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18389276 No.18389276 [Reply] [Original]

What's on your mind and questions that don’t deserve another thread
Previously >>18380789

>> No.18389288

The amount to which reality corresponds to my thought is congruent with my level of consciousness. Like when I am thinking of a song and it plays next on the radio, or I read something earlier and a person says it later. My higher consciousness simulates reality through my phenomenal experience. The strangest thing in this pragmatically provable experience is when other people follow along the same lines that my thoughts were. I was told that they had their own thoughts, am I to believe that I am following along to their thoughts too? I don't think so. Furthermore, they don't use their own words or speak their own language, to esteem them as in control of reality as me is to deny the obvious differences in our levels of consciousness. Their thoughts don't form reality because their thoughts are not their own. Really, how do I even know they are thinking? I don't. They might as well be p zombies. Treating them as such makes no difference to them. More and more I am being convinced there is only me and God.

>> No.18389295

You're nine post to early you trannie bitch.

>> No.18389301

It's a tedious task to keep reminding people that they shouldn't make themselves smaller than they are.

What do you know about philosophy?
What do you really know, what is the truth content of philosophy?
Philosophy is there to ask the right questions.

In the course of life one acquires all sorts of things. What I am saying is that you are acquiring knowledge, you are only taking over what you have heard or read from someone else. (Far too fast, aggressive and with an extreme self-assurance these days.) It's a dogma. Almost madness. A blind trust when you are honest with yourself.
Just because someone once said that philosophy no longer has any value / no more truthfulness, do you just adopt it? How do you really want to know what is right and wrong in the end? Don't give up so fast.
We really live in very strange times and I'm really excited to see where this will lead.
You wrote something, something shone through you, be happy about it, maybe you can learn something about yourself.

No, modern science is not final and cannot answer many questions, one must not forget that. If you blindly believe in science, then it's nothing more than a religion. The question is: truth or delusion? Modern science is a mechanical, monocausalistic structural skeleton. There something demonic in it. Of course it's groundbreaking and totally helpful too, but you shouldn't look at things with tunnel vision. There are other levels as well.

Mankind get closer and closer to the secret of being, until then you shouldn't rule anything out or limit your worldview. What you have written is not simply "nothing", but has a certain truth content, has a personal value, and others may want it too. Human potential is universal and inexhaustible.

The whole thing would have even more effect if I were to embellish it with examples of what science does not know and historical developments etc. / Where this science does not like to admit that it actually does not know. I noticed that this message "appears" less perplexing without pointing it out. But that would take too long because I would first have to search, sort and write everything down. But I know where to look, from someone who has been dealing with it for 50 years. Who invented the term mainstream science, so to speak.

Science is always associated with money, a lot of research money is invested in order to achieve results which are then disseminated in the media. What you can absorb about science through the media is only a miserable picture anyway. You don't learn anything from this, you only see what is claimed. You can see some models and pictures that you have absolutely no idea about and that have something special left out. So when someone asks, "Why should science keep something a secret?" Well, because it's so expensive and this whole modern worldview is based on it.

>> No.18389302

Been talking with a girl for months every day yet cant visit her because of corona.

>> No.18389305

Pardon. You can still post there of course.

>> No.18389310

pic is absolutely beautiful

>> No.18389320


>> No.18389429

I wish I could express it better, but English is not my main language. If that were the case, I would convince a lot more people with it. But I'm working on it, I'm getting better and better. Even if my progress been a little slow lately because I needed a break from all that stuff. It's not that I hate my life and therefore bother with it, I do it out of love and trust in myself. Years of thought are behind it, I'm already 28 (it's not just a phase mom) but still feel very young.

I believe that you can see something and not just keep projecting something into something. But it's always a mutual interlude. It's not easy. The truth is revealed in the interplay of inside and outside.

>> No.18389504

>More and more I am being convinced there is only me and God.
but what about me tho

>> No.18389778

Anon you are most likely an npc

>> No.18389796

I can't stop listening to my own songs even though I know they're not that good.

>> No.18389980

"What's it like never to have loved?"
Pollyana asked me like that, in a direct way, a little cynical, even. I don't know if it was pity, curiosity or mockery. Possibly boredom. How does it feel to have never eaten caviar? What's it like never to overturn a Bentley? How does it feel to never rappel down a hill? How would i fucking know that?
I didn't think about these things at the time. I responded with a shy grunt and cringed, cowering. Jamie said it must be a good thing, as I would never have suffered about it. Anne argued that no, that it was horrible, because love is an assential part of life, and even suffering takes a roll in it. I don't remember what words were used or who else was sitting with us that day. They discussed the subject a little and, either because of my obvious embarrassment, or because they got bored with the subject itself (probably both), they changed the subject, focused on their work, and forgot about it in a matter of minutes. It's been 5 years, half a decade. I still remember. In a rudimentary way, a faded memory, almost pure imagination. It may have been a dream at this point. But I remember. I still don't have the answer.

>> No.18390011

Just so you know: other guy is probably visiting her, despite of this flu.

>> No.18390282

> Critique my writing please, what could I do better, what am I missing, how do I improve?

I adjust the mirror and inspect my face. I had patches of blond facial hair that wouldn’t have looked out of place on a teenager. I patted my face with my palm and wiped the sweat from my brow as I pulled my hair back and put the helmet on. With a sigh I turned the mirror back to its original position and got on my bike. I put the key in the ignition and with one swift kick the engine turned over and started to purr. It was a small 50cc engine, but I didn’t mind since I usually never went far, and I was happy that I couldn’t really get up to speeds that would easily kill me. I turned the bike around and headed out into the street, joining the milling, controlled chaos of Cambodian traffic. Driving for a few meters on the wrong side of the road before a gap opened up and I could move over to the right side. The drive to the beach only took a maximum of a couple of minutes and as I got closer to the ocean the smell of dust and exhaust fumes was replaced by the smell of the fresh sea breeze. I turned off of the busy paved road and onto the uneven dirt road that went along the beach. expertly manoeuvring between the puddles still left from last night’s rain. I was used to weaving in and out between puddles, brown dogs camouflaged against the brown road, and groups of tourists lazily walking from one beach bar to the next.

>> No.18390286

Which has a better prognosis? Covert narccissism or schizoid personality disorder? I am having my first meeting with a psych soon and I think I have narrowed whatever the fuck is up with me to those two disorders

>> No.18390298

>I put on music and pace around the room
writing the atmosphere and characters in my
I talk to them and write dialogue,imagining the environment etc. The music helps
sometimes mahler can take me places where I had never went before, shubert tinkles the grime humor of my characters, irish folk adds a little fun while indian classical sets a tone so rhythmic and melodic that the dialogs seem to be dancing rather than be said by my characters.
I am not memeing and I know this sounds reddit but this has helped me get published

do faggots really

>> No.18390304

Generally quite melancholy.
Then again I shouldn't be, im about to spend the summer in the estate of famous old family. People i met almost 8 years ago now and who have really changed my life. But 3 of my closest friends there are dead and the rest are getting very old indeed .

Copy pasting from another thread, but story is: 8 years ago I managed to charm/lie my way into the wealthy vacation home of an old aristocratic family in southern Italy. It was a chance meeting at the beach but in the course of things they invited me over to their vacation home. It was, or seemed to me then, as almost unimaginable wealth. I was then a broke student and was half expecting them to sacrifice me in some Eyes Wide Shut ritual, but really they were just supper nice.

It was with the older generation , some of them as old as 95, that I found genuine intellectual comradery. For a while i was Henry James, walking in and out of old fashioned drawing rooms where ancient people, out of time, told me what it was like to have tea with Stravinsky.

It was an experience for which the usual words, the ones that do justice to everything else in life, fail to find purchase. Truth was, they were now close to broke, and what i thought was opulence was just the leftovers the removals men didnt bother taking with them, but they still had an old world dignity about them. They told me of owning Tintoretto's and Veronese's. and of what it was like to have to, as a last resort, sell them to the Americans. Of having hosted this or that head of state, or as a young girl dancing with D'annunzio in Paris ( and incidentally finding him replant) It was wonderful, even more so, for i was conscious of having glimpsed the very final spark that their glorious past could give.

i was supposed to visit last year but Covid and what not. Anyway Italy generally brings out a depression in me. Nowhere else do i feel like im walking through a cemetery. The sad knowledge that the great are gone, even if some good remains.

mah, thank you for reading my blog post everyone.

>> No.18390332

I am envious of you. That sounds, for the saturnine air of entropy which hangs around it, absolutely incredible to have beheld.

>> No.18390367

Just feeling rather melancholic today. I had this two episode dream where im cuddling with a girl in one and in second, im sleeping in a huge bed with a blonde girl whos wearing the pink lingerie but shes completely on the other side and doesnt want any physical contact with me. Other than that the job hunt is completely demotivating when im sending my CV to the simplest slightly above minimal wage jobs where i have slim to none chance at getting the interview yet alone job. It just shows that im unable to achieve anything on my own yet again. The thought of suicide on my 30th birthday (next year) is looking more and more alluring.

>> No.18390402

That was cumfy.
Has there ever been a society that is as dismissive of the past as this one? I know that history majors are at an all time low, down 20% from 10 years ago. But generally the current mood is to blame all problems on the old.

>> No.18390406

I'm actually kind of excited by the thought of Trump potentially launching a coup. The mere thought of it interests me. We've lounged in the end of history long enough and I'm ready for history to start moving again. American democracy being overthrown would be a good way to get things moving.

>> No.18390417

Agreed. If it would be anything it would be a time of hardship, chaos, and upheavel, but things would move again for once in the past 30ish years

>> No.18390419
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I was leafing through an old history book, in the restroom, and came across a description of Prussian men of honor who, at the slightest insult, arranged to exchange blows with the insulter and, flashing sabers drawn, met outside the city, in a clearing, to hack each other to pieces.

