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/lit/ - Literature

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1838072 No.1838072 [Reply] [Original]

>>mfw summerfags have turned /lit/ into creative writing 101

>> No.1838078

Creative writing is influenced by literature.

>> No.1838076

it's so annoying
this is /lit/ - Literature
your creative writing IS NOT LITERATURE

>> No.1838098
File: 579 KB, 1280x960, The south.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awfully broad definition of "creative" writing.
Pic related Southern "literature"

>> No.1838117

Not really summerfags doing this, it's a constant on this board. If you've been here for more than a couple of weeks you should know that. You've no right to criticize them anyway when you're posting meta threads. /lit/ has always been a melting pot of anything even slightly related to language, as well as some completely arbitrary topics. You just need to chill and get used to it.

>> No.1838119

Aw no you didn't. Faulkner is southern literature. That is redneck literature and there are shit-tons of rednecks in the midwest, the west and even the NE. So break yourself.

>> No.1838120

>mfw summerfags don't know /lit/ has always been like this
>mfw no face

>> No.1838122


summerfag detected

>> No.1838126


Creative writing is a super element of this board. I will continue to support and be positive about anyones attempt to write something.

>> No.1838128
File: 69 KB, 338x450, 1307543758702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Creative writing thread, just to spite OP.

>> No.1838144

Stradlater for president.

>> No.1838148


Oh you!

By the way, you better be joining the Infinite Jest reading group.


Everyone should.

>> No.1838163

>mfw I have to come up with an essay for my english class but am terrible at writing essays

>> No.1838176
File: 17 KB, 179x199, 1307422223052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw I will try to help you!

>> No.1838180

an essay about what?

>> No.1838192

I have to compare the best example in Brent Staples’s essay, “Just Walk on By,” to the best example in "High School Confidential." discuss these in terms of the narrators' personas and credibility, and their use of language and tone.

But i'm not clear on exactly what to write about. The essay "Walk on by" is about racism and stereotyping while the highschool one is about censorship and first amendment rights so I don't quite grasp on what to compare between the two since they're so different.

Unless i'm over thinking it and am being retarded.

>> No.1838210


Oh alright. I thought you were kidding. Make a thread about it. Ill try to find the essay..

>> No.1838272

OP here

I know creative writing has always been part of /lit/, but recently I've noticed an influx of them. All I ask is that all these prospective artists take a writing course or two before they decide to write their own opus.

>> No.1838275

>click all the way through page 15
>no thread for people to post their story ideas
>still cant find evidence of summer on /lit/

>> No.1838276

>mfw you are too much of a manchild to hide threads and would rather create a meta thread to bitch and moan

Fuck off.

>> No.1838277


I have never taken a formal writing class. I went to university and write essays and made speeches and banged my shoe against podiums. There are some intelligent people on /lit/ who are usually forthcoming when it comes to basic advice.

>> No.1838292


Tell me more about this shoe banging.

>> No.1838305

never change /lit/

...atleast not for the next 3 months

>> No.1838308


When caught in a point so fervently you take off your shoe and bang it against the podium in a fit of passion. Just make sure it is your best argument. It can either be an iconic scene or a scene of jest.

>> No.1838354

>my invisible face when it's ten times better than the trip-trolling-trap that used to be /lit/ prior to summer
Embrace the fl0w...