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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2.92 MB, 3264x2448, 20210604_112456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18385860 No.18385860 [Reply] [Original]

The actual physical book is obnoxious just to hold and read. Fuck you Gardner

>> No.18385869

Print on demand service.

>> No.18385872

Gardner is such a Chad. Based kek. You will never be a woman. Guenon(pbuh).

>> No.18385875

cant get over how based gardner is, bros

>> No.18385890


>> No.18385904
File: 2.82 MB, 3264x2448, 20210604_112909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Desu my eyes are kind of weak. The big font might actually be helpful

>> No.18385913

Gardner is the greatest ruseman of our era

>> No.18385928

is there a fucking typo on the first page?

>> No.18385936

This book is a meme

>> No.18385939

it's called a neologism

>> No.18385942

And he mixes past and present tense. This shit sucks.

>> No.18385965

Fucking what $50 of advertising and Gardner has persuaded loads of you rabid anti-consumerist pseuds to "ironically" buy his books

>> No.18385972

Spot on

>> No.18386017

I'm not anti consoomerist and I bought the book sincerely.

>> No.18386036

In the same sentence, what a chad.

>> No.18386068

why is this book such a meme here?

>> No.18386095

People without identity or community are highly suggestible

>> No.18386110

The Americanisation of irony.

>> No.18386207

4chan's full of rebellious personalities. Think about how everyone says that the harder the vaccine is shilled, the more they don't want to take it. I generally agree that tactics of pressure should not be rewarded with compliance. If everyone were like this, advertising and other behaviorist economics would have no power.
This marketing strategy of making the book appear to have a grassroots memetic following is the only way to ear their trust; of course, finding out it's an ad all along will turn them against you even more and the FTC generally frowns on deceptive inline techniques.

Why the fuc am I effortposting about this

>> No.18386234


>> No.18386248


>> No.18386404 [DELETED] 
File: 406 KB, 613x1778, ShillBTFO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really not a meme. He shills it himself and tries to make it look like it is. He got caught samefagging here

>> No.18386541

Thats actually pretty based. He makes money by samefagging on /lit/

>> No.18386554

Mormons are very practical and have no shame.

>> No.18386698


>> No.18386733
File: 561 KB, 500x281, 1572493573742.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18386743 [DELETED] 

He spends more on advertising than he makes and he lives with his parents at the age of 32.

>> No.18386748

>looks like the coast is clear
>no sign of danger said out loud to alert anything that's there lmao
This has to be pushed by him, no one would actually meme this here

>> No.18386751

>If everyone were like this, advertising and other behaviorist economics would have no power
That's why my M.O. is to not buy things that are advertised to me. Show me an interesting object, sure, and if its particular function is appealing to me then I'll buy the competitor's brand. They can suck on my cock for pretending they can string me along like a marionette.

Smile :)

>> No.18386764
File: 37 KB, 428x428, 1587236267350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he ready's his aim

>> No.18386872

Who is Gardners principle competition?

>> No.18386880

yo hes actually a good writer. kino prose.

>> No.18386888

R.L. Stine

>> No.18388255

I like to support all of /lit/ authors.

>> No.18388881

>mixing tense
meme critique, desu

>> No.18388978


>> No.18389085

Because it is. There's nothing really wrong with it. The typos are bad, though.

>> No.18389231

excuse me if im not in the know... but why the dollar?

>> No.18389237

Flashing that cash. Gardner is a street author the brothers love him

>> No.18389832

OP here. For size comparison. The book is ridiculous to handle.

>> No.18389848

god damn it, none of your niggers have ever self-published anything and it shows. Microsoft Word's default paper size is 8.5 inches by 11 inches, and when you upload to Amazon, it'll choose a book size that matches your word document.

Now, a smart man (not Gardner) would realize that's retardedly big and change their word document size to 6x9 inches, but he didn't do that and now he's stuck with a book for giants

>> No.18389867

It’s mimicking Joyce’s Finnegans Wake. He’s just playing with words— it’s intentional.

>> No.18389873

I'm still meaning to purchase a copy of The Legacy of a Totalitarianism in a Tundra...