I tried to put myself in the boots of these Junkers, students for the most part, the intellectual elite of the fatherland, who were willing to risk their health and their lives for the sake of their good name, and found that, contrary to all my attempts, their world of thought and feeling remained tremendously alien to me.

I was still sitting on the toilet, my thoughts interrupted by shitting, as if they were spoken words, and a concept rose in me, as if above a mirror in which I was looking at myself, namely the idea that, in order to save my skin, I would not only sacrifice my good name, but would have put Christ on the cross, and what is perhaps even more monstrous: I saw, at that moment, in the crucifixion a necessary act, profitable for Christianity, for which one was indebted to the responsible Romans and Jews, after all, one can question whether Christianity would have been possible without crucifixion - and I extended this thought to all forms of saving one's own skin, which at first glance seems selfish, dishonorable, perhaps even diabolical, but possibly held a yet undiscovered significance for the continued existence of the world.

>> No.18390439

Each and every day, the chances of converting to Christianity are growing higher. The weight of my sins bear down on me, and the evils of this Earth are for once beginning to impact me. This world unleashes out a variety of events which, itself, arise without moral foundation --- only men can judge it, either in terms of good or bad. The thing is, I've gone through life seeing the worst, and to deny the Good now is pure insanity

>> No.18390444

did you wipe?

If not a larp then that's fucking amazing anon.

i hate you so much . ₘₐᵣᵣᵧ ₘₑ

>> No.18390458

>did you wipe?

>> No.18390620

I have this really gay fantasy where I have a circle of artistic minded friends and we talk about literature, but I'm a STEMfag and I don't have much time left at university. Where can I find them

>> No.18390691

I remember that some time ago we made a fairly comprehensive flowchart for the history of western philosophy, though at some point we stopped taking the thing seriously.
Thing is, I've been looking through the archives and I can't seem to find it. If anyone here still has one of the more complete versions saved, I would be much obliged if you could post it here.

>> No.18390903

C-can someone rate it? Please?

>> No.18391070
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Praying for Hakan's health

>> No.18391243
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I went back to school to get another degree back in August and I'll finish up this December.
I've spent the entire time in addition to my studies reading a whole list of classical works, self-improvement books, and any non-fiction works that I thought might help. I've also been practicing meditation and physical fitness. I've never felt healthier, stronger, or filled with more peace.

Unfortunately I am still completely emotionally dead and unavailable. I guess it was my childhood. I've started keeping a journal to pour out my thoughts and am starting the KJV Holy Bible because apparently that will help. The only way I'm going to find love is if I let the love flow through me first.

>> No.18391247

wish I had friends. from my experience humanities people are virtually all of them insufferable faggots and pseuds so you're not missing out on anything, the only tolerable ones seem to be found in empirically grounded fields like history, archaeology etc

>> No.18391253

I started browsing /lit/ about a week ago and I am surprised by the number of daily threads about the Unabomber and primitive life and stuff like that.

What spooked me is the fact that I have been obsessing over this shit for a while now and without knowing who the fuck ted (the unabomber) is. I know I have been influenced by psychedelics and my stoner friends but that's not enough imo. I think someone powerful might be feeding us these ideas. I didn't imagine myself caring about this 5 years ago and here I am fantasizing living in the jungle every day (there is the "return to monke" shit too which I didn't pay attention to but it's suspicious now that I think about it).

>> No.18391262

Imagine being some slut's entertainment while she almost certainly fucks strangers weekly. Why do people choose to be simps?

>> No.18391289

You are not someone special, that happens to everyone. The more you think about it the more you "think" you are special. Get over it. You are carefully selecting stuff that appears over your mind and say "I am special!" You are not. It happens to anyone. For me it's the number 666, i see it everyday everywhere. Does that mean Satan talks to me? Ofcourse not. I just carefully select stuff i see. Why not 660, or 566 ? Because my brain just deletes them as unimportant.

>> No.18391303

>I think someone powerful might be feeding us these ideas
it's just the disintegration of the mimetic landscape. the status quo as been unmasked as anti-human, various obvious avenues of radical change have been explored and exposed as contradictory and what's left is a romanticism for a pre-rational age where the problems we don't know how to deal with weren't a factor. It's just a regressive fantasy, one can't un-eat the fruit of knowledge and put the genie back into the bottle and return to the primordial paradise, but it is a more plausible fantasy than transhumanism, singularity or any standard ideological answer to the impossible questions of our time.

>> No.18391327

you make it sound like this is a bad time to be alive

>> No.18391335

Materially it's pretty good, but the future has never looked more grim than it does right now. Humanity has become too technologically powerful, and I'd say by far the most likely prospect for our future is that we'll manage to either utterly and completely annihilate or permanently enslave ourselves using AI and by altering ourselves with genetic engineering and human-machine interfaces.

>> No.18391353

>various obvious avenues of radical change have been explored and exposed as contradictory
Care to elaborate?

>> No.18391365

Not the person you're replying to, but you're making a conjecture saying that the pro-Ted/pro-Ellul anons want to regress to a 'primitive' state.
I also don't understand how returning to a pre-industrial, technologically-undeveloped society would equal returning to a 'pre-rational' or primordial condition.
Can't rational thought, a cultured and organized society flourish without the aid of supreme scientific/tech advancement? In fact it seems to me that the more the latter develop (in science labs and corporate quarters) the less rational and composed common people become.

>> No.18391427

>read bible
>wtf, I'm Christian now
>can't agree with any denomination on levels that really don't allow me to join them
>being part of the community seems like a big quality of being Christian and it's regrettable to lose it
What do?

>> No.18391444

confirmation bias

>> No.18391469

First, an anti-technological stance is anti-rational in a simple instrumental sense. When there are known tools that vastly increase the productivity within a given domain of production, the one who makes use of them is able to provide greater utility and thereby benefit his community while accruing greater wealth for himself. Markets naturally tend toward efficiency, and reward those who feed the engine of progress, so that the pre-industrial utopia could never last if society were free. It may be possible for an order of zealots to smash all advanced tools and so keep the world (it would have to be the whole world) in a perpetual state of pre-industrialism, and even to tell people that it's for their own good for a few hundred years, but sooner or later people would have to make their peace with that kind of status quo being just as much of a dead end as the modern society they were trying to undo (what, you're just going to sit in the pre-industrial age until the sun burns out?), and it's not gametheoretically stable unless you have a tyrant enforcing it.
Then there's the question of whether living within a 'regressed' world would be desirable from within Ted's own logic. The power drive, as he thinks of it, is oriented toward a kind of futurity, and for it to be satisfied a sense of an 'increase in power' must be genuinely felt. Unlike the barbarians of old, who were content thinking of Rome as merely a foreign civilization functioning according to strange laws that have nothing to do with them, the man of the future will not be able to forget us, he will always see himself in the tradition of this first technologically advanced civilization on planet earth. And so, it is inevitable that he shall look back at this time with melancholy, with pride, with longing, and that "rebuilding Atlantis" shall seem like the most noble, worthwhile goal imaginable to many.

>> No.18391497

accept that "christians" aren't really christian, and that no such thing as a formal christian community really exists in our day and age. my christianity is just talking about my faith with people who are reasonably open to the difficult conversations that sort of thing brings with it while steering clear of the larpers.

>> No.18391506

it's this generations version of "tune in, turn on, drop out" but instead of hippies it's nerdy dudes raised by the internet

>> No.18391541

>it's this generations version of "tune in, turn on, drop out"
I was seeing variations of this too but I'm sure it's because of all the hippies I follow/hang out with and I like this message desu

>> No.18391558

>you are not special
>me me I me I me me I

>> No.18391598

It might be completely different one like OCD.

>> No.18391668

Shes middle eastern and doesnt get visits

>> No.18391703
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>He's not stupid.
He’s a craven coward. Doesn’t matter what his beliefs are, he does nothing but what the DNC tells him to do.

This thread is being dishonest. All politicians and their partisan fanboys are dishonest

I’m not the OP
No. Thread dies when the janitor clears it

>> No.18391718

they always do this type of shit, as though it accomplishes anything except feed already pre-existent resentment. talk about shooting your cause in the foot by being activistic cunts.

>> No.18391719

God last night was amazing :3

>> No.18391726

Hmmm love

>> No.18391749

how tf do you socialize with people you've never met

>> No.18391764

very carefully

>> No.18391770

Pick up on something they mention and then start a conversation about it.

>> No.18391780

the safest thing is to let them ramble on about themselves and interject every now and then. basically treat it almost like you're interviewing them. if you're more confident you can try engaging them on a particular topic. the key thing is to keep your ego in check and the spaghetti in your pockets.

>> No.18391837

what do you think of the orthos? on some level I am in a similar seat to yourself, I have been most fond of the orthos. Considering visiting a congregation if God and corona will allow it this summer

>> No.18391873

This thread needs to have an enforced standard subject so I can properly filter it.


>> No.18391878

You cannot empirically prove that empiricism is true.

>> No.18391879

been a great day so far. I live next to a square that is just paradise. it's got cobblestones and a little cafeteria where you can sit in the sun that serve grilled cheese sandwiches with properly good cheese and decent coffee. Sat there reading dosto for two and a half hours, reading reaaaaal slow, watching the kids play in the fountains, watching the birds, eavesdropping on other customers. Ivan is about to testify. Everything is apparently about to go to shit. What a beauty of a man Herzenstube turned out to be. Generally speaking Dosto helps me love people, and that's very good because I am not good at it in real life, so hopefully I can learn somehing. Even Musialowicz, the proud panowie is a real beauty of a man in Dostos language.. Perhaps Smerdjakov is not, but generally speaking, through Dosto I can love people. Considering reading the Idiot this fall. I've been interested in Demons, but I suspect it will make me love people less (I imagine it's juts a big exposé of people like Rakitin, who I think it is quite clear Dosto does not want the reader to like). I got an iced latte to keep cool, drank it and then successively drank the water from the ice-cubes as they melted. Only thing I should do beyond this today is clear up some dishes, it would only take 10 minutes or so but I just felt like laying around a bit before I get to it.

