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18393782 No.18393782 [Reply] [Original]

who exactly can be considered an "aristocrat of the soul". Is it something you can become or realize you were all along, or are the people who fall into this category basically born this way and dont need an awakening. Are there any left?

>> No.18393790

>aristocrat of the soul = person I like

>> No.18393813

straight white men

>> No.18393816

evola is a retard

>> No.18393823

yup, this retard was basically gigachad-posting

>> No.18393834

I think that phrase is originally from D.H. Lawrence, used in describing Walt Whitman. Or maybe there's an earlier example

>> No.18393835
File: 430 KB, 706x790, 5D14BBE7-E38A-487D-AD89-A052A6954B6B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you so much for another evola thread

>> No.18393840

you'd think they'd ever get past reading his wikipedia page and the titles of his books but nay

>> No.18393865

they're paying me evolacoin to shill him here. dont hate the player

>> No.18395162
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The "Aristocrat of the Soul" is the differentiated man, i.e. the Traditional man.

This type of man is defined by one focused on being rather than becoming, is objective, internally detached from his subjective emotions (but still is cognizant of them), and, ultimately, transcendent.

However, this internal state is not all that is required. An appreciation for the metaphysical nature of existence in line with the concrete and physical aspect, especially within the framework of the understanding of the Four-Cycles of Civilizations, in which we currently find ourselves within the 4th and Final Age, The Iron Age, The Dark Age, i.e. the Kali Yuga.

The importance of this text is for the differentiated man to navigate these dark times and live internally in a traditional manner, taking from the philosophical and historical undercurrents what he needs to best serve him, for the world will afford him nothing meaning to orient himself meaningfully to the necessary requirements to live a truly traditional lifestyle.

The issue with many readers of this text is a lack of proper orientation within this framework, combined with the necessity to read much of the supplemental texts that deal with Tradition, Metaphysics, Transcendence, and so on.

To aid in this difficulty, there is a flowchart of a suggested reading order of much of Evola's works. Note that "Ride the Tiger" shows up much further along the necessary reading list to adequately grasp the text.

>> No.18395171
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>> No.18395777
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>who exactly can be considered an "aristocrat of the soul".
One who remains intact with one's nobility.

>Is it something you can become or realize you were all along, or are the people who fall into this category basically born this way and dont need an awakening.
Nobility is innate; in the world maintenance, and/or reconciliation, of it requires effort, just as propogation of love does.

As the body slows down the spirit must deepen wthin the mind, and the heart, in order to quicken the body; in this manner the older that one gets the deeper that one ingrains oneself within the ontic elements of the cross, natural spatiotemporal division/segmentation losing its significance in ascending order, in direct proportion to one's sublimative inclension.

>> No.18395782

>who exactly can be considered an "aristocrat of the soul".
Well the standard way is to kill a lot of dravidians.

>> No.18395789

categorically incorrect and counter to Evola's racial theory.

>> No.18395814

the Evola shilling on 4chan is probably doing him more harm than good. It's associating him and the traditionalists with a bunch of white nationalist knuckle draggers whose only interest is to comb out any spurious support they can to support their predetermined ideology, from anyone with an air of "intellectualism" in order to legitimise it.
one day these knuckle draggers are going to drag Evola's name through the dirt by association so much that the left wing will use it as an excuse to dogpile on publishers of his work.

that's assuming, the ostensible knuckle draggers who keep creating traditionalist threads on 4chan aren't themselves bunkertrannies fabricating their own casus belli.

>> No.18395870
File: 7 KB, 294x171, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does he look so different in the mugshot pic

>> No.18395884

being a killer raises your T levels or because the focal length of his camera

>> No.18395901

first pic was probably a selfie from a phone camera. phone cameras tend to have stupid wide angle lenses that make your face look thinner and nosier.

>> No.18395905

So not Evola? That seems wrong somehow.

>> No.18395943

This. It would also follow that you can't "become" a differentiated man since becoming is opposed to being, unless you were to go through Evola's process of Magic Idealism, which explained in a book of said title (which has not been translated into English yet), the Introduction to Magic volumes, The Hermetic Tradition, and the Yoga of Power, but such an undertaking is quite daunting, arduous, long, yet noble for the typical modern who sees the emptiness of modernity and wants to orient himself toward the Transcendent.

>> No.18395950

because it is wrong.

