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/lit/ - Literature

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18391747 No.18391747 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that starting with the greeks is a meme and /lit/ usually recommends the most roundabout way of getting into any given topic.

>> No.18391751 [DELETED] 

Butterfly basically sucked my dick in front of everyone last night :3

>> No.18391761

If you want to learn chemistry right you should start with the alchemists.
If you want to learn physics right you should start with Aristotle and how each element of fire earth air and water "seek their own level."
If you want to learn psychology, you should start with phrenology.

If you want to learn how the universe works you should start with the religions.

It just makes sense.

>> No.18391774

>If you want to learn physics right you should start with Aristotle and how each element of fire earth air and water "seek their own level."
That was Plato's Timaeus. There was almost none of that in Aristotle's Physics :3