>> No.18391881

Do you ever feel aroused by girls that annoy you somehow? The girl being hot is a prerequisite, but the annoying part makes them irresistible in a sick way.
Art hoes do this for me as an example.

>> No.18391886

Good question. I only know very little about orthos. I'm from central yurop and they aren't very common here. Are you suggesting I should try and get to know that denomination better?

>> No.18391892

Cringe materialistic poster. You are exactly what the quoted is describing, a zombie seeking to bite everyone with your scientific parroting. Robot.

>> No.18391893
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Saint Maximus the Confessor's book On the Cosmic Mystery of Jesus Christ explains Christian cosmology very well.
Father Seraphim Rose is good too. The things that are happening now, Father Seraphim Rose saw it coming in the 1960s.

>> No.18391908

based take my man

>> No.18391915

>Father Seraphim Rose saw it coming in the 1960s.
Hopefully that's not one of the schizo interpretations of the Revelation.
Thanks for the reccs though for sure.

>> No.18391925
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There was this arty art hoe looking type of gril in one of my classes in university and she was literally, not exaggerating, the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. She talked to me a little bit outside of class and she seemed nice too even though I am autistic KHHV.
She looked like an elf. Too perfect looking to be a normal human.

>> No.18391937

I'm really just very attracted to the idea that there's something original that they've held onto. That, but also when I've watched intros to orthodoxy on youtube I have gotten the impression that the priests are genuinely "in the know", if you will. That perhaps they're really rooted in a kind of direct relationship to God, not just in books

>> No.18391941

Pls someone rate i would like some critique.

>> No.18391947

what if they're also autists?

>> No.18391949

>Saint Maximus the Confessor's book On the Cosmic Mystery of Jesus Christ
not the guy you responded to but ordered, very interested in the metaphysics of Jesus and God and the trinity and all of it, and I have a good amount of time this summer to delve into this, God willing

>> No.18391957

>That, but also when I've watched intros to orthodoxy on youtube I have gotten the impression that the priests are genuinely "in the know", if you will. That perhaps they're really rooted in a kind of direct relationship to God, not just in books
Yes, I think they really are! The more I have learned about Orthodoxy, the more I think it is the only complete and coherent worldview that accounts for everything and has it all in the proper order. When you see through the Orthodox lens, everything comes together and it all makes sense. All other paradigms are flawed.
I am still learning but those are my thoughts!

>> No.18391960


>> No.18391961
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>thinking smerdyakov is not a total beauty
my based KING smerdyakov is an such iconic take on the trickster archetype and the absolute best character in that shit book, i can't believe people aren't subtle enough to see it. and as with any good trickster, the entire narrative revolves around his purely self-motivated and absurd actions, which is expertly hidden until it is revealed. he IS a total beauty. his shadiness and strangeness is absolutely charismatic if you read the book with the right kind of attention, words cannot express how much i love that character. and no you should read demons don't take it so seriously, it's entertaining as fuck and has funny homosexual undertones. anyway, translation is really important when reading dostoyevsky, so pick the right one.
t. russian, has read the original and all of dostoyevsky's work

>> No.18391973

Based. Was there ever a hint you may end up together?
Anyway, doesn't sound like the annoying kind.

>> No.18391984

For the unacquainted, is there a large difference between south Orthodoxy and the Russian 'branch'?
If so, which one are we talking?

>> No.18391991

I can probably accept this. I was pulled in by him, like everyone I also thought he was a kind of proud idiot. I think his confession gave me such a disgust for him.. I went from one kind of mild disgust (perhaps Ivans disgust) to another more severe one while he confessed. it's perhaps his motivation, which really is so petty, but also his reasoning around his conversation with Ivan.. Sure there's a logic to his reasoning, and I think Ivan knew it too (he's just about toc confess and I bet he will confess this), but.. why involve Ivan in this decision? Why ask Ivan for "permission"? I find this disgusting..

When Ivan visits him the last time he has a book with stories about the saint Isaac of Syria. Do you think he read it?

>> No.18391998

Oh wow, so I'm actually sharing the thread with orthodoxyfags. I'll be right back, I'll just go and throw up real quick

>> No.18392003

I don't know and I haven't really thought too much about it. my local ortho church would be a branch of the russian one. I did hear from a priest that they did diverge on some points early on and that htey still don't really agree on those points although he said he had real hope they would reconcile soon

>> No.18392016

I'm addicted to caffeine. One day without coffee and my brain is caught in a net.

>> No.18392036

No. She just walked up to me and said hi and we chatted for a moment
it was nothing like serious or whatever. But she seemed really nice, not like the bitchy feminist stereotype of art hoes or whatever.
I think she liked the band Crystal Castles.
But anyway she was so pretty and stunning it was insane.

>> No.18392049

switch over to tea, it's much more sustainable

>> No.18392061

I think generally speaking, Greek churches are more liberal and Americanized, whereas the Russian, Serbian, Romanian, and Bulgarian churches are much more traditional and conservative.
But that doesn't mean all of the Greeks are liberal. There is a very good Orthodox priest named Father Peter Heers and I think he is in the Greek church. From what I have seen, I don't think he tolerates any of the liberal heresies at all.

>> No.18392084

I want to join a philosophy book club but I am worried about how pretentious it might be. anyone else have experience with book clubs?

>> No.18392099

I think that might have come out wrong, I don't mean sustainable in terms of muh environment but in terms of regulating your caffeine intake

>> No.18392115

Here is a good video on prayer.

>> No.18392137

my head feels real slow right now, I'll watch in a while

>> No.18392145

>he said he had real hope they would reconcile soon
Even dialog between ortho and cath is still alive though, right? Not that it could lead to a union.

>> No.18392165

Orthos have very different Triadology, Christology, metaphysics, ritualism, and mysticism from catholics.
Also, on a very simple and political level, Orthos do not agree at all with Pope Francis and his extremely liberal views, nor should they.

>> No.18392171

Also, secret societies like Freemasons, Jesuits, Rosicrucians, etc., are not allowed in the Orthodox Church.

>> No.18392186

>do not agree at all with Pope Francis
Personally, I don't even really understand why st. Peter would need successors.

>> No.18392234

Maybe I'll give tea a shot, seems kind of gay though ngl.

>> No.18392240

I really like your style of writing. Got more?

>> No.18392242

Catholics and Protestants descend intellectually from Thomas Aquinas, whereas Orthodox reject Thomism.
Orthodoxy also rejects nominalism and teaches that universals, or essences, are part of the Logoi.

>> No.18392246

nigger, I just don't want to die. what's a stereotypically manly drink that isn't unhealthy as shit? anything besides mineral water?

>> No.18392255

>Orthodoxy also rejects nominalism and teaches that universals, or essences, are part of the Logoi.
could you expound on what this means? I mean maybe there's a limit for language and all that but, still, if you can

>> No.18392258

its pretty good but try to not start half of the sentences with "I"

>> No.18392259
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My friend, tomorrow I will tell her, I have to tell her, I have no choice, what an inadequate day, what a shame I will have, what uncertainty in my mind. She who is so wonderfully beautiful, pious and good, and I who have no other virtue than to speak more or less well. I don't know what she thinks of me, my friend is very ambiguous. What can she not be less ambiguous? I manage well to explain my heart to her. She is afraid that we touch her intimate and deep core. As she quickly looked away when I asked her to see her delay, there is everything in the eyes, but what were her smiling eyes worth when we were having dinner together? How diaphanous they were, how diaphanous her heart is. Lord, holy Virgin, patron saint from whom I take my name, my angel who guards me so well, and all the saints I invoke so often, to whom I have asked so much for her inclination, I hope you will grant me, I hope you will inspire her with this impulse so that I have not withered my heart in vain. You know that this love would be favourable to my grace, and I dare to hope that it would be favourable to her. I entrust myself to you and I will praise you with all the more verve and wonder if you deign to grant me and fulfill these words: seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you.

>> No.18392274

Sound very interesting. Are you italian?

>> No.18392277
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sperg essay ahead, sorry.
what you have to understand about smerdyakov is that he is an outcast by by nature, against his will. it is unfair. because of his birth circumstances, he hasn't received proper social integration, he is rooted in nothing. his father doesn't recognise him, is a drunkard and a criminal pervert who raped an innocent, schizophrenic homeless woman. how does smerdyakov feel as a product of this?

smerdy is also epileptic, in the 19th century that was horrible. he is seen as a freak. he takes care of his appearance, dostoyevsky mentions he loves clothes and wears powder, he has his mannerisms, which makes it seem like he is superficial. but what other outlet does he have?

yes of course he was reading the book about st isaac. it is mentioned from the start that he was interested in books in his youth. fyodor pavlovich treats him like a circus freak for having intellectual tendencies. it's a "look, the monkey knows how to read!" type of treatment, he doesn't even see him as human. yet, there is a true depth to smerdyakov's personality, which is why dostoyevsky calls him the contemplator - but no person recognises it in him.

enter ivan. smerdyakov has never had anyone appreciate him for who he was, nobody ever paid attention to him. ivan is this intensely vibrant, brilliant, intellectually charismatic individual. when he first meets smerdyakov, it is mentioned in the book that he has true discussions with him and shows him genuine interest, almost affection. you have to understand what this means to smerdy. how would you feel? he is grateful for ivan, starts idolising him, thinks they are in cahoots. he is naive like a child.

you have to think of him as a woman to understand this, because smerdyakov's personality is extremely feminine, dostoyevsky always underlines this straightforwardly in his writing. he is indirect and passive-agressive in nature. he resents ivan, he wants his attention, but he can only be ambiguous, slippery and hint at things. this is the reason for him behaving so strangely. he doesn't make sense because he doesn't operate on a logical plane. he feels all these contradictory emotions towards him, he puts him on a pedestal, aspires to be like him.

ivan is the one who taught smerdyakov that "if god doesn't exist, everything is possible". this liberated smerdy from his slave condition and made him feel for the first time like he could be free. when ivan gives up on this thought it is the ultimate betrayal, because it breaks the image that he had of ivan, that of his savior and his "partner" (partner in crime). and it also breaks smerdyakov's own self-image and self-confidence, which ivan has crafted for him inadvertently. so this is why smerdyakov wants revenge. at the same time, if you reread the hospital scenes, you will see to what extent smerdyakov has been truly emotionally devoted to ivan, and actually loved him. this is an undeniable part of his character.