>> No.18396514

Arktos has done more to damage their reputation and associate themselves with NeoNazis than any amount of shilling on /lit/ could possibly do

>> No.18396532

Yet, you have Inner Traditions, a publisher that is known for its books written by crystal healers and new age lesbian cat ladies, not get any flak at all.

>> No.18396543

If one feels compelled to read Ride the Tiger then they probably are an 'Aristocrat of the Soul'. That's not to say they're attractive or intelligent but that they're will is certainly aligned to Tradition. Do a survey on readers of Ride the Tiger and profile those who read the book because they already agreed with Evola.

>> No.18396547

And they publish his arguably more controversial books too.

>> No.18396554

It's basically a fancy way of saying faggot or huge cocksucker.
Example: OP is an aristocrat of the soul.

>> No.18396561

>If one feels compelled to read Ride the Tiger then they probably are an 'Aristocrat of the Soul'.
Not necessarily. A reader could be a leftist combing through his books cherry picking for character assassination, but an earnest reader might, though it's slim if that person has the personality to be a differentiated man.

>> No.18396575

i dont think simply agreeing with evola or even being positive towards Traditionalist thought gets you anywhere close to being a differentiated man of any significance

>> No.18396597

honestly none of this really matters. The ideas are the ideas. The writings are the writings. People reading evola in 80 years probably wont give a shit about the negroid sperm copypasta or the brief run in his books had with the alt right

>> No.18396602

I'm a peasant of the soul tbqh, perhaps a cattle-herder of the soul if I'm feeling boisterous, my soul is severely confused by the lack of fifields and farm animals in my surroundings. That I have been taught to read is a monstrous aberration of the natural order, years spent frantically delving into texts, my fragile peasant psyche increasingly agitated and confounded by the lack of pastoral fruit therein. The local sheriff has already warned me that if I keep trying to herd neighborhood cats I will be arrested, he is right, they do not even produce wool or milk.

>> No.18396607

That's assuming if there are still people reading his books. There's a very real possibility of left-wing death squads rounding up all the Evolafags along with the other right-wingers and burning his books.

>> No.18396626

meh his books aren't nearly dangerous enough to warrant something like that. it's not the kind of writing that can start a political revolution.

>> No.18396629

an aristocrat of the soul is a raskolnikov who imagines himself a napoleon

>> No.18396639

Potential to incite a revolution or not doesn't matter. They will indiscriminately burn every right-wing book. Leftists are that unhinged.

>> No.18396658

bro they sell this book at Barnes and Noble. Hell you can still buy Dugin at barnes and noble in America

>> No.18396671

B&N is a honeypot.

>> No.18397154

>who exactly can be considered an "aristocrat of the soul".
Certainly not the lolbertarian, christlarping or white trash nazi fucktards that post on here. /pol/ was made just for that, just like how a trashcan was made for trash

>> No.18397197

Why don't you try readint he book? He literally explains it there.
I hate zoomers.

>> No.18397263

The threads on here are largely created by people who haven't read Evola attacking him lol.

If you look at anything about him online you'll find it's all the same copied from eachother by people who don't know what they're talking about. It's just fuel for self-congratulation to these people. It's treated all the same because they cannot engage with new ideas to begin with (even well within their own ideological domain) and the fuel has to be familiar prejudices to be consumable.

>> No.18397270

that's what i tell myself when i look like shit

>> No.18397281

keep smacking those lips boy and you'll be the one milked

>> No.18397285

>Leftists are that unhinged.
This I unironically do believe, at least when it comes to liberal (moreso than leftists) in the United States. If there ever comes a day we fall from superpower status and the liberals realize can no longer export their ideology around the world, I expect a spergout on a scale never seen in human history. Hopefully it doesn't end with them attempting to nuke the whole world.

>> No.18397307

no shit but it's leftoids we're talking about. there is no restraint in hatred and power at this point. someone just has to take the first steps like with everything else.

>> No.18397317


>> No.18397334
File: 800 KB, 1920x1260, LoriLightfoot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at how thick his glasses are. That probably plays a huge part if you've ever seen someone with a heavy prescription without their glasses. See pic related. Also depends on when the photos were taken and his stages of puberty.

>> No.18397567

Reminder that that subtitle is not Evola's but the English publisher's, nor does he use the term in his book(s).

>> No.18397571


>> No.18397620

angrily shaking hands on hormone therapy typed this post

>> No.18397637

Butt fugly tranny detected.