>> No.18389882

That industry as a whole benefits. Competition from product y can be good for company of product x.

>> No.18389934

>the uncentered title

>> No.18390565

Has anyone here actually read it through?

>> No.18390671

Looks like it's centered + an indent

>> No.18390870

this is just awful

>> No.18390952

Can find flaws in just about every sentence here. The top paragraphs are particularly terrible.

>> No.18390978

The typos are far from the worst thing. Mixing of tenses isn't necessarily bad, but it's usually done accidentally, in which case it just feels very clunky and amateur.

>> No.18391323
File: 1.34 MB, 6837x3372, Illustration66 (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New album cover just dropped

>> No.18391350

The fuck

>> No.18391420

Where’s the ToC? Are pages numbered?

>> No.18391441

If the dude's gonna write in present tense he's gotta stick to writing in present tense. Even more than the widespread misuse of apostrophes everywhere, the first sentence of the second paragraph is by far the most jarring line in this text. I hate it. It makes my fucking skin crawl.

>> No.18391607

unironically the best book i have ever read.
i have literally shat and creamed my pants while reading it.

>> No.18391621

Sorry to break it to you Gardner-san but you're not the next Joyce. Not even close.

>> No.18392263 [DELETED] 

Reminder that literally every single thread and post praising, or memeing Gardner's dogshit books is made by Gardner. He's a hack that writes on par with an 8th grader, lives with his parents while in his 30s, got his entire Mormon clan to shill his poor excuse for literature on boomerbook, and thinks that he's a misunderstood genius.
Stop humouring Jewish behaviour
Stop responding to Gardner posts
Report Gardner posts

>> No.18392335

ok, gardner.

>> No.18392346


>> No.18392355

Gardner is a tradcath whose family was in the IRA and he thinks the earth is unironically flat. he is dangerously based

>> No.18392382

heheheh, if only you knew how many times Gardner has heard that...

>> No.18392583 [DELETED] 

Hey Gardner April's password is april420. You're fucking around too much now.

>> No.18392640 [DELETED] 
File: 318 KB, 578x1828, FaggotFrank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18392651

what am i looking at here?

>> No.18392670

Franks personal info.
I imagine someone is posting this with the sensitive info scrawled out as a sort of warning to Gardner to stop posting? but I doubt anyone would actually have the nerve to call up his family and harrass them over this shit. His dad might try to sue them like he always does, lol

>> No.18392675 [DELETED] 

Frank's info that people posted.

>> No.18392681

Is Gardner a Nazi?

>> No.18392695 [DELETED] 

>Is Gardner a Nazi?
He's a democrat.

>> No.18392696

>literally the first sentence
It costs nothing to learn grammar and punctuation

>> No.18392703

Grammar and punctuation are spooks

>> No.18392710

>is he a nazi
>is he a democrat
he's a closet /pol/fag, like all irl incels. but since his closes shot at a job was through his dad's nepotism, he ran as a democrat for city water council or whatever. in all actuality I doubt he has any strong political beliefs, he's a rich-boy dilletante with a useless degree and, judging by his spam and his books, he thinks more about anime and goosebumps than anything politically relevant.

>> No.18392731 [DELETED] 

I deleted that post Frank because I'm such a nice man. Keep it up though I'll be posting it in every thread you make. It's available online if you know where to look.

>> No.18392739 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 171x244, Frank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18392744 [DELETED] 

that was one of his family members email passwords

>> No.18392754

his family was in the IRA

>> No.18392763

oh no you posted his phone number and address oh no what's he gonna do ! it's over F bros we got too cocky!

>> No.18392774

it has the phone nunmbers and addresses of his siblings and parents, including some of their email login info. besides, with phone number and address you can do some pretty obnoxious shit. are you retarded, new, or Gardner trying to posture?

>> No.18392786 [DELETED] 

Are you trying to make his life miserable lmfao

>> No.18392800

yeah he might get some annoying messages but at least he doesn;t have to dilate on a regular basis like you

>> No.18392808

>t. Gardner

>> No.18392816

got it, so you're just Gardner.
keep pushing, man. you're really just asking for trouble at this point, you should probably think of your parents and how much they do for you regularly, be considerate.