>> No.18392279

Coffee retard. Coffee isn't unhealthy. Men should only drink water, coffee, and alcohol. You are going to die, get used to it.

>> No.18392289
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Books with a protagonist who though completely with sanity and self control, can become neurotic over comically unimportant and small things, or at least thinks he can or maybe is but isn't sure while still retaining complete composure and therefrom questioning the initial problem with increasing mental calmness while being able the whole time to convince himself otherwise and to self control but not doing so?

>> No.18392300

I can't help by notice how liberal attempts to defuse racism always self-defeatingly assert it. For example, the tendency to capitalize "Black", as if to boldly underscore the racial aspect. You would think that they would not try to underscore the racial component but try to mitigate and eliminate it in pursuit of their supposed value of equality, though even through this tiny microscopic orthographic distinction they assert an inequality between "Black" and "white." Many more examples of this contradiction could be cited but this small case serves as a model for the rest in microcosm. They merely mirror and emphasize racism in an inverted way. In fact they are positively race obsessed.

>> No.18392313

all very good points as far as I can see

>> No.18392316
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Nomimalism is this idea that objects have no distinct essences. For example, a nominalist would say that "apple" is just an arbitrary human idea we use to describe some objects, and a physical thing we call an apple is just an arbitrary collection of particles that shares no universal essence with other things that we also arbitrarily call apples.
With this presupposition in place, you can see why people in the modern age always call everything a "social construct" and say, for example, that gender isn't real and nonsense like that.
It is a total lie. An apple has a distinct essense, "appleness" as it were, that all other apples also share. These universals are real and exist quite literally as part of the Logoi, the energies of Christ the Logos, the second Person of the Trinity.
Are you familiar with Platonic Forms? It is sort of like that but within a Christian framework.

>> No.18392322

it's called anti-racism or progressivism

>> No.18392332

>Are you familiar with Platonic Forms? It is sort of like that but within a Christian framework.
I see. I think I am reasonably well familiar, and also essentially a believer therein. I encountered an ortho on youtube who kept saying orthos were platonic and caths were aristotelian, but I never figured what he was after with that.

>> No.18392337

Yes, but as much as they may try to deny it, they are types of liberals. All leftists, progressives, Marxists, Frankfurt schoolers, SJWs, critical race theorists, etc., are fundamentally rooted in "Enlightenment" liberal presuppositions.

>> No.18392349

appealing to 'special group knowledge', being utterly convinced that you are objectively, scientifically on the right side of history which justifies any and all attrocities you commit in the name of progress, etc. doesn't sound very much light enlightenment thinking to me. It's just the old totalitarian program with a new coat of paint.

>> No.18392364

so you basically think he kills himself out of a catastrophic loneliness? the reason I asked about the saint is because I am curious if and how he feels about guilt. I took it as something like raskolnikov not realizing what the effect was going to be until after the fact, and so that he kills himself out of a kind of guilt.

desu I had had it spoiled for me on /lit/ that Ivan was going to confess at the end, and I assumed that meant Ivan was the killer. I believed this all the way until Smerdyakov confessed. So I viewed Smerdya as a kind of a.. as not that important. You raise a lot of things about him that, when you take them into account, it is much easier to empathise with him.

>> No.18392377

They, like """Enlightenment""" liberals, believe that the ultimate goal should be the political and social liberation of the individual, freedom from the "oppression" of traditional hierarchies and social structures, equality, etc. They just disagree about how to get there. They are all rooted in naive empiricism and rationalism and have a materialist or physicist worldview. Classical liberals and Marxists are both grounded in the same ideas.

>> No.18392379

I never been in a relationship or had any experience in sexual area but i keep watching love movies and reading literature about love. Its just a shallow mitation but atleast its better than nothing.

>> No.18392384


>> No.18392392
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>> No.18392397

No, im a Russian Jew
All the more interesting since they have an extensive Fascist past. They stuck with it all the way to Salo. Part of their tragedy is that they bet on Mussolini and lost.

>> No.18392419

>They just disagree about how to get there.
liberalism doesn't need an endgoal of absolute liberation, it recognizes tradition and hierarchy insofar as that kind of thing is necessary or even just helpful for structuring society in such a way that it allows individuals to determine their own lives. if you would be willing - under any circumstances - to criticize and thereby participate in the abolition of traditions that you consider harmful then you're not a radical traditionalist but just a more conservative type of liberal.

>> No.18392423

sigma trillionaire grindset

>> No.18392425

And thus you can see how classical liberalism is the stepping stone towards Marxism.

>> No.18392430

>and thus we see that drinking water is a steppingstone toward drowning yourself

>> No.18392431

>physicist worldview
I meant to say physicalist of course

>> No.18392471

Democracy and liberalism in any form (and yes that includes classical "conservative" liberalism) is inherently satanic. Why do you think so many of those so-called Enlightenment guys were Freemasons and in other secret societies like the Hellfire Club?

>> No.18392486

Use your knowledge to get close to people, not distance yourself from them.

>> No.18392489

Yes. I got it from my diaries, actually. Want to see more? I just have to translate it to english first, wait a little bit.

>> No.18392493

that's all very nice.
but what's the argument against updating traditions to allow people to live the best lives they can, rather than having some kind of rigid framework of irrational conventions limit their options unnecessarily, exactly?
>i-if you have open dialogue about these sorts of things it leads to communism

>> No.18392504

Yes please.

>> No.18392508 [DELETED] 

yes, and also i believe he killed himself because ivan had given his life a meaning with the postulate that "everything is permitted", and then that meaning, that coping method, had been taken away from him. he was not obliged to kill himself and did not do so out of fear, nobody would have believed he was the criminal anyway. all the evidence pointed to dmitry. smerdyakov could have taken the money and left as he had planned. but his disappointment in ivan and the whole situation was such that he saw no meaning in continuing to live. this shows that he was not materialistic and saw no personal interest in the murder. yeah, i do think he was an extremely lonely person. anyway, there is an underlying layer of meaning in the brothers karamazov that is completely missed when the book is read without paying attention to smerdyakov.

>> No.18392511

I've already succumbed to huge failures, whose shadow can darken an entire biography. I've let myself be carried away by vices like a leaf carried by the current of a river. I have already yielded submissively to the smallest whisper of my deepest demons, like a servant faithful to the goal of its own ruin. This is what I am, this is what I was made of; failures. A cluster of overlapping flaws and insecurities, a weak and extremely susceptible soul. The watch must be constant and therefore it does not work. I don't have the strength for that, the enemy is bigger and older than me; it transcends me, insofar as it is external to me and part of me. The enemy is me and it's all I want to do that keeps me from what I want to be. The enemy makes me ignore that what I am is what I do, that there is no individuality but in acting. He wants me not to exist, and therefore encourages me never to act, because the only possible existence is the one in the field of action, and all the rest is infertile and unnecessary reflection.

>> No.18392519 [DELETED] 

sorry, forgot to quote >>18392377

>> No.18392541

yes, also i believe he killed himself because ivan had given his life a meaning with the postulate that "everything is permitted", and then that meaning was taken away from him. it was like a giant cope. he was not obliged to kill himself and did not do so out of fear, nobody would have believed he was the criminal anyway - all the evidence pointed to dmitry. he could have taken the money and left as he had planned. but his disappointment in ivan and the whole situation was such that he saw no meaning in continuing to live. and yeah, i do think he was an extremely lonely person. anyway, there is an underlying layer of meaning in the brothers karamazov that is completely missed when the book is read without paying attention to smerdyakov.

>> No.18392554

>anyway, there is an underlying layer of meaning in the brothers karamazov that is completely missed when the book is read without paying attention to smerdyakov.
tell me as long as it doesn't spoil the last 100 pages. as I said in my first post, I think in reality I am not a very empathic person, so I worry there will be many nuances I will miss.

>> No.18392577

It's time to read the Qur'an now.

>> No.18392578

Today I went to scan my ID and found that it was done in 2010. Not 10 years ago, but 11. It is melancholy to think that I already remember a decade ago and I see there a boy of 10, 11 years. So, before I know it, "10 years ago" will be me at 15, going into high school. At 18, coming out of it. At 19, entering college. My memories of decades in the past will be no longer of a child, but of a boy and, soon after, of a man.
One of the things I understand but a part of me still can't accept is the concept that it's gone. It passed and never comes back. I've been so used to getting in and out of school, starting and ending classes each year, that a part of me is still used to this revolutionary movement. A small portion of my subconscious believes that I'm still going to wake up one day, put on my school uniform, have coffee with my brother, put my backpack on my back and go to school, with everything I've learned in the meantime of all this years. It's hard to realize that what I've lived through since it all ended wasn't a rehearsal for when it comes back - but it was life itself happening. I'll never get the chance to see those people again, in that same place, and be everything I learned after it was all over. All the days reserved for that phase have passed, the weeks and months are gone, and the past is solid and unbroken. I changed and people changed, but the person I was hasn't changed. The person I was, all that time, remains the same - and will continue to be, for all eternity, even after everyone who witnessed it has forgotten (and forgotten themselves, by time). Everything is crystallized in eternity, regardless of the memories that speculate about what happened. I was what I could have been, nothing less, nothing more.

