotten.

>> No.18396870

What's not to understand here? Highly glamourised depiction of some wartime confrontation and feelings of empathy towards designated enemy?

>> No.18396892

>Just missing your skill
Bad editing

>> No.18396927
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> low testosterone men

>> No.18398124

Yea don't get the Mystery Grove version biggest mistake of my life

>> No.18398126

How to turn a promising rape scene into a joke.

>> No.18398152

Fuck off fag

>> No.18398154

I strongly suggest you read K. Theweleit's Mannerphantasien on the structure of German officer sexuality. There is nothing "faggy" about raping other men as a result of the demands of war. *Faggy* is marrying a woman.

>> No.18398218

Which translation is this? This is awesome, I'm 100% reading this book now

>> No.18398228
File: 119 KB, 800x1028, Hugo_van_der_Goes_-_Portinari_Triptych_(detail)_-_WGA9706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking females is for poofs. having sex with a woman always leads to a certain empathy with the female position, as well as a desire to be accepted by the woman, which is girly. truly masculine sex can only exist between men.

>> No.18398501

No thanks, I'm not gay.

>> No.18398536

"Im sorry, I didnt mean it like that."

>> No.18398735
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>> No.18398910

should he have shot? it's a difficult question. you couldn't really have blamed him for either option.

>> No.18398942

Yeah that's what they look like

>> No.18398943

Haha. Fucking twitter shills

>> No.18398968

I think women would find that pretty romantic actually

>> No.18398969
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>ITT: excerpts that women and low testosterone men will never understand

>> No.18398980

Male Fantasies is one of the most juvenile and asinine books I've ever read and even its author as admitted it was a waste of time. Literally a whole book dedicated to "the ideology I hate is GAY!!111!!!"

>> No.18400556
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>projecting this hard

>> No.18400640
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>> No.18400652 [DELETED] 


>> No.18400657
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>> No.18400683

>see thread title
>immediately think "i oughta post something from storm of steel"
>open image
good post OP. Jungerchads rise.

>> No.18401039

op excerpt reminds me of this

>> No.18401165
File: 252 KB, 983x1280, chudspam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget that Chud is confirmed to be spammed by Israeli Shills.
Oh, but remember, totally original meme guys!

>> No.18402747

“Do not let any sweet-talking woman beguile your good sense with the fascination of her shape. It's your barn she's after.”

>> No.18402756

My ass is small and manly