>> No.18392833

I couldn't believe I am reading this.

>> No.18392844

your thinly veiled threats are really pathetic. i guarantee you weigh less than 130 lbs

>> No.18392845

it gets worse, quick.

>> No.18392854 [DELETED] 

>you should probably think of your parents and how much they do for you regularly, be considerate.

Imagine your mom and dad feeds you and shelters you at 32 years old and you thank them by getting their personal info online all because you wanted some internet clout.

>> No.18392857

i guarantee you weigh more than 300, fatass

>> No.18392903
File: 631 KB, 1866x2440, DSCF6305 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you harm a hair on Gardner's head i will end you're bloodline

>> No.18392959

Christ that is bad

>> No.18393053

>illiterate fillit twinks are Gardner's only fans
checks out. maybe when you finally finish How to Read a Book you'll be able to tell why Gardner is such trash

>> No.18393146

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the F-torian Gard, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on /lit/, and I have over 300 confirmed shills. I am trained in psychological warfare and I'm the top shiller in the entire Gardner armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Board, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to F Gardner over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of crocodiles across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the call, maggot. The call that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can spam your threads in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of F Gardner's parent's house and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the website, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "doxx" was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're hearing the call, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.18394624

He's in all in the /lit/ discord servers and Goodreads groups and everything else self-promoting as well

>> No.18394648

ffs nigga

>> No.18394661

jesus christ that's terrible formatting. gardner should pay me to typeset his books

>> No.18394758

Something F Gardner has never had said to him.

>> No.18394849

If the jannies would just clean up the fucking Crocodile spam we wouldn't have to self-moderate by doxxing him

>> No.18395384
File: 612 KB, 2048x1634, 1622334695377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18396167

looks like a Soviet war criminal

>> No.18396303

bru elle

>> No.18396352

Since when is thinking something saying it out loud?

>> No.18396397

Is he /ourguy/?

>> No.18396438

i don't really know how he feels about the jews, but he thinks the IRA and Al Capone did nothing wrong.

>> No.18396462

It's designed to be placed on a pulpit, read from aloud and exegesized like a medieval monk would do for the BIble.

>> No.18396470

>book begins with Pete wandering through the halls of the laser tag
>book ends with Pete wandering the same way through Dracula's castle
12D literary foreshadowing

>> No.18396490

I'm pretty sure in one of his books, he subtly called out the jews.

>> No.18396508

Mein Fuhrer

>> No.18396821


>> No.18396900 [DELETED] 
File: 318 KB, 578x1828, STOPSAMEFAGGING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18396910

it's 1:41 in IL rn, should someone check in of Frank?

>> No.18396949 [DELETED] 

He should appreciate it. So might Kathleen and Frank Sr.

>> No.18397112 [DELETED] 

I deleted it, just posted it to make a point to Gardner.

I might email Frank's father and tell him everything he has been up to. Might tell him how he is force meming himself as a "right wing extremist" (His father is a Democrat too, so he would love to know his son is making a joke of the Holocaust). I might email his father the screenshots of him spamming on /pol/ as himself, before he started paying for advertisements and creating a fake meme campaign-- as supporting evidence, along with the thread he was caught samefagging yesterday.

I might contact Cook County Sherriff Department and ask them to do a welfare check on this 32 year old who lives with his parents and writes childrens stories about mass shootings, which he then spams on a known "hate website" (we all know 4chan is looked at as one big /pol/)

I might contact the ADL Illinois and report his activity, I might send them the proof and put him on the radar so he can wind up in their registry which is used by a number of serious employers along with the federal government.

I might send his info, along with what he's been doing, to Antifa's Chicago chapter which is a 16 minute drive from his home. Let them deal with his mess too.

I might do so much Gardner. Out of concern for you. Because I am concerned by your actions and the way you have been behaving online lately. I believe if your parents knew your activities they would be worried as well.

And I don't have to just contact your parents about your behavior, I can contact your grandparents and everyone else and make them aware of how you are acting.

A 32 year old man on a message board predominantly made up of Generation Z, spamming childrens stories about mass shootings while meming himself as a "fuhrer" and "supporter of the IRA".