>> No.18392610

eternal (not comparable)

1. Lasting forever; unending.

Synonyms: agelong, endless, everlasting, permanent, sempiternal, unending;

2. (philosophy) existing outside time; as opposed to sempiternal, existing within time but everlastingly

Synonyms: timeless, atemporal; see also

>these two don't mean the same thing
>is heaven perpetual or a-temporal
>can something other than God be a-temporal?

>> No.18392615

>>these two don't mean the same thing
>in fact their meanings are opposite

>> No.18392632

>tell me as long as it doesn't spoil the last 100 pages.

kek, sorry i had deleted and re-typed my original post because i forgot to quote you... well it's not something specific, but it adds to the general tapestry of ideas offered by the book : what does it mean to be human in a godless world? should we hold ourselves accountable and consider ourselves responsible for all the cruelty of the world around us? why is life so unfair and shit? is there something deeper to our experience? the divine has been refuted, the horrors of the world seem to prove that it doesn't exist. and yet maybe it exists after all? alyosha and ivan's character arcs explore these questions, but smerdyakov's does so as well. very much. every character is here to demonstrate the same ideas from a different perspective, it's masterfully done and lets us form our own opinion on the matter. by the way, in the last talk with smerdyakov, he briefly mentions that god is watching him and ivan. so he does restore his belief in god. i always thought that was interesting. i'm a bit obsessed with the brothers karamazov, i'm unafraid to say it changed my life in certain ways.

>> No.18392697

I'm lucky to be a sigma male.
Abundance mindset is key.
Relationships aren't worth the time and effort.

>> No.18392699

Pope Francis is a false prophet and has spirit of Antichrist

>> No.18392716

Damn this made me feel

>> No.18392727
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>he was 10 or 11 years old in 2010
Zoomers OUT.

>> No.18392756

Kek. Im just a zoomer trying to write well. I want to be a real writer when i'm 40 years old.

>> No.18392783

She tricked me...

>> No.18392793

I think it's a book I'll come back to. I started it the first time like 11 years ago, when I was just a kid, and there's so much of it that I didn't understand at all then.. I didn't finish it that time. I have become religious since then, and so the religious themes were lost on me then. For me Alyosha and Zosima, but also Dimitriy and Grushenka and probably also Ivan (though I haven't seen his arc end yet) become particularly interesting for this relationship to God. But also the crazy monk, I forget his name.. Ferapont. And the boy Krasotkin, that was a very nice segment of the book, and one thing I thought of while reading the trial, about Ilyushas father- I think he is a man I would perhaps look down on in real life as a fool and a drunk (this is not something to be proud of of course, but in honesty), but when you actually know the man I think he is very precious..
>so he does restore his belief in god. i always thought that was interesting
Yea I remember. I thought then that it was that he had become acutely aware of Gods punishment, and that this was why he was so ill at their last meeting. I don't remember the details of the ups and downs of his epileptic fits though, and I can't say if the two could be related or if his epilepsy should be seen as separate from any guilt. I also don't remember if it was at the last meeting or if it was in the hospital that Ivan backed away from the "if there is no God" thing, so maybe his health reflected his loneliness. As I said, when I read those parts I thought that I was following the process of Ivans subconscious letting him know he was actually the killer, and so the details of Smerdyakovs conditoin were not my focus, and once it became my focus then in honestly probably because of my own religion my interpretation of him was mostly just 1 part "this man is a psychopath" and 1 part focus on what that meant for him religiously. Or that he killed himself out of vanity, that he was bluffing about the trial and about wanting to take Ivan down with him, that he actually couldn't handle being known as a monster.

>> No.18392797

In the fresh blossoming night air after I had risen from the stench of the janniesoiled thread I felt a peace that can only be known when all jannies are absent. Perhaps this is why jannies are so disgruntle, they never have the chance to leave jannies behind. Perhaps these types of free and fresh nights are not available to jannies who must leer with janniehate in their jannieheads and janniehearts all the days of their janissarial lives. But now the board was clean, vacant of all jannies and the cacophony of jannies. I had come out of that jannie-Gehenna where the posts of the jannieloving trannies waste and writhe. I was lost in the coolness of a midnight devoid of deleters. It was almost ruined, knowing I would have to return to the jannies. Knowing that everywhere else, jannies were muddying everything with their janniehands and their jannienotions. But for now there was the peace of no jannies.

>> No.18392804
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One more.
This one is good, i promise:

Everything else fades.
The image in front of me (which, until then, was all that mattered in the whole world), the lights, sounds. I continue the stimulus while the pleasure, past its peak, dissipates. At that moment, my spirit flips a coin: guilt or clarity? When I open my eyes, will I feel enormously guilty for what I've done, or will I simply look at the world in a totally apathetic way, satisfied that I've rid myself of yet another temporary desire?
Both paths lead me to the inevitable conclusion that whatever I'm doing with my life, I'm doing it wrong. I'm wasting time, focus, concentration, resources, I'm weakening myself inside and out while I should be living and becoming a mass of shapeless experiences, memories of real faces and people who actually exist. The empty rows of my past echo, dusty, longing for a single person who, alone, will have the job of filling all the incalculable space, whether she wants it or not. Afterwards, others will come, and others, poor victims of my lack and the neglect of those around me. At least that's what I want to believe, but maybe I'm being stupidly optimistic. Maybe my portrait wall will remain empty for a lot longer, maybe forever. It's possible that I pass every face without seeing a smile, every voice without seeing a confession. It's possible that, from here to the end, they're all shapes, images of just one facet, distant and untouchable ideal figures, or, at moments like this, pixels on an LED screen.

>> No.18392805

In the fresh blossoming night air after I had risen from the stench of the janniesoiled thread I felt a peace that can only be known when all jannies are absent. Perhaps this is why jannies are so disgruntle, they never have the chance to leave jannies behind. Perhaps these types of free and fresh nights are not available to jannies who must leer with janniehate in their jannieheads and janniehearts all the days of their janissarial lives. But now the board was clean, vacant of all jannies and the cacophony of jannies. I had come out of that jannie-Gehenna where the posts of the jannieloving trannies waste and writhe. I was lost in the coolness of a midnight devoid of deleters. It was almost ruined, knowing I would have to return to the jannies. Knowing that everywhere else, jannies were muddying everything with their janniehands and their jannienotions. But for now there was the peace of no jannies.

>> No.18392820

She played with my heart...

>> No.18392821

>>can something other than God be a-temporal?
this is a profoundly profound question. we assume that something being created means there is a before and an after creation. but is this not an anthropomorphism? once we have dislodged from time, who's to say what relationships are possible? Though it is hard (likely impossible) to imagine within what kind of frame change could happen if it is not time

>> No.18392825

>Though it is hard (likely impossible) to imagine within what kind of frame change could happen if it is not time
though the regular creation-story obviously implies this is possible

>> No.18392838

In the fresh blossoming night air after I had risen from the stench of the janniesoiled thread I felt a peace that can only be known when all jannies are absent. Perhaps this is why jannies are so disgruntle, they never have the chance to leave jannies behind. Perhaps these types of free and fresh nights are not available to jannies who must leer with janniehate in their jannieheads and janniehearts all the days of their janissarial lives. But now the board was clean, vacant of all jannies and the cacophony of jannies. I had come out of that jannie-Gehenna where the posts of the jannieloving trannies waste and writhe. I was lost in the coolness of a midnight devoid of deleters. It was almost ruined, knowing I would have to return to the jannies. Knowing that everywhere else, jannies were muddying everything with their janniehands and their jannienotions. But for now there was the peace of no jannies

>> No.18392847

So cold....

>> No.18392859

and Katja too.. these questions of how a fate takes shape

>> No.18392862

In the fresh blossoming night air after I had risen from the stench of the janniesoiled thread I felt a peace that can only be known when all jannies are absent. Perhaps this is why jannies are so disgruntle, they never have the chance to leave jannies behind. Perhaps these types of free and fresh nights are not available to jannies who must leer with janniehate in their jannieheads and janniehearts all the days of their janissarial lives. But now the board was clean, vacant of all jannies and the cacophony of jannies. I had come out of that jannie-Gehenna where the posts of the jannieloving trannies waste and writhe. I was lost in the coolness of a midnight devoid of deleters. It was almost ruined, knowing I would have to return to the jannies. Knowing that everywhere else, jannies were muddying everything with their janniehands and their jannienotions. But for now there was the peace of no jannies.

>> No.18392863

Is “just write” actually good beginner advice? If someone ultimately wants to write a novel or write several novels, “just write” would imply that they should just working on a novel, but is that really a good idea? It seems to me that they should probably cut their teeth on short stories, build up a bit of a name, maybe write something which is easier to make some sort of income. What do you guys think?

>> No.18392868

She already tricked u yesterday

>> No.18392871

She already played with your heart yesterday

>> No.18392875

It was already cold yesterday

>> No.18392882

I want to be validated. I want to be needed. I can manage without, but I miss the feeling of with.

>> No.18392907

Aquinas was all about essences though, his whole "proof of god" ontological argument is based on the idea that the essence of god is "perfect", and that's how his Catholic contemporaries beat the living shit out of him, "no one can agree what goes on the perfect island" etc.

As for the SJW's, that both churches despise, their argument is not that male and female don't genetically exist, but that male and female culture is subjective rather than objective, and that people aren't slaves to their DNA, where as both churches believe men and women have holy roles ordained by God, beyond breeding.

>> No.18392925
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I met this girl who looked like Lightning from Final Fantasy except with whiteish blonde hair instead of pink.
She seemed nice and sort of mysterious. Surprisingly autistic for a female.

