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18381777 No.18381777 [Reply] [Original]

so I did a slight amount of research on books to study Islam and this is what I've decided on. any thoughts on these, or what to replace them with? I mostly want to learn how Muslims respond to the arguments Extremist Muslims use to justify their actions, as well as a broad general overview of the religion and its adherents lifestyles. also I prefer it to be written with the priority to simply inform, not necessarily to persuade the reader into converting or anything.
I'll also be looking for a "the noble quran" edition of the quran.

>> No.18382590


>> No.18383708
File: 37 KB, 332x499, 13AC5F7C-6E3A-46E4-BD74-087C21B8736F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’d recommend The Vision of Islam by William Chittick/Sachiko Murata. It was written as an introduction to Islam for a western audience who have no idea about what Islam is, and talks about things like the Islamic creed, the conception of God in Islam, its practices, the philosophy behind those practices and gives a brief overview of philosophical thought in the Islamic world. It can get quite esoteric at times, but overall it’s a great read.

Haven’t read Aslan, but he seems to be more of a pop history guy. You’re better off looking into Syed Hossein Nasr if you’re looking for a less memey work.

*Destiny Disrupted* is alright, for a pop history book. It’s a very simplified history book, not to mention it compresses 1400 years of Muslim history into about 300 pages. It’s a little above high schooler level in terms of nuance.

Would recommend this channel if you’re interested in learning more about Muslim history from a non-neo-orientalist perspective, while still being academically fair and balanced.


>> No.18383724
File: 2.44 MB, 1696x6224, Islam1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this instead.

>> No.18383731
File: 2.37 MB, 1336x6290, Islam2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18383741
File: 2.88 MB, 1293x9789, Islam-Muhammad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18383751
File: 2.51 MB, 1312x8870, Islam-Quran.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18383766

'The Venture of Islam' is something you might want to check out for the history of Islam
A commonly recommended book for an introduction to Islam is 'Islam and the Destiny of Man'

>> No.18383792

what is it with all the fucking religitards on here today
muslims christians buddhists hindus
it's like everyone on this board is on some kind of mission to prove how stupid they are

>> No.18385122
File: 38 KB, 512x288, 1_b_UY5tlBp9qtcwzdQcabOQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is it with all the fucking religitards on here today
muslims christians buddhists hindus
it's like everyone on this board is on some kind of mission to prove how stupid they are

>> No.18385186

>kafir ramblings on an anonymous forum
>vs book by scholar of islam who has been studying the subject for their whole life

>> No.18385501

All muslims are extremists. It's an extreme religion.

>> No.18385505


>> No.18385511

>it's like everyone on this board is on some kind of mission to prove how stupid they are

Muslims easily win that contest every time.

>> No.18385574

>A commonly recommended book for an introduction to Islam is 'Islam and the Destiny of Man'
This is simply one of the best books I've read regardless of the subject

>> No.18385584

What is extreme or not extreme is defined by Islam.

>> No.18385596

Based kafir thrashing meme scholars.

>> No.18386684

There is a concept called the Murray Gell-Mann effect.
As a Christcuck I can only imagine what a Christian version of that would look like. So yeah I would take any of these kind of posts with a grain of salt. I doubt Islam is that retarded considering the great minds it has brought forward (like Rumi and Guénon (pbuh)).

>> No.18386740
File: 153 KB, 624x370, a12xyovf80e21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here your have your daily schopenhauer closing the theead again.

>> No.18386773

truely a book written by subhumans and niggers for subhumans and niggers.

>> No.18386784
File: 164 KB, 1024x768, 1622365122127m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How muslims respond to the arguments extremist muslims use to justify their actions.
By pointing to the quran and saying "they aren't true muslim, they don't follow what the quran says"
and extremists respond to moderates by
pointing to the quran and say "they aren't true muslim, they don't follow what the quran says"

>> No.18386921

Orientalism - Edward Said

>> No.18388320


>> No.18388486

Wow. What a based guy.

>> No.18388498

Surprised he hasn’t been cancelled yet. I guess students and universities like York in Toronto are too stupid to read Schopenhauer

>> No.18388551

university students read authors who said far worse things

>> No.18389118

If he was going to get cancelled he'd have been cancelled for misogyny already

>> No.18389238

not a muslim, but this is just "religion hurts muh fee fees so it cant be true" bitch argument

>> No.18389242

LOL York university students don't read at all.

>> No.18389784