Stop being a child Frank and be the adult your date of birth says you are.

>> No.18398315

Leave the board, Gardner.

>> No.18398334

I will never get over how awful this book is every time I see a page posted here

>> No.18398342

The post that saved /lit/

>> No.18398365
File: 461 KB, 709x906, f gardner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is he an incel? He has incel physiognomy for sure.

>> No.18398604

you won't do shit you tranny because you get social anxiety from even making anonymous tips. I fucking dare you.

>> No.18398900

>"Exit's, this way. Enjoy your time here"
I'm not enjoying it

>> No.18398927

>the question whispers through his lips

>> No.18399034

we should just call Gardner and his family and start reading his stories to them

>> No.18399035

watch out guys, this guy is tough --and he's on the internet. he's an... internet tough guy. watch out for this one.

>> No.18399050

you're just smug because you think your lawyer daddy will try to sue us like he did that TV reporter who embarassed you on public access for being a daddy's boy.
you really are less than slime. I guess this is what happens when your dad can buy you everything except the attention of a woman.

>> No.18399068

first of all, i'm not F.
secnd of all, you're insane and probably a tranny
third of all, go ahead and email F's family, go ahead and file a false police report against him, do it right now and post results please.

>> No.18399074

this actually made me want to keep reading kek

>> No.18399087


>> No.18399119
File: 6 KB, 499x140, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18399154

>Frank is unironically driving out to his dad's office on a Sunday to post from separate IPs
can't make this shit up. if you could you might write better books

>> No.18399199

Because of this book it makes me feel better and more motivated to try making a book

>> No.18399327
File: 230 KB, 750x920, 1622841320552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly the book doesn't seem really good but I will now defend and shill Gardner to the death just cause I hate people like the tranny who made this post. Look forward to a new call of the crocodile thread every day for the next week, at least.

>> No.18399348

look forward to a lot of phone calls Franky boy

>> No.18399413 [DELETED] 

Alright Frank remember you were warned.

>> No.18399436 [DELETED] 
File: 281 KB, 561x1843, FrankEdwardGardnerJr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18399447

sorry about the ban you'll be receiving, anon. you're doing the right thing

>> No.18399451

I'm not frank but that didn't stop me from reporting that post for doxxing. Eat shit, tranny.

>> No.18399458

Calling up all his relatives to tell them to tell him to stop shilling his shit books on Chechen archaeology sites

>> No.18399467 [DELETED] 

It's worth it. I encourage all anons who are tired of Gardner's shit to post this image in every one of his shill threads.

I have ways to get around it too, like deleting that post and reposting it over and over so that many anons can save it while I still escape an outright ban.

>> No.18399486

Frank, you need to learn more words you fucking mistake

>> No.18399530

slit your wrists

>> No.18399541

what happened here?

I want to know.

>> No.18399560 [DELETED] 

Frank's Info happened. You can still find it floating around the web.

>> No.18399566

Well i was stupid enough to buy Gardners so I might just buy yours too

>> No.18399603

>his glowing riffle
>Exit's, this way
>dim room's lights

>> No.18399764

i hope you get permabanned

>> No.18399925 [DELETED] 

post it again

I need it. To give him my felicitations for his ouvre.

>> No.18399934 [DELETED] 

Keep hoping faggot.

>> No.18399947 [DELETED] 

Just look up the thread on the /lit/ archive on warosu

>> No.18399971 [DELETED] 
File: 281 KB, 561x1843, 1622999523263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, nice

>> No.18400105

You're acting like a woman, Anon.

t. Not Gardner or a fan of his.

>> No.18400108

This thread sure is spicy.

>> No.18400116


>> No.18400138

How much do you pay for an ad, is it 20 bucks a day or do you bid?

>> No.18400438

holy shit you are an edgy faggot

>> No.18400484

My only concern is wasting advertiser money. I don't care about producers making money because they developed a thing I enjoy. I just hate middle-men who turn a profit through no material productivity themselves. They're some of the biggest leeches in society.

>> No.18400672

Imagine unironically buying a meme. You're a pathetic retard, OP.