>> No.18392989
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Lightning is boring, I love Serah Farron

>> No.18393004
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>> No.18393014


>> No.18393039
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>> No.18393043

Just realized something a little strange. Technically, by evolutionary standards I have already fulfilled my biological purpose. I've had sex with a few women and have put myself in position to die for my tribe (country) in a major conflict. It's not my fault birth control was invented. Otherwise I'd have a couple kids by now 100%. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad all the women I fucked were on the pill because I don't actually want children, but in behavioral terms as what a male should do to contribute to its species, I am a success. I have done everything I have evolved to do. And at 32 years old, I've already lived past my life expectancy going purely off of biology and the environs we were evolved to survive in. Males donate cum to females, then we go off to fight because from that point on those of us selected to continue our genetic lineage are no longer strictly necessary. What a wonderful feeling, brogue. I am officially living on borrowed time. I feel like I can just live out the rest of my life doing whatever makes me happy.

>> No.18393050
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>> No.18393057

Autism is superior to normieism

>> No.18393058

>What a wonderful feeling, brogue
What a wonderful feeling, bros.

>> No.18393063
File: 13 KB, 290x400, 15146158841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Demons love fucking with me. They just love inciting fear in me, causing a great ruckus and been all around piss takers.
Seriously fucking annoying godammit just leave me alone.

>> No.18393089

What are those generic office jobs you see in movies where it's people sitting in gray cubicles and stuff like that? What do they actually do and where do you get a job like that?

>> No.18393100

that is on my mind when I see your name

>> No.18393107


>> No.18393111

Fuck this shitty place, janny's been pruning EVERYTHING today

>> No.18393131

>waaaaaah i wanna shitpost like i do on my home board!!!
go back to wherever you came from

>> No.18393141

Well, the translation makes it ratter confusing.
But i swear the original is good.

>> No.18393180

We had solid ground under our feet again! I felt like an old sea dog after sailing around the world four times. Susy, my traveling companion, looked significantly less young and fun than before the trip. Somewhere between hours six and seven, her feigned vomiting had turned into a serious case. We walked up the little hill with the others, in lines of two, like in elementary school, and I patted Susy's shoulder encouragingly and said, "Your eyes look really puffy, dear."

>> No.18393193

Fuck off retard, trips are on my side

>> No.18393224

Nah I just love you.

>> No.18393231

Your stupid explanation from the experience does not answer anything. Larp at your stupid thoughts as you think you are special, it does not matter to me. But you should know that YOU are not special.

>> No.18393232

dunno but I bet it's a hellish job in reality

>> No.18393269

How do you stay in shape?

I just hate lifting weights these days. It’s not fun. I wish I had somewhere to swim every morning but I’m totally landlocked.

>> No.18393270
File: 39 KB, 728x404, sesame_street_hero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon, you are special too.

>> No.18393294
File: 296 KB, 840x720, pepe shy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T-thanks i know i am filled with hate but it's great to hear someone still thinks i am some sort of special

>> No.18393326

join an MMA gym if they're open around you

>> No.18393336

Why? As jobs go, it looks relatively comfy desu

>> No.18393354

She was sort of aloof and introverted but interesting
also very pretty and tasteful
She seemed smarter than most femoids.

>> No.18393371

The biggest Chads I have known were always really nice and cool. They weren't mean to me even though I was always an autistic sperg.
Why is there a stereotype that Chads are bullies who like to be mean and push loners and nerds around?

>> No.18393421

>Surprisingly autistic for a female.
there are autistic females. you do know that, right?

>> No.18393426

I’m not really interested in MMA

>> No.18393459

>questions that don’t deserve another thread
I just finished the first chapter of the Sound and the Fury, why the fuck is quentin referred to using both male and female pronouns?!?!
>Where Quentin." Dilsey said, "Supper near bout ready." I don't know'm." Luster said. "I aint seen her"
>"Shut your mouth." Quentin said. Jason looked at her.
>Quentin had his face turned away.
>Quentin got in the other one. He turned his face to the wall

what's going on

>> No.18393467

But they are very rare compared to autistic males, and society is a lot nicer to them.

>> No.18393487

I'm not a normie, i'm just trying to be honest with my feelings :/

>> No.18393494

Please message me, I'm desperate, I deleted your number but I regret it

>> No.18393508

>They weren't mean to me even though I was always an autistic sperg.

That's because you're cool

>> No.18393510


>> No.18393514

later honey bun

>> No.18393521

What do you mean???

>> No.18393537

you are cooler than you think

>> No.18393546
File: 857 KB, 1348x750, 1622820639014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disney Star Wars isn't real. The old Expanded Universe is real.

>> No.18393567
File: 53 KB, 1280x720, sntr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon... neither are real... wake up...

>> No.18393571

I think you should see this butterfly >>>/adv/24315235

>> No.18393639

>updating traditions
this is paradoxical
>to allow people to live the best lives they can
You sound like an execrable utilitarian
>irrational conventions
what's irrational about wanting Family, Religion, or to uphold the Logos? And what is wrong about making others act in absolute accordance with It through moral values and laws?

>> No.18393651

you could possibly retrieve it somehow, through call logs or something

gymfag 10+ years, barely train 2 days a week these days and eat pretty poorly but maintain muscle easily. I just do upper/lower body splits, free weights (dumbbells, barbell) and bodyweight exercises with proper diet will get you jacked under normal circumstances. Grip work is a game changer for overall life satisfaction

>> No.18393668

The first thing that caught my eye when I entered the general's room was a bit of trapdoor sticking out from under the Persian carpet. I paid no further attention to the life-threatening danger, marched across the carpet in salute, and took up post in front of the general's desk.

"My dear Corporal Johanson," the general began, weighing every word, "I am pleased, exceedingly pleased, to welcome you to my humble domicile (here he made a sweeping gesture with his arms). I take it you have weathered the battle well?" A fatherly smile spread across his old man's face. Wondering what answer would most likely help my advancement, I tried to buy some time for reflection, turned to the large painting above the fireplace and pretended to study every detail with interest. "You, too, are a lover of art, Johanson?" asked the General, after he had risen and come over to me and put his bear-like hand on my shoulder. Then he began to speak in professorial tone, "La Guerra y el Castell. Vinzente Pizzanetto, 1712, Milan. A fabulous painting..." He built little pauses into his lecture to give me a chance to slip in little asides, but I didn't. I was far too busy trying to think of an ideal answer to the General's first question. "It is one of the earliest examples of the Spanish-Italian style which we later find perfected in Valesquez. You will agree with me that, in embryo, everything is already contained here..."

While he was waiting for my aside and while I was mulling over my answer, there was a hard knock on the door. The general whirled around, almost slapping me in the face with the hand that came off my shoulder in the process.

>> No.18393709

I'm throwing out this question and asking you to really consider it for a minute: What should art be?
Keep in mind it's a subjective, personal question, so if you respond, please don't say 'Art can be anything'. I have written my own answer below.

For me, art is about understanding and merging with other minds. It is the pinnacle of abstract representational activity, which we all engage in on a regular basis through speech, gesture, and communication, but rarely reach in its full sublime potential. What distinguishes the artist from the average person is their obsession and commitment to expressing something. In my opinion an artist should be someone who seeks to challenge conceptions of the world. He makes pains to be attuned to things outside of common awareness and uses them to make a lasting change in the way others experience reality. I also think that being a true artist is a very rare gift and most self-proclaimed artists merely pretend to be one (myself included) and are thus merely hobbyists at heart. I think a real artist has a devotion to something larger than his/her own ego and can endure monk-levels of discomfort to express this personal truth. The artist is simultaneously a solipsist and prophet in his devotion to expressing things in ways that seems alien to others, but will potentially become appreciated later when the message has been digested and internalized into the cultural consciousness. Science is a kind of art, since it makes efforts to represent material reality and has the capacity to reorient our worldview. Visual/aural/narrative may not always reconfigure reality in the same way, but they can certainly make us feel less alone.

>> No.18393767

>and society is a lot nicer to them
t. autist, female

>> No.18393793

Anyone who doesn't speak Czech is missing out.
Just reread "Máj" by Karel Hynek Mácha. The fact that most people alive will never be able to enjoy it seems weird. It's like I'm a part of a secret literary society.

>> No.18393794

I can't take being a loner anymore bros

>> No.18393805

go away

>> No.18393874


Kinda, but also no. The most devoted artists I know just draw portraits and landscapes. Would that make them not artists? Though I love this desu.

>> No.18393910

Is the Czech Republic comfy

>> No.18393934


>> No.18393935

are you an actual autist or just a sperg?

>> No.18393937 [DELETED] 

I'm tired of being around my parents all the time desu anons. I don't hate them or anything like that but I just want to be alone. I need my own space. I want to be in charge of myself.

>> No.18393941

very much so

>> No.18393954

oh i'm a sperg. but it's severe (almost can't talk, no social contact at all, sensory hypersensitivity, special interest is all-consuming, etc).

>> No.18393959

It disgusts me that at any time on this board I could be talking to a f*male like you and I wouldn't know.

>> No.18393961

Art is an object made for the purpose of communicating the subjective experience of its creator

>> No.18393974

i'm very happy that it makes you angry. a lot more people than you think are female here. can't trust anyone.

>> No.18393980
File: 167 KB, 360x450, Mark_Twain_Satan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Life itself is only a vision; A dream. Nothing exists, save empty space and you. And you are but a thought."

>> No.18393996

Do you know that you are inferior in every way?

>> No.18394012

Well, after 10 years of living on my own I will now be moving back in with Mom. I’m also stuck in a job I absolutely detest and have no real savings to speak of. I don’t have much in the way of friends and obviously don’t have a girlfriend either.

Yeah. I don’t feel particularly good about my life right now...

>> No.18394032
File: 43 KB, 631x663, 1622054554508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy fun music makes me feel better.

>> No.18394043

Those sneakers are drippin, man

>> No.18394052
File: 65 KB, 1024x938, 1617273879783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18394054

It will get better anon

>> No.18394059

No. No, I don’t think it will.

>> No.18394066

Keep in mind that all this is from my perspective-
I wouldn't say that those people aren't artists- if they are compelled to express something true to themselves, and they get satisfaction and meaning from that particular medium, then I respect them as artists. (I say this as someone who used to make weird electronic music not out of a genuine love but to differentiate himself from others, ie to feel special and unique.) But I think there are degrees of how powerful and influential art can be, and to me, the people who push conceptual and experiential boundaries are the ones who take art to its height. But to play devil's advocate, there are some who might push boundaries for the sake of pushing boundaries and suffer from inauthenticity.

>> No.18394067

you are free to evaluate me however you'd like, i understand it keeps your thoughts entertained, but it is totally inconsequential to me. see you soon anonymously in another thread.

>> No.18394087

>eating some sandwiches
>don't remember exactly what move I did, maybe touch my hair? I don't know
>but then feel something on my pant leg, something that rolled under my finger
>think it's a piece of bread
>toss it on the plate in my lap
>it's a worm
two things really: 1. I think it came from outside. I literally just opened a new packet of bread and a new packet of cheese, so if it's in them it's from the store. I was just outside, took a walk, it probably came from some leaves or something. I'll check the bread tomorrow, I'm too tired to care too much. 2. I apparently don't really give a shit that it is fairly likely I just ate some worms. Tha'ts interesting to know. I just thought it was curious, though I did stop.

>> No.18394088

You might want to make use of your time living with your mother. And making friends isn't very important, try to get into something and meet people and your social skills will be improved in no time. You can enjoy this very life you have with the right mindset

>> No.18394091

chads are chill because they are well rounded people. that's my theory.

>> No.18394100

Sadly anon, I cannot believe someone would love me when I serve no purpose for them.

>> No.18394102

literally only kotor 2 is real

>> No.18394104

Imagine if Shakespeare read Twitter. Modern English has been bastardized/negro-fied beyond belief, everyone speaks in memes. When I speak in fairly basic sentences I feel like I'm using anachronistic vocabulary to my younger friends.

>> No.18394107
File: 2.47 MB, 2473x3200, 1620155625218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think that since the institution of marriage has fallen apart in the west, young men today have lost the motivation to work hard and succeed in life? Do you think that most men in general want a wife and family to provide for and take care of, and since that is no longer realistic, lots of guys now are ready to just drop out and not care anymore and if so, how much longer can society sustain itself?

>> No.18394109

How old are you? Do you have a job or realistic career aspirations?

>> No.18394116

art should use the fact that it is slow. real life rushes by so you can't stop and notice everything. and art should use the fact that it can present situations that if you were in them it would be difficult to understand them objectively, or dispassionately. So for instance, a good painting can be a painting that shows a human drama. What makes this be good art is that it helps us contemplate this drama in a sort of "safe" way. This is why I like books. Books give you a chance to really ponder people, because they are slow and because they can present situations. Abstract art is essentially the same in my opinion, it's about helping you contemplate something. Personally I have not been helped in contemplating the divine from art, only from books. Music is a whole nother thing, it's animal fundamentally imo, but I never understood religious music, really.

>> No.18394118
File: 43 KB, 283x434, bb8f4ff913558cc045453c712bf7cd4a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And KOTOR and the Darth Bane trilogy and the Darth Plagueis novel and the NJO series and the LOTF series and the and the FOTJ series.

>> No.18394121

Society doesn't need marriage to sustain itself

>> No.18394123

They're agreeable, as long as you LARP as a normie long enough to hold basic conversation they'll reciprocate. The Chads you're thinking of are probably high school jocks/insecure teens who pick on the weak as their easiest targets.

>> No.18394125
File: 1.17 MB, 814x1094, 1622930736778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Never gonna have cute dutch booktuber gf
Why live?
Seriously guys, I want a beautiful bugman girl like her so bad.

>> No.18394129

I think this is a lot more normal than you think.
t. just moved out for the second time

>> No.18394133

Who will keep it going when the social fabric has been torn to shreds and young men have no incentive to care anymore

>> No.18394135

I’ve never quite felt that way. I doubt it would just start now.

I just turned 28. I mentioned before that I have a job I detest and would like to quit but no alternative ambitions or aspirations besides writing, but you know how that is...

>> No.18394140

Why is she making that stupid face? She looks so boring and soulless.

>> No.18394150

6/10 at best

>> No.18394152

What does this have to do with marriage? You think people are unable to work and participate in society if there's no marriage or something?

>> No.18394163

The most beautiful woman I've ever seen is at least 10 years older than me and I'm literally shaking when I'm in front of her. I've managed to exchange 5 words with her in 2 years

>> No.18394165

Read the post you stupid faggot retard.

>> No.18394167

>I’ve never quite felt that way. I doubt it would just start now
Unironically spend some time contemplating how short your life is and how close you are and your loved ones to death (sudden illness, an accident etc)
You'll get a sense of urgency and worthlessness of ALL human life. You're taking it too seriously and wasting it at the same time.

>> No.18394175


>> No.18394177

>droopy eyes
>big nose
Absolutely disgusting and grotesque. I bet she also has awful taste and no personality.

>> No.18394181

people who are married with kids vote more than unmarried people. personally I believe the reason is that they are interested in the future, they are building toward something.

>> No.18394190

why does it have to be like this? why is every trad larper like this? no christian would ever speak like this to anyone

>> No.18394195

You think these things are all disconnected and have nothing to do with each other?

>> No.18394199

do note that the same is not true of people who are separated but have kids

>> No.18394204


>> No.18394206

You're saying if there's no marriage people have no incentive to keep society going, that's just not true. You know the only reason you are saying this is because the institution of marriage subjectively appeals to your taste and interests. And I'm not a faggot, faggots actually want marriage rights.

>> No.18394211

>I bet she also has awful taste and no personality.
Very true, still wouldn't mind the comfiness of having someone like her.

The picture is weird because it's surprisingly hard to get good stills from videos. I think she's lovely.

>> No.18394213

You are on an anonymous forum, mate. Tradlarping is likely a cope for most here.

>> No.18394218

I think societal structures change as they adapt to technological and economical changes.

You need a fucking wife to be interested in the future and build toward something? Very sad.

>> No.18394219

>blah blah blah IT'S SUBJECTIVE BRO blah blah blah
Why are secular people like this?

>> No.18394226

Yes, all opinions on what's right for society are subjective and need to be experientially verified. Mindblowing!

>> No.18394233

>You need a fucking wife to be interested in the future and build toward something? Very sad.
No, but lots of men do. Celibacy and monasticism are not meant for everyone.

>> No.18394235 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 800x450, nooooooooooooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18394243

Lots of men also "need" beer and netflix. Should we encourage their unhealthy addictions?

>> No.18394245 [DELETED] 

Who is this dumb bitch

>> No.18394247

>You need
these are the stats man (though I am claiming a causation that I don't know if it is true or not)

>> No.18394248

No marriage doesn't mean celibacy and monasticism by the way. It doesn't mean you don't get to have sex or date women or even stay with a woman your whole life if you wish to. It just means no marriage.

>> No.18394252

You are so dumb.
Netflix is evil, Satanic, and supports pedks
Marriage is ordained by God.

>> No.18394258

Sex outside of marriage is wrong and sinful. It is an abomination. You are arguing in favor of evil.

>> No.18394267


>> No.18394271

Honest to God, anon, I’ve done that and at one point, I did get that sense of urgency you’re talking about. Gradually, that gave way to a more devil may care attitude and now really I just don’t care. I’m on the other side of the same coin that you yourself described.

>> No.18394273

what a moron

>> No.18394277

I think most of us approach the idea of happiness in the wrong way, and this false conception leads us the wrong way in life. It's not about trying to be as happy as possible like you're maxing out some invisible stat on a graph, but rather trying to reach a point where you feel like you don't need anything else, where life feels good enough as it is that you don't particularly want any extra. If we just aimed for this rather than some imaginary ideal, we'd be a lot healthier and happier I think

>> No.18394280

>schizophrenic christoids
Oh, okay, debate is pointless, the kool-aid has already been drunk. Why are so many of you on this board? You are like the cult of scientology. I am scooping all of you and bringing you to the brain doctor.

>> No.18394283

Netflix literally supports pedos. That is a fact.

>> No.18394289

I never argued in favor of Netflix, I said it's an unhealthy addiction kek, reread. I don't watch that shit. I don't watch TV or series at all.

>> No.18394291
File: 52 KB, 403x490, 2248902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so horny

>> No.18394294

if you want to know the truth it's that eternal life is real and you will be judged and the highest law is love, meaning what you do matters generally but it also intimately matters for you, as you will carry the responsibility for how you lived in the afterlife, which, again, is entirely real.

>> No.18394299

I'm sure there is something or someone you find intrinsically valuable, even if you're not consciously aware of it. Something you can't just not care about.

>> No.18394301

Good still or not, it is clear enough to tell that she is a bland 5/10.

>> No.18394305

has anyone ever done a lit project on git?

>> No.18394315

I think Butterfly has trapped me :3

In exchange I get to say I've turned a lesbian straight somewhat

>> No.18394327

is she a transbian

>> No.18394331
File: 106 KB, 1024x542, 1622470560441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the subject or religion/Christianity, I don't see why people obsess about a physical church. Why not simply interpret the Bible yourself and have a lifetime to develop a personal relationship with God himself? IE speak to him on a daily basis and even go by the mountains and oceans to be left alone with God.

Why allow outsiders/npcs to corrupt your consciousness when God can lead you to the truth and to a beautiful mind?

>> No.18394336

That is not what Christianity teaches.

>> No.18394340

if you think like that just become a buddhismchad, we are all about that

>> No.18394347

>Why not simply interpret the Bible yourself
You need the Church Fathers too and the Liturgy and the Church.
People who have this view of just reading the Bible for yourself and nothing more are missing the whole point.

>> No.18394351

How should I start reading Nietzsche? Do I need to read any specific book before to better understand him?

>> No.18394355

why do you all blindly trust random people

>> No.18394356

4/10 at best

>> No.18394360

You are contradicting the Bible with your own approach in the first place.

>> No.18394363

i'm not him i'm another anon

>> No.18394366

>Do I need to read any specific book before to better understand him?


>> No.18394369

Christianity is for faggots pass it on... Christianity = gaaaaayyyyy

>> No.18394373
File: 120 KB, 830x1201, 78975456789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because I love u

>> No.18394384
File: 3.35 MB, 2560x2739, 1622882535927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the bible but guess I don't fit the modern narrative for a Christian then
ha pretty much
what am I missing? I'm more well read than most these "fathers" and I have the rest of my life to interpret even further while continuing to expand my consciousness/developing a tight relationship with God. Not only that but he assures me *this is the way*. When going to church I always feel "off".

>> No.18394390
File: 170 KB, 1024x791, 12793097280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice, i love you too <3

>> No.18394414

christianity was not originally a tradition built around a book. it was transmitted orally. this involved transmitting a manner of performing rites and prayers along with all the knowledge. the books came later. the point: all of christianity is not in any book. it is a verb, it's sometihng you do.

>> No.18394417

go to an internet meetup or something

>> No.18394422

you assume that people actually care about the doctrine. for most people, christianity is just a larp to fit in.

of what little doctrine they do know, they rarely follow. they will gladly bend even those few rules they do know so that it fits into their lifestyle, NOT bend their lifestyle to so that it fits into the rules.

>> No.18394452

I'm tired of social interactions. I want to have a wife and kids instead.

>> No.18394475

This anon doesn't know what he is talking about. He is just spouting a bunch of memes.
The Church tradition is what brought the Bible together in the first place. All these anons don't understand. The Israelites in the Old Testament didn't just read a book and interpret it for themselves. They were a family and worshipped in a decorated temple. The Church (not ethnic Jews who reject Christ, but the Church) is the continuation following in the teachings of God.
Your mindset is why the west has fallen into secularism, atheism, and pluralism.

>> No.18394479

>for most people, christianity is just a larp to fit in.
I’d say it’s a tradition that people inherited and just took for granted. Most people follow their religion primarily because they were born into it. You’re right about people not following it correctly though, I’ve noticed that a lot recently, like Catholics who are pro-LGBT and pro-choice, not to mention their own lifestyle choices. Tbh I’ve been drawn to Christianity recently but I’d like to make sure it’s true or at the very least worth following before I jump into it, as I don’t want to do stuff half-heartedly and be a hypocrite.

>> No.18394481


>> No.18394487

Ignore Catholics and Protestants. Orthodoxy is the Church.

>> No.18394491


>> No.18394496

That can be true unfortunately for some people, but it is so easy for secular liberal types to say this like it ends the discussion and proves Christianity wrong. It is such a weak, meme tier argument.

>> No.18394505

There isn't a second one calm down.

>> No.18394507

more on this. it would be cool if there was a collective rss feed for anons who publish on their own site.

>> No.18394508


>> No.18394509

I guess my conclusion is that it's a waste of life to care what others do. Will just keep on seeing how far I can take my life until it transcends current comprehension.
it’s all an illusion man. It all exists in your head. Mindset is everything and the purpose to life is to see how far you can go.

Hence the bell curve pic I posted. IYKYK.

>> No.18394523

>it’s all an illusion man. It all exists in your head
No, this is wrong and gnosticism is a heresy.
>Hence the bell curve pic I posted
I do, however, largely agree with your bell curve picture, but unfortunately you seem to look at Christianity through a gnostic lens and you get it all wrong.

>> No.18394549

how did you come to this conclusion?

>> No.18394550

>I don't fit the modern narrative for a Christian then
You mean THE narrative, the traditional narrative that was always the case. Not the "modern" narrative.

>> No.18394563

hahaha, look at this faggot, he doesn't want to take the gnostic pill. you are like a baby, googoo gaga. enjoy living in fake reality.

>> No.18394572

I just don’t believe that as much as I’d like to.

I like art and I want to write (obviously since I’m here). I just have no confidence in my ability to do either to any successful degree.

I’ve realized this has turned into a therapy session and I didn’t intend that.

>> No.18394591

Do Catholics really believe that Islam or Hinduism alone can save someone, given that the person has heard the Gospel and willingly reject it? I doubt this to be honest, but I’ll have to look into it. I was raised with nominally Oriental Orthodox parents, but I’m trying to find the true Church. The only thing that would draw me to Catholicism is that compared to other churches, they’ve fulfilled the Great Commission to the largest extent. Is their vast number of converts a sign that the Spirit is/was working through them? Also what books or resources would you recommend to decide between churches, specifically in regards to the issues of:
>Papal supremacy
>Marian dogmas
>Filioque/ADS/Essence-Energies distinction
>social issues

>> No.18394606

I posted a hentai pic and it got deleted... wtf bros

>> No.18394610

Oriental Orthodoxy is not real Orthodox. The Eastern Orthodox Church has nothing to do with them.

>> No.18394612

bro... we got too cocky......

>> No.18394625

Yes I know they schismed after the council of Chalcedon. You mind helping choosing between EO and Catholicism though?

>> No.18394635

it's too late for me to watch the clip but what exactly is the implication of this for christology in the oriental church?

>> No.18394675

From what I understand of it they describe their christology as Miaphysite, meaning that the divine and human nature are united in the one person of Christ. And so there is one person and one conposite nature. However, they don’t believe that the human nature is absorbed in the divine, unlike Eutyches. According to Coptic Pope Shenouda III:
>We confess that our Lord and God and Saviour and King of us all, Jesus Christ, is perfect God with respect to His Divinity, perfect man with respect to His humanity. In Him His divinity is united with His humanity in a real, perfect union without mingling, without commixtion, without confusion, without alteration, without division, without separation. His divinity did not separate from His humanity for an instant, not for the twinkling of an eye. He who is God eternal and invisible became visible in the flesh and took upon Himself the form of a servant. In Him are preserved all the properties of the divinity and all the properties of humanity, together in a real, perfect, indivisible and inseparable union.
They’ve signed agreements with the Roman Catholics, and have had meetings with the EO, but I doubt it will go any further than that. To me it seems like mostly semantics desu

>> No.18394716

I thought you were gonna tell me the OO were Nestorians
>To me it seems like mostly semantics desu
yea all of this I don't understand either, but it has to.. like it's one thing what it means to be God, but if being God can mingle or not mingle with what it means to be human, then what does it mean to be human? I actually ordered a book on EO christology today, I'm kind of in some sort of seeker mode myself and I'm gonna try to go into secondary literture in a few traditions this summer, God willing.

>> No.18394776

Good luck on your journey bro. I’ve been trying to get my head around this stuff too. What made you interested in seeking, and what is your religious background, if you don’t mind me asking?

>> No.18394825

to be clear, thats not what i think.
imo christianity suffers from centuries of corruption making it difficult to follow, hence all of the denominations.

>> No.18394829

there's a lot that goes into it.. I was thinking today that if I was gonna explain it would probably take about 4 hours. I was thinking about going to visit an islamic shaykh I know and just explain it all to him and ask him what to do. I was raised atheist, found God through the Gospels but it didn't become a reliigous life. Then a lot happened, but long story very, very, very short I've practiced Islam for some time now. But there were a few assumptions I made when I went into Islam that have not turned out to be correct, I think. I tihnk it is still correct to call me a muslim, but even when I was getting into Islam I also studied hinduism and ultimately I am very influenced by hinduism too.. But I do all the basic things a muslim is supposed to do, and even just today I read an argument about whether the Quran is created or not and it gave me great joy just seeing someone really engage beautifully with the book. My next reading project is a sufi book that I hope will help some.

There's... there's just a lot, and I feel like there are things in many traditions I can't go without. Regardless of all the questions about Jesus' godhood I think it would be extremely beneficial for muslims to read the Gospel just because in some ways Islam is more similar to Judaism than it is to Christianity, and some of those similarities do seem like they're things for which Christ ultimately condemned the jews, ie literalism and legalism.

There's a lot, and this has been going on for a long time.

>> No.18394946

Music is definitely animal in that it speaks to a non-verbal, ancient part of us, but also strikes me as the most abstract art. It is intangible, composed of ripples in the air, so the fact that certain combinations of tones evokes emotional responses from us never ceases to amaze me. It feels almost as if music has an expressive power that is different from language and visual art- less specificity, but more range and possibility.

>> No.18394985

>there were a few assumptions I made when I went into Islam that have not turned out to be correct, I think
What were these assumptions? Regardless I feel for ya anon, seems like you’ve been through a lot. I’ve also noticed the legalism among close Muslim friends, like arguing over whether they have to wipe over their socks or fully wash their feet before praying. There is also a strong emphasis on works and deeds, which looks weird to me coming from a Christian tradition that hold faith and grace in higher regard than works. In my eyes, you just have to try to assess the different view points as objectively as possible, and take a leap of faith after that. The Shaykh would probably just tell you to do some reading and praying desu, which would be good advice in any case.

>> No.18395190

consider a career change. what do you have to lose

>> No.18395209

I wouldn’t know what to career change to. I don’t want to do anything in particular besides write and I think I’m not talented.

>> No.18395618

schizoid in that it's the only disorder in the DSM that isn't associated with significant distress. There's not even a prognosis, it just is

>> No.18396102

Thinking of learning Spanish

>> No.18396208

Because you’re an idiot.

>> No.18396314

Shut